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Class JXG.Coords

      ↳ JXG.Coords

This is the Coordinates class. All members a coordinate has to provide are defined here.

Defined in: coords.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
JXG.Coords(method, coordinates, board, emitter)
Constructs a new Coordinates object.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Stores the board the object is used on.
If true, this coordinates object will emit update events every time the coordinates are set.
Stores coordinates for screen view as homogeneous coordinates.
Stores coordinates for user view as homogeneous coordinates.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
copy(obj, offset)
Copy array, either scrCoords or usrCoords Uses slice() in case of standard arrays and set() in case of typed arrays.
distance(coord_type, coordinates)
Calculate distance of one point to another.
Test if one of the usrCoords is NaN or the coordinates are infinite.
Normalize homogeneous coordinates
Compute user coordinates out of given screen coordinates.
setCoordinates(coord_type, coordinates, doRound, noevent)
Set coordinates by either user coordinates or screen coordinates and recalculate the other one.
Compute screen coordinates out of given user coordinates.
Event Summary
Event Attributes Event Name and Description
update(ou, os)
Triggered whenever the coordinates change.
Class Detail
JXG.Coords(method, coordinates, board, emitter)
Constructs a new Coordinates object.
{Number} method
The type of coordinates given by the user. Accepted values are COORDS_BY_SCREEN and COORDS_BY_USER.

{Array} coordinates
An array of affine coordinates.

{JXG.Board} board
A reference to a board.

{Boolean} emitter Optional, Default: true

Field Detail
{JXG.Board} board
Stores the board the object is used on.

{boolean} emitter
If true, this coordinates object will emit update events every time the coordinates are set.
Default Value:

{Array} scrCoords
Stores coordinates for screen view as homogeneous coordinates.

{Array} usrCoords
Stores coordinates for user view as homogeneous coordinates.
Method Detail
<private> {Array} copy(obj, offset)
Copy array, either scrCoords or usrCoords Uses slice() in case of standard arrays and set() in case of typed arrays.
{String} obj
Either 'scrCoords' or 'usrCoords'
{Number} offset
Offset, defaults to 0 if not given
{Array} Returns copy of the coords array either as standard array or as typed array.

{Number} distance(coord_type, coordinates)
Calculate distance of one point to another.
{Number} coord_type
The type of coordinates used here. Possible values are JXG.COORDS_BY_USER and JXG.COORDS_BY_SCREEN.
{JXG.Coords} coordinates
The Coords object to which the distance is calculated.
{Number} The distance

{Boolean} isReal()
Test if one of the usrCoords is NaN or the coordinates are infinite.
{Boolean} true if the coordinates are finite, false otherwise.

<private> normalizeUsrCoords()
Normalize homogeneous coordinates

<private> screen2usr()
Compute user coordinates out of given screen coordinates.

{JXG.Coords} setCoordinates(coord_type, coordinates, doRound, noevent)
Set coordinates by either user coordinates or screen coordinates and recalculate the other one.
{Number} coord_type
The type of coordinates used here. Possible values are COORDS_BY_USER and COORDS_BY_SCREEN.
{Array} coordinates
An array of affine coordinates the Coords object is set to.
{Boolean} doRound Optional, Default: true
flag If true or null round the coordinates in usr2screen. This is used in smooth curve plotting. The IE needs rounded coordinates. Id doRound==false we have to round in updatePathString.
{Boolean} noevent Optional, Default: false
{JXG.Coords} Reference to the coords object.

<private> usr2screen(doRound)
Compute screen coordinates out of given user coordinates.
Event Detail
update(ou, os)
Triggered whenever the coordinates change.
{Array} ou
Old user coordinates
{Array} os
Old screen coordinates

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