From JSXGraph Wiki
This example shows how to construct a simple, draggable point. It is produced by the following commands:
<div id="jxgbox" class="jxgbox" style="width:500px; height:200px; float:left; "></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {originX: 200, originY: 100, unitX: 50, unitY: 50});
var p = board.createElement('point',[1,1]);
The JavaScript code has to be placed AFTER the div element which will contain the construction. From now on, we will only show the JavaScript code.
Attributes of a point
Several attributes can be given to change the properties of a point.
var b2 = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox2', {originX: 200, originY: 100, unitX: 50, unitY: 50});
var p = b2.createElement('point',[1,1], {name:'X',style:5});