1 /*
  2     Copyright 2008-2024
  3         Matthias Ehmann,
  4         Michael Gerhaeuser,
  5         Carsten Miller,
  6         Bianca Valentin,
  7         Alfred Wassermann,
  8         Peter Wilfahrt
 10     This file is part of JSXGraph.
 12     JSXGraph is free software dual licensed under the GNU LGPL or MIT License.
 14     You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 16       * GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 17         the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 18         (at your option) any later version
 19       OR
 20       * MIT License: https://github.com/jsxgraph/jsxgraph/blob/master/LICENSE.MIT
 22     JSXGraph is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 23     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 25     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 27     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License and
 28     the MIT License along with JSXGraph. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
 29     and <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT/>.
 30  */
 32 /*global JXG:true, define: true*/
 33 /*jslint nomen: true, plusplus: true*/
 35 import JXG from "./jxg.js";
 36 import Const from "./base/constants.js";
 37 import Mat from "./math/math.js";
 38 import Color from "./utils/color.js";
 39 import Type from "./utils/type.js";
 41 /**
 42  * Options Namespace
 43  * @description These are the default options of the board and of all geometry elements.
 44  * @namespace
 45  * @name JXG.Options
 46  */
 47 JXG.Options = {
 49     jc: {
 50         enabled: true,
 51         compile: true
 52     },
 54     /*
 55      * Options that are used directly within the board class
 56      */
 57     board: {
 58         /**#@+
 59          * @visprop
 60          */
 62         //updateType: 'hierarchical', // 'all'
 64         /**
 65          * Time (in msec) between two animation steps. Used in
 66          * {@link JXG.CoordsElement#moveAlong}, {@link JXG.CoordsElement#moveTo} and
 67          * {@link JXG.CoordsElement#visit}.
 68          *
 69          * @name JXG.Board#animationDelay
 70          * @type Number
 71          * @default 35
 72          * @see JXG.CoordsElement#moveAlong
 73          * @see JXG.CoordsElement#moveTo
 74          * @see JXG.CoordsElement#visit
 75          */
 76         animationDelay: 35,
 78         /**
 79          * Show default axis.
 80          * If shown, the horizontal axis can be accessed via JXG.Board.defaultAxes.x, the
 81          * vertical axis can be accessed via JXG.Board.defaultAxes.y.
 82          * Both axes have a sub-element "defaultTicks".
 83          *
 84          * Value can be Boolean or an object containing axis attributes.
 85          *
 86          * @name JXG.Board#axis
 87          * @type Boolean
 88          * @default false
 89          */
 90         axis: false,
 92         /**
 93          * Bounding box of the visible area in user coordinates.
 94          * It is an array consisting of four values:
 95          * [x<sub>1</sub>, y<sub>1</sub>, x<sub>2</sub>, y<sub>2</sub>]
 96          *
 97          * The canvas will be spanned from the upper left corner (x<sub>1</sub>, y<sub>1</sub>)
 98          * to the lower right corner (x<sub>2</sub>, y<sub>2</sub>).
 99          *
100          * @name JXG.Board#boundingBox
101          * @type Array
102          * @see JXG.Board#maxBoundingBox
103          * @see JXG.Board#keepAspectRatio
104          *
105          * @default [-5, 5, 5, -5]
106          * @example
107          * var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
108          *         boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5],
109          *         axis: true
110          *     });
111          */
112         boundingBox: [-5, 5, 5, -5],
114         /**
115          * Enable browser scrolling on touch interfaces if the user double taps into an empty region
116          * of the board.
117          *
118          * <ul>
119          * <li> Implemented for pointer touch devices - not with mouse, pen or old iOS touch.
120          * <li> It only works if browserPan:true
121          * <li> One finger action by the settings "pan.enabled:true" and "pan.needTwoFingers:false" has priority
122          * </ul>
123          *
124          * @name JXG.Board#browserPan
125          * @see JXG.Board#pan
126          * @type Boolean
127          * @default false
128          *
129          * @example
130          * const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
131          *     boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true,
132          *     pan: {
133          *         enabled: true,
134          *         needTwoFingers: true,
135          *     },
136          *     browserPan: true,
137          *     zoom: {
138          *         enabled: false
139          *     }
140          * });
141          *
142          * var p1 = board.create('point', [1, -1]);
143          * var p2 = board.create('point', [2.5, -2]);
144          * var li1 = board.create('line', [p1, p2]);
145          *
146          * </pre><div id="JXGcd50c814-be81-4280-9458-d73e50cece8d" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
147          * <script type="text/javascript">
148          *     (function() {
149          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGcd50c814-be81-4280-9458-d73e50cece8d',
150          *             {showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
151          *              axis: true,
152          *              pan: {
153          *                enabled: true,
154          *                needTwoFingers: true,
155          *             },
156          *             browserPan: true,
157          *             zoom: {
158          *               enabled: false
159          *             }
160          *          });
161          *
162          *     var p1 = board.create('point', [1, -1]);
163          *     var p2 = board.create('point', [2.5, -2]);
164          *     var li1 = board.create('line', [p1, p2]);
165          *
166          *     })();
167          *
168          * </script><pre>
169          *
170          *
171          */
172         browserPan: false,
174         /**
175          *
176          * Maximum time delay (in msec) between two clicks to be considered
177          * as double click. This attribute is used together with {@link JXG.Board#dblClickSuppressClick}.
178          * The JavaScript standard is that
179          * a click event is preceded by two click events,
180          * see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/dblclick_event}.
181          * In case of {@link JXG.Board#dblClickSuppressClick} being true, the JavaScript standard is ignored and
182          * this time delay is used to suppress the two click events if they are followed by a double click event.
183          * <p>
184          * In case of {@link JXG.Board#dblClickSuppressClick} being false, this attribute is used
185          * to clear the list of clicked elements after the time specified by this attribute.
186          * <p>
187          * Recommendation: if {@link JXG.Board#dblClickSuppressClick} is true, use a value of approx. 300,
188          * otherwise stay with the default 600.
189          *
190          * @name JXG.Board#clickDelay
191          * @type Number
192          * @default 600
193          * @see JXG.Board#dblClickSuppressClick
194          */
195         clickDelay: 600,
197         /**
198          * If false (default), JSXGraph follows the JavaScript standard and fires before a dblclick event two
199          * click events.
200          * <p>
201          * If true, the click events are suppressed if there is a dblclick event.
202          * The consequence is that in this case any click event is fired with a delay specified by
203          * {@link JXG.Board#clickDelay}.
204          *
205          * @name JXG.Board#dblClickSuppressClick
206          * @type Boolean
207          * @default false
208          * @see JXG.Board#clickDelay
209          *
210          */
211         dblClickSuppressClick: false,
213         /**
214          * Attributes for the default axes in case of the attribute
215          * axis:true in {@link JXG.JSXGraph#initBoard}.
216          *
217          * @name JXG.Board#defaultAxes
218          * @type Object
219          * @default <tt>{x: {name:'x'}, y: {name: 'y'}}</tt>
220          *
221          * @example
222          * const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('id', {
223          *     boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis:true,
224          *     defaultAxes: {
225          *         x: {
226          *           name: 'Distance (mi)',
227          *           withLabel: true,
228          *           label: {
229          *             position: 'rt',
230          *             offset: [-5, 15],
231          *             anchorX: 'right'
232          *           }
233          *         },
234          *         y: {
235          *           withLabel: true,
236          *           name: 'Y',
237          *           label: {
238          *             position: 'rt',
239          *             offset: [-20, -5],
240          *             anchorY: 'top'
241          *           }
242          *         }
243          *     }
244          * });
245          *
246          * </pre><div id="JXGc3af5eb8-7401-4476-80b5-379ecbd068c6" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
247          * <script type="text/javascript">
248          *     (function() {
249          *     var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGc3af5eb8-7401-4476-80b5-379ecbd068c6', {
250          *         showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
251          *         boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis:true,
252          *         defaultAxes: {
253          *             x: {
254          *               name: 'Distance (mi)',
255          *               withLabel: true,
256          *               label: {
257          *                 position: 'rt',
258          *                 offset: [-5, 15],
259          *                 anchorX: 'right'
260          *               }
261          *             },
262          *             y: {
263          *               withLabel: true,
264          *               name: 'Y',
265          *               label: {
266          *                 position: 'rt',
267          *                 offset: [-20, -5],
268          *                 anchorY: 'top'
269          *               }
270          *             }
271          *         }
272          *     });
273          *
274          *     })();
275          *
276          * </script><pre>
277          *
278          * @example
279          *  // Display ticks labels as fractions
280          *  var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
281          *      boundingbox: [-1.2, 2.3, 1.2, -2.3],
282          *      axis: true,
283          *      defaultAxes: {
284          *          x: {
285          *              ticks: {
286          *                  label: {
287          *                      useMathJax: true,
288          *                      display: 'html',
289          *                      toFraction: true
290          *                  }
291          *              }
292          *          },
293          *          y: {
294          *              ticks: {
295          *                  label: {
296          *                      useMathJax: true,
297          *                      display: 'html',
298          *                      toFraction: true
299          *                  }
300          *              }
301          *          }
302          *      }
303          *  });
304          *
305          * </pre><div id="JXG484d2f00-c853-4acb-a8bd-46a9e232d13b" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
306          * <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-chtml.js" id="MathJax-script"></script>
307          * <script type="text/javascript">
308          *     (function() {
309          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG484d2f00-c853-4acb-a8bd-46a9e232d13b',
310          *             {boundingbox: [-1.2, 2.3, 1.2, -2.3],
311          *              axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: true,
312          *                 defaultAxes: {
313          *                     x: {
314          *                         ticks: {
315          *                             label: {
316          *                                 useMathJax: true,
317          *                                 display: 'html',
318          *                                 toFraction: true
319          *                             }
320          *                         }
321          *                     },
322          *                     y: {
323          *                         ticks: {
324          *                             label: {
325          *                                 useMathJax: true,
326          *                                 display: 'html',
327          *                                 toFraction: true
328          *                             }
329          *                         }
330          *                     }
331          *                 }
332          *             });
333          *     })();
334          *
335          * </script><pre>
336          *
337          */
338         defaultAxes: {
339             x: {
340                 name: 'x',
341                 fixed: true,
342                 ticks: {
343                     label: {
344                         visible: 'inherit',
345                         anchorX: 'middle',
346                         anchorY: 'top',
347                         fontSize: 12,
348                         offset: [0, -3]
349                     },
350                     tickEndings: [0, 1],
351                     majorTickEndings: [1, 1],
352                     drawZero: false,
353                     needsRegularUpdate: false,
354                     visible: 'inherit'
355                 }
356             },
357             y: {
358                 name: 'y',
359                 fixed: true,
360                 ticks: {
361                     label: {
362                         visible: 'inherit',
363                         anchorX: 'right',
364                         anchorY: 'middle',
365                         fontSize: 12,
366                         offset: [-6, 0]
367                     },
368                     tickEndings: [1, 0],
369                     majorTickEndings: [1, 1],
370                     drawZero: false,
371                     needsRegularUpdate: false,
372                     visible: 'inherit'
373                 }
374             }
375         },
377         /**
378          * Description string for the board.
379          * Primarily used in an invisible text element which is adressed by
380          * the attribute 'aria-describedby' from the JSXGraph container.
381          * JSXGraph creates a new div-element with id "{containerid}_ARIAdescription"
382          * containing this string.
383          *
384          * @name JXG.Board#description
385          * @see JXG.Board#title
386          * @type String
387          * @default ''
388          *
389          */
390         description: '',
392         /**
393          * Supply the document object. Defaults to window.document
394          *
395          * @name JXG.Board#document
396          * @type Object
397          * @description DOM object
398          * @default false (meaning window.document)
399          */
400         document: false,
402         /**
403          * Control the possibilities for dragging objects.
404          *
405          * Possible sub-attributes with default values are:
406          * <pre>
407          * drag: {
408          *   enabled: true   // Allow dragging
409          * }
410          * </pre>
411          *
412          * @name JXG.Board#drag
413          * @type Object
414          * @default <tt>{enabled: true}</tt>
415          */
416         drag: {
417             enabled: true
418         },
420         /**
421          * Attribute(s) to control the fullscreen icon. The attribute "showFullscreen"
422          * controls if the icon is shown.
423          * The following attribute(s) can be set:
424          * <ul>
425          *  <li> symbol (String): Unicode symbol which is shown in the navigation bar.  Default: svg code for '\u26f6', other
426          * possibilities are the unicode symbols '\u26f6' and '\u25a1'. However, '\u26f6' is not supported by MacOS and iOS.
427          *  <li> scale (number between 0 and 1): Relative size of the larger side of the JSXGraph board in the fullscreen window. 1.0 gives full width or height.
428          * Default value is 0.85.
429          *  <li> id (String): Id of the HTML element which is brought to full screen or null if the JSXgraph div is taken.
430          * It may be an outer div element, e.g. if the old aspect ratio trick is used. Default: null, i.e. use the JSXGraph div.
431          * </ul>
432          *
433          * @example
434          * var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('35bec5a2-fd4d-11e8-ab14-901b0e1b8723',
435          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true,
436          *             showcopyright: false,
437          *             showFullscreen: true,
438          *             fullscreen: {
439          *                  symbol: '\u22c7',
440          *                  scale: 0.95
441          *              }
442          *             });
443          * var pol = board.create('polygon', [[0, 1], [3,4], [1,-4]], {fillColor: 'yellow'});
444          *
445          * </pre><div id="JXGa35bec5a2-fd4d-11e8-ab14-901b0e1b8723" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
446          * <script type="text/javascript">
447          *     (function() {
448          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGa35bec5a2-fd4d-11e8-ab14-901b0e1b8723',
449          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false,
450          *              showFullscreen: true,
451          *              fullscreen: {
452          *                  symbol: '\u22c7',
453          *                  scale: 0.95
454          *                  }
455          *             });
456          *     var pol = board.create('polygon', [[0, 1], [3,4], [1,-4]], {fillColor: 'yellow'});
457          *     })();
458          *
459          * </script><pre>
460          *
461          * @name JXG.Board#fullscreen
462          * @default svg code
463          * @see JXG.Board#showFullscreen
464          * @see JXG.AbstractRenderer#drawNavigationBar
465          * @type Object
466          */
467         fullscreen: {
468             symbol: '<svg height="1em" width="1em" version="1.1" viewBox="10 10 18 18"><path fill="#666" d="m 10,16 2,0 0,-4 4,0 0,-2 L 10,10 l 0,6 0,0 z"></path><path fill="#666" d="m 20,10 0,2 4,0 0,4 2,0 L 26,10 l -6,0 0,0 z"></path><path fill="#666" d="m 24,24 -4,0 0,2 L 26,26 l 0,-6 -2,0 0,4 0,0 z"></path><path fill="#666" d="M 12,20 10,20 10,26 l 6,0 0,-2 -4,0 0,-4 0,0 z"></path></svg>',
469             // symbol: '\u26f6', // '\u26f6' (not supported by MacOS),
470             scale: 0.85,
471             id: null
472         },
474         /**
475          * If set true and
476          * hasPoint() is true for both an element and it's label,
477          * the element (and not the label) is taken as drag element.
478          * <p>
479          * If set false and hasPoint() is true for both an element and it's label,
480          * the label is taken (if it is on a higher layer than the element)
481          * <p>
482          * Meanwhile, this feature might be irrelevant.
483          * @name JXG.Board#ignoreLabels
484          * @type Booelan
485          * @default true
486          */
487         ignoreLabels: true,
489         /**
490          * Support for internationalization of number formatting. This affects
491          * <ul>
492          *  <li> axis labels
493          *  <li> infobox
494          *  <li> texts consisting of numbers only
495          *  <li> smartlabel elements
496          *  <li> slider labels
497          *  <li> tapemeasure elements
498          *  <li> integral element labels
499          * </ul>
500          * See <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat</a>
501          * for an overview on the possibilities and the options.
502          * <p>
503          * User generated texts consisting of texts AND numbers have to be internationalized by the user, see
504          * {@link Text#intl}.
505          * Language locale and options can be individually controlled for each element by its intl attribute.
506          * If no locale is set, the default language of the browser is used.
507          *
508          * @name JXG.Board#intl
509          * @type Object
510          * @default <tt>{enabled: false}</tt>
511          * @see Integral#label
512          * @see Slider#intl
513          * @see Text#intl
514          * @see Ticks#intl
515          * @see JXG.Board.infobox
516          *
517          * @example
518          * // Set the board-wide locale and use individual
519          * // options for a text.
520          * const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(BOARDID, {
521          *     axis: true,
522          *     intl: {
523          *         enabled: true,
524          *         locale: 'de-DE'
525          *     },
526          *     boundingbox:[-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5]
527          * });
528          *
529          * var t = board.create('text', [0.05, 0.2, -Math.PI*100], {
530          *         digits: 2,
531          *         intl: {
532          *                 enabled: true,
533          *                 options: {
534          *                     style: 'unit',
535          *                     unit: 'celsius'
536          *                 }
537          *             }
538          *     });
539          *
540          * </pre><div id="JXGcbb0305d-92e2-4628-a58a-d0d515c8fec9" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
541          * <script type="text/javascript">
542          *     (function() {
543          *     var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGcbb0305d-92e2-4628-a58a-d0d515c8fec9', {
544          *         axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
545          *         intl: {
546          *             enabled: true,
547          *             locale: 'de-DE'
548          *         },
549          *     boundingbox:[-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5]
550          *     });
551          *     var t = board.create('text', [0.05, 0.2, -Math.PI*100], {
552          *         digits: 2,
553          *         intl: {
554          *                 enabled: true,
555          *                 options: {
556          *                     style: 'unit',
557          *                     unit: 'celsius'
558          *                 }
559          *             }
560          *     });
561          *
562          *     })();
563          *
564          * </script><pre>
565          *
566          * @example
567          * // Here, locale is disabled in general, but enabled for the horizontal
568          * // axis and the infobox.
569          * const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(BOARDID, {
570          *     boundingbox: [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5],
571          *     intl: {
572          *         enabled: false,
573          *         locale: 'de-DE'
574          *     },
575          *     keepaspectratio: true,
576          *     axis: true,
577          *     defaultAxes: {
578          *         x: {
579          *             ticks: {
580          *                 intl: {
581          *                         enabled: true,
582          *                         options: {
583          *                             style: 'unit',
584          *                             unit: 'kilometer-per-hour',
585          *                             unitDisplay: 'narrow'
586          *                         }
587          *                 }
588          *             }
589          *         },
590          *         y: {
591          *             ticks: {
592          *             }
593          *         }
594          *     },
595          *     infobox: {
596          *         fontSize: 12,
597          *         intl: {
598          *             enabled: true,
599          *             options: {
600          *                 minimumFractionDigits: 4,
601          *                 maximumFractionDigits: 5
602          *             }
603          *         }
604          *     }
605          * });
606          *
607          * var p = board.create('point', [0.1, 0.1], {});
608          *
609          * </pre><div id="JXG07d5d95c-9324-4fc4-aad3-098e433f195f" class="jxgbox" style="width: 600px; height: 300px;"></div>
610          * <script type="text/javascript">
611          *     (function() {
612          *     var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG07d5d95c-9324-4fc4-aad3-098e433f195f', {
613          *         boundingbox: [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5], showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
614          *         intl: {
615          *             enabled: false,
616          *             locale: 'de-DE'
617          *         },
618          *         keepaspectratio: true,
619          *         axis: true,
620          *         defaultAxes: {
621          *             x: {
622          *                 ticks: {
623          *                     intl: {
624          *                             enabled: true,
625          *                             options: {
626          *                                 style: 'unit',
627          *                                 unit: 'kilometer-per-hour',
628          *                                 unitDisplay: 'narrow'
629          *                             }
630          *                     }
631          *                 }
632          *             },
633          *             y: {
634          *                 ticks: {
635          *                 }
636          *             }
637          *         },
638          *         infobox: {
639          *             fontSize: 12,
640          *             intl: {
641          *                 enabled: true,
642          *                 options: {
643          *                     minimumFractionDigits: 4,
644          *                     maximumFractionDigits: 5
645          *                 }
646          *             }
647          *         }
648          *     });
649          *
650          *     var p = board.create('point', [0.1, 0.1], {});
651          *
652          *     })();
653          *
654          * </script><pre>
655          *
656          */
657         intl: {
658             enabled: false
659         },
661         /**
662          * If set to true, the ratio between horizontal and vertical unit sizes
663          * stays constant - independent of size changes of the hosting HTML div element.
