<iframe src="https://jsxgraph.org/share/iframe/secant-and-tangent-on-function-graph" style="border: 1px solid black; overflow: hidden; width: 550px; aspect-ratio: 55 / 65;" name="JSXGraph example: Secant and tangent on function graph" allowfullscreen ></iframe>
<div id="board-0-wrapper" class="jxgbox-wrapper " style="width: 100%; "> <div id="board-0" class="jxgbox" style="aspect-ratio: 3 / 2; width: 900px;" data-ar="3 / 2"></div> </div> <script type = "text/javascript"> /* This example is not licensed. */ const BOARDID = 'board-0'; JXG.Options.text.useMathJax = true; const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(BOARDID, { boundingbox: [-5, 8, 15, -4], axis: true }); var fun = board.create('functiongraph', ['0.5 * x * x + 1'], { strokeColor: 'black' }); var funterm = board.create('text', [-3, 6, '\\(\\frac{1}{2}x^2 + 1\\)'], { fontSize: 16 }); var B = board.create('glider', [1, 1.5, fun], { name: 'B', label: { autoPosition: true } }); var P = board.create('glider', [3.5, 6.5, fun], { name: 'P', color: JXG.palette.blue, label: { autoPosition: true } }); // Projection to x axis var seg1 = board.create('segment', [ B, [() => B.X(), 0] ], { strokeColor: '#888', dash: 2, strokeWidth: 1, point2: { visible: false, size: 1, }, withLabel: true, name: '\\(f(x_0)\\)', label: { position: 'last', offset: [5, 30] } }); var seg2 = board.create('segment', [ P, [() => P.X(), 0] ], { strokeColor: '#888', dash: 2, strokeWidth: 1, point2: { visible: false, size: 1 }, withLabel: true, name: '\\(f(x)\\)', label: { position: 'last', offset: [5, 30] } }); var x0 = board.create('text', [() => B.X(), -0.1, '\\(x_0\\)'], { anchorY: 'top', anchorX: 'middle' }); var x = board.create('text', [() => P.X(), -0.1, '\\(x\\)'], { anchorY: 'top', anchorX: 'middle' }); // Secant and tangent var sek = board.create('line', [B, P], { strokeWidth: 2, name: 'secant', withLabel: true, label: { position: 'rt', offset: [-5, -20], color: JXG.palette.blue } }); var tan = board.create('tangent', [B], { strokeColor: 'red', strokeWidth: 2, name: 'tangent', withLabel: true, label: { position: 'rt', offset: [-5, -40], color: JXG.palette.red } }); // Slope triangles // Horizontal line var h1 = board.create('segment', [B, [() => P.X(), () => B.Y()]], { strokeColor: JXG.palette.red, withLabel: true, name: '\\(\\Delta x=dx\\)', label: { position: 'llft', offset: [20, -12] } }); // Vertical lines: var v1 = board.create('segment', [ [() => P.X() + 0.03, () => B.Y()], [() => P.X() + 0.03, () => tan.Slope() * (P.X() - B.X()) + B.Y()] ], { strokeColor: JXG.palette.red, strokeWidth: 2, withLabel: true, name: '\\(dy\\)', label: { offset: [5, 5], color: 'red' } }); var v2 = board.create('segment', [ [() => P.X(), () => B.Y()], [() => P.X(), () => P.Y()] ], { strokeColor: JXG.palette.blue, strokeWidth: 2, withLabel: true, name: '\\(\\Delta y\\)', label: { offset: [5, 30], color: 'blue' } }); // Texts: var t1 = board.create('text', [ 8, 3, () => 'Tangent slope (differential quotient): \\[\\frac{dy}{dx} = \\lim_{x\\to x_o}\\frac{f(x)-f(x_0)}{x-x_0} =' + tan.Slope().toFixed(2) + '\\]' ], { anchorY: 'top', color: JXG.palette.red }); var t2 = board.create('text', [ 8, 6, () => 'Secant slope (difference quotient): \\[\\frac{\\Delta y}{\\Delta x} = \\frac{f(x)-f(x_0)}{x-x_0} =' + sek.Slope().toFixed(2) + '\\]' ], { anchorY: 'top', color: JXG.palette.blue }); </script>
/* This example is not licensed. */ const BOARDID = 'your_div_id'; // Insert your id here! JXG.Options.text.useMathJax = true; const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(BOARDID, { boundingbox: [-5, 8, 15, -4], axis: true }); var fun = board.create('functiongraph', ['0.5 * x * x + 1'], { strokeColor: 'black' }); var funterm = board.create('text', [-3, 6, '\\(\\frac{1}{2}x^2 + 1\\)'], { fontSize: 16 }); var B = board.create('glider', [1, 1.5, fun], { name: 'B', label: { autoPosition: true } }); var P = board.create('glider', [3.5, 6.5, fun], { name: 'P', color: JXG.palette.blue, label: { autoPosition: true } }); // Projection to x axis var seg1 = board.create('segment', [ B, [() => B.X(), 