Segments with fixed length

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Revision as of 10:58, 26 January 2012 by A WASSERMANN (talk | contribs)

The underlying JavaScript code

var brd = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box', {axis:false, boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5]}),
   p0 = brd.create('point', [-2,2], {withLabel:false}),
   p1 = brd.create('point', [0,2], {withLabel:false}),
   p2 = brd.create('point', [-2,0], {withLabel:false}),
   p3 = brd.create('point', [0,0], {withLabel:false}),
   p4 = brd.create('point', [-2,-2], {withLabel:false}),
   p5 = brd.create('point', [0,-2], {withLabel:false}),

   seg1 = brd.create('segment', [p0, p1], {withLabel:true, name:'seg1: free'}), // free segment
   seg2 = brd.create('segment', [p2, p3, 2], {withLabel:true, name:'length 2'}), // segment of length 2
   seg3 = brd.create('segment', [p4, p5, function(){ return seg1.L();}], {withLabel:true, name:'length of seg1'}); // segment has length of seg1