664          * <p>
665          * If the aspect ration of the hosting div changes, JSXGraphs will change
666          * the user supplied bounding box accordingly.
667          * This is necessary if circles should look like circles and not
668          * like ellipses. It is recommended to set keepAspectRatio = true
669          * for geometric applets.
670          * <p>
671          * For function plotting keepAspectRatio = false
672          * might be the better choice.
673          *
674          * @name JXG.Board#keepAspectRatio
675          * @see JXG.Board#boundingBox
676          * @see JXG.Board#maxBoundingBox
677          * @see JXG.Board#setBoundingBox
678          * @type Boolean
679          * @default false
680          */
681         keepAspectRatio: false,
683         /**
684          * Control using the keyboard to change the construction.
685          * <ul>
686          * <li> enabled: true / false
687          * <li> dx: horizontal shift amount per key press
688          * <li> dy: vertical shift amount per key press
689          * <li> panShift: zoom if shift key is pressed
690          * <li> panCtrl: zoom if ctrl key is pressed
691          * </ul>
692          *
693          * @example
694          * var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard("jxgbox", {boundingbox: [-5,5,5,-5],
695          *     axis: true,
696          *     showCopyright:true,
697          *     showNavigation:true,
698          *     keyboard: {
699          *         enabled: true,
700          *         dy: 30,
701          *         panShift: true,
702          *         panCtrl: false
703          *     }
704          * });
705          *
706          * </pre><div id="JXGb1d3aab6-ced2-4fe9-8fa5-b0accc8c7266" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
707          * <script type="text/javascript">
708          *     (function() {
709          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGb1d3aab6-ced2-4fe9-8fa5-b0accc8c7266',
710          *             {boundingbox: [-5,5,5,-5],
711          *         axis: true,
712          *         showCopyright:true,
713          *         showNavigation:true,
714          *         keyboard: {
715          *             enabled: true,
716          *             dy: 30,
717          *             panShift: true,
718          *             panCtrl: false
719          *         }
720          *     });
721          *
722          *     })();
723          *
724          * </script><pre>
725          *
726          *
727          * @see JXG.Board#keyDownListener
728          * @see JXG.Board#keyFocusInListener
729          * @see JXG.Board#keyFocusOutListener
730          *
731          * @name JXG.Board#keyboard
732          * @type Object
733          * @default <tt>{enabled: true, dx: 10, dy:10, panShift: true, panCtrl: false}</tt>
734          */
735         keyboard: {
736             enabled: true,
737             dx: 10,
738             dy: 10,
739             panShift: true,
740             panCtrl: false
741         },
743         /**
744          * If enabled, user activities are logged in array "board.userLog".
745          *
746          * @name JXG.Board#logging
747          * @type Object
748          * @default <tt>{enabled: false}</tt>
749          *
750          * @example
751          * var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(BOARDID,
752          *          {
753          *              boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8],
754          *              axis: true,
755          *              logging: {enabled: true},
756          *              showcopyright: false,
757          *              shownavigation: false
758          *          });
759          * var A = board.create('point', [-4, 0], { name: 'A' });
760          * var B = board.create('point', [1, 2], { name: 'B' });
761          * var showUserLog = function() {
762          *     var txt = '';
763          *
764          *     for (let i = 0; i < board.userLog.length; i++) {
765          *         txt += JSON.stringify(board.userLog[i]) + '\n';
766          *     }
767          *     alert(txt);
768          * };
769          * var but = board.create('button', [4, 4, 'Show user log', showUserLog]);
770          *
771          * </pre><div id="JXGe152375c-f478-41aa-a9e6-e104403fc75d" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
772          * <script type="text/javascript">
773          *     (function() {
774          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGe152375c-f478-41aa-a9e6-e104403fc75d',
775          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, logging: {enabled: true},
776          *              showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
777          *     var A = board.create('point', [-4, 0], { name: 'A' });
778          *     var B = board.create('point', [1, 2], { name: 'B' });
779          *     var showUserLog = function() {
780          *         var txt = '';
781          *
782          *         for (let i = 0; i < board.userLog.length; i++) {
783          *             txt += JSON.stringify(board.userLog[i]) + '\n';
784          *         }
785          *         alert(txt);
786          *     };
787          *     var but = board.create('button', [4, 4, 'Show user log', showUserLog]);
788          *
789          *     })();
790          *
791          * </script><pre>
792          *
793          *
794          * @see JXG.Board#userLog
795          */
796         logging: {
797             enabled: false
798         },
800         /**
801          * Change redraw strategy in SVG rendering engine.
802          * <p>
803          * This optimization seems to be <b>obsolete</b> in newer browsers (from 2021 on, at least)
804          * and even slow down the constructions. Therefore, the default is set to 'none' since v1.2.4.
805          * <p>
806          * If set to 'svg', before every redrawing of the JSXGraph construction
807          * the SVG sub-tree of the DOM tree is taken out of the DOM.
808          *
809          * If set to 'all', before every redrawing of the JSXGraph construction the
810          * complete DOM tree is taken out of the DOM.
811          * If set to 'none' the redrawing is done in-place.
812          *
813          * Using 'svg' or 'all' speeds up the update process considerably. The risk
814          * is that if there is an exception, only a white div or window is left.
815          *
816          *
817          * @name JXG.Board#minimizeReflow
818          * @type String
819          * @default 'none'
820          */
821         minimizeReflow: 'none',
823         /**
824          * Maximal bounding box of the visible area in user coordinates.
825          * It is an array consisting of four values:
826          * [x<sub>1</sub>, y<sub>1</sub>, x<sub>2</sub>, y<sub>2</sub>]
827          *
828          * The bounding box of the canvas must be inside of this maximal
829          * bounding box.
830          *
831          * @name JXG.Board#maxBoundingBox
832          * @type Array
833          * @see JXG.Board#boundingBox
834          * @default [-Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, -Infinity]
835          *
836          * @example
837          * var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
838          *         boundingBox: [-5, 5, 5, -5],
839          *         maxBoundingBox: [-8, 8, 8, -8],
840          *         pan: {enabled: true},
841          *         axis: true
842          *     });
843          *
844          * </pre><div id="JXG065e2750-217c-48ed-a52b-7d7df6de7055" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
845          * <script type="text/javascript">
846          *     (function() {
847          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG065e2750-217c-48ed-a52b-7d7df6de7055', {
848          *             showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
849          *             boundingbox: [-5,5,5,-5],
850          *             maxboundingbox: [-8,8,8,-8],
851          *             pan: {enabled: true},
852          *             axis:true
853          *         });
854          *
855          *     })();
856          *
857          * </script><pre>
858          *
859          */
860         maxBoundingBox: [-Infinity, Infinity, Infinity, -Infinity],
862         /**
863          * Maximum frame rate of the board, i.e. maximum number of updates per second
864          * triggered by move events.
865          *
866          * @name JXG.Board#maxFrameRate
867          * @type Number
868          * @default 40
869          */
870         maxFrameRate: 40,
872         /**
873          * Maximum number of digits in automatic label generation.
874          * For example, if set to 1 automatic point labels end at "Z".
875          * If set to 2, point labels end at "ZZ".
876          *
877          * @name JXG.Board#maxNameLength
878          * @see JXG.Board#generateName
879          * @type Number
880          * @default 1
881          */
882         maxNameLength: 1,
884         /**
885          * Element which listens to move events of the pointing device.
886          * This allows to drag elements of a JSXGraph construction outside of the board.
887          * Especially, on mobile devices this enhances the user experience.
888          * However, it is recommended to allow dragging outside of the JSXGraph board only
889          * in certain constructions where users may not "loose" points outside of the board.
890          * In such a case, points may become unreachable.
891          * <p>
892          * A situation where dragging outside of the board is uncritical is for example if
893          * only sliders are used to interact with the construction.
894          * <p>
895          * Possible values for this attributes are:
896          * <ul>
897          * <li> an element specified by document.getElementById('some id');
898          * <li> null: to use the JSXGraph container div element
899          * <li> document
900          * </ul>
901          * <p>
902          * Since the introduction of this attribute "moveTarget", the value "document" has become sort of
903          * default on touch devices like smartphones. However, it is no longer the case that the document listens to
904          * move events, but there is the new feature "setPointerCapture", which is also implicitly enabled on certain devices.
905          * In future versions, JSXGraph may adopt this new standard and distinguish only two cases:
906          * <ul>
907          * <li>null: no pointerCapture
908          * <li>document: use pointerCapture
909          * </ul>
910          * <p>
911          * This attribute is immutable.
912          * It can be changed as follows:
913          *
914          * @example
915          * board.setAttribute({moveTarget: null});
916          * board.removeEventHandlers();
917          * board.addEventHandlers();
918          *
919          * @name JXG.Board#moveTarget
920          * @type Object
921          * @description HTML node or document
922          * @default null
923          *
924          * @example
925          *     var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
926          *         boundingbox: [-5,5,5,-5],
927          *         axis: true,
928          *         moveTarget: document
929          *     });
930          *
931          * </pre><div id="JXG973457e5-c63f-4516-8570-743f2cc560e1" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
932          * <script type="text/javascript">
933          *     (function() {
934          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG973457e5-c63f-4516-8570-743f2cc560e1',
935          *             {boundingbox: [-5,5,5,-5],
936          *             axis: true,
937          *             moveTarget: document
938          *         });
939          *
940          *     })();
941          *
942          * </script><pre>
943          *
944          *
945          */
946         moveTarget: null,
948         /**
949          * A number that will be added to the absolute position of the board used in mouse coordinate
950          * calculations in {@link JXG.Board#getCoordsTopLeftCorner}.
951          *
952          * @name JXG.Board#offsetX
953          * @see JXG.Board#offsetY
954          * @type Number
955          * @default 0
956          */
957         offsetX: 0,
959         /**
960          * A number that will be added to the absolute position of the board used in mouse coordinate
961          * calculations in {@link JXG.Board#getCoordsTopLeftCorner}.
962          *
963          * @name JXG.Board#offsetY
964          * @see JXG.Board#offsetX
965          * @type Number
966          * @default 0
967          */
968         offsetY: 0,
970         /**
971          * Control the possibilities for panning interaction (i.e. moving the origin).
972          *
973          * Possible sub-attributes with default values are:
974          * <pre>
975          * pan: {
976          *   enabled: true   // Allow panning
977          *   needTwoFingers: false, // panning is done with two fingers on touch devices
978          *   needShift: true, // mouse panning needs pressing of the shift key
979          * }
980          * </pre>
981          *
982          * @name JXG.Board#pan
983          * @see JXG.Board#browserPan
984          *
985          * @type Object
986          */
987         pan: {
988             enabled: true,
989             needShift: true,
990             needTwoFingers: false
991         },
993         /**
994          * Allow user interaction by registering pointer events (including mouse and
995          * touch events), fullscreen, keyboard, resize, and zoom events.
996          * The latter events are essentially mouse wheel events.
997          * Decide if JSXGraph listens to these events.
998          * <p>
999          * Using a Boolean value turns on all events (or not), supplying an object of
1000          * the form
1001          * <pre>
1002          *  {
1003          *     fullscreen: true / false,
1004          *     keyboard: true / false,
1005          *     pointer: true / false,
1006          *     resize: true / false,
1007          *     wheel: true / false
1008          *  }
1009          * </pre>
1010          * activates individual event handlers. If an event is NOT given,
1011          * it will be activated.
1012          * <p>This attribute is immutable. Please use
1013          * {@link JXG.Board#addEventHandlers()} and
1014          * {@link JXG.Board#removeEventHandlers()} directly.
1015          *
1016          * @name JXG.Board#registerEvents
1017          * @see JXG.Board#keyboard
1018          * @see JXG.Board#registerResizeEvent
1019          * @see JXG.Board#registerFullscreenEvent
1020          * @type Boolean
1021          * @default true
1022          */
1023         registerEvents: true,
1025         // /**
1026         //  * Listen to fullscreen event.
1027         //  *
1028         //  * <p>This attribute is immutable. Please use
1029         //  * {@link JXG.Board#addFullscreenEventHandlers()} and
1030         //  * {@link JXG.Board#removeEventHandlers()} directly.
1031         //  *
1032         //  * @name JXG.Board#registerFullscreenEvent
1033         //  * @see JXG.Board#registerEvents
1034         //  * @see JXG.Board#registerResizeEvent
1035         //  * @type Boolean
1036         //  * @default true
1037         //  */
1038         // registerFullscreenEvent: true,
1040         // /**
1041         //  * Listen to resize events, i.e. start "resizeObserver" or handle the resize event with
1042         //  * "resizeListener". This is independent from the mouse, touch, pointer events.
1043         //  *
1044         //  * <p>This attribute is immutable. Please use
1045         //  * {@link JXG.Board#addResizeEventHandlers()} and
1046         //  * {@link JXG.Board#removeEventHandlers()} directly.
1047         //  * <p>
1048         //  * This attribute just starts a resizeObserver. If the resizeObserver reacts
1049         //  * to size changed is controlled with {@link JXG.Board#resize}.
1050         //  *
1051         //  * @name JXG.Board#registerResizeEvent
1052         //  * @see JXG.Board#resize
1053         //  * @see JXG.Board#registerEvents
1054         //  * @see JXG.Board#registerFullscreenEvent
1055         //  * @type Boolean
1056         //  * @default true
1057         //  */
1058         // registerResizeEvent: true,
1060         /**
1061          * Default rendering engine. Possible values are 'svg', 'canvas', 'vml', 'no', or 'auto'.
1062          * If the rendering engine is not available JSXGraph tries to detect a different engine.
1063          *
1064          * <p>
1065          * In case of 'canvas' it is advisable to call 'board.update()' after all elements have been
1066          * constructed. This ensures that all elements are drawn with their intended visual appearance.
1067          *
1068          * <p>
1069          * This attribute is immutable.
1070          *
1071          * @name JXG.Board#renderer
1072          * @type String
1073          * @default 'auto'
1074          */
1075         renderer: 'auto',
1077         /**
1078          * Control if JSXGraph reacts to resizing of the JSXGraph container element
1079          * by the user / browser.
1080          * The attribute "throttle" determines the minimal time in msec between to
1081          * resize calls.
1082          * <p>
1083          * <b>Attention:</b> if the JSXGraph container has no CSS property like width or height and max-width or max-height set, but
1084          * has a property like box-sizing:content-box, then the interplay between CSS and the resize attribute may result in an
1085          * infinite loop with ever increasing JSXGraph container.
1086          *
1087          * @see JXG.Board#startResizeObserver
1088          * @see JXG.Board#resizeListener
1089          *
1090          * @name JXG.Board#resize
1091          * @type Object
1092          * @default <tt>{enabled: true, throttle: 10}</tt>
1093          *
1094          * @example
1095          *     var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
1096          *         boundingbox: [-5,5,5,-5],
1097          *         keepAspectRatio: true,
1098          *         axis: true,
1099          *         resize: {enabled: true, throttle: 200}
1100          *     });
1101          *
1102          * </pre><div id="JXGb55d4608-5d71-4bc3-b332-18c15fbda8c3" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
1103          * <script type="text/javascript">
1104          *     (function() {
1105          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGb55d4608-5d71-4bc3-b332-18c15fbda8c3', {
1106          *             boundingbox: [-5,5,5,-5],
1107          *             keepAspectRatio: true,
1108          *             axis: true,
1109          *             resize: {enabled: true, throttle: 200}
1110          *         });
1111          *
1112          *     })();
1113          *
1114          * </script><pre>
1115          *
1116          *
1117          */
1118         resize: {
1119             enabled: true,
1120             throttle: 10
1121         },
1123         /**
1124          * Attributes to control the screenshot function.
1125          * The following attributes can be set:
1126          * <ul>
1127          *  <li>scale: scaling factor (default=1.0)
1128          *  <li>type: format of the screenshot image. Default: png
1129          *  <li>symbol: Unicode symbol which is shown in the navigation bar. Default: '\u2318'
1130          *  <li>css: CSS rules to format the div element containing the screen shot image
1131          *  <li>cssButton: CSS rules to format the close button of the div element containing the screen shot image
1132          * </ul>
1133          * The screenshot will fail if the board contains text elements or foreign objects
1134          * containing SVG again.
1135          *
1136          * @name JXG.Board#screenshot
1137          * @type Object
1138          */
1139         screenshot: {
1140             scale: 1,
1141             type: 'png',
1142             symbol: '\u2318', //'\u22b9', //'\u26f6',
1143             css: 'background-color:#eeeeee; opacity:1.0; border:2px solid black; border-radius:10px; text-align:center',
1144             cssButton: 'padding: 4px 10px; border: solid #356AA0 1px; border-radius: 5px; position: absolute; right: 2ex; top: 2ex; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);'
1145         },
1147         /**
1148          * Control the possibilities for a selection rectangle.
1149          * Starting a selection event triggers the "startselecting" event.
1150          * When the mouse pointer is released, the "stopselecting" event is fired.
1151          * The "stopselecting" event is supplied by the user.
1152          * <p>
1153          * So far it works in SVG renderer only.
1154          * <p>
1155          * Possible sub-attributes with default values are:
1156          * <pre>
1157          * selection: {
1158          *   enabled: false,
1159          *   name: 'selectionPolygon',
1160          *   needShift: false,  // mouse selection needs pressing of the shift key
1161          *   needCtrl: true,    // mouse selection needs pressing of the shift key
1162          *   fillColor: '#ffff00'
1163          * }
1164          * </pre>
1165          * <p>
1166          * Board events triggered by selection manipulation:
1167          * 'startselecting', 'stopselecting', 'mousestartselecting', 'mousestopselecting',
1168          * 'pointerstartselecting', 'pointerstopselecting', 'touchstartselecting', 'touchstopselecting'.
1169          *
1170          * @example
1171          * board.on('stopselecting', function(){
1172          *     var box = board.stopSelectionMode(),
1173          *     // bbox has the coordinates of the selectionr rectangle.
1174          *     // Attention: box[i].usrCoords have the form [1, x, y], i.e.
1175          *     // are homogeneous coordinates.
