Element Circle3D
↳ JXG.Circle3D
↳ Circle3D
A circle in 3D can be defined by various combinations of points and numbers.
Defined in: circle3d.js.
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
In 3D space, a circle consists of all points on a given plane with a given distance from a given point.
- Methods borrowed from class JXG.Circle3D:
- Radius, setRadius
- Methods borrowed from class JXG.Curve3D:
- _F, _X, _Y, _Z, evalF, F, updateCoords, updateTransform, X, Y, Z
- Methods borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
- _set, addChild, addDescendants, addParents, addParentsFromJCFunctions, addRotation, addTicks, addTransform, animate, bounds, clearTrace, cloneToBackground, countChildren, createGradient, createLabel, draggable, eval, evalVisProp, formatNumberLocale, fullUpdate, generatePolynomial, getAttribute, getAttributes, getLabelAnchor, getName, getParents, getProperty, getSnapSizes, getTextAnchor, getType, handleSnapToGrid, hasPoint, hide, hideElement, noHighlight, normalize, prepareUpdate, remove, removeAllTicks, removeChild, removeDescendants, removeTicks, resolveShortcuts, setArrow, setAttribute, setDash, setDisplayRendNode, setLabel, setLabelText, setName, setParents, setPosition, setPositionDirectly, setProperty, show, showElement, snapToPoints, update, updateRenderer, updateVisibility, useLocale
- Events borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
- attribute, attribute:key, down, drag, keydrag, mousedown, mousedrag, mousemove, mouseout, mouseover, mouseup, move, out, over, pendown, pendrag, penup, touchdown, touchdrag, touchup, up
Element Detail
In 3D space, a circle consists of all points on a given plane with a given distance from a given point. The given point is called the center, and the given distance is called the radius.
A circle can be constructed by providing a center, a normal vector, and a radius (given as a number or function).
If the radius has a negative value, its absolute value is taken. If the radius evaluates to NaN, the circle is not displayed. This is convenient for constructing an intersection circle, which is empty when its parents do not intersect.
This element has no direct constructor. To create an instance of this element you have to call JXG.Board#create
with type "circle3d".
- Possible parent array combinations are:
{JXG.Point|Array|Function} center
{Array|Function} normal
{Number|Function} radius
- The center must be given as a JXG.Point, array or function (see JXG.providePoints).
The normal vector can be given as an array of four numbers (i.e. homogeneous coordinates [0, x, y, z]) or a function returning an array of length 4
and the radius can be given as a number (which will create a circle with a fixed radius) or a function.
If the radius is supplied as a number or the output of a function, its absolute value is taken. When the radius evaluates to NaN, the circle does not display.
- Throws:
- {Exception}
- If the element cannot be constructed with the given parent objects an exception is thrown.
Attributes borrowed from other Elements
- Attributes borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
- aria, cssClass, dash, dashScale, draft, dragToTopOfLayer, element3D, fillColor, fillOpacity, fixed, frozen, gradient, gradientAngle, gradientCX, gradientCY, gradientEndOffset, gradientFR, gradientFX, gradientFY, gradientR, gradientSecondColor, gradientSecondOpacity, gradientStartOffset, highlight, highlightCssClass, highlightFillColor, highlightFillOpacity, highlightStrokeColor, highlightStrokeOpacity, highlightStrokeWidth, isLabel, layer, lineCap, needsRegularUpdate, nonnegativeOnly, precision, priv, rotatable, scalable, shadow, snapToGrid, strokeColor, strokeOpacity, strokeWidth, tabindex, trace, traceAttributes, transitionDuration, transitionProperties, visible, withLabel
Fields borrowed from other Elements
- Fields borrowed from class JXG.Circle3D:
- center, normal
- Fields borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement3D:
- element2D, is3D, view
- Fields borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
- _org_type, _pos, ancestors, baseElement, board, childElements, descendants, dump, elementClass, elType, hasLabel, highlighted, id, inherits, isDraggable, isReal, lastDragTime, methodMap, mouseover, name, needsUpdate, notExistingParents, numTraces, parents, quadraticform, rendNode, stdform, subs, symbolic, traces, transformations, type, visProp, visPropCalc
Methods borrowed from other Elements
- Methods borrowed from class JXG.Circle3D:
- Radius, setRadius
- Methods borrowed from class JXG.Curve3D:
- _F, _X, _Y, _Z, evalF, F, updateCoords, updateTransform, X, Y, Z
- Methods borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
- _set, addChild, addDescendants, addParents, addParentsFromJCFunctions, addRotation, addTicks, addTransform, animate, bounds, clearTrace, cloneToBackground, countChildren, createGradient, createLabel, draggable, eval, evalVisProp, formatNumberLocale, fullUpdate, generatePolynomial, getAttribute, getAttributes, getLabelAnchor, getName, getParents, getProperty, getSnapSizes, getTextAnchor, getType, handleSnapToGrid, hasPoint, hide, hideElement, noHighlight, normalize, prepareUpdate, remove, removeAllTicks, removeChild, removeDescendants, removeTicks, resolveShortcuts, setArrow, setAttribute, setDash, setDisplayRendNode, setLabel, setLabelText, setName, setParents, setPosition, setPositionDirectly, setProperty, show, showElement, snapToPoints, update, updateRenderer, updateVisibility, useLocale
Events borrowed from other Elements