0] ], { strokeColor: '#888', dash: 2, strokeWidth: 1, point2: { visible: false, size: 1, }, withLabel: true, name: '\\(f(x_0)\\)', label: { position: 'last', offset: [5, 30] } }); var seg2 = board.create('segment', [ P, [() => P.X(), 0] ], { strokeColor: '#888', dash: 2, strokeWidth: 1, point2: { visible: false, size: 1 }, withLabel: true, name: '\\(f(x)\\)', label: { position: 'last', offset: [5, 30] } }); var x0 = board.create('text', [() => B.X(), -0.1, '\\(x_0\\)'], { anchorY: 'top', anchorX: 'middle' }); var x = board.create('text', [() => P.X(), -0.1, '\\(x\\)'], { anchorY: 'top', anchorX: 'middle' }); // Secant and tangent var sek = board.create('line', [B, P], { strokeWidth: 2, name: 'secant', withLabel: true, label: { position: 'rt', offset: [-5, -20], color: JXG.palette.blue } }); var tan = board.create('tangent', [B], { strokeColor: 'red', strokeWidth: 2, name: 'tangent', withLabel: true, label: { position: 'rt', offset: [-5, -40], color: JXG.palette.red } }); // Slope triangles // Horizontal line var h1 = board.create('segment', [B, [() => P.X(), () => B.Y()]], { strokeColor: JXG.palette.red, withLabel: true, name: '\\(\\Delta x=dx\\)', label: { position: 'llft', offset: [20, -12] } }); // Vertical lines: var v1 = board.create('segment', [ [() => P.X() + 0.03, () => B.Y()], [() => P.X() + 0.03, () => tan.Slope() * (P.X() - B.X()) + B.Y()] ], { strokeColor: JXG.palette.red, strokeWidth: 2, withLabel: true, name: '\\(dy\\)', label: { offset: [5, 5], color: 'red' } }); var v2 = board.create('segment', [ [() => P.X(), () => B.Y()], [() => P.X(), () => P.Y()] ], { strokeColor: JXG.palette.blue, strokeWidth: 2, withLabel: true, name: '\\(\\Delta y\\)', label: { offset: [5, 30], color: 'blue' } }); // Texts: var t1 = board.create('text', [ 8, 3, () => 'Tangent slope (differential quotient): \\[\\frac{dy}{dx} = \\lim_{x\\to x_o}\\frac{f(x)-f(x_0)}{x-x_0} =' + tan.Slope().toFixed(2) + '\\]' ], { anchorY: 'top', color: JXG.palette.red }); var t2 = board.create('text', [ 8, 6, () => 'Secant slope (difference quotient): \\[\\frac{\\Delta y}{\\Delta x} = \\frac{f(x)-f(x_0)}{x-x_0} =' + sek.Slope().toFixed(2) + '\\]' ], { anchorY: 'top', color: JXG.palette.blue });
<jsxgraph width="900px" aspect-ratio="3 / 2" title="Secant and tangent on function graph" description="This construction was copied from JSXGraph examples database: BTW HERE SHOULD BE A GENERATED LINKuseGlobalJS="false"> /* This example is not licensed. */ JXG.Options.text.useMathJax = true; const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(BOARDID, { boundingbox: [-5, 8, 15, -4], axis: true }); var fun = board.create('functiongraph', ['0.5 * x * x + 1'], { strokeColor: 'black' }); var funterm = board.create('text', [-3, 6, '\\(\\frac{1}{2}x^2 + 1\\)'], { fontSize: 16 }); var B = board.create('glider', [1, 1.5, fun], { name: 'B', label: { autoPosition: true } }); var P = board.create('glider', [3.5, 6.5, fun], { name: 'P', color: JXG.palette.blue, label: { autoPosition: true } }); // Projection to x axis var seg1 = board.create('segment', [ B, [() => B.X(), 0] ], { strokeColor: '#888', dash: 2, strokeWidth: 1, point2: { visible: false, size: 1, }, withLabel: true, name: '\\(f(x_0)\\)', label: { position: 'last', offset: [5, 30] } }); var seg2 = board.create('segment', [ P, [() => P.X(), 0] ], { strokeColor: '#888', dash: 2, strokeWidth: 1, point2: { visible: false, size: 1 }, withLabel: true, name: '\\(f(x)\\)', label: { position: 'last', offset: [5, 30] } }); var x0 = board.create('text', [() => B.X(), -0.1, '\\(x_0\\)'], { anchorY: 'top', anchorX: 'middle' }); var x = board.create('text', [() => P.X(), -0.1, '\\(x\\)'], { anchorY: 'top', anchorX: 'middle' }); // Secant and tangent var sek = board.create('line', [B, P], { strokeWidth: 2, name: 'secant', withLabel: true, label: { position: 'rt', offset: [-5, -20], color: JXG.palette.blue } }); var tan = board.create('tangent', [B], { strokeColor: 'red', strokeWidth: 2, name: 'tangent', withLabel: true, label: { position: 'rt', offset: [-5, -40], color: JXG.palette.red } }); // Slope triangles // Horizontal