1176          *     bbox = box[0].usrCoords.slice(1).concat(box[1].usrCoords.slice(1));
1177          *     // Set a new bounding box
1178          *     board.setBoundingBox(bbox, false);
1179          * });
1180          *
1181          * @name JXG.Board#selection
1182          *
1183          * @see JXG.Board#startSelectionMode
1184          * @see JXG.Board#stopSelectionMode
1185          *
1186          * @type Object
1187          * @default
1188          */
1189         selection: {
1190             enabled: false,
1191             name: 'selectionPolygon',
1192             needShift: false,
1193             needCtrl: true,
1194             fillColor: '#ffff00',
1196             // immutable:
1197             visible: false,
1198             withLines: false,
1199             vertices: {
1200                 visible: false
1201             }
1202         },
1204         /**
1205          * Show a button which allows to clear all traces of a board.
1206          * This button can be accessed by JavaScript or CSS with
1207          * the ID <tt>"{board_id}_navigation_button_cleartraces"</tt> or by the CSS classes
1208          * <tt>JXG_navigation_button"</tt> or
1209          * <tt>JXG_navigation_button_cleartraces"</tt>.
1210          *
1211          * @name JXG.Board#showClearTraces
1212          * @type Boolean
1213          * @default false
1214          * @see JXG.AbstractRenderer#drawNavigationBar
1215          */
1216         showClearTraces: false,
1218         /**
1219          * Show copyright string in canvas.
1220          *
1221          * @name JXG.Board#showCopyright
1222          * @type Boolean
1223          * @default true
1224          */
1225         showCopyright: true,
1227         /**
1228          * Show a button in the navigation bar to start fullscreen mode.
1229          * This button can be accessed by JavaScript or CSS with
1230          * the ID <tt>"{board_id}_navigation_button_fullscreen"</tt> or by the CSS classes
1231          * <tt>JXG_navigation_button"</tt> or
1232          * <tt>JXG_navigation_button_fullscreen"</tt>.
1233          *
1234          * @name JXG.Board#showFullscreen
1235          * @type Boolean
1236          * @see JXG.Board#fullscreen
1237          * @default false
1238          * @see JXG.AbstractRenderer#drawNavigationBar
1239          * @see JXG.AbstractRenderer#drawNavigationBar
1240          */
1241         showFullscreen: false,
1243         /**
1244          * If true, the infobox is shown on mouse/pen over for all points
1245          * which have set their attribute showInfobox to 'inherit'.
1246          * If a point has set its attribute showInfobox to false or true,
1247          * that value will have priority over this value.
1248          *
1249          * @name JXG.Board#showInfobox
1250          * @see Point#showInfobox
1251          * @type Boolean
1252          * @default true
1253          */
1254         showInfobox: true,
1256         /**
1257          * Display of navigation arrows and zoom buttons in the navigation bar.
1258          * <p>
1259          * The navigation bar has the
1260          * the ID <tt>"{board_id}_navigation"</tt> and the CSS class
1261          * <tt>JXG_navigation"</tt>.
1262          * The individual buttons can be accessed by JavaScript or CSS with
1263          * the ID <tt>"{board_id}_navigation_button_{type}"</tt> or by the CSS classes
1264          * <tt>JXG_navigation_button"</tt> or
1265          * <tt>JXG_navigation_button_{type}"</tt>, where <tt>{type}</tt>
1266          * is one of <tt>left</tt>, <tt>right</tt>, or <tt>up</tt>, <tt>down</tt>,
1267          * <tt>in</tt>, <tt>100</tt>, or <tt>out</tt>,
1268          * <tt>fullscreen</tt>, <tt>screenshot</tt>, <tt>cleartraces</tt>, <tt>reload</tt>.
1269          *
1270          * @name JXG.Board#showNavigation
1271          * @type Boolean
1272          * @default true
1273          * @see JXG.AbstractRenderer#drawNavigationBar
1274          */
1275         showNavigation: true,
1277         /**
1278          * Show a button in the navigation bar to force reload of a construction.
1279          * Works only with the JessieCode tag.
1280          * This button can be accessed by JavaScript or CSS with
1281          * the ID <tt>"{board_id}_navigation_button_reload"</tt> or by the CSS classes
1282          * <tt>JXG_navigation_button"</tt> or
1283          * <tt>JXG_navigation_button_reload"</tt>.
1284          *
1285          * @name JXG.Board#showReload
1286          * @type Boolean
1287          * @default false
1288          * @see JXG.AbstractRenderer#drawNavigationBar
1289          */
1290         showReload: false,
1292         /**
1293          * Show a button in the navigation bar to enable screenshots.
1294          * This button can be accessed by JavaScript or CSS with
1295          * the ID <tt>"{board_id}_navigation_button_screenshot"</tt> or by the CSS classes
1296          * <tt>JXG_navigation_button"</tt> or
1297          * <tt>JXG_navigation_button_screenshot"</tt>.
1298          *
1299          * @name JXG.Board#showScreenshot
1300          * @type Boolean
1301          * @default false
1302          * @see JXG.AbstractRenderer#drawNavigationBar
1303          */
1304         showScreenshot: false,
1306         /**
1307          * Display of zoom buttons in the navigation bar. To show zoom buttons, additionally
1308          * showNavigation has to be set to true.
1309          * <p>
1310          * The individual buttons can be accessed by JavaScript or CSS with
1311          * the ID <tt>"{board_id}_navigation_button_{type}"</tt> or by the CSS classes
1312          * <tt>JXG_navigation_button"</tt> or
1313          * <tt>JXG_navigation_button_{type}"</tt>, where <tt>{type}</tt>
1314          * is <tt>in</tt>, <tt>100</tt>, or <tt>out</tt>.
1315          *
1316          * @name JXG.Board#showZoom
1317          * @type Boolean
1318          * @default true
1319          * @see JXG.AbstractRenderer#drawNavigationBar
1320          */
1321         showZoom: true,
1323         /**
1324          * If true the first element of the set JXG.board.objects having hasPoint==true is taken as drag element.
1325          *
1326          * @name JXG.Board#takeFirst
1327          * @type Boolean
1328          * @default false
1329          */
1330         takeFirst: false,
1332         /**
1333         * If true, when read from a file or string - the size of the div can be changed by the construction text.
1334         *
1335         * @name JXG.Board#takeSizeFromFile
1336         * @type Boolean
1337         * @default false
1338         */
1339         takeSizeFromFile: false,
1341         /**
1342          * Set a visual theme for a board. At the moment this attribute is immutable.
1343          * Available themes are
1344          * <ul>
1345          * <li> 'default'
1346          * <li> 'mono_thin': a black / white theme using thin strokes. Restricted to 2D.
1347          * </ul>
1348          *
1349          * @name JXG.Board#theme
1350          * @type String
1351          * @default 'default'
1352          * @example
1353          *  const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
1354          *      boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true,
1355          *      theme: 'mono_thin'
1356          *  });
1357          *
1358          *  var a = board.create('slider', [[1, 4], [3, 4], [-10, 1, 10]]);
1359          *  var p1 = board.create('point', [1, 2]);
1360          *  var ci1 = board.create('circle', [p1, 0.7]);
1361          *  var cu = board.create('functiongraph', ['x^2']);
1362          *  var l1 = board.create('line', [2, 3, -1]);
1363          *  var l2 = board.create('line', [-5, -3, -1], { dash: 2 });
1364          *  var i1 = board.create('intersection', [l1, l2]);
1365          *  var pol = board.create('polygon', [[1, 0], [4, 0], [3.5, 1]]);
1366          *  var an = board.create('angle', [pol.vertices[1], pol.vertices[0], pol.vertices[2]]);
1367          *  var se = board.create('sector', [pol.vertices[1], pol.vertices[2], pol.vertices[0]]);
1368          *  var ci1 = board.create('circle', [[-3, -3], 0.7], { center: { visible: true } });
1369          *
1370          * </pre><div id="JXG1c5f7a2a-176b-4410-ac06-8593f1a09879" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
1371          * <script type="text/javascript">
1372          *     (function() {
1373          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG1c5f7a2a-176b-4410-ac06-8593f1a09879',
1374          *             {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
1375          *              theme: 'mono_thin' });
1376          *
1377          *    var a = board.create('slider', [[1, 4], [3, 4], [-10, 1, 10]]);
1378          *    var p1 = board.create('point', [1, 2]);
1379          *    var ci1 = board.create('circle', [p1, 0.7]);
1380          *    var cu = board.create('functiongraph', ['x^2']);
1381          *    var l1 = board.create('line', [2, 3, -1]);
1382          *    var l2 = board.create('line', [-5, -3, -1], { dash: 2 });
1383          *    var i1 = board.create('intersection', [l1, l2]);
1384          *    var pol = board.create('polygon', [[1, 0], [4, 0], [3.5, 1]]);
1385          *    var an = board.create('angle', [pol.vertices[1], pol.vertices[0], pol.vertices[2]]);
1386          *    var se = board.create('sector', [pol.vertices[1], pol.vertices[2], pol.vertices[0]]);
1387          *    var ci1 = board.create('circle', [[-3, -3], 0.7], { center: { visible: true } });
1388          *
1389          *     })();
1390          *
1391          * </script><pre>
1392          *
1393          */
1394         theme: 'default',
1396         /**
1397          * Title string for the board.
1398          * Primarily used in an invisible text element which is adressed by
1399          * the attribute 'aria-labelledby' from the JSXGraph container.
1400          * JSXGraph creates a new div-element with id "{containerid}_ARIAlabel"
1401          * containing this string.
1402          *
1403          * @name JXG.Board#title
1404          * @see JXG.Board#description
1405          * @type String
1406          * @default ''
1407          *
1408          */
1409         title: '',
1411         /**
1412          *
1413          * Set a viewport of the board. viewport is determined by an array of the form '[left, top, right, bottom]'.
1414          * whose entries determine an inner margin (i.e. a padding) of the board. The entries of the array have to be given
1415          * as numbers or strings. In the latter case the units 'px' or '%' are supported.
1416          * The viewport can be individually controlled for each element, too.
1417          *
1418          * @type {Array|String}
1419          * @name JXG.Board#viewport
1420          * @default [0, 0, 0, 0]
1421          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#viewport
1422          */
1423         viewport: [0, 0, 0, 0],
1425         /**
1426          * Control the possibilities for zoom interaction.
1427          *
1428          * Possible sub-attributes with default values are:
1429          * <pre>
1430          * zoom: {
1431          *   enabled: true,  // turns off zooming completely, if set to false.
1432          *   factorX: 1.25,  // horizontal zoom factor (multiplied to {@link JXG.Board#zoomX})
1433          *   factorY: 1.25,  // vertical zoom factor (multiplied to {@link JXG.Board#zoomY})
1434          *   wheel: true,    // allow zooming by mouse wheel
1435          *   needShift: true,  // mouse wheel zooming needs pressing of the shift key
1436          *   min: 0.001,       // minimal values of {@link JXG.Board#zoomX} and {@link JXG.Board#zoomY}, limits zoomOut
1437          *   max: 1000.0,      // maximal values of {@link JXG.Board#zoomX} and {@link JXG.Board#zoomY}, limits zoomIn
1438          *   center: 'auto',   // 'auto': the center of zoom is at the position of the mouse or at the midpoint of two fingers
1439          *                     // 'board': the center of zoom is at the board's center
1440          *   pinch: true,      // pinch-to-zoom gesture for proportional zoom
1441          *   pinchHorizontal: true, // Horizontal pinch-to-zoom zooms horizontal axis. Only available if keepaspectratio:false
1442          *   pinchVertical: true,   // Vertical pinch-to-zoom zooms vertical axis only. Only available if keepaspectratio:false
1443          *   pinchSensitivity: 7    // Sensitivity (in degrees) for recognizing horizontal or vertical pinch-to-zoom gestures.
1444          * }
1445          * </pre>
1446          *
1447          * If the zoom buttons are visible, zooming by clicking the buttons is still possible, regardless of zoom.enabled:true/false.
1448          * If this should be prevented, set showZoom:false.
1449          *
1450          * Deprecated: zoom.eps which is superseded by zoom.min
1451          *
1452          * @name JXG.Board#zoom
1453          * @type Object
1454          * @default See above
1455          * @see JXG.Board#showZoom
1456          *
1457          */
1458         zoom: {
1459             enabled: true,
1460             factorX: 1.25,
1461             factorY: 1.25,
1462             wheel: true,
1463             needShift: true,
1464             center: 'auto',
1465             min: 0.0001,
1466             max: 10000.0,
1467             pinch: true,
1468             pinchHorizontal: true,
1469             pinchVertical: true,
1470             pinchSensitivity: 7
1471         },
1473         // /**
1474         //  * Additional zoom factor multiplied to {@link JXG.Board#zoomX} and {@link JXG.Board#zoomY}.
1475         //  *
1476         //  * @name JXG.Board#zoomFactor
1477         //  * @type Number
1478         //  * @default 1.0
1479         //  */
1480         // zoomFactor: 1,
1482         /**
1483          * Zoom factor in horizontal direction.
1484          *
1485          * @name JXG.Board#zoomX
1486          * @see JXG.Board#zoomY
1487          * @type Number
1488          * @default 1.0
1489          */
1490         zoomX: 1,
1492         /**
1493          * Zoom factor in vertical direction.
1494          *
1495          * @name JXG.Board#zoomY
1496          * @see JXG.Board#zoomX
1497          * @type Number
1498          * @default 1.0
1499          */
1500         zoomY: 1
1502         /**#@-*/
1503     },
1505     /**
1506      * Options that are used by the navigation bar.
1507      *
1508      * Default values are
1509      * <pre>
1510      * JXG.Option.navbar: {
1511      *   strokeColor: '#333333',
1512      *   fillColor: 'transparent',
1513      *   highlightFillColor: '#aaaaaa',
1514      *   padding: '2px',
1515      *   position: 'absolute',
1516      *   fontSize: '14px',
1517      *   cursor: 'pointer',
1518      *   zIndex: '100',
1519      *   right: '5px',
1520      *   bottom: '5px'
1521      * },
1522      * </pre>
1523      * These settings are overruled by the CSS class 'JXG_navigation'.
1524      * @deprecated
1525      * @type Object
1526      * @name JXG.Options#navbar
1527      *
1528      */
1529     navbar: {
1530         strokeColor: '#333333', //'#aaaaaa',
1531         fillColor: 'transparent', //#f5f5f5',
1532         highlightFillColor: '#aaaaaa',
1533         padding: '2px',
1534         position: 'absolute',
1535         fontSize: '14px',
1536         cursor: 'pointer',
1537         zIndex: '100',
1538         right: '5px',
1539         bottom: '5px'
1540         //border: 'none 1px black',
1541         //borderRadius: '4px'
1542     },
1544     /*
1545      *  Generic options used by {@link JXG.GeometryElement}
1546      */
1547     elements: {
1548         /**#@+
1549          * @visprop
1550          */
1551         // This is a meta tag: http://code.google.com/p/jsdoc-toolkit/wiki/MetaTags
1553         /**
1554          * Determines the elements border-style.
1555          * Possible values are:
1556          * <ul><li>0 for a solid line</li>
1557          * <li>1 for a dotted line</li>
1558          * <li>2 for a line with small dashes</li>
1559          * <li>3 for a line with medium dashes</li>
1560          * <li>4 for a line with big dashes</li>
1561          * <li>5 for a line with alternating medium and big dashes and large gaps</li>
1562          * <li>6 for a line with alternating medium and big dashes and small gaps</li>
1563          * <li>7 for a dotted line. Needs {@link JXG.GeometryElement#linecap} set to "round" for round dots.</li>
1564          * </ul>
1565          * The dash patterns are defined in {@link JXG.AbstractRenderer#dashArray}.
1566          *
1567          * @type Number
1568          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#dash
1569          * @default 0
1570          *
1571          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#lineCap
1572          * @see JXG.AbstractRenderer#dashArray
1573          */
1574         dash: 0,
1576         /**
1577          * If true, the dash pattern is multiplied by strokeWidth / 2.
1578          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#dashScale
1579          * @type Boolean
1580          * @default false
1581          *
1582          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#dash
1583          * @see JXG.AbstractRenderer#dashArray
1584          */
1585         dashScale: false,
1587         /**
1588          * If draft.draft: true the element will be drawn in grey scale colors (as default)
1589          * to visualize that it's only a draft.
1590          *
1591          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#draft
1592          * @type Object
1593          * @default <tt>{@link JXG.Options.elements.draft#draft}</tt>
1594          */
1595         draft: {
1596             draft: false,
1597             strokeColor: '#565656',
1598             fillColor: '#565656',
1599             strokeOpacity: 0.8,
1600             fillOpacity: 0.8,
1601             strokeWidth: 1
1602         },
1604         /**
1605          * If the element is dragged it will be moved on mousedown or touchstart to the
1606          * top of its layer. Works only for SVG renderer and for simple elements
1607          * consisting of one SVG node.
1608          * @example
1609          * var li1 = board.create('line', [1, 1, 1], {strokeWidth: 20, dragToTopOfLayer: true});
1610          * var li2 = board.create('line', [1, -1, 1], {strokeWidth: 20, strokeColor: 'red'});
1611          *
1612          * </pre><div id="JXG38449fee-1ab4-44de-b7d1-43caa1f50f86" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
1613          * <script type="text/javascript">
1614          *     (function() {
1615          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG38449fee-1ab4-44de-b7d1-43caa1f50f86',
1616          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
1617          *     var li1 = board.create('line', [1, 1, 1], {strokeWidth: 20, dragToTopOfLayer: true});
1618          *     var li2 = board.create('line', [1, -1, 1], {strokeWidth: 20, strokeColor: 'red'});
1619          *
1620          *     })();
1621          *
1622          * </script><pre>
1623          *
1624          * @type Boolean
1625          * @default false
1626          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#dragToTopOfLayer
1627          */
1628         dragToTopOfLayer: false,
1630         /**
1631          * The fill color of this geometry element.
1632          * @type String
1633          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#fillColor
1634          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightFillColor
1635          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#fillOpacity
1636          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightFillOpacity
1637          * @default JXG.palette.red
1638          */
1639         fillColor: Color.palette.red,
1641         /**
1642          * Opacity for fill color.
1643          * @type Number
1644          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#fillOpacity
1645          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#fillColor
1646          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightFillColor
1647          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightFillOpacity
1648          * @default 1
1649          */
1650         fillOpacity: 1,
1652         /**
1653          * If true the element is fixed and can not be dragged around. The element
1654          * will be repositioned on zoom and moveOrigin events.
1655          * @type Boolean
1656          * @default false
1657          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#fixed
1658          */
1659         fixed: false,
1661         /**
1662          * If true the element is fixed and can not be dragged around. The element
1663          * will even stay at its position on zoom and moveOrigin events.
1664          * Only free elements like points, texts, images, curves can be frozen.
1665          * For slider elements, the subobjects point1 and point2 have to be "frozen".
1666          *
1667          * @type Boolean
1668          * @default false
1669          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#frozen
1670          *
1671          * @example
1672          * var txt = board.create('text', [1, 2, 'Hello'], {frozen: true, fontSize: 24});
1673          * var sli = board.create('slider', [[-4, 4], [-1.5, 4], [-10, 1, 10]], {
1674          *     name:'a',
1675          *     point1: {frozen: true},
1676          *     point2: {frozen: true}
1677          * });
1678          *
1679          * </pre><div id="JXG02f88c9d-8c0a-4174-9219-f0ea43749159" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
1680          * <script type="text/javascript">
1681          *     (function() {
1682          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG02f88c9d-8c0a-4174-9219-f0ea43749159',
1683          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
1684          *     var txt = board.create('text', [1, 2, 'Hello'], {frozen: true, fontSize: 24});
1685          *     var sli = board.create('slider', [[-4, 4], [-1.5, 4], [-10, 1, 10]], {
1686          *         name:'a',
1687          *         point1: {frozen: true},
1688          *         point2: {frozen: true}
1689          *     });
1690          *
1691          *     })();
1692          *
1693          * </script><pre>
1694          *
1695          */
1696         frozen: false,
1698         /**
1699          * Gradient type. Possible values are 'linear'. 'radial' or null.
