Polynomial curve of constant width
From JSXGraph Wiki
The curve with support defined by
- [math]\displaystyle{ )+b }[/math]
has constant width for odd values of [math]\displaystyle{ k }[/math]. It defines the parametric curve
- [math]\displaystyle{ x(\phi) = p(\phi)cos(\phi) - p'sin(\phi) }[/math]
- [math]\displaystyle{ y(\phi) = p(\phi)sin(\phi) + p'cos(\phi) }[/math]
In the visualization with JSXGraph below [math]\displaystyle{ k }[/math] is determined
- [math]\displaystyle{ k = 2k'+1. }[/math]
The underlying JavaScript code
var brd = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox',{boundingbox:[-8,8,8,-8], keepaspectratio:true});
var a = brd.create('slider',[[-1,1.8],[1,1.8],[-5,0.20,5]], {name:'a'});
var b = brd.create('slider',[[-1,1.6],[1,1.6],[-5,1.15,10]], {name:'b'});
var k = brd.create('slider',[[-1,1.4],[1,1.4],[1,1,11]], {name:'k\'', snapWidth:1});
var c = brd.create('curve',[function(phi, suspendUpdate){
var kk, aa, bb, p, ps, co, si;
//if (!suspendUpdate) {
aa = a.Value();
bb = b.Value();
kk = 2*k.Value()+1;
co = Math.cos(kk*phi*0.5);
si = Math.sin(kk*phi*0.5);
p = aa*co*co+bb;
ps = -aa*kk*co*si;
return p*Math.cos(phi)-ps*Math.sin(phi);
function(phi, suspendUpdate){
var kk, aa, bb, p, ps, co, si;
//if (!suspendUpdate) {
aa = a.Value();
bb = b.Value();
kk = 2*k.Value()+1;
co = Math.cos(kk*phi*0.5);
si = Math.sin(kk*phi*0.5);
p = aa*co*co+bb;
ps = -aa*kk*co*si;
return p*Math.sin(phi)+ps*Math.cos(phi);
0, Math.PI*2], {strokeWidth:10, strokeColor:'#ad5544'});