Interactive self-learning modules for engineering mathematics using STACK and JSXGraph
Stephan Bach, Johannes Knaut
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden, Fakultät Elektrotechnik, Medien und Informatik, Amberg, Germany
At the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden digital self-learning modules for engineering mathematics are developed within the project IdeaL – Innovationsnetzwerk für digitale adaptive Lehre (Innovation network for digital adaptive teaching). These are intended to offer students the opportunity to work on selected topics independently or to deepen their knowledge; for example, when no lecture is offered or for exam preparation. In addition, lecturers should be able to integrate the modules flexibly into their teaching, for example to create additional exercise opportunities.
The learning modules are implemented as courses in the learning management system Moodle and are composed of so-called interactive chapters, among other elements. These are intended to break up the division of the learning process into a phase of knowledge acquisition and a phase of practice and instead encourage students to process the learning content themselves at an early stage and on a regular basis. To achieve this goal, the interactive chapters are implemented using the Moodle activity Quiz. In the chapters, different, closely linked media elements are used. In addition to text-based content, interactive learning videos and digital STACK questions, this also includes numerous applets based on JSXGraph.
In the talk, various uses of JSXGraph will be demonstrated using the example of a pilot module on the topic of “complex numbers”. The resulting design decisions will be explained using concrete examples. Already in the preview of the chapters, interactive applets motivate the following learning contents in a playful way. Within the chapters, JSXGraph is an essential tool for linking symbolic and graphical content. It also contributes substantially to the variety of learning and exercise possibilities. In the learning modules, a mandatory use of the JSXGraph applets is aimed at by linking them to videos or STACK questions or integrating them into the latter. In designing the applets, emphasis is placed on usability, and established theories of multimedia learning are taken into account, such as Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (2001).
In the past summer semester, the pilot module on complex numbers was tested with a small sample and essentially positive results. In the winter semester 2022/2023, this topic is now to be offered in a suitable course in purely digital form with the help of the learning module. The results are to be evaluated in a longitudinal study in order to obtain a direct comparison with classroom teaching.