1700          *
1701          * @example
1702          *     var a = board.create('slider', [[0, -0.2], [3.5, -0.2], [0, 0, 2 * Math.PI]], {name: 'angle'});
1703          *     var b = board.create('slider', [[0, -0.4], [3.5, -0.4], [0, 0, 1]], {name: 'offset1'});
1704          *     var c = board.create('slider', [[0, -0.6], [3.5, -0.6], [0, 1, 1]], {name: 'offset2'});
1705          *
1706          *     var pol = board.create('polygon', [[0, 0], [4, 0], [4,4], [0,4]], {
1707          *                 fillOpacity: 1,
1708          *                 fillColor: 'yellow',
1709          *                 gradient: 'linear',
1710          *                 gradientSecondColor: 'blue',
1711          *                 gradientAngle: function() { return a.Value(); },
1712          *                 gradientStartOffset: function() { return b.Value(); },
1713          *                 gradientEndOffset: function() { return c.Value(); },
1714          *                 hasInnerPoints: true
1715          *         });
1716          *
1717          * </pre><div id="JXG3d04b5fd-0cd4-4f49-8c05-4e9686cd7ff0" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
1718          * <script type="text/javascript">
1719          *     (function() {
1720          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG3d04b5fd-0cd4-4f49-8c05-4e9686cd7ff0',
1721          *             {boundingbox: [-1.5, 4.5, 5, -1.5], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
1722          *         var a = board.create('slider', [[0, -0.2], [3.5, -0.2], [0, 0, 2 * Math.PI]], {name: 'angle'});
1723          *         var b = board.create('slider', [[0, -0.4], [3.5, -0.4], [0, 0, 1]], {name: 'offset1'});
1724          *         var c = board.create('slider', [[0, -0.6], [3.5, -0.6], [0, 1, 1]], {name: 'offset2'});
1725          *
1726          *         var pol = board.create('polygon', [[0, 0], [4, 0], [4,4], [0,4]], {
1727          *                     fillOpacity: 1,
1728          *                     fillColor: 'yellow',
1729          *                     gradient: 'linear',
1730          *                     gradientSecondColor: 'blue',
1731          *                     gradientAngle: function() { return a.Value(); },
1732          *                     gradientStartOffset: function() { return b.Value(); },
1733          *                     gradientEndOffset: function() { return c.Value(); },
1734          *                     hasInnerPoints: true
1735          *             });
1736          *
1737          *     })();
1738          *
1739          * </script><pre>
1740          *
1741          * @example
1742          *     var cx = board.create('slider', [[0, -.2], [3.5, -.2], [0, 0.5, 1]], {name: 'cx, cy'});
1743          *     var fx = board.create('slider', [[0, -.4], [3.5, -.4], [0, 0.5, 1]], {name: 'fx, fy'});
1744          *     var o1 = board.create('slider', [[0, -.6], [3.5, -.6], [0, 0.0, 1]], {name: 'offset1'});
1745          *     var o2 = board.create('slider', [[0, -.8], [3.5, -.8], [0, 1, 1]], {name: 'offset2'});
1746          *     var r = board.create('slider', [[0, -1], [3.5, -1], [0, 0.5, 1]], {name: 'r'});
1747          *     var fr = board.create('slider', [[0, -1.2], [3.5, -1.2], [0, 0, 1]], {name: 'fr'});
1748          *
1749          *     var pol = board.create('polygon', [[0, 0], [4, 0], [4,4], [0,4]], {
1750          *                 fillOpacity: 1,
1751          *                 fillColor: 'yellow',
1752          *                 gradient: 'radial',
1753          *                 gradientSecondColor: 'blue',
1754          *                 gradientCX: function() { return cx.Value(); },
1755          *                 gradientCY: function() { return cx.Value(); },
1756          *                 gradientR: function() { return r.Value(); },
1757          *                 gradientFX: function() { return fx.Value(); },
1758          *                 gradientFY: function() { return fx.Value(); },
1759          *                 gradientFR: function() { return fr.Value(); },
1760          *                 gradientStartOffset: function() { return o1.Value(); },
1761          *                 gradientEndOffset: function() { return o2.Value(); },
1762          *                 hasInnerPoints: true
1763          *     });
1764          *
1765          * </pre><div id="JXG6081ca7f-0d09-4525-87ac-325a02fe2225" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
1766          * <script type="text/javascript">
1767          *     (function() {
1768          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG6081ca7f-0d09-4525-87ac-325a02fe2225',
1769          *             {boundingbox: [-1.5, 4.5, 5, -1.5], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
1770          *         var cx = board.create('slider', [[0, -.2], [3.5, -.2], [0, 0.5, 1]], {name: 'cx, cy'});
1771          *         var fx = board.create('slider', [[0, -.4], [3.5, -.4], [0, 0.5, 1]], {name: 'fx, fy'});
1772          *         var o1 = board.create('slider', [[0, -.6], [3.5, -.6], [0, 0.0, 1]], {name: 'offset1'});
1773          *         var o2 = board.create('slider', [[0, -.8], [3.5, -.8], [0, 1, 1]], {name: 'offset2'});
1774          *         var r = board.create('slider', [[0, -1], [3.5, -1], [0, 0.5, 1]], {name: 'r'});
1775          *         var fr = board.create('slider', [[0, -1.2], [3.5, -1.2], [0, 0, 1]], {name: 'fr'});
1776          *
1777          *         var pol = board.create('polygon', [[0, 0], [4, 0], [4,4], [0,4]], {
1778          *                     fillOpacity: 1,
1779          *                     fillColor: 'yellow',
1780          *                     gradient: 'radial',
1781          *                     gradientSecondColor: 'blue',
1782          *                     gradientCX: function() { return cx.Value(); },
1783          *                     gradientCY: function() { return cx.Value(); },
1784          *                     gradientR: function() { return r.Value(); },
1785          *                     gradientFX: function() { return fx.Value(); },
1786          *                     gradientFY: function() { return fx.Value(); },
1787          *                     gradientFR: function() { return fr.Value(); },
1788          *                     gradientStartOffset: function() { return o1.Value(); },
1789          *                     gradientEndOffset: function() { return o2.Value(); },
1790          *                     hasInnerPoints: true
1791          *         });
1792          *
1793          *     })();
1794          *
1795          * </script><pre>
1796          *
1797          *
1798          * @type String
1799          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#gradient
1800          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientSecondColor
1801          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientSecondOpacity
1802          * @default null
1803          */
1804         gradient: null,
1806         /**
1807          * Angle (in radians) of the gradiant in case the gradient is of type 'linear'.
1808          * If the angle is 0, the first color is on the left and the second color is on the right.
1809          * If the angle is π/2 the first color is on top and the second color at the
1810          * bottom.
1811          * @type Number
1812          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#gradientAngle
1813          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradient
1814          * @default 0
1815          */
1816         gradientAngle: 0,
1818         /**
1819          * From the SVG specification: ‘cx’, ‘cy’ and ‘r’ define the largest (i.e., outermost) circle for the radial gradient.
1820          * The gradient will be drawn such that the 100% gradient stop is mapped to the perimeter of this largest (i.e., outermost) circle.
1821          * For radial gradients in canvas this is the value 'x1'.
1822          * Takes a value between 0 and 1.
1823          * @type Number
1824          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#gradientCX
1825          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradient
1826          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientCY
1827          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientR
1828          * @default 0.5
1829          */
1830         gradientCX: 0.5,
1832         /**
1833          * From the SVG specification: ‘cx’, ‘cy’ and ‘r’ define the largest (i.e., outermost) circle for the radial gradient.
1834          * The gradient will be drawn such that the 100% gradient stop is mapped to the perimeter of this largest (i.e., outermost) circle.
1835          * For radial gradients in canvas this is the value 'y1'.
1836          * Takes a value between 0 and 1.
1837          * @type Number
1838          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#gradientCY
1839          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradient
1840          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientCX
1841          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientR
1842          * @default 0.5
1843          */
1844         gradientCY: 0.5,
1846         /**
1847          * The gradientEndOffset attribute is a number (ranging from 0 to 1) which indicates where the second gradient stop is placed,
1848          * see the SVG specification for more information.
1849          * For linear gradients, this attribute represents a location along the gradient vector.
1850          * For radial gradients, it represents a percentage distance from (fx,fy) to the edge of the outermost/largest circle.
1851          * @type Number
1852          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#gradientEndOffset
1853          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradient
1854          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientStartOffset
1855          * @default 1.0
1856          */
1857         gradientEndOffset: 1.0,
1859         /**
1860          * ‘fx’ and ‘fy’ define the focal point for the radial gradient.
1861          * The gradient will be drawn such that the 0% gradient stop is mapped to (fx, fy).
1862          * For radial gradients in canvas this is the value 'x0'.
1863          * Takes a value between 0 and 1.
1864          * @type Number
1865          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#gradientFX
1866          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradient
1867          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientFY
1868          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientFR
1869          * @default 0.5
1870          */
1871         gradientFX: 0.5,
1873         /**
1874          * y-coordinate of the circle center for the second color in case of gradient 'radial'. (The attribute fy in SVG)
1875          * For radial gradients in canvas this is the value 'y0'.
1876          * Takes a value between 0 and 1.
1877          * @type Number
1878          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#gradientFY
1879          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradient
1880          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientFX
1881          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientFR
1882          * @default 0.5
1883          */
1884         gradientFY: 0.5,
1886         /**
1887          * This attribute defines the radius of the start circle of the radial gradient.
1888          * The gradient will be drawn such that the 0% <stop> is mapped to the perimeter of the start circle.
1889          * For radial gradients in canvas this is the value 'r0'.
1890          * Takes a value between 0 and 1.
1891          * @type Number
1892          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#gradientFR
1893          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradient
1894          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientFX
1895          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientFY
1896          * @default 0.0
1897          */
1898         gradientFR: 0.0,
1900         /**
1901          * From the SVG specification: ‘cx’, ‘cy’ and ‘r’ define the largest (i.e., outermost) circle for the radial gradient.
1902          * The gradient will be drawn such that the 100% gradient stop is mapped to the perimeter of this largest (i.e., outermost) circle.
1903          * For radial gradients in canvas this is the value 'r1'.
1904          * Takes a value between 0 and 1.
1905          * @type Number
1906          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#gradientR
1907          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradient
1908          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientCX
1909          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientCY
1910          * @default 0.5
1911          */
1912         gradientR: 0.5,
1914         /**
1915          * Second color for gradient.
1916          * @type String
1917          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#gradientSecondColor
1918          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradient
1919          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientSecondOpacity
1920          * @default '#ffffff'
1921          */
1922         gradientSecondColor: '#ffffff',
1924         /**
1925          * Opacity of second gradient color. Takes a value between 0 and 1.
1926          * @type Number
1927          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#gradientSecondOpacity
1928          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradient
1929          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientSecondColor
1930          * @default 1
1931          */
1932         gradientSecondOpacity: 1,
1934         /**
1935          * The gradientStartOffset attribute is a number (ranging from 0 to 1) which indicates where the first gradient stop is placed,
1936          * see the SVG specification for more information.
1937          * For linear gradients, this attribute represents a location along the gradient vector.
1938          * For radial gradients, it represents a percentage distance from (fx,fy) to the edge of the outermost/largest circle.
1939          * @type Number
1940          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#gradientStartOffset
1941          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradient
1942          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#gradientEndOffset
1943          * @default 0.0
1944          */
1945         gradientStartOffset: 0.0,
1947         /**
1948          * @type Boolean
1949          * @default true
1950          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#highlight
1951          */
1952         highlight: true,
1954         /**
1955          * The fill color of the given geometry element when the mouse is pointed over it.
1956          * @type String
1957          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#highlightFillColor
1958          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#fillColor
1959          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#fillOpacity
1960          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightFillOpacity
1961          * @default 'none'
1962          */
1963         highlightFillColor: 'none',
1965         /**
1966          * Opacity for fill color when the object is highlighted.
1967          * @type Number
1968          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#highlightFillOpacity
1969          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#fillColor
1970          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightFillColor
1971          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#fillOpacity
1972          * @default 1
1973          */
1974         highlightFillOpacity: 1,
1976         /**
1977          * The stroke color of the given geometry element when the user moves the mouse over it.
1978          * @type String
1979          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeColor
1980          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeColor
1981          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeWidth
1982          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeOpacity
1983          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeOpacity
1984          * @default '#c3d9ff'
1985          */
1986         highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
1988         /**
1989          * Opacity for stroke color when the object is highlighted.
1990          * @type Number
1991          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeOpacity
1992          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeColor
1993          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeColor
1994          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeWidth
1995          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeOpacity
1996          * @default 1
1997          */
1998         highlightStrokeOpacity: 1,
2000         /**
2001          * Width of the element's stroke when the mouse is pointed over it.
2002          * @type Number
2003          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeWidth
2004          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeColor
2005          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeColor
2006          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeOpacity
2007          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeOpacity
2008          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightFillColor
2009          * @default 2
2010          */
2011         highlightStrokeWidth: 2,
2013         /**
2014          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#isLabel
2015          * @default false
2016          * @private
2017         */
2018         // By default, an element is not a label. Do not change this.
2019         isLabel: false,
2021         /**
2022          * Display layer which will contain the element.
2023          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#layer
2024          * @see JXG.Options#layer
2025          * @default See {@link JXG.Options#layer}
2026          */
2027         layer: 0,
2029         /**
2030          * Line endings (linecap) of a stroke element, i.e. line, circle, curve.
2031          * Possible values are:
2032          * <ul>
2033          * <li> 'butt',
2034          * <li> 'round',
2035          * <li> 'square'.
2036          * </ul>
2037          * Not available for VML renderer.
2038          *
2039          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#lineCap
2040          * @type String
2041          * @default 'butt'
2042          */
2043         lineCap: 'butt',
2045         /**
2046          * If this is set to true, the element is updated in every update
2047          * call of the board. If set to false, the element is updated only after
2048          * zoom events or more generally, when the bounding box has been changed.
2049          * Examples for the latter behavior should be axes.
2050          * @type Boolean
2051          * @default true
2052          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#needsRegularUpdate
2053          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#needsRegularUpdate
2054          */
2055         needsRegularUpdate: true,
2057         /**
2058          * If some size of an element is controlled by a function, like the circle radius
2059          * or segments of fixed length, this attribute controls what happens if the value
2060          * is negative. By default, the absolute value is taken. If true, the maximum
2061          * of 0 and the value is used.
2062          *
2063          * @type Boolean
2064          * @default false
2065          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#nonnegativeOnly
2066          * @example
2067          * var slider = board.create('slider', [[4, -3], [4, 3], [-4, 1, 4]], { name: 'a'});
2068          * var circle = board.create('circle', [[-1, 0], 1], {
2069          *     nonnegativeOnly: true
2070          * });
2071          * circle.setRadius('a');         // Use JessieCode
2072          * var seg = board.create('segment', [[-4, 3], [0, 3], () => slider.Value()], {
2073          *     point1: {visible: true},
2074          *     point2: {visible: true},
2075          *     nonnegativeOnly: true
2076          * });
2077          *
2078          * </pre><div id="JXG9cb76224-1f78-4488-b20f-800788768bc9" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
2079          * <script type="text/javascript">
2080          *     (function() {
2081          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG9cb76224-1f78-4488-b20f-800788768bc9',
2082          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
2083          *     var slider = board.create('slider', [[4, -3], [4, 3], [-4, 1, 4]], { name: 'a'});
2084          *     var circle = board.create('circle', [[-1, 0], 1], {
2085          *         nonnegativeOnly: true
2086          *     });
2087          *     circle.setRadius('a');         // Use JessieCode
2088          *     var seg = board.create('segment', [[-4, 3], [0, 3], () => slider.Value()], {
2089          *         point1: {visible: true},
2090          *         point2: {visible: true},
2091          *         nonnegativeOnly: true
2092          *     });
2093          *
2094          *     })();
2095          *
2096          * </script><pre>
2097          *
2098          */
2099         nonnegativeOnly: false,
2101         /**
2102          * Precision options for JSXGraph elements.
2103          * This attributes takes either the value 'inherit' or an object of the form:
2104          * <pre>
2105          * precision: {
2106          *      touch: 30,
2107          *      mouse: 4,
2108          *      pen: 4
2109          * }
2110          * </pre>
2111          *
2112          * In the first case, the global, JSXGraph-wide values of JXGraph.Options.precision
2113          * are taken.
2114          *
2115          * @type {String|Object}
2116          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#precision
2117          * @see JXG.Options#precision
2118          * @default 'inherit'
2119          */
2120         precision: 'inherit',
2122         /**
2123          * A private element will be inaccessible in certain environments, e.g. a graphical user interface.
2124          *
2125          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#priv
2126          * @type Boolean
2127          * @default false
2128          */
2129         priv: false,
2131         /**
2132          * Determines whether two-finger manipulation may rotate this object.
2133          * If set to false, the object can only be scaled and translated.
2134          * <p>
2135          * In case the element is a polygon or line and it has the attribute "rotatable:false",
2136          * moving the element with two fingers results in a rotation or translation.
2137          * <p>
2138          * If an element is set to be neither scalable nor rotatable, it can only be translated.
2139          * <p>
2140          * In case of a polygon, scaling is only possible if <i>no</i> vertex has snapToGrid or snapToPoints
2141          * enabled and no vertex is fixed by some other constraint. Also, the polygon itself has to have
2142          * snapToGrid disabled.
2143          *
2144          * @type Boolean
2145          * @default true
2146          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#rotatable
2147          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#scalable
2148          */
2149         rotatable: true,
2151         /**
2152          * Determines whether two-finger manipulation of this object may change its size.
2153          * If set to false, the object is only rotated and translated.
2154          * <p>
2155          * In case the element is a horizontal or vertical line having ticks, "scalable:true"
2156          * enables zooming of the board by dragging ticks lines. This feature is enabled,
2157          * for the ticks element of the line element the attribute "fixed" has to be false
2158          * and the line element's scalable attribute has to be true.
2159          * <p>
2160          * In case the element is a polygon or line and it has the attribute "scalable:false",
2161          * moving the element with two fingers results in a rotation or translation.
2162          * <p>
2163          * If an element is set to be neither scalable nor rotatable, it can only be translated.
2164          * <p>
2165          * In case of a polygon, scaling is only possible if <i>no</i> vertex has snapToGrid or snapToPoints
2166          * enabled and no vertex is fixed by some other constraint. Also, the polygon itself has to have
2167          * snapToGrid disabled.
2168          *
2169          * @type Boolean
2170          * @default true
2171          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#scalable
2172          * @see JXG.Ticks#fixed
2173          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#rotatable
2174          */
2175         scalable: true,
2177         /**
2178          * If enabled:true the (stroke) element will get a customized shadow.
