Share JSXGraph: example "Cosine"

Share JSXGraph: example "Cosine"
This website is a beta version. The official release will be in **2024**.
The cosine is a projection of the complex number $exp(−ix)$ (which is a point on the unit circle in the complex plane) to the real axis on the complex plane. In the following interactive figure, you can drag the point $x$ on the real axis and observe the behavior of the complex number $exp(−ix)$ and the varying value of $\cos(x)$.
// Define the ids of your boards in BOARDID0, BOARDID1,...

// First board
const board1 = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(BOARDID0, {boundingbox: [-10, 1.5, 10, -1.5], axis:true});

// Glider on x-axis
var x = board1.create('glider', [-9, 0, board1.defaultAxes.x], {name:'x'});
var y = board1.create('point', [() => x.X(), () => Math.cos(x.X())], {size:1, name:'', color:'green'});
var x1 = board1.create('segment',  [x,y], {strokeColor:'red'});

var f = board1.create('functiongraph', [(x) => Math.cos(x)]);

         () => x.X()+0.3,
         () => y.Y()*0.5,
         'cos'], {});

// Second board
const board2 = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(BOARDID1, {boundingbox: [-1.5, 1.5, 1.5, -1.5], axis:true}); 

// First board triggers updates on second board

// Fixed circle
var p0 = board2.create('point', [0, 0], {fixed:true,visible:false});
var p1 = board2.create('point', [1, 0], {name:'', visible:false, fixed:true});
var c = board2.create('circle', [p0, p1], {dash:2, strokeWidth:1, strokeOpacity:0.6});

// Point on circle depends on point x in first board
var p2 = board2.create('point', [() => Math.cos(x.X()), ()=> Math.sin(x.X())], {
    size:1, color:'green'

// Helper points and cos segment
var p3 = board2.create('point', [() => p2.X(), 0.0], {visible:false, name:''});
var p4 = board2.create('point', [0.0, () => p2.Y()], {visible:false, name:''});
board2.create('segment', [p2,p4], {strokeColor:'red'});     // cos

        () => (p2.X() + p4.X()) * 0.3,
        () => p2.Y()+0.05,
], {});