
Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript

JSXCompressor – zlib compressed JavaScript code

The open source library JSXGraph ( contains utilities to read files which have been compressed by the ZLIB ( library. That means, JSXGraph has a pure JavaScript implementation of deflate, unzip and base64_decode. This can be used for delivering compressed JavaScript inside of an HTML file. Of course, with todays... [Read More]

Release of version 0.76

Version 0.76 of the JavaScript plotting and Geometry library JSXGraph contains major improvements. First, the display quality has been improved greatly. Curves are much more smooth now and use the full power of the vector graphics capabilities of SVG and VML. Then, eye candy like shadows and gradient filling... [Read More]

Problems with IE

Since a couple of days we experience problems viewing our site with Internet Explorer 8, version 8.0.600.1.18702. The errors seem to be related with our wordpress theme and not with JSXGraph. We would be very happy to receive hints what is going wrong. [Read More]

Who’s using JSXGraph?

If you are using JSXGraph on your web site or if JSXGraph is part of your exciting software project, we would be happy if you let us know. Please post a comment with an URL and a short description. [Read More]

JSXGraph at CADGME 09

Yesterday we presented JSXGraph at the CADGME 09 conference which is hosted in the beautifully located Castle of Hagenberg, Austria. Among many other things we showed the interaction between JSXGraph and jquery widgets, the computation of geometric loci on server side using CoCoa, and the display of... [Read More]