2179          * <p>
2180          * Customize <i>color</i> and <i>opacity</i>:
2181          * If the object's RGB stroke color is <tt>[r,g,b]</tt> and its opacity is <tt>op</i>, and
2182          * the shadow parameters <i>color</i> is given as <tt>[r', g', b']</tt> and <i>opacity</i> as <tt>op'</tt>
2183          * the shadow will receive the RGB color
2184          * <center>
2185          * <tt>[blend*r + r', blend*g + g', blend*b + b'] </tt>
2186          * </center>
2187          * and its opacity will be equal to <tt>op * op'</tt>.
2188          * Further, the parameters <i>blur</i> and <i>offset</i> can be adjusted.
2189          * <p>
2190          * This attribute is only available with SVG, not with canvas.
2191          *
2192          * @type Object
2193          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#shadow
2194          * @default shadow: {
2195          *   enabled: false,
2196          *   color: [0, 0, 0],
2197          *   opacity: 1,
2198          *   blur: 3,
2199          *   blend: 0.1,
2200          *   offset: [5, 5]
2201          * }
2202          *
2203          * @example
2204          * board.options.line.strokeWidth = 2
2205          * // No shadow
2206          * var li1 = board.create('line', [[-2, 5], [2, 6]], {strokeColor: 'red', shadow: false});
2207          *
2208          * // Default shadow
2209          * var li2 = board.create('line', [[-2, 3], [2, 4]], {strokeColor: 'red', shadow: true});
2210          *
2211          * // No shadow
2212          * var li3 = board.create('line', [[-2, 1], [2, 2]], {strokeColor: 'blue', shadow: {enabled: false}});
2213          *
2214          * // Shadow uses same color as line
2215          * var li4 = board.create('line', [[-2, -1], [2, 0]], {strokeColor: 'blue',
2216          *             shadow: {enabled: true, color: '#000000', blend: 1}
2217          *         });
2218          *
2219          * // Shadow color as a mixture between black and the line color, additionally set opacity
2220          * var li5 = board.create('line', [[-2, -3], [2, -2]], {strokeColor: 'blue',
2221          *             shadow: {enabled: true, color: '#000000', blend: 0.5, opacity: 0.5}
2222          *         });
2223          *
2224          * // Use different value for blur and offset [dx, dy]
2225          * var li6 = board.create('line', [[-2, -5], [2, -4]], {strokeColor: 'blue',
2226          *             shadow: {enabled: true, offset:[0, 25], blur: 6}
2227          *         });
2228          *
2229          * </pre><div id="JXG1185a9fa-0fa5-425f-8c15-55b56e1be958" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
2230          * <script type="text/javascript">
2231          *     (function() {
2232          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG1185a9fa-0fa5-425f-8c15-55b56e1be958',
2233          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
2234          *     board.options.line.strokeWidth = 2
2235          *     // No shadow
2236          *     var li1 = board.create('line', [[-2, 5], [2, 6]], {strokeColor: 'red', shadow: false});
2237          *
2238          *     // Default shadow
2239          *     var li2 = board.create('line', [[-2, 3], [2, 4]], {strokeColor: 'red', shadow: true});
2240          *
2241          *     // No shadow
2242          *     var li3 = board.create('line', [[-2, 1], [2, 2]], {strokeColor: 'blue', shadow: {enabled: false}});
2243          *
2244          *     // Shadow uses same color as line
2245          *     var li4 = board.create('line', [[-2, -1], [2, 0]], {strokeColor: 'blue',
2246          *                 shadow: {enabled: true, color: '#000000', blend: 1}
2247          *             });
2248          *
2249          *     // Shadow color as a mixture between black and the line color, additionally set opacity
2250          *     var li5 = board.create('line', [[-2, -3], [2, -2]], {strokeColor: 'blue',
2251          *                 shadow: {enabled: true, color: '#000000', blend: 0.5, opacity: 0.5}
2252          *             });
2253          *
2254          *     // Use different value for blur and offset [dx, dy]
2255          *     var li6 = board.create('line', [[-2, -5], [2, -4]], {strokeColor: 'blue',
2256          *                 shadow: {enabled: true, offset:[0, 25], blur: 6}
2257          *             });
2258          *
2259          *     })();
2260          *
2261          * </script><pre>
2262          *
2263          */
2264         shadow: {
2265             enabled: false,
2266             color: [0, 0, 0],
2267             opacity: 1,
2268             blur: 3,
2269             blend: 0.1,
2270             offset: [5, 5]
2271         },
2273         /**
2274          * Snaps the element or its parents to the grid. Currently only relevant for points, circles,
2275          * and lines. Points are snapped to grid directly, on circles and lines it's only the parent
2276          * points that are snapped
2277          * @type Boolean
2278          * @default false
2279          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#snapToGrid
2280          */
2281         snapToGrid: false,
2283         /**
2284          * The stroke color of the given geometry element.
2285          * @type String
2286          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#strokeColor
2287          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeColor
2288          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeWidth
2289          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeOpacity
2290          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeOpacity
2291          * @default JXG.palette.blue
2292          */
2293         strokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
2295         /**
2296          * Opacity for element's stroke color.
2297          * @type Number
2298          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#strokeOpacity
2299          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeColor
2300          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeColor
2301          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeWidth
2302          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeOpacity
2303          * @default 1
2304          */
2305         strokeOpacity: 1,
2307         /**
2308          * Width of the element's stroke.
2309          * @type Number
2310          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#strokeWidth
2311          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeColor
2312          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeColor
2313          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeOpacity
2314          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeOpacity
2315          * @default 2
2316          */
2317         strokeWidth: 2,
2319         /**
2320          * Controls if an element can get the focus with the tab key.
2321          * tabindex corresponds to the HTML attribute of the same name.
2322          * See <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/tabindex">description at MDN</a>.
2323          * The additional value "null" completely disables focus of an element.
2324          * The value will be ignored if keyboard control of the board is not enabled or
2325          * the element is fixed or not visible.
2326          *
2327          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#tabindex
2328          * @type Number
2329          * @default 0
2330          * @see JXG.Board#keyboard
2331          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#fixed
2332          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#visible
2333          */
2334         tabindex: 0,
2336         /**
2337          * If true the element will be traced, i.e. on every movement the element will be copied
2338          * to the background. Use {@link JXG.GeometryElement#clearTrace} to delete the trace elements.
2339          *
2340          * The calling of element.setAttribute({trace:false}) additionally
2341          * deletes all traces of this element. By calling
2342          * element.setAttribute({trace:'pause'})
2343          * the removal of already existing traces can be prevented.
2344          *
2345          * The visual appearance of the trace can be influenced by {@link JXG.GeometryElement#traceAttributes}.
2346          *
2347          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#clearTrace
2348          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#traces
2349          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#numTraces
2350          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#traceAttributes
2351          * @type Boolean|String
2352          * @default false
2353          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#trace
2354          */
2355         trace: false,
2357         /**
2358          * Extra visual properties for traces of an element
2359          * @type Object
2360          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#trace
2361          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#traceAttributes
2362          * @default <tt>{}</tt>
2363          *
2364          * @example
2365          * JXG.Options.elements.traceAttributes = {
2366          *     size: 2
2367          * };
2368          *
2369          * const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(BOARDID, {
2370          *     boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4],
2371          *     keepaspectratio: true
2372          * });
2373          *
2374          * var p = board.create('point', [0.0, 2.0], {
2375          *     trace: true,
2376          *     size: 10,
2377          *     traceAttributes: {
2378          *         color: 'black',
2379          *         face: 'x'
2380          *     }
2381          * });
2382          *
2383          * </pre><div id="JXG504889cb-bb6f-4b65-85db-3ad555c08bcf" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
2384          * <script type="text/javascript">
2385          *     (function() {
2386          *     JXG.Options.elements.traceAttributes = {
2387          *         size: 2
2388          *     };
2389          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG504889cb-bb6f-4b65-85db-3ad555c08bcf',
2390          *             {boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: true, showClearTraces: true});
2391          *
2392          *     var p = board.create('point', [0.0, 2.0], {
2393          *         trace: true,
2394          *         size: 10,
2395          *         traceAttributes: {
2396          *             color: 'black',
2397          *             face: 'x'
2398          *         }
2399          *     });
2400          *
2401          *     })();
2402          *
2403          * </script><pre>
2404          *
2405          */
2406         traceAttributes: {},
2408         /**
2409          * Transition duration (in milliseconds) for certain cahnges of properties like color and opacity.
2410          * The properties can be set in the attribute transitionProperties
2411          * Works in SVG renderer, only.
2412          * @type Number
2413          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#transitionDuration
2414          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#transitionProperties
2415          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeColor
2416          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeColor
2417          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#strokeOpacity
2418          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightStrokeOpacity
2419          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#fillColor
2420          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightFillColor
2421          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#fillOpacity
2422          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#highlightFillOpacity
2423          * @default 100 {@link JXG.Options.elements#transitionDuration}
2424          */
2425         transitionDuration: 100,
2427         /**
2428          * Properties which change smoothly in the time set in transitionDuration.
2429          * Possible values are
2430          * ['fill', 'fill-opacity', 'stroke', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke-width', 'width', 'height', 'rx', 'ry']
2431          * (and maybe more) for geometry elements and
2432          * ['color', 'opacity', 'all'] for HTML texts.
2433          *
2434          * @type Array
2435          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#transitionProperties
2436          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#transitionDuration
2437          *
2438          *
2439          * @example
2440          * var p1 = board.create("point", [0, 2], {
2441          *     name: "A",
2442          *     highlightStrokeWidth: 10,
2443          *     transitionDuration: 1000,
2444          *     transitionProperties: ['width', 'height', 'stroke-width',
2445          *         'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'rx', 'ry', 'stroke', 'stroke-opacity'] });
2446          *
2447          * </pre><div id="JXGdf5230a1-5870-43db-b6ff-4d5b2f5b786b" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
2448          * <script type="text/javascript">
2449          *     (function() {
2450          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGdf5230a1-5870-43db-b6ff-4d5b2f5b786b',
2451          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
2452          *     var p1 = board.create("point", [0, 2], {
2453          *         name: "A",
2454          *         highlightStrokeWidth: 20,
2455          *         transitionDuration: 1000,
2456          *         transitionProperties: ['width', 'height', 'stroke-width',
2457          *             'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'rx', 'ry', 'stroke', 'stroke-opacity'] });
2458          *
2459          *     })();
2460          *
2461          * </script><pre>
2462          *
2463          */
2464         transitionProperties: ['fill', 'fill-opacity', 'stroke', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke-width'],
2466         /**
2467          * If false the element won't be visible on the board, otherwise it is shown.
2468          * @type Boolean
2469          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#visible
2470          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#hideElement
2471          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#showElement
2472          * @default true
2473          */
2474         visible: true,
2476         /**
2477          * Set individual viewport for an element. If not set to 'inherit', to
2478          * use the board-wide viewport, an array of the form '[left, top, right, bottom]' has to be given.
2479          *
2480          * @type {Array|String}
2481          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#viewport
2482          * @default 'inherit'
2483          * @see JXG.Board#viewport
2484          */
2485         viewport: 'inherit',
2487         /**
2488          * If true a label will display the element's name.
2489          * Using this to suppress labels is more efficient than visible:false.
2490          *
2491          * @name JXG.GeometryElement#withLabel
2492          * @type Boolean
2493          * @default false
2494          */
2495         withLabel: false
2497         // close the meta tag
2498         /**#@-*/
2499     },
2501     /*
2502      *  Generic options used by {@link JXG.Ticks}
2503      */
2504     ticks: {
2505         /**#@+
2506          * @visprop
2507          */
2509         /**
2510          * A function that expects two {@link JXG.Coords}, the first one representing the coordinates of the
2511          * tick that is to be labeled, the second one the coordinates of the center (the tick with position 0).
2512          * The third parameter is a null, number or a string. In the latter two cases, this value is taken.
2513          * Returns a string.
2514          *
2515          * @type function
2516          * @name Ticks#generateLabelText
2517          *
2518          * @example
2519          * const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', { boundingBox: [-10, 10, 10, -10], axis: true,
2520          *     defaultAxes: {
2521          *         x: {
2522          *                 margin: -4,
2523          *                 ticks: {
2524          *                     minTicksDistance: 0,
2525          *                     minorTicks:4,
2526          *                     ticksDistance: 3,
2527          *                     scale: Math.PI,
2528          *                     scaleSymbol: 'π',
2529          *                     insertTicks: true
2530          *                 }
2531          *              },
2532          *         y: {}
2533          *     }
2534          * });
2535          *
2536          * // Generate a logarithmic labelling of the vertical axis.
2537          * board.defaultAxes.y.ticks[0].generateLabelText = function (tick, zero) {
2538          *     var value = Math.pow(10, Math.round(tick.usrCoords[2] - zero.usrCoords[2])),
2539          *         distance, labelText;
2540          *     return this.formatLabelText(value);
2541          * };
2542          *
2543          * </pre><div id="JXG3d2203ee-a797-416a-a33c-409581fafdd7" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
2544          * <script type="text/javascript">
2545          *     (function() {
2546          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG3d2203ee-a797-416a-a33c-409581fafdd7',
2547          *             {boundingbox: [-10, 10, 10, -10], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
2548          *         defaultAxes: {
2549          *             x: {
2550          *                     margin: -4,
2551          *                     ticks: {
2552          *                         minTicksDistance: 0,
2553          *                         minorTicks:4,
2554          *                         ticksDistance: 3,
2555          *                         scale: Math.PI,
2556          *                         scaleSymbol: 'π',
2557          *                         insertTicks: true
2558          *                     }
2559          *                  },
2560          *             y: {}
2561          *         }
2562          *     });
2563          *
2564          *     // Generate a logarithmic labelling of the vertical axis.
2565          *     board.defaultAxes.y.ticks[0].generateLabelText = function (tick, zero) {
2566          *         var value = Math.pow(10, Math.round(tick.usrCoords[2] - zero.usrCoords[2])),
2567          *             distance, labelText;
2568          *         return this.formatLabelText(value);
2569          *     };
2570          *
2571          *     })();
2572          *
2573          * </script><pre>
2574          *
2575          */
2576         generateLabelText: null,
2578         /**
2579          * A function that expects two {@link JXG.Coords}, the first one representing the coordinates of the
2580          * tick that is to be labeled, the second one the coordinates of the center (the tick with position 0).
2581          *
2582          * @deprecated Use {@link JGX.Options@generateLabelText}
2583          * @type function
2584          * @name Ticks#generateLabelValue
2585          */
2586         generateLabelValue: null,
2588         /**
2589          * Draw labels yes/no
2590          *
2591          * @type Boolean
2592          * @name Ticks#drawLabels
2593          * @default false
2594          */
2595         drawLabels: false,
2597         /**
2598          * Attributes for the ticks labels
2599          *
2600          * @name Ticks#label
2601          * @type Object
2602          * @default <tt>{}</tt>
2603          *
2604          */
2605         label: {
2606         },
2608         /**
2609         * Format tick labels that were going to have scientific notation
2610         * like 5.00e+6 to look like 5•10⁶.
2611         *
2612         * @example
2613         * var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard("jxgbox", {
2614         *     boundingbox: [-500000, 500000, 500000, -500000],
2615         *     axis: true,
2616         *     defaultAxes: {
2617         *         x: {
2618         *             scalable: true,
2619         *             ticks: {
2620         *                 beautifulScientificTickLabels: true
2621         *           },
2622         *         },
2623         *         y: {
2624         *             scalable: true,
2625         *             ticks: {
2626         *                 beautifulScientificTickLabels: true
2627         *           },
2628         *         }
2629         *     },
2630         * });
2631         *
2632         * </pre><div id="JXGc1e46cd1-e025-4002-80aa-b450869fdaa2" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
2633         * <script type="text/javascript">
2634         *     (function() {
2635         *     var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGc1e46cd1-e025-4002-80aa-b450869fdaa2', {
2636         *         boundingbox: [-500000, 500000, 500000, -500000],
2637         *         showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
2638         *         axis: true,
2639         *         defaultAxes: {
2640         *             x: {
2641         *                 scalable: true,
2642         *                 ticks: {
2643         *                     beautifulScientificTickLabels: true
2644         *               },
2645         *             },
2646         *             y: {
2647         *                 scalable: true,
2648         *                 ticks: {
2649         *                     beautifulScientificTickLabels: true
2650         *               },
2651         *             }
2652         *         },
2653         *     });
2654         *
2655         *     })();
2656         *
2657         * </script><pre>
2658         *
2659         * @name Ticks#beautifulScientificTickLabels
2660         * @type Boolean
2661         * @default false
2662         */
2663         beautifulScientificTickLabels: false,
2665         /**
2666          * Use the unicode character 0x2212, i.e. the HTML entity &minus; as minus sign.
2667          * That is −1 instead of -1.
2668          *
2669          * @type Boolean
2670          * @name Ticks#useUnicodeMinus
2671          * @default true
2672          */
2673         useUnicodeMinus: true,
2675         /**
2676          * Determine the position of the tick with value 0. 'left' means point1 of the line, 'right' means point2,
2677          * and 'middle' is equivalent to the midpoint of the defining points. This attribute is ignored if the parent
2678          * line is of type axis.
2679          *
2680          * @type String
2681          * @name Ticks#anchor
2682          * @default 'left'
2683          *
2684          * @example
2685          * var li = board.create('segment', [[-4, -3], [4, 2]]);
2686          * var t = board.create('ticks', [li], {
2687          *     // drawZero: true,
2688          *     anchor: 'left',
2689          *     drawLabels: true,
2690          *     minorTicks: 0,
2691          *     label: {
2692          *         anchorX: 'middle',
2693          *         anchorY: 'top',
2694          *         offset: [0, -5]
2695          *     }
2696          * });
2697          *
2698          *
2699          * </pre><div id="JXG3dd23f77-a31d-4649-b0f0-7472722158d8" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
2700          * <script type="text/javascript">
2701          *     (function() {
2702          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG3dd23f77-a31d-4649-b0f0-7472722158d8',
2703          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
2704          *     var li = board.create('segment', [[-4, -3], [4, 2]]);
2705          *     var t = board.create('ticks', [li], {
2706          *         // drawZero: true,
2707          *         anchor: 'left',
2708          *         drawLabels: true,
2709          *         minorTicks: 0,
2710          *         label: {
2711          *             anchorX: 'middle',
2712          *             anchorY: 'top',
2713          *             offset: [0, -5]
2714          *         }
2715          *     });
2716          *
2717          *
2718          *     })();
2719          *
2720          * </script><pre>
2721          *
2722          * @example
2723          * var li = board.create('segment', [[-4, -3], [4, 2]]);
2724          * var t = board.create('ticks', [li], {
2725          *     drawZero: true,
2726          *     anchor: 'middle',
2727          *     drawLabels: true,
2728          *     minorTicks: 0,
2729          *     label: {
2730          *         anchorX: 'middle',
2731          *         anchorY: 'top',
2732          *         offset: [0, -5]
2733          *     }
2734          * });
2735          *
2736          * </pre><div id="JXG430914fd-4e12-44de-b510-e3cc2fd473e0" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
2737          * <script type="text/javascript">
2738          *     (function() {
2739          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG430914fd-4e12-44de-b510-e3cc2fd473e0',
2740          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
2741          *     var li = board.create('segment', [[-4, -3], [4, 2]]);
2742          *     var t = board.create('ticks', [li], {
2743          *         drawZero: true,
2744          *         anchor: 'middle',
2745          *         drawLabels: true,
2746          *         minorTicks: 0,
2747          *         label: {
2748          *             anchorX: 'middle',
2749          *             anchorY: 'top',
2750          *             offset: [0, -5]
2751          *         }
2752          *     });
2753          *
2754          *     })();
2755          *
2756          * </script><pre>
2757          *
2758          */
2759         anchor: 'left',
2761         /**
2762          * Draw the zero tick, that lies at line.point1?
