
Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript

Release of version 0.90

The jump of the version numbering from 0.90 to 0.82 is justified by a major rewrite of the JSXGraph code base. After gaining experience through the last couple of months we know where to go and we tried to make the source code ready for future developments. In this release,... [Read More]

Option handling in version 0.90

The upcoming version 0.90 is a major rewrite of the complete JSXGraph codebase. Since there are so many changes, we decided to reflect this leap forward already in the version numbering and jump directly from version 0.82 to version 0.90. The main area of changes is the object JXG.Options. Starting... [Read More]

JSXGraph – handling images and texts

Dear friends of JSXGraph, the upcoming release 0.83 0.90 of JSXGraph contains the long awaited better support of images. Finally! An image can be included in JSXGraph by specifying an URL of an image, its lower left corner and its height and width. The coordinates and lengths are given... [Read More]

Release of version 0.82

Today we released version 0.82 of JSXGraph. This release is a major step towards the support of as many devices as possible. Now, also the canvas element is supported by JSXGraph! This enables the use of JSXGraph on all Android devices. Thus, JSXGraph not only can be used on desktop... [Read More]

Release of version 0.81

Version 0.81 introduces conic sections (ellipse, hyperbola, parabola) as new elements and new chart elements like radar charts. There is also a new shortened syntax for geometric constructions (see Beside the usual bug fixes, this release contains improved ticks, arcs and sectors, and animations need much less computing... [Read More]