Aligning text

From JSXGraph Wiki
Revision as of 07:54, 19 October 2012 by A WASSERMANN (talk | contribs)

Texts can be aligned with the attributes anchorX and anchorY. Possible values for anchorX are 'left', 'middle', right'. Possible values for anchorY are 'bottom', 'middle', 'top'.

The underlying JavaScript code

    var brd = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox',{boundingbox: [-1,10,7,-1], axis:true, keepAspectRatio:false});

    brd.create('line', [-3, 1, 0], {strokeWidth:1, dash:2});
    brd.create('text', [3, 8, "Default"], {cssClass:'mytext'});
    brd.create('text', [3, 7, "anchorX left"], {anchorX:'left', cssClass:'mytext'});
    brd.create('text', [3, 6, "anchorX middle"], {anchorX:'middle', cssClass:'mytext'});
    brd.create('text', [3, 5, "anchorX right"], {anchorX:'right', cssClass:'mytext'});

    brd.create('line', [-2, 0, 1], {strokeWidth:1, dash:2});
    brd.create('text', [1, 2, "Multiline text<br>default"], {cssClass:'mytext'});
    brd.create('text', [2.2, 2, "Multiline text<br>anchorY bottom"], {anchorY:'bottom', cssClass:'mytext'});
    brd.create('text', [3.4, 2, "Multiline text<br>anchorY middle"], {anchorY:'middle', cssClass:'mytext'});
    brd.create('text', [4.6, 2, "Multiline text<br>anchorY top"], {anchorY:'top', cssClass:'mytext'});