2763          *
2764          * @type Boolean
2765          * @name Ticks#drawZero
2766          * @default false
2767          *
2768          * @example
2769          * var li = board.create('segment', [[-4, 2], [4, 2]]);
2770          * var t = board.create('ticks', [li], {
2771          *     drawZero: false,
2772          *     anchor: 'middle',
2773          *     drawLabels: true,
2774          *     minorTicks: 0,
2775          *     label: {
2776          *         anchorX: 'middle',
2777          *         anchorY: 'top',
2778          *         offset: [0, -5]
2779          *     }
2780          * });
2781          *
2782          * var li2 = board.create('segment', [[-4, -2], [4, -2]]);
2783          * var t2 = board.create('ticks', [li2], {
2784          *     drawZero: true,
2785          *     anchor: 'middle',
2786          *     drawLabels: true,
2787          *     minorTicks: 0,
2788          *     label: {
2789          *         anchorX: 'middle',
2790          *         anchorY: 'top',
2791          *         offset: [0, -5]
2792          *     }
2793          * });
2794          *
2795          * </pre><div id="JXG91584dc4-0ca8-4b3e-841c-c877f2ccdcf1" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
2796          * <script type="text/javascript">
2797          *     (function() {
2798          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG91584dc4-0ca8-4b3e-841c-c877f2ccdcf1',
2799          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
2800          *     var li = board.create('segment', [[-4, 2], [4, 2]]);
2801          *     var t = board.create('ticks', [li], {
2802          *         drawZero: false,
2803          *         anchor: 'middle',
2804          *         drawLabels: true,
2805          *         minorTicks: 0,
2806          *         label: {
2807          *             anchorX: 'middle',
2808          *             anchorY: 'top',
2809          *             offset: [0, -5]
2810          *         }
2811          *     });
2812          *
2813          *     var li2 = board.create('segment', [[-4, -2], [4, -2]]);
2814          *     var t2 = board.create('ticks', [li2], {
2815          *         drawZero: true,
2816          *         anchor: 'middle',
2817          *         drawLabels: true,
2818          *         minorTicks: 0,
2819          *         label: {
2820          *             anchorX: 'middle',
2821          *             anchorY: 'top',
2822          *             offset: [0, -5]
2823          *         }
2824          *     });
2825          *
2826          *     })();
2827          *
2828          * </script><pre>
2829          *
2830          */
2831         drawZero: false,
2833         /**
2834          * Let JSXGraph determine the distance between ticks automatically.
2835          * If <tt>true</tt>, the attribute <tt>ticksDistance</tt> is ignored.
2836          * The distance between ticks is affected by the size of the board and
2837          * the attribute <tt>minTicksDistance</tt> (in pixel).
2838          *
2839          * @type Boolean
2840          * @name Ticks#insertTicks
2841          * @see Ticks#ticksDistance
2842          * @see Ticks#minTicksDistance
2843          * @default false
2844          * @example
2845          * // Create an axis providing two coord pairs.
2846          *   var p1 = board.create('point', [0, 0]);
2847          *   var p2 = board.create('point', [50, 25]);
2848          *   var l1 = board.create('line', [p1, p2]);
2849          *   var t = board.create('ticks', [l1], {
2850          *      insertTicks: true,
2851          *      majorHeight: -1,
2852          *      label: {
2853          *          offset: [4, -9]
2854          *      },
2855          *      drawLabels: true
2856          *  });
2857          * </pre><div class="jxgbox" id="JXG2f6fb842-40bd-4223-aa28-3e9369d2097f" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
2858          * <script type="text/javascript">
2859          * (function () {
2860          *   var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG2f6fb842-40bd-4223-aa28-3e9369d2097f', {
2861          *     boundingbox: [-100, 70, 70, -100], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: true});
2862          *   var p1 = board.create('point', [0, 0]);
2863          *   var p2 = board.create('point', [50, 25]);
2864          *   var l1 = board.create('line', [p1, p2]);
2865          *   var t = board.create('ticks', [l1], {insertTicks: true, majorHeight: -1, label: {offset: [4, -9]}, drawLabels: true});
2866          * })();
2867          * </script><pre>
2868          */
2869         insertTicks: false,
2871         /**
2872          * Minimum distance in pixel of equidistant ticks in case insertTicks==true.
2873          * @name Ticks#minTicksDistance
2874          * @type Number
2875          * @default 10
2876          * @see Ticks#insertTicks
2877          */
2878         minTicksDistance: 10,
2880         /**
2881          * Total height of a minor tick. If negative the full height of the board is taken.
2882          *
2883          * @type Number
2884          * @name Ticks#minorHeight
2885          * @default 4
2886          */
2887         minorHeight: 4,
2889         /**
2890          * Total height of a major tick. If negative the full height of the board is taken.
2891          *
2892          * @type Number
2893          * @name Ticks#majorHeight
2894          * @default 10
2895          */
2896         majorHeight: 10,
2898         /**
2899          * Decides in which direction minor ticks are visible. Possible values are either the constants
2900          * 0=false or 1=true or a function returning 0 or 1.
2901          *
2902          * In case of [0,1] the tick is only visible to the right of the line. In case of
2903          * [1,0] the tick is only visible to the left of the line.
2904          *
2905          * @type Array
2906          * @name Ticks#tickEndings
2907          * @see Ticks#majorTickEndings
2908          * @default [1, 1]
2909          */
2910         tickEndings: [1, 1],
2912         /**
2913          * Decides in which direction major ticks are visible. Possible values are either the constants
2914          * 0=false or 1=true or a function returning 0 or 1.
2915          *
2916          * In case of [0,1] the tick is only visible to the right of the line. In case of
2917          * [1,0] the tick is only visible to the left of the line.
2918          *
2919         * @example
2920         *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard("jxgbox", {
2921         *             boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5],
2922         *             axis: true,
2923         *             defaultAxes: {
2924         *                 x: {
2925         *                     ticks: {
2926         *                         majorTickEndings: [1, 0],
2927         *                         ignoreInfiniteTickEndings: false
2928         *                     }
2929         *                 },
2930         *                 y: {
2931         *                     ticks: {
2932         *                         majorTickEndings: [0, 1],
2933         *                         ignoreInfiniteTickEndings: false
2934         *                     }
2935         *                 }
2936         *             }
2937         *         });
2938         *
2939         *         var p = board.create('point', [1, 1]);
2940         *         var l = board.create('line', [1, -1, 1]);
2941         *
2942         * </pre><div id="JXGf9ccb731-7a73-44d1-852e-f9c9c405a9d1" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
2943         * <script type="text/javascript">
2944         *     (function() {
2945         *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGf9ccb731-7a73-44d1-852e-f9c9c405a9d1',
2946         *             {   showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
2947         *                 boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5],
2948         *                 axis: true,
2949         *                 defaultAxes: {
2950         *                     x: {
2951         *                         ticks: {
2952         *                             majorTickEndings: [1, 0],
2953         *                             ignoreInfiniteTickEndings: false
2954         *                         }
2955         *                     },
2956         *                     y: {
2957         *                         ticks: {
2958         *                             majorTickEndings: [0, 1],
2959         *                             ignoreInfiniteTickEndings: false
2960         *                         }
2961         *                     }
2962         *                 }
2963         *             });
2964         *
2965         *             var p = board.create('point', [1, 1]);
2966         *             var l = board.create('line', [1, -1, 1]);
2967         *
2968         *     })();
2969         *
2970         * </script><pre>
2971         *
2972         * @type Array
2973          * @name Ticks#majorTickEndings
2974          * @see Ticks#tickEndings
2975          * @see Ticks#ignoreInfiniteTickEndings
2976          * @default [1, 1]
2977          */
2978         majorTickEndings: [1, 1],
2980         /**
2981          * If true, ignore the tick endings attribute for infinite (full height) ticks.
2982          * This affects major and minor ticks.
2983          *
2984          * @type Boolean
2985          * @name Ticks#ignoreInfiniteTickEndings
2986          * @see Ticks#tickEndings
2987          * @see Ticks#majorTickEndings
2988          * @default true
2989          */
2990         ignoreInfiniteTickEndings: true,
2992         /**
2993          * The number of minor ticks between two major ticks.
2994          * @type Number
2995          * @name Ticks#minorTicks
2996          * @default 4
2997          */
2998         minorTicks: 4,
3000         /**
3001          * By default, i.e. if ticksPerLabel==false, labels are generated for major ticks, only.
3002          * If ticksPerLabel is set to a(n integer) number, this denotes the number of minor ticks
3003          * between two labels.
3004          *
3005          * @type {Number|Boolean}
3006          * @name Ticks#ticksPerLabel
3007          * @default false
3008          *
3009          * @example
3010          * const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
3011          *     boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4],
3012          *     axis: true,
3013          *     defaultAxes: {
3014          *         x: {
3015          *             ticks: {
3016          *                 minorTicks: 7,
3017          *                 ticksPerLabel: 4,
3018          *                 minorHeight: 20,
3019          *             }
3020          *         },
3021          *         y: {
3022          *             ticks: {
3023          *                 minorTicks: 3,
3024          *                 ticksPerLabel: 2,
3025          *                 minorHeight: 20
3026          *             }
3027          *         }
3028          *     }
3029          * });
3030          *
3031          * </pre><div id="JXGbc45a421-c867-4b0a-9b8d-2b2576020690" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
3032          * <script type="text/javascript">
3033          *     (function() {
3034          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGbc45a421-c867-4b0a-9b8d-2b2576020690',
3035          *             {showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
3036          *              boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4],
3037          *         axis: true,
3038          *         defaultAxes: {
3039          *             x: {
3040          *                 ticks: {
3041          *                     minorTicks: 7,
3042          *                     ticksPerLabel: 4,
3043          *                     minorHeight: 20,
3044          *                 }
3045          *             },
3046          *             y: {
3047          *                 ticks: {
3048          *                     minorTicks: 3,
3049          *                     ticksPerLabel: 2,
3050          *                     minorHeight: 20
3051          *                 }
3052          *             }
3053          *         }
3054          *     });
3055          *     })();
3056          *
3057          * </script><pre>
3058          */
3059         ticksPerLabel: false,
3061         /**
3062          * Scale the ticks but not the tick labels.
3063          * @type Number
3064          * @default 1
3065          * @name Ticks#scale
3066          * @see Ticks#scaleSymbol
3067          *
3068          * @example
3069          * const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', { boundingBox: [-10, 10, 10, -10], axis: true,
3070          *     defaultAxes: {
3071          *         x : {
3072          *                 margin: -4,
3073          *                 ticks: {
3074          *                     minTicksDistance: 0,
3075          *                     minorTicks:4,
3076          *                     ticksDistance: 3,
3077          *                     scale: Math.PI,
3078          *                     scaleSymbol: 'π',
3079          *                     insertTicks: true
3080          *                 }
3081          *              },
3082          *         y : {}
3083          *     }
3084          * });
3085          *
3086          * </pre><div id="JXG23bfda5d-4a85-4469-a552-aa9b4cf62b4a" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
3087          * <script type="text/javascript">
3088          *     (function() {
3089          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG23bfda5d-4a85-4469-a552-aa9b4cf62b4a',
3090          *             {boundingbox: [-10, 10, 10, -10], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
3091          *         defaultAxes: {
3092          *             x : {
3093          *                     margin: -4,
3094          *                     ticks: {
3095          *                         minTicksDistance: 0,
3096          *                         minorTicks:4,
3097          *                         ticksDistance: 3,
3098          *                         scale: Math.PI,
3099          *                         scaleSymbol: 'π',
3100          *                         insertTicks: true
3101          *                     }
3102          *                  },
3103          *             y : {
3104          *                  }
3105          *         }
3106          *     });
3107          *
3108          *     })();
3109          *
3110          * </script><pre>
3111          */
3112         scale: 1,
3114         /**
3115          * A string that is appended to every tick, used to represent the scale
3116          * factor given in {@link Ticks#scale}.
3117          *
3118          * @type String
3119          * @default ''
3120          * @name Ticks#scaleSymbol
3121          * @see Ticks#scale
3122          */
3123         scaleSymbol: '',
3125         /**
3126          * User defined labels for special ticks. Instead of the i-th tick's position, the i-th string stored in this array
3127          * is shown. If the number of strings in this array is less than the number of special ticks, the tick's position is
3128          * shown as a fallback.
3129          *
3130          * @type Array
3131          * @name Ticks#labels
3132          * @default []
3133          */
3134         labels: [],
3136         /**
3137          * The maximum number of characters a tick label can use.
3138          *
3139          * @type Number
3140          * @name Ticks#maxLabelLength
3141          * @see Ticks#digits
3142          * @default 5
3143          */
3144         maxLabelLength: 5,
3146         /**
3147          * If a label exceeds {@link Ticks#maxLabelLength} this determines the precision used to shorten the tick label.
3148          * Deprecated! Replaced by the attribute <tt>digits</tt>.
3149          *
3150          * @type Number
3151          * @name Ticks#precision
3152          * @see Ticks#maxLabelLength
3153          * @see Ticks#digits
3154          * @deprecated
3155          * @default 3
3156          */
3157         precision: 3,
3159         /**
3160          * If a label exceeds {@link Ticks#maxLabelLength} this determines the number of digits used to shorten the tick label.
3161          *
3162          * @type Number
3163          * @name Ticks#digits
3164          * @see Ticks#maxLabelLength
3165          * @deprecated
3166          * @default 3
3167          */
3168         digits: 3,
3170         /**
3171          * The default distance (in user coordinates, not  pixels) between two ticks. Please be aware that this value does not have
3172          * to be used if {@link Ticks#insertTicks} is set to true.
3173          *
3174          * @type Number
3175          * @name Ticks#ticksDistance
3176          * @see Ticks#insertTicks
3177          * @default 1
3178          */
3179         ticksDistance: 1,
3181         /**
3182          * Tick face for major ticks of finite length.  By default (face: '|') this is a straight line.
3183          * Possible other values are '<' and '>'. These faces are used in
3184          * {@link JXG.Hatch} for hatch marking parallel lines.
3185          * @type String
3186          * @name Ticks#face
3187          * @see hatch
3188          * @default '|'
3189          * @example
3190          *   var p1 = board.create('point', [0, 3]);
3191          *   var p2 = board.create('point', [1, 3]);
3192          *   var l1 = board.create('line', [p1, p2]);
3193          *   var t = board.create('ticks', [l1], {ticksDistance: 2, face: '>', minorTicks: 0});
3194          *
3195          * </pre><div id="JXG950a568a-1264-4e3a-b61d-b6881feecf4b" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
3196          * <script type="text/javascript">
3197          *     (function() {
3198          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG950a568a-1264-4e3a-b61d-b6881feecf4b',
3199          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
3200          *       var p1 = board.create('point', [0, 3]);
3201          *       var p2 = board.create('point', [1, 3]);
3202          *       var l1 = board.create('line', [p1, p2]);
3203          *       var t = board.create('ticks', [l1], {ticksDistance: 2, face: '>', minorTicks: 0});
3204          *
3205          *     })();
3206          *
3207          * </script><pre>
3208          *
3209          */
3210         face: '|',
3212         strokeOpacity: 1,
3213         strokeWidth: 1,
3214         strokeColor: '#000000',
3215         highlightStrokeColor: '#888888',
3216         fillColor: 'none',
3217         highlightFillColor: 'none',
3218         visible: 'inherit',
3220         /**
3221          * Whether line boundaries should be included or not in the lower and upper bounds when
3222          * creating ticks. In mathematical terms: if a segment considered as interval is open (includeBoundaries:false)
3223          * or closed (includeBoundaries:true). In case of open interval, the interval is shortened by a small
3224          * ε.
3225          *
3226          * @type Boolean
3227          * @name Ticks#includeBoundaries
3228          * @default false
3229          *
3230          * @example
3231          * var li = board.create('segment', [[-4, 2], [4, 2]]);
3232          * var t = board.create('ticks', [li], {
3233          *     includeBoundaries: true,
3234          *     drawZero: true,
3235          *     anchor: 'middle',
3236          *     drawLabels: true,
3237          *     minorTicks: 0,
3238          *     label: {
3239          *         anchorX: 'middle',
3240          *         anchorY: 'top',
3241          *         offset: [0, -5]
3242          *     }
3243          * });
3244          *
3245          * var li2 = board.create('segment', [[-4, -2], [4, -2]]);
3246          * var t2 = board.create('ticks', [li2], {
3247          *     includeBoundaries: false,
3248          *     drawZero: true,
3249          *     anchor: 'middle',
3250          *     drawLabels: true,
3251          *     minorTicks: 0,
3252          *     label: {
3253          *         anchorX: 'middle',
3254          *         anchorY: 'top',
3255          *         offset: [0, -5]
3256          *     }
3257          * });
3258          *
3259          * </pre><div id="JXG08e79180-7c9a-4638-bb72-8aa7fd8a8b96" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
3260          * <script type="text/javascript">
3261          *     (function() {
3262          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG08e79180-7c9a-4638-bb72-8aa7fd8a8b96',
3263          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
3264          *     var li = board.create('segment', [[-4, 2], [4, 2]]);
3265          *     var t = board.create('ticks', [li], {
3266          *         includeBoundaries: true,
3267          *         drawZero: true,
3268          *         anchor: 'middle',
3269          *         drawLabels: true,
3270          *         minorTicks: 0,
3271          *         label: {
3272          *             anchorX: 'middle',
3273          *             anchorY: 'top',
3274          *             offset: [0, -5]
3275          *         }
3276          *     });
3277          *
3278          *     var li2 = board.create('segment', [[-4, -2], [4, -2]]);
3279          *     var t2 = board.create('ticks', [li2], {
3280          *         includeBoundaries: false,
3281          *         drawZero: true,
3282          *         anchor: 'middle',
3283          *         drawLabels: true,
3284          *         minorTicks: 0,
3285          *         label: {
3286          *             anchorX: 'middle',
3287          *             anchorY: 'top',
3288          *             offset: [0, -5]
3289          *         }
3290          *     });
3291          *
3292          *     })();
3293          *
3294          * </script><pre>
3295          *
3296          */
3297         includeBoundaries: false,
3299         /**
3300          * Set the ticks type.
3301          * Possible values are 'linear' or 'polar'.
3302          *
3303          * @type String
3304          * @name Ticks#type
3305          * @default 'linear'
3306          *
3307          * @example
3308          * var ax = board.create('axis', [[0,0], [1,0]], {
3309          *              needsRegularUpdate: false,
3310          *              ticks: {
3311          *                      type: 'linear',
3312          *                      majorHeight: 0
3313          *                  }
3314          *              });
3315          * var ay = board.create('axis', [[0,0], [0,1]], {
3316          *              ticks: {
3317          *                      type: 'polar'
3318          *                  }
3319          *              });
3320          *
3321          * var p = board.create('point', [3, 2]);
3322          *
3323          * </pre><div id="JXG9ab0b50c-b486-4f95-9698-c0dd276155ff" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
3324          * <script type="text/javascript">
3325          *     (function() {
3326          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG9ab0b50c-b486-4f95-9698-c0dd276155ff',
3327          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
3328          *     var ax = board.create('axis', [[0,0], [1,0]], { needsRegularUpdate: false, ticks: { type: 'linear', majorHeight: 0}});
3329          *     var ay = board.create('axis', [[0,0], [0,1]], { ticks: { type: 'polar'}});
3330          *
3331          *     var p = board.create('point', [3, 2]);
3332          *
3333          *     })();
3334          *
3335          * </script><pre>
3336          *
3337          */
3338         type: 'linear',
3340         /**
3341          * Internationalization support for ticks labels.
