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Class JXG.Math.Quadtree

      ↳ JXG.Math.Quadtree

Defined in: qdt.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
JXG.Math.Quadtree(bbox, config, parent)
Instantiate a new quadtree.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Internal _query method that lacks adjustment of the parameter.
Configuration object for quadtree.
In a subdivided quadtree this represents the top right subtree.
In a subdivided quadtree this represents the top left subtree.
Parent quadtree or null if there is not parent.
Point storage.
Retrieve the smallest quad tree that contains the given coordinate pair.
In a subdivided quadtree this represents the bottom right subtree.
In a subdivided quadtree this represents the bottom left subtree.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
contains(x, y)
Checks if the given coordinates are inside of the boundaries of the quadtree.
hasPoint(x, y, tol)
Check if the quadtree has a point which is inside of a sphere of radius tol around [x, y].
Insert a new point into this quadtree if it is inside of the quadtree's boundaries.
Subdivide the quadtree.
Class Detail
JXG.Math.Quadtree(bbox, config, parent)
Instantiate a new quadtree.
{Array} bbox
Bounding box of the new quad (sub)tree.

{Object} config
Configuration object. Default value: to {capacity: 10}

{Object} parent Optional
Parent object or null if root.

Field Detail
<private> {Boolean|JXG.Quadtree} _query
Internal _query method that lacks adjustment of the parameter.

<static> {Object} JXG.Math.Quadtree.config
Configuration object for quadtree.

{JXG.Math.Quadtree} northEast
In a subdivided quadtree this represents the top right subtree.

{JXG.Math.Quadtree} northWest
In a subdivided quadtree this represents the top left subtree.

{JXG.Math.Quadtree} parent
Parent quadtree or null if there is not parent.

{Array} points
Point storage.

{Boolean|JXG.Quadtree} query
Retrieve the smallest quad tree that contains the given coordinate pair.

{JXG.Math.Quadtree} southEast
In a subdivided quadtree this represents the bottom right subtree.

{JXG.Math.Quadtree} southWest
In a subdivided quadtree this represents the bottom left subtree.
Method Detail
{Boolean} contains(x, y)
Checks if the given coordinates are inside of the boundaries of the quadtree. The quadtree is open to the left and botton and closed to right and top.
{Number} x
{Number} y

{Array} getAllPoints()

{Boolean} hasPoint(x, y, tol)
Check if the quadtree has a point which is inside of a sphere of radius tol around [x, y].
{Number} x
{Number} y
{Number} tol

{Boolean} insert(p)
Insert a new point into this quadtree if it is inside of the quadtree's boundaries.
{JXG.Coords} p
{Boolean} true if insert succeeded, false otherwise.

Subdivide the quadtree.

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