
Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript

3. international JSXGraph conference

Online conference

Dear friends of JSXGraph, the schedule of the talks of the third international JSXGraph conference is online: We are looking forward to exciting topics and inspiring discussions. To all of you who have already registered: After clicking on the Submit registration… button you should have received a confirmation... [Read More]

Release of 1.4.5

Patch release

JSXGraph release v1.4.5 is a patch release, which additionally introduces two new features. First, geometry elements have now the new attribute rotatable. If set to false, the element can not be rotated with two fingers on touch devices. The other new feature is the new method <code class="language-plaintext... [Read More]

3. international JSXGraph conference

Online conference

Dear friends of JSXGraph, This is an announcement of the 3nd international JSXGraph conference. Date: October 4th - 6th, 2022 Conference homepage: The conference will bring together developers and teachers, instructors and designers who are interested or already experienced in using JSXGraph ( to enhance digital learning... [Read More]

Release of 1.4.4

Maintenance release

JSXGraph release v1.4.4 is a patch release, which additionally introduces two new features. First, JSXGraph can now be used in shadowDOM. Thanks go to Holger Engels from who has sent in the original patch. In this release, fullscreen mode of JSXGraph constructions in shadowDOM do not yet work.... [Read More]

Release of 1.4.3

Maintenance release

Version v1.4.3 is a patch release. Most importantly, JSXGraph can now be used as ES6 module and contains multiple improvements in index.d.ts for TypeScript support. Other bug fixes can be seen in the CHANGELOG. Additionally, this release contains preliminary, experimental support of 3D elements. See the examples in [Read More]