3342          * @name intl
3343          * @memberOf Ticks.prototype
3344          * @default <pre>{
3345          *    enabled: 'inherit',
3346          *    options: {}
3347          * }</pre>
3348          * @see JXG.Board#intl
3349          * @see Text#intl
3350          *
3351                   * @example
3352          * // Here, locale is disabled in general, but enabled for the horizontal
3353          * // axis and the infobox.
3354          * const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(BOARDID, {
3355          *     boundingbox: [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5],
3356          *     intl: {
3357          *         enabled: false,
3358          *         locale: 'de-DE'
3359          *     },
3360          *     keepaspectratio: true,
3361          *     axis: true,
3362          *     defaultAxes: {
3363          *         x: {
3364          *             ticks: {
3365          *                 intl: {
3366          *                         enabled: true,
3367          *                         options: {
3368          *                             style: 'unit',
3369          *                             unit: 'kilometer-per-hour',
3370          *                             unitDisplay: 'narrow'
3371          *                         }
3372          *                 }
3373          *             }
3374          *         },
3375          *         y: {
3376          *             ticks: {
3377          *             }
3378          *         }
3379          *     },
3380          *     infobox: {
3381          *         fontSize: 12,
3382          *         intl: {
3383          *             enabled: true,
3384          *             options: {
3385          *                 minimumFractionDigits: 4,
3386          *                 maximumFractionDigits: 5
3387          *             }
3388          *         }
3389          *     }
3390          * });
3391          *
3392          * var p = board.create('point', [0.1, 0.1], {});
3393          *
3394          * </pre><div id="JXG820b60ff-b453-4be9-a9d5-06c0342a9dbe" class="jxgbox" style="width: 600px; height: 300px;"></div>
3395          * <script type="text/javascript">
3396          *     (function() {
3397          *     var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG820b60ff-b453-4be9-a9d5-06c0342a9dbe', {
3398          *         boundingbox: [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5], showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
3399          *         intl: {
3400          *             enabled: false,
3401          *             locale: 'de-DE'
3402          *         },
3403          *         keepaspectratio: true,
3404          *         axis: true,
3405          *         defaultAxes: {
3406          *             x: {
3407          *                 ticks: {
3408          *                     intl: {
3409          *                             enabled: true,
3410          *                             options: {
3411          *                                 style: 'unit',
3412          *                                 unit: 'kilometer-per-hour',
3413          *                                 unitDisplay: 'narrow'
3414          *                             }
3415          *                     }
3416          *                 }
3417          *             },
3418          *             y: {
3419          *                 ticks: {
3420          *                 }
3421          *             }
3422          *         },
3423          *         infobox: {
3424          *             fontSize: 12,
3425          *             intl: {
3426          *                 enabled: true,
3427          *                 options: {
3428          *                     minimumFractionDigits: 4,
3429          *                     maximumFractionDigits: 5
3430          *                 }
3431          *             }
3432          *         }
3433          *     });
3434          *
3435          *     var p = board.create('point', [0.1, 0.1], {});
3436          *
3437          *     })();
3438          *
3439          * </script><pre>
3440          *
3441          */
3442         intl: {
3443             enabled: 'inherit',
3444             options: {}
3445         },
3447         // TODO implementation and documentation
3448         minorTicksInArrow: false,
3449         majorTicksInArrow: true,
3450         labelInArrow: true,
3451         minorTicksInMargin: false,
3452         majorTicksInMargin: true,
3453         labelInMargin: true
3455         // close the meta tag
3456         /**#@-*/
3457     },
3459     /*
3460      *  Generic options used by {@link JXG.Hatch}
3461      */
3462     hatch: {
3463         drawLabels: false,
3464         drawZero: true,
3465         majorHeight: 20,
3466         anchor: 'middle',
3467         face: '|',
3468         strokeWidth: 2,
3469         strokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
3470         /**
3471          * The default distance (in user coordinates, not  pixels) between two hatch symbols.
3472          *
3473          * @type Number
3474          * @name Hatch#ticksDistance
3475          * @default 0.2
3476          */
3477         ticksDistance: 0.2
3478     },
3480     /**
3481      * Precision options, defining how close a pointer device (mouse, finger, pen) has to be
3482      * to an object such that the object is highlighted or can be dragged.
3483      * These values are board-wide and can be overwritten for individual elements by
3484      * changing their precision attribute.
3485      *
3486      * The default values are
3487      * <pre>
3488      * JXG.Options.precision: {
3489      *   touch: 30,
3490      *   touchMax: 100,
3491      *   mouse: 4,
3492      *   pen: 4,
3493      *   epsilon: 0.0001,
3494      *   hasPoint: 4
3495      * }
3496      * </pre>
3497      *
3498      * @type Object
3499      * @name JXG.Options#precision
3500      * @see JXG.GeometryElement#precision
3501      */
3502     precision: {
3503         touch: 30,
3504         touchMax: 100,
3505         mouse: 4,
3506         pen: 4,
3507         epsilon: 0.0001, // Unused
3508         hasPoint: 4
3509     },
3511     /**
3512      * Default ordering of the layers.
3513      * The numbering starts from 0 and the highest layer number is numlayers-1.
3514      *
3515      * The default values are
3516      * <pre>
3517      * JXG.Options.layer: {
3518      *   numlayers: 20, // only important in SVG
3519      *   text: 9,
3520      *   point: 9,
3521      *   glider: 9,
3522      *   arc: 8,
3523      *   line: 7,
3524      *   circle: 6,
3525      *   curve: 5,
3526      *   turtle: 5,
3527      *   polygon: 3,
3528      *   sector: 3,
3529      *   angle: 3,
3530      *   integral: 3,
3531      *   axis: 2,
3532      *   ticks: 2,
3533      *   grid: 1,
3534      *   image: 0,
3535      *   trace: 0
3536      * }
3537      * </pre>
3538      * @type Object
3539      * @name JXG.Options#layer
3540      */
3541     layer: {
3542         numlayers: 20, // only important in SVG
3543         unused9: 19,
3544         unused8: 18,
3545         unused7: 17,
3546         unused6: 16,
3547         unused5: 15,
3548         unused4: 14,
3549         unused3: 13,
3550         unused2: 12,
3551         unused1: 11,
3552         unused0: 10,
3553         text: 9,
3554         point: 9,
3555         glider: 9,
3556         arc: 8,
3557         line: 7,
3558         circle: 6,
3559         curve: 5,
3560         turtle: 5,
3561         polygon: 3,
3562         sector: 3,
3563         angle: 3,
3564         integral: 3,
3565         axis: 2,
3566         ticks: 2,
3567         grid: 1,
3568         image: 0,
3569         trace: 0
3570     },
3572     /* special angle options */
3573     angle: {
3574         /**#@+
3575          * @visprop
3576          */
3578         withLabel: true,
3580         /**
3581          * Radius of the sector, displaying the angle.
3582          * The radius can be given as number (in user coordinates)
3583          * or as string 'auto'. In the latter case, the angle
3584          * is set to an value between 20 and 50 px.
3585          *
3586          * @type {Number|String}
3587          * @name Angle#radius
3588          * @default 'auto'
3589          * @visprop
3590          */
3591         radius: 'auto',
3593         /**
3594          * Display type of the angle field. Possible values are
3595          * 'sector' or 'sectordot' or 'square' or 'none'.
3596          *
3597          * @type String
3598          * @default 'sector'
3599          * @name Angle#type
3600          * @visprop
3601          */
3602         type: 'sector',
3604         /**
3605          * Display type of the angle field in case of a right angle. Possible values are
3606          * 'sector' or 'sectordot' or 'square' or 'none'.
3607          *
3608          * @type String
3609          * @default square
3610          * @name Angle#orthoType
3611          * @see Angle#orthoSensitivity
3612          * @visprop
3613          */
3614         orthoType: 'square',
3616         /**
3617          * Sensitivity (in degrees) to declare an angle as right angle.
3618          * If the angle measure is inside this distance from a rigth angle, the orthoType
3619          * of the angle is used for display.
3620          *
3621          * @type Number
3622          * @default 1.0
3623          * @name Angle#orthoSensitivity
3624          * @see Angle#orthoType
3625          * @visprop
3626          */
3627         orthoSensitivity: 1.0,
3629         fillColor: Color.palette.orange,
3630         highlightFillColor: Color.palette.orange,
3631         strokeColor: Color.palette.orange,
3632         // fillColor: '#ff7f00',
3633         // highlightFillColor: '#ff7f00',
3634         // strokeColor: '#ff7f00',
3636         fillOpacity: 0.3,
3637         highlightFillOpacity: 0.3,
3639         /**
3640          * @name Angle#radiuspoint
3641          * @type Object
3642          * @deprecated
3643          */
3644         radiuspoint: {
3645             withLabel: false,
3646             visible: false,
3647             name: ''
3648         },
3650         /**
3651          * @name Angle#pointsquare
3652          * @type Object
3653          * @deprecated
3654          */
3655         pointsquare: {
3656             withLabel: false,
3657             visible: false,
3658             name: ''
3659         },
3661         /**
3662          * Attributes of the dot point marking right angles.
3663          * @name Angle#dot
3664          * @type Object
3665          * @default <tt>{face: 'o', size: 2}</tt>
3666          */
3667         dot: {
3668             visible: false,
3669             strokeColor: 'none',
3670             fillColor: '#000000',
3671             size: 2,
3672             face: 'o',
3673             withLabel: false,
3674             name: ''
3675         },
3677         label: {
3678             position: 'top',
3679             offset: [0, 0],
3680             strokeColor: Color.palette.blue
3681         },
3683         /**
3684          * Attributes for sub-element arc. In general, the arc will run through the first point and
3685          * thus will not have the same radius as the angle sector.
3686          *
3687          * @type Arc
3688          * @name Angle#arc
3689          * @default '{visible:false}'
3690          */
3691         arc: {
3692             visible: false,
3693             fillColor: 'none'
3694         }
3696         /**#@-*/
3697     },
3699     /* special arc options */
3700     arc: {
3701         /**#@+
3702          * @visprop
3703          */
3705         /**
3706          * Type of arc. Possible values are 'minor', 'major', and 'auto'.
3707          *
3708          * @type String
3709          * @name Arc#selection
3710          * @default 'auto'
3711          */
3712         selection: 'auto',
3714         /**
3715          * If <tt>true</tt>, moving the mouse over inner points triggers hasPoint.
3716          *
3717          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#hasPoint
3718          * @name Arc#hasInnerPoints
3719          * @type Boolean
3720          * @default false
3721          */
3722         hasInnerPoints: false,
3724         label: {
3725             anchorX: 'auto',
3726             anchorY: 'auto'
3727         },
3728         firstArrow: false,
3729         lastArrow: false,
3730         fillColor: 'none',
3731         highlightFillColor: 'none',
3732         strokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
3733         highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
3734         useDirection: false,
3736         /**
3737          * Attributes for center point.
3738          *
3739          * @type Point
3740          * @name Arc#center
3741          */
3742         center: {
3743         },
3745         /**
3746          * Attributes for radius point.
3747          *
3748          * @type Point
3749          * @name Arc#radiusPoint
3750          */
3751         radiusPoint: {
3752         },
3754         /**
3755          * Attributes for angle point.
3756          *
3757          * @type Point
3758          * @name Arc#anglePoint
3759          */
3760         anglePoint: {
3761         }
3763         /**#@-*/
3764     },
3766     /* special arrow options */
3767     arrow: {
3768         /**#@+
3769          * @visprop
3770          */
3772         firstArrow: false,
3774         lastArrow: {
3775             type: 1,
3776             highlightSize: 6,
3777             size: 6
3778         }
3780         /**#@-*/
3781     },
3783     /* special arrowparallel options */
3784     arrowparallel: {
3785         /**#@+
3786          * @visprop
3787          */
3789         firstArrow: false,
3791         lastArrow: {
3792             type: 1,
3793             highlightSize: 6,
3794             size: 6
3795         }
3797         /**#@-*/
3798     },
3800     /* special axis options */
3801     axis: {
3802         /**#@+
3803          * @visprop
3804          */
3806         name: '',                            // By default, do not generate names for axes.
3807         needsRegularUpdate: false,           // Axes only updated after zooming and moving of the origin.
3808         strokeWidth: 1,
3809         lastArrow: {
3810             type: 1,
3811             highlightSize: 8,
3812             size: 8
3813         },
3814         strokeColor: '#666666',
3815         highlightStrokeWidth: 1,
3816         highlightStrokeColor: '#888888',
3818         /**
3819          * Is used to define the behaviour of the axis.
3820          * Settings in this attribute only have an effect if the axis is exactly horizontal or vertical.
3821          * Possible values are:
3822          * <ul>
3823          *     <li><tt>'static'</tt>: Standard behavior of the axes as know in JSXGraph.
3824          *     <li><tt>'fixed'</tt>: The axis is placed in a fixed position. Depending on the attribute <tt>anchor</tt>, it is positioned to the right or left of the edge of the board as seen from the axis with a distance defined in <tt>distanceBoarder</tt>. The axis will stay at the given position, when the user navigates through the board.
3825          *     <li><tt>'sticky'</tt>: This mixes the two settings <tt>static</tt> and <tt>fixed</tt>. When the user navigates in the board, the axis remains in the visible area (taking into account <tt>anchor</tt> and <tt>anchorDist</tt>). If the axis itself is in the visible area, the axis can be moved by navigation.
3826          * </ul>
3827          *
3828          * @type {String}
3829          * @name Axis#position
3830          * @default 'static'
3831          * @see Axis#anchor
3832          * @see Axis#anchorDist
3833          *
3834          * @example // Use navigation to see effect.
3835          *  var axis1, axis2, circle;
3836          *
3837          *  board.create('axis', [[0,0],[1,0]],{
3838          *      position: 'fixed',
3839          *      anchor: 'right',
3840          *      anchorDist: '0.1fr'
3841          *  });
3842          *
3843          *  board.create('axis', [[0,0],[0,1]], {
3844          *      position: 'fixed',
3845          *      anchor: 'left',
3846          *      anchorDist: 1
3847          *  });
3848          *
3849          * </pre><div id="JXG6dff2f81-65ce-46a3-bea0-8ce25cc1cb4a" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
3850          * <script type="text/javascript">
3851          *     (function() {
3852          *      var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG6dff2f81-65ce-46a3-bea0-8ce25cc1cb4a',
3853          *             {boundingbox: [-1, 10, 10,-1], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: true});
3854          *
3855          *      board.create('axis', [[0,0],[1,0]],{
3856          *          position: 'fixed',
3857          *          anchor: 'right',
3858          *          anchorDist: '0.1fr'
3859          *      });
3860          *
3861          *      board.create('axis', [[0,0],[0,1]], {
3862          *          position: 'fixed',
3863          *          anchor: 'left',
3864          *          anchorDist: 1
3865          *      });
3866          *
3867          *      board.create('circle', [[5,5], 2.5]);
3868          *     })();
3869          *
3870          * </script><pre>
3871          *
3872          * @example // Use navigation to see effect.
3873          *      board.create('axis', [[0,0],[1,0]],{
3874          *          position: 'sticky',
3875          *          anchor: 'right',
3876          *          anchorDist: '0.2fr'
3877          *      });
3878          *
3879          *      board.create('axis', [[0,0],[0,1]], {
3880          *          position: 'sticky',
3881          *          anchor: 'right left',
3882          *          anchorDist: '75px'
3883          *      });
3884          *
3885          * </pre><div id="JXG42a90935-80aa-4a6b-8adf-279deef84485" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
3886          * <script type="text/javascript">
3887          *     (function() {
3888          *          var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG42a90935-80aa-4a6b-8adf-279deef84485',
3889          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: true});
3890          *          board.create('axis', [[0,0],[1,0]],{
3891          *              position: 'sticky',
3892          *              anchor: 'right',
3893          *              anchorDist: '0.2fr'
3894          *          });
3895          *
3896          *          board.create('axis', [[0,0],[0,1]], {
3897          *              position: 'sticky',
3898          *              anchor: 'right left',
3899          *              anchorDist: '75px'
3900          *          });
3901          *
3902          *          board.create('functiongraph', [function(x){ return 1/(x-5) + 2;}]);
3903          *     })();
3904          *
3905          * </script><pre>
3906          *
3907          */
3908         position: 'static',
3910         /**
3911          * Position is used in cases: <tt>position=='sticky'</tt> or <tt>position=='fixed'</tt>.
3912          * Possible values are <tt>'right'</tt>, <tt>'left'</tt>, <tt>'right left'</tt>. Left and right indicate the side as seen from the axis.
3913          * It is used in combination with the attribute position to decide on which side of the board the axis should stick or be fixed.
3914          *
3915          * @type {String}
3916          * @name Axis#anchor
3917          * @default ''
3918          * @example
3919          *  board.create('axis', [[0,0],[0,1]],{
3920          *      position: 'fixed',
3921          *      anchor: 'left',
3922          *      anchorDist: 2,
3923          *      strokeColor : 'green',
3924          *      ticks: {
3925          *          majorHeight: 7,
3926          *          drawZero: true,
3927          *      }
3928          *  });
3929          *
3930          *  board.create('axis', [[0,0],[0,1]], {
3931          *      position: 'fixed',
3932          *      anchor: 'right',
3933          *      anchorDist: 2,
3934          *      strokeColor : 'blue',
3935          *      ticks: {
3936          *          majorHeight: 7,
3937          *          drawZero: true,
3938          *      }
3939          *  });
3940          *
3941          *  board.create('axis', [[0,0],[0,-1]], {
3942          *      position: 'fixed',
3943          *      anchor: 'left',
3944          *      anchorDist: 4,
3945          *      strokeColor : 'red',
3946          *      ticks:{
3947          *          majorHeight: 7,
3948          *          drawZero: true,
3949          *      }
3950          *  });
3951          *
3952          * </pre><div id="JXG11448b49-02b4-48d4-b0e0-8f06a94e909c" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
3953          * <script type="text/javascript">
3954          *     (function() {
3955          *      var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG11448b49-02b4-48d4-b0e0-8f06a94e909c',
3956          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: true});
3957          *
3958          *      board.create('axis', [[0,0],[0,1]],{
3959          *          position: 'fixed',
3960          *          anchor: 'left',
3961          *          anchorDist: 4,
3962          *          strokeColor : 'green',
3963          *          ticks: {
3964          *              majorHeight: 7,
3965          *              drawZero: true,
3966          *          }
3967          *      });
3968          *
3969          *      board.create('axis', [[0,0],[0,1]], {
3970          *          position: 'fixed',
3971          *          anchor: 'right',
3972          *          anchorDist: 2,
3973          *          strokeColor : 'blue',
3974          *          ticks: {
3975          *              majorHeight: 7,
3976          *              drawZero: true,
3977          *          }
3978          *      });
3979          *
3980          *      board.create('axis', [[0,0],[0,-1]], {
3981          *          position: 'fixed',
3982          *          anchor: 'left',
3983          *          anchorDist: 4,
3984          *          strokeColor : 'red',
3985          *          ticks:{
3986          *              majorHeight: 7,
3987          *              drawZero: true,
3988          *          }
3989          *      });
3990          *
3991          *     })();
3992          *
3993          * </script><pre>
3994          */
3995         anchor: '',
3997         /**
3998          * Used to define at which distance to the edge of the board the axis should stick or be fixed.
