Today, we released version 0.92 is mainly a bug fix release. The number of JSXGraph boards in one HTML page has been increased from 33 to 65535, an annoying bug in IE has been fixed and the calculation of the mouse position has been improved. The plot algorithm now produces...
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Now it is official: JSXGraph is hosted by the CDN (content delivery network) cdnjs. A CDN is a world wide network of servers. If your web browser requests a file from this network, that file will be delivered to your computer from the nearest server of this network....
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Today we released the next step of JSXGraph on the road to version 1.0. Version 0.91 enables the dragging of lines, circles, texts and images. Axes are considerably improved as well as the handling of touch events on iOS and Android. Many bugs have been fixed, the import of GEONExT...
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The jump of the version numbering from 0.90 to 0.82 is justified by a major rewrite of the JSXGraph code base. After gaining experience through the last couple of months we know where to go and we tried to make the source code ready for future developments. In this release,...
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