line var h1 = board.create('segment', [B, [() => P.X(), () => B.Y()]], { strokeColor: JXG.palette.red, withLabel: true, name: '\\(\\Delta x=dx\\)', label: { position: 'llft', offset: [20, -12] } }); // Vertical lines: var v1 = board.create('segment', [ [() => P.X() + 0.03, () => B.Y()], [() => P.X() + 0.03, () => tan.Slope() * (P.X() - B.X()) + B.Y()] ], { strokeColor: JXG.palette.red, strokeWidth: 2, withLabel: true, name: '\\(dy\\)', label: { offset: [5, 5], color: 'red' } }); var v2 = board.create('segment', [ [() => P.X(), () => B.Y()], [() => P.X(), () => P.Y()] ], { strokeColor: JXG.palette.blue, strokeWidth: 2, withLabel: true, name: '\\(\\Delta y\\)', label: { offset: [5, 30], color: 'blue' } }); // Texts: var t1 = board.create('text', [ 8, 3, () => 'Tangent slope (differential quotient): \\[\\frac{dy}{dx} = \\lim_{x\\to x_o}\\frac{f(x)-f(x_0)}{x-x_0} =' + tan.Slope().toFixed(2) + '\\]' ], { anchorY: 'top', color: JXG.palette.red }); var t2 = board.create('text', [ 8, 6, () => 'Secant slope (difference quotient): \\[\\frac{\\Delta y}{\\Delta x} = \\frac{f(x)-f(x_0)}{x-x_0} =' + sek.Slope().toFixed(2) + '\\]' ], { anchorY: 'top', color: JXG.palette.blue }); </jsxgraph>
// Define the id of your board in BOARDID JXG.Options.text.useMathJax = true; const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(BOARDID, { boundingbox: [-5, 8, 15, -4], axis: true }); var fun = board.create('functiongraph', ['0.5 * x * x + 1'], { strokeColor: 'black' }); var funterm = board.create('text', [-3, 6, '\\(\\frac{1}{2}x^2 + 1\\)'], { fontSize: 16 }); var B = board.create('glider', [1, 1.5, fun], { name: 'B', label: { autoPosition: true } }); var P = board.create('glider', [3.5, 6.5, fun], { name: 'P', color: JXG.palette.blue, label: { autoPosition: true } }); // Projection to x axis var seg1 = board.create('segment', [ B, [() => B.X(), 0] ], { strokeColor: '#888', dash: 2, strokeWidth: 1, point2: { visible: false, size: 1, }, withLabel: true, name: '\\(f(x_0)\\)', label: { position: 'last', offset: [5, 30] } }); var seg2 = board.create('segment', [ P, [() => P.X(), 0] ], { strokeColor: '#888', dash: 2, strokeWidth: 1, point2: { visible: false, size: 1 }, withLabel: true, name: '\\(f(x)\\)', label: { position: 'last', offset: [5, 30] } }); var x0 = board.create('text', [() => B.X(), -0.1, '\\(x_0\\)'], { anchorY: 'top', anchorX: 'middle' }); var x = board.create('text', [() => P.X(), -0.1, '\\(x\\)'], { anchorY: 'top', anchorX: 'middle' }); // Secant and tangent var sek = board.create('line', [B, P], { strokeWidth: 2, name: 'secant', withLabel: true, label: { position: 'rt', offset: [-5, -20], color: JXG.palette.blue } }); var tan = board.create('tangent', [B], { strokeColor: 'red', strokeWidth: 2, name: 'tangent', withLabel: true, label: { position: 'rt', offset: [-5, -40], color: JXG.palette.red } }); // Slope triangles // Horizontal line var h1 = board.create('segment', [B, [() => P.X(), () => B.Y()]], { strokeColor: JXG.palette.red, withLabel: true, name: '\\(\\Delta x=dx\\)', label: { position: 'llft', offset: [20, -12] } }); // Vertical lines: var v1 = board.create('segment', [ [() => P.X() + 0.03, () => B.Y()], [() => P.X() + 0.03, () => tan.Slope() * (P.X() - B.X()) + B.Y()] ], { strokeColor: JXG.palette.red, strokeWidth: 2, withLabel: true, name: '\\(dy\\)', label: { offset: [5, 5], color: 'red' } }); var v2 = board.create('segment', [ [() => P.X(), () => B.Y()], [() => P.X(), () => P.Y()] ], { strokeColor: JXG.palette.blue, strokeWidth: 2, withLabel: true, name: '\\(\\Delta y\\)', label: { offset: [5, 30], color: 'blue' } }); // Texts: var t1 = board.create('text', [ 8, 3, () => 'Tangent slope (differential quotient): \\[\\frac{dy}{dx} = \\lim_{x\\to x_o}\\frac{f(x)-f(x_0)}{x-x_0} =' + tan.Slope().toFixed(2) + '\\]' ], { anchorY: 'top', color: JXG.palette.red }); var t2 = board.create('text', [ 8, 6, () => 'Secant slope (difference quotient): \\[\\frac{\\Delta y}{\\Delta x} = \\frac{f(x)-f(x_0)}{x-x_0} =' + sek.Slope().toFixed(2) + '\\]' ], { anchorY: 'top', color: JXG.palette.blue });
This example is not licensed.