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Element Intersection

   ↳ JXG.Point
         ↳ Intersection

A point intersecting two 1-dimensional elements. It is one point of the set * consisting of the intersection points of the two elements. The following element types can be (mutually) intersected: line, circle, curve, polygon, polygonal chain.

Defined in: point.js.
Extends JXG.Point.

Element Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Attributes Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Used in JXG.Intersection.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
<private> <static>  
Array of length 2 containing the numbers i and j.
Methods borrowed from class JXG.Point:
face, hasPoint, isOn, makeIntersection, normalizeFace, setStyle, size, update, updateRenderer, updateTransform
Methods borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
_set, addChild, addDescendants, addParents, addParentsFromJCFunctions, addRotation, addTicks, addTransform, animate, bounds, clearTrace, cloneToBackground, countChildren, createGradient, createLabel, draggable, eval, evalVisProp, formatNumberLocale, fullUpdate, generatePolynomial, getAttribute, getAttributes, getLabelAnchor, getName, getParents, getProperty, getSnapSizes, getTextAnchor, getType, handleSnapToGrid, hide, hideElement, noHighlight, normalize, prepareUpdate, remove, removeAllTicks, removeChild, removeDescendants, removeTicks, resolveShortcuts, setArrow, setAttribute, setDash, setDisplayRendNode, setLabel, setLabelText, setName, setParents, setPosition, setPositionDirectly, setProperty, show, showElement, snapToPoints, updateVisibility, useLocale
Methods borrowed from class JXG.CoordsElement:
_anim, addAnchor, addConstraint, Coords, Dist, findClosestSnapValue, free, handleAttractors, handleSnapToPoints, makeGlider, moveAlong, moveTo, popSlideObject, setGliderPosition, setPositionByTransform, updateConstraint, updateCoords, updateGlider, updateGliderFromParent, visit, X, XEval, Y, YEval, Z, ZEval
Events borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
attribute, attribute:key, down, drag, keydrag, mousedown, mousedrag, mousemove, mouseout, mouseover, mouseup, move, out, over, pendown, pendrag, penup, touchdown, touchdrag, touchup, up
Element Detail
This element has no direct constructor. To create an instance of this element you have to call JXG.Board#create with type "intersection".

Possible parent array combinations are:
{JXG.Line|JXG.Circle} el1
{JXG.Line|JXG.Circle} el2
{Number|Function} i

The result will be a intersection point on el1 and el2. i determines the intersection point if two points are available:
  • i==0: use the positive square root,
  • i==1: use the negative square root.

If the element cannot be constructed with the given parent objects an exception is thrown.
// Create an intersection point of circle and line
var p1 = board.create('point', [4.0, 4.0]);
var c1 = board.create('circle', [p1, 2.0]);

var p2 = board.create('point', [1.0, 1.0]);
var p3 = board.create('point', [5.0, 3.0]);
var l1 = board.create('line', [p2, p3]);

var i = board.create('intersection', [c1, l1, 0]);

Attribute Detail
<static> {Boolean} Intersection.alwaysIntersect
Used in JXG.Intersection. This flag sets the behaviour of intersection points of e.g. two segments. If true, the intersection is treated as intersection of lines. If false the intersection point exists if the segments intersect setwise.
Defined in: options.js.
Default Value:
Field Detail
<private> <static> {Array} Intersection.intersectionNumbers
Array of length 2 containing the numbers i and j. The intersection point is i-th intersection point. j is unused.

Attributes borrowed from other Elements
Attributes borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
aria, cssClass, dash, dashScale, draft, dragToTopOfLayer, element3D, fillColor, fillOpacity, fixed, frozen, gradient, gradientAngle, gradientCX, gradientCY, gradientEndOffset, gradientFR, gradientFX, gradientFY, gradientR, gradientSecondColor, gradientSecondOpacity, gradientStartOffset, highlight, highlightCssClass, highlightFillColor, highlightFillOpacity, highlightStrokeColor, highlightStrokeOpacity, highlightStrokeWidth, isLabel, layer, lineCap, needsRegularUpdate, nonnegativeOnly, precision, priv, rotatable, scalable, shadow, snapToGrid, strokeColor, strokeOpacity, strokeWidth, tabindex, trace, traceAttributes, transitionDuration, transitionProperties, visible, withLabel

Fields borrowed from other Elements
Fields borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
_org_type, _pos, ancestors, baseElement, board, childElements, descendants, dump, elementClass, elType, hasLabel, highlighted, id, inherits, isDraggable, isReal, lastDragTime, methodMap, mouseover, name, needsUpdate, notExistingParents, numTraces, parents, quadraticform, rendNode, stdform, subs, symbolic, traces, transformations, type, visProp, visPropCalc
Fields borrowed from class JXG.CoordsElement:
coords, groups, isConstrained, needsUpdateFromParent, onPolygon, position, slideObject, slideObjects

Methods borrowed from other Elements
Methods borrowed from class JXG.Point:
face, hasPoint, isOn, makeIntersection, normalizeFace, setStyle, size, update, updateRenderer, updateTransform
Methods borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
_set, addChild, addDescendants, addParents, addParentsFromJCFunctions, addRotation, addTicks, addTransform, animate, bounds, clearTrace, cloneToBackground, countChildren, createGradient, createLabel, draggable, eval, evalVisProp, formatNumberLocale, fullUpdate, generatePolynomial, getAttribute, getAttributes, getLabelAnchor, getName, getParents, getProperty, getSnapSizes, getTextAnchor, getType, handleSnapToGrid, hide, hideElement, noHighlight, normalize, prepareUpdate, remove, removeAllTicks, removeChild, removeDescendants, removeTicks, resolveShortcuts, setArrow, setAttribute, setDash, setDisplayRendNode, setLabel, setLabelText, setName, setParents, setPosition, setPositionDirectly, setProperty, show, showElement, snapToPoints, updateVisibility, useLocale
Methods borrowed from class JXG.CoordsElement:
_anim, addAnchor, addConstraint, Coords, Dist, findClosestSnapValue, free, handleAttractors, handleSnapToPoints, makeGlider, moveAlong, moveTo, popSlideObject, setGliderPosition, setPositionByTransform, updateConstraint, updateCoords, updateGlider, updateGliderFromParent, visit, X, XEval, Y, YEval, Z, ZEval

Events borrowed from other Elements
Events borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
attribute, attribute:key, down, drag, keydrag, mousedown, mousedrag, mousemove, mouseout, mouseover, mouseup, move, out, over, pendown, pendrag, penup, touchdown, touchdrag, touchup, up
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