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Namespace JXG.EventEmitter

      ↳ JXG.EventEmitter

Defined in: event.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Event namespace
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Holds the registered event handlers.
Events can be suspended to prevent endless loops.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Implements the functionality from this interface in the given object.
<static>, handler)
Unregister an event handler.
JXG.EventEmitter.on(event, handler, context)
Register a new event handler.
JXG.EventEmitter.trigger(event, args)
Triggers all event handlers of this element for a given event.
Namespace Detail
Event namespace
Field Detail
<static> {Object} JXG.EventEmitter.eventHandlers
Holds the registered event handlers.

<static> {Object} JXG.EventEmitter.suspended
Events can be suspended to prevent endless loops.
Method Detail
<static> JXG.EventEmitter.eventify(o)
Implements the functionality from this interface in the given object. All objects getting their event handling capabilities from this method should document it by adding the on, off, triggerEventHandlers via the borrows tag as methods to their documentation:
@borrows JXG.EventEmitter#on as this.on
{Object} o

<static>, handler)
Unregister an event handler.
{String} event
{Function} handler Optional
Reference to the object.

<static> JXG.EventEmitter.on(event, handler, context)
Register a new event handler. For a list of possible events see documentation of the elements and objects implementing the EventEmitter interface. As of version 1.5.0, it is only possible to access the element via "this" if the event listener is supplied as regular JavaScript function and not as arrow function.
{String} event
{Function} handler
{Object} context Optional
The context the handler will be called in, default is the element itself.
Reference to the object.

<static> JXG.EventEmitter.trigger(event, args)
Triggers all event handlers of this element for a given event.
{Array} event
{Array} args
The arguments passed onto the event handler
Reference to the object.

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