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Class JXG.VMLRenderer

      ↳ JXG.VMLRenderer


Defined in: vml.js.
Extends JXG.AbstractRenderer.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Uses VML to implement the rendering methods defined in JXG.AbstractRenderer.
Fields borrowed from class JXG.AbstractRenderer:
container, dashArray, enhancedRendering, supportsForeignObject, type, vOffsetText
Fields borrowed from class JXG.AbstractRenderer:
container, dashArray, enhancedRendering, supportsForeignObject, type, vOffsetText
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
_setAttr(node, key, val, iFlag)
Sets attribute key of node node to value.
Methods borrowed from class JXG.AbstractRenderer:
_css2js, _getHighlighted, _setArrowWidth, _updateVisual, appendChildPrim, appendNodesToElement, changePointStyle, createPrim, createTouchpoints, display, displayCopyright, drawCurve, drawEllipse, drawImage, drawInternalText, drawLine, drawNavigationBar, drawPoint, drawPolygon, drawText, drawTicks, dumpToCanvas, dumpToDataURI, getArrowHeadData, getElementById, getPositionArrowHead, handleTouchpoints, hide, hideTouchpoint, highlight, joinTransforms, makeArrows, noHighlight, remove, removeDraft, removeToInsertLater, resize, screenshot, setARIA, setArrowSize, setBuffering, setCssClass, setDashStyle, setDraft, setGradient, setLayer, setLineCap, setObjectFillColor, setObjectStrokeColor, setObjectStrokeWidth, setObjectTransition, setPropertyPrim, setShadow, setTabindex, show, showTouchpoint, suspendRedraw, transformRect, unsuspendRedraw, updateCurve, updateEllipse, updateEllipsePrim, updateGradient, updateImage, updateImageStyle, updateImageURL, updateInternalText, updateInternalTextStyle, updateLine, updateLinePrim, updateLineWithEndings, updatePath, updatePathPrim, updatePathStringBezierPrim, updatePathStringPoint, updatePathStringPrim, updatePathWithArrowHeads, updatePoint, updatePolygon, updatePolygonPrim, updateRectPrim, updateText, updateTextStyle, updateTicks, updateTouchpoint
Class Detail
Uses VML to implement the rendering methods defined in JXG.AbstractRenderer. VML was used in very old Internet Explorer versions upto IE 8.
{Node} container
Reference to a DOM node containing the board.

Method Detail
<private> _setAttr(node, key, val, iFlag)
Sets attribute key of node node to value.
{Node} node
A DOM node.
{String} key
Name of the attribute.
{String} val
New value of the attribute.
{Boolean} iFlag Optional, Default: false
If false, the attribute's name is case insensitive.


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