
Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript

Release of version 0.80

With version 0.80 JSXGraph starts the support of multitouch devices like the Apple iPhone and iPod touch, or devices running Mozilla Fennec. Surprisingly, JSXGraph runs quite smoothly on these devices. JSXGraph is part of the European Intergeo project ( and supports the Intergeo file format – as well as... [Read More]

Release of version 0.79

Version 0.79 includes massive speed optimizations for the Internet Explorer, some bugs have been fixed and the source code has been considerably refactored. The support for bitmap images has been improved, new elements are regular polygons. Further, a flexible layer system and several new options have has been introduced. [Read More]

JSXCompressor – Python script

A simple Python script to compress a file to be uncompressed by the JavaScript JSXCompressor is the following: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import urllib import base64 import zlib... [Read More]

Release of version 0.78

The most notable change is that all dependencies of JSXGraph on third-party libraries like jquery or prototype have been removed. JSXGraph is now a stand-alone library. If delivered compressed, its size is only 81 kByte. Now, two possible types of texts are possible: ‘html’ which uses an HTML-div element, and... [Read More]

Release of version 0.77

Version 0.77 of the JavaScript plotting and Geometry library JSXGraph contains many improvements and feature enhancements. Beside of bug fixes the performance could also be improved considerably, again. The visual appearance of JSXGraph is another area where great progress could be achieved. The main issues were the automatic labeling... [Read More]