3999          * This only has an effect if <tt>position=='sticky'</tt> or <tt>position=='fixed'</tt>.
4000          * There are the following possibilities:
4001          * <ul>
4002          *     <li>Numbers or strings which are numbers (e.g. '10') are interpreted as usrCoords.
4003          *     <li>Strings with the unit 'px' are interpreted as screen pixels.
4004          *     <li>Strings with the unit '%' or 'fr' are interpreted as a ratio to the width/height of the board. (e.g. 50% = 0.5fr)
4005          * </ul>
4006          *
4007          * @type {Number|String}
4008          * @name Axis#anchorDist
4009          * @default '10%'
4010          */
4011         anchorDist: '10%',
4013         /**
4014          * If set to true, the tick labels of the axis are automatically positioned in the narrower area between the axis and the side of the board.
4015          * Settings in this attribute only have an effect if the axis is exactly horizontal or vertical.
4016          * This option overrides <tt>offset</tt>, <tt>anchorX</tt> and <tt>anchorY</tt> of axis tick labels.
4017          *
4018          * @type {Boolean}
4019          * @name Axis#ticksAutoPos
4020          * @default false
4021          * @example
4022          * // Navigate to see an effect.
4023          * board.create('axis', [[0, 0], [1, 0]], {
4024          *     position: 'sticky',
4025          *     anchor: 'left right',
4026          *     anchorDist: '0.1',
4027          *     ticksAutoPos: true,
4028          * });
4029          *
4030          * board.create('axis', [[0, 0], [0, 1]], {
4031          *     position: 'sticky',
4032          *     anchor: 'left right',
4033          *     anchorDist: '0.1',
4034          *     ticksAutoPos: true,
4035          * });
4036          *
4037          * </pre><div id="JXG557c9b5d-e1bd-4d3b-8362-ff7a863255f3" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
4038          * <script type="text/javascript">
4039          *     (function() {
4040          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG557c9b5d-e1bd-4d3b-8362-ff7a863255f3',
4041          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
4042          *
4043          *     board.create('axis', [[0, 0], [1, 0]], {
4044          *         position: 'sticky',
4045          *         anchor: 'left right',
4046          *         anchorDist: '0.1',
4047          *         ticksAutoPos: true,
4048          *     });
4049          *
4050          *     board.create('axis', [[0, 0], [0, 1]], {
4051          *         position: 'sticky',
4052          *         anchor: 'left right',
4053          *         anchorDist: '0.1',
4054          *         ticksAutoPos: true,
4055          *     });
4056          *
4057          *     })();
4058          *
4059          * </script><pre>
4060          */
4061         ticksAutoPos: false,
4063         /**
4064          * Defines, when <tt>ticksAutoPos</tt> takes effect.
4065          * There are the following possibilities:
4066          * <ul>
4067          *     <li>Numbers or strings which are numbers (e.g. '10') are interpreted as usrCoords.
4068          *     <li>Strings with the unit 'px' are interpreted as screen pixels.
4069          *     <li>Strings with the unit '%' or 'fr' are interpreted as a ratio to the width/height of the board. (e.g. 50% = 0.5fr)
4070          * </ul>
4071          *
4072          * @type {Number|String}
4073          * @name Axis#ticksAutoPosThreshold
4074          * @default '5%'
4075          */
4076         ticksAutoPosThreshold: '5%',
4078         /**
4079          * Show / hide ticks.
4080          *
4081          * Deprecated. Suggested alternative is "ticks: {visible: false}"
4082          *
4083          * @type Boolean
4084          * @name Axis#withTicks
4085          * @default true
4086          * @deprecated
4087          */
4088         withTicks: true,
4089         straightFirst: true,
4090         straightLast: true,
4091         margin: -4,
4092         withLabel: false,
4093         scalable: false,
4095         /**
4096          * Attributes for ticks of the axis.
4097          *
4098          * @type Ticks
4099          * @name Axis#ticks
4100          */
4101         ticks: {
4102             label: {
4103                 offset: [4, -12 + 3],     // This seems to be a good offset for 12 point fonts
4104                 parse: false,
4105                 needsRegularUpdate: false,
4106                 display: 'internal',
4107                 visible: 'inherit',
4108                 layer: 9
4109             },
4110             visible: 'inherit',
4111             needsRegularUpdate: false,
4112             strokeWidth: 1,
4113             strokeColor: '#666666',
4114             highlightStrokeColor: '#888888',
4115             drawLabels: true,
4116             drawZero: false,
4117             insertTicks: true,
4118             minTicksDistance: 5,
4119             minorHeight: 10,          // if <0: full width and height
4120             majorHeight: -1,          // if <0: full width and height
4121             tickEndings: [0, 1],
4122             majorTickEndings: [1, 1],
4123             minorTicks: 4,
4124             ticksDistance: 1,         // TODO doc
4125             strokeOpacity: 0.25
4126         },
4128         /**
4129          * Attributes for first point the axis.
4130          *
4131          * @type Point
4132          * @name Axis#point1
4133          */
4134         point1: {                  // Default values for point1 if created by line
4135             needsRegularUpdate: false,
4136             visible: false
4137         },
4139         /**
4140          * Attributes for second point the axis.
4141          *
4142          * @type Point
4143          * @name Axis#point2
4144          */
4145         point2: {                  // Default values for point2 if created by line
4146             needsRegularUpdate: false,
4147             visible: false
4148         },
4150         tabindex: -1,
4152         /**
4153          * Attributes for the axis label.
4154          *
4155          * @type Label
4156          * @name Axis#label
4157          */
4158         label: {
4159             position: 'lft',
4160             offset: [10, 10]
4161         }
4163         /**#@-*/
4164     },
4166     /* special options for angle bisector of 3 points */
4167     bisector: {
4168         /**#@+
4169          * @visprop
4170          */
4172         strokeColor: '#000000', // Bisector line
4174         /**
4175          * Attributes for the helper point of the bisector.
4176          *
4177          * @type Point
4178          * @name Bisector#point
4179          */
4180         point: {               // Bisector point
4181             visible: false,
4182             fixed: false,
4183             withLabel: false,
4184             name: ''
4185         }
4187         /**#@-*/
4188     },
4190     /* special options for the 2 bisectors of 2 lines */
4191     bisectorlines: {
4192         /**#@+
4193          * @visprop
4194          */
4196         /**
4197          * Attributes for first line.
4198          *
4199          * @type Line
4200          * @name Bisectorlines#line1
4201          */
4202         line1: {               //
4203             strokeColor: '#000000'
4204         },
4206         /**
4207          * Attributes for second line.
4208          *
4209          * @type Line
4210          * @name Bisectorlines#line2
4211          */
4212         line2: {               //
4213             strokeColor: '#000000'
4214         }
4216         /**#@-*/
4217     },
4219     /* special options for boxplot curves */
4220     boxplot: {
4221         /**#@+
4222          * @visprop
4223          */
4225         /**
4226          *  Direction of the box plot: 'vertical' or 'horizontal'
4227          *
4228          * @type String
4229          * @name Boxplot#dir
4230          * @default 'vertical'
4231          */
4232         dir: 'vertical',
4234         /**
4235          * Relative width of the maximum and minimum quantile
4236          *
4237          * @type Number
4238          * @name Boxplot#smallWidth
4239          * @default 0.5
4240          */
4241         smallWidth: 0.5,
4243         strokeWidth: 2,
4244         strokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
4245         fillColor: Color.palette.blue,
4246         fillOpacity: 0.2,
4247         highlightStrokeWidth: 2,
4248         highlightStrokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
4249         highlightFillColor: Color.palette.blue,
4250         highlightFillOpacity: 0.1
4252         /**#@-*/
4253     },
4255     /* special button options */
4256     button: {
4257         /**#@+
4258          * @visprop
4259          */
4261         /**
4262          * Control the attribute "disabled" of the HTML button.
4263          *
4264          * @name disabled
4265          * @memberOf Button.prototype
4266          *
4267          * @type Boolean
4268          * @default false
4269          */
4270         disabled: false,
4272         display: 'html'
4274         /**#@-*/
4275     },
4277     /* special cardinal spline options */
4278     cardinalspline: {
4279         /**#@+
4280          * @visprop
4281          */
4283         /**
4284          * Controls if the data points of the cardinal spline when given as
4285          * arrays should be converted into {@link JXG.Points}.
4286          *
4287          * @name createPoints
4288          * @memberOf Cardinalspline.prototype
4289          *
4290          * @see Cardinalspline#points
4291          *
4292          * @type Boolean
4293          * @default true
4294          */
4295         createPoints: true,
4297         /**
4298          * If set to true, the supplied coordinates are interpreted as
4299          * [[x_0, y_0], [x_1, y_1], p, ...].
4300          * Otherwise, if the data consists of two arrays of equal length,
4301          * it is interpreted as
4302          * [[x_o x_1, ..., x_n], [y_0, y_1, ..., y_n]]
4303          *
4304          * @name isArrayOfCoordinates
4305          * @memberOf Cardinalspline.prototype
4306          * @type Boolean
4307          * @default true
4308          */
4309         isArrayOfCoordinates: true,
4311         /**
4312          * Attributes for the points generated by Cardinalspline in cases
4313          * {@link createPoints} is set to true
4314          *
4315          * @name points
4316          * @memberOf Cardinalspline.prototype
4317          *
4318          * @see Cardinalspline#createPoints
4319          * @type Object
4320          */
4321         points: {
4322             strokeOpacity: 0.05,
4323             fillOpacity: 0.05,
4324             highlightStrokeOpacity: 1.0,
4325             highlightFillOpacity: 1.0,
4326             withLabel: false,
4327             name: '',
4328             fixed: false
4329         }
4331         /**#@-*/
4332     },
4334     /* special chart options */
4335     chart: {
4336         /**#@+
4337          * @visprop
4338          */
4340         chartStyle: 'line',
4341         colors: ['#B02B2C', '#3F4C6B', '#C79810', '#D15600', '#FFFF88', '#c3d9ff', '#4096EE', '#008C00'],
4342         highlightcolors: null,
4343         fillcolor: null,
4344         highlightonsector: false,
4345         highlightbysize: false,
4347         fillOpacity: 0.6,
4348         withLines: false,
4350         label: {
4351         }
4352         /**#@-*/
4353     },
4355     /* special html slider options */
4356     checkbox: {
4357         /**#@+
4358          * @visprop
4359          */
4361         /**
4362          * Control the attribute "disabled" of the HTML checkbox.
4363          *
4364          * @name disabled
4365          * @memberOf Checkbox.prototype
4366          *
4367          * @type Boolean
4368          * @default false
4369          */
4370         disabled: false,
4372         /**
4373          * Control the attribute "checked" of the HTML checkbox.
4374          *
4375          * @name checked
4376          * @memberOf Checkbox.prototype
4377          *
4378          * @type Boolean
4379          * @default false
4380          */
4381         checked: false,
4383         display: 'html'
4385         /**#@-*/
4386     },
4388     /*special circle options */
4389     circle: {
4390         /**#@+
4391          * @visprop
4392          */
4394         /**
4395          * If <tt>true</tt>, moving the mouse over inner points triggers hasPoint.
4396          *
4397          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#hasPoint
4398          * @name Circle#hasInnerPoints
4399          * @type Boolean
4400          * @default false
4401          */
4402         hasInnerPoints: false,
4404         fillColor: 'none',
4405         highlightFillColor: 'none',
4406         strokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
4407         highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
4409         /**
4410          * Attributes for center point.
4411          *
4412          * @type Point
4413          * @name Circle#center
4414          */
4415         center: {
4416             visible: false,
4417             withLabel: false,
4418             fixed: false,
4420             fillColor: Color.palette.red,
4421             strokeColor: Color.palette.red,
4422             highlightFillColor: '#c3d9ff',
4423             highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
4424             layer: 9,
4426             name: ''
4427         },
4429         /**
4430          * Attributes for center point.
4431          *
4432          * @type Point
4433          * @name Circle#point2
4434          */
4435         point2: {
4436             fillColor: Color.palette.red,
4437             strokeColor: Color.palette.red,
4438             highlightFillColor: '#c3d9ff',
4439             highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
4440             layer: 9,
4442             visible: false,
4443             withLabel: false,
4444             fixed: false,
4445             name: ''
4446         },
4448         /**
4449          * Attributes for circle label.
4450          *
4451          * @type Label
4452          * @name Circle#label
4453          */
4454         label: {
4455             position: 'urt'
4456         }
4458         /**#@-*/
4459     },
4461     /* special options for circumcircle of 3 points */
4462     circumcircle: {
4463         /**#@+
4464          * @visprop
4465          */
4467         fillColor: 'none',
4468         highlightFillColor: 'none',
4469         strokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
4470         highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
4472         /**
4473          * Attributes for center point.
4474          *
4475          * @type Point
4476          * @name Circumcircle#center
4477          */
4478         center: {               // center point
4479             visible: false,
4480             fixed: false,
4481             withLabel: false,
4482             fillColor: Color.palette.red,
4483             strokeColor: Color.palette.red,
4484             highlightFillColor: '#c3d9ff',
4485             highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
4486             name: ''
4487         }
4488         /**#@-*/
4489     },
4491     circumcirclearc: {
4492         /**#@+
4493          * @visprop
4494          */
4496         fillColor: 'none',
4497         highlightFillColor: 'none',
4498         strokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
4499         highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
4501         /**
4502          * Attributes for center point.
4503          *
4504          * @type Point
4505          * @name CircumcircleArc#center
4506          */
4507         center: {
4508             visible: false,
4509             withLabel: false,
4510             fixed: false,
4511             name: ''
4512         }
4513         /**#@-*/
4514     },
4516     /* special options for circumcircle sector of 3 points */
4517     circumcirclesector: {
4518         /**#@+
4519          * @visprop
4520          */
4522         useDirection: true,
4523         fillColor: Color.palette.yellow,
4524         highlightFillColor: Color.palette.yellow,
4525         fillOpacity: 0.3,
4526         highlightFillOpacity: 0.3,
4527         strokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
4528         highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
4530         /**
4531          * Attributes for center point.
4532          *
4533          * @type Point
4534          * @name Circle#point
4535          */
4536         point: {
4537             visible: false,
4538             fixed: false,
4539             withLabel: false,
4540             name: ''
4541         }
4542         /**#@-*/
4543     },
4545     /* special options for comb */
4546     comb: {
4547         /**#@+
4548          * @visprop
4549          */
4551         /**
4552          * Frequency of comb elements.
4553          *
4554          * @type Number
4555          * @name Comb#frequency
4556          * @default 0.2
4557          */
4558         frequency: 0.2,
4560         /**
4561          * Width of the comb.
4562          *
4563          * @type Number
4564          * @name Comb#width
4565          * @default 0.4
4566          */
4567         width: 0.4,
4569         /**
4570          * Angle - given in radians - under which comb elements are positioned.
4571          *
4572          * @type Number
4573          * @name Comb#angle
4574          * @default Math.PI / 3 (i.e. π /3  or 60^° degrees)
4575          */
4576         angle: Math.PI / 3,
4578         /**
4579          * Should the comb go right to left instead of left to right.
4580          *
4581          * @type Boolean
4582          * @name Comb#reverse
4583          * @default false
4584          */
4585         reverse: false,
4587         /**
4588          * Attributes for first defining point of the comb.
4589          *
4590          * @type Point
4591          * @name Comb#point1
4592          */
4593         point1: {
4594             visible: false,
4595             withLabel: false,
4596             fixed: false,
4597             name: ''
4598         },
4600         /**
4601          * Attributes for second defining point of the comb.
4602          *
4603          * @type Point
4604          * @name Comb#point2
4605          */
4606         point2: {
4607             visible: false,
4608             withLabel: false,
4609             fixed: false,
4610             name: ''
4611         },
4613         // /**
4614         //  * Attributes for the curve displaying the comb.
4615         //  *
4616         //  * @type Curve
4617         //  * @name Comb#curve
4618         //  */
4619         // curve: {
4620         //     strokeWidth: 1,
4621         //     strokeColor: '#0000ff',
4622         //     fillColor: 'none'
4623         // },
4624         strokeWidth: 1,
4625         strokeColor: '#0000ff',
4626         fillColor: 'none'
4627     },
4629     /* special conic options */
4630     conic: {
4631         /**#@+
4632          * @visprop
4633          */
4635         fillColor: 'none',
4636         highlightFillColor: 'none',
4637         strokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
4638         highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
4640         /**
4641          * Attributes for foci points.
4642          *
4643          * @type Point
4644          * @name Conic#foci
4645          */
4646         foci: {
4647             // points
4648             fixed: false,
4649             visible: false,
4650             withLabel: false,
4651             name: ''
4652         },
4654         /**
4655          * Attributes for center point.
4656          *
4657          * @type Point
4658          * @name Conic#center
4659          */
4660         center: {
4661             visible: false,
4662             withLabel: false,
4663             name: ''
4664         },
4666         /**
4667          * Attributes for five points defining the conic, if some of them are given as coordinates.
4668          *
4669          * @type Point
4670          * @name Conic#point
4671          */
4672         point: {
4673             withLabel: false,
4674             name: ''
4675         },
4677         /**
4678          * Attributes for parabola line in case the line is given by two
4679          * points or coordinate pairs.
4680          *
4681          * @type Line
4682          * @name Conic#line
4683          */
4684         line: {
4685             visible: false
4686         }
4688         /**#@-*/
4689     },
4691     /* special curve options */
4692     curve: {
4693         /**#@+
4694          * @visprop
4695          */
4697         strokeWidth: 1,
4698         strokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
4699         fillColor: 'none',
4700         fixed: true,
4702         /**
4703          * The curveType is set in {@link JXG.Curve#generateTerm} and used in {@link JXG.Curve#updateCurve}.
4704          * Possible values are <ul>
4705          * <li>'none'</li>
4706          * <li>'plot': Data plot</li>
4707          * <li>'parameter': we can not distinguish function graphs and parameter curves</li>
4708          * <li>'functiongraph': function graph</li>
4709          * <li>'polar'</li>
4710          * <li>'implicit' (not yet)</li></ul>
4711          * Only parameter and plot are set directly. Polar is set with {@link JXG.GeometryElement#setAttribute} only.
4712          * @name Curve#curveType
4713          * @type String
4714          * @default null
4715          */
4716         curveType: null,
4718         /**
4719          * If true use a recursive bisection algorithm.
4720          * It is slower, but usually the result is better. It tries to detect jumps
4721          * and singularities.
4722          *
4723          * @name Curve#doAdvancedPlot
4724          * @type Boolean
4725          * @default true
4726          */
4727         doAdvancedPlot: true,
4729         /**
4730          * If true use the algorithm by Gillam and Hohenwarter, which was default until version 0.98.
4731          *
4732          * @name Curve#doAdvancedPlotOld
4733          * @see Curve#doAdvancedPlot
4734          * @type Boolean
4735          * @default false
4736          * @deprecated
4737          */
4738         doAdvancedPlotOld: false,   // v1
4740         /**
4741          * Configure arrow head at the start position for curve.
4742          * Recommended arrow head type is 7.
4743          *
4744          * @name Curve#firstArrow
4745          * @type Boolean | Object
4746          * @default false
4747          * @see Line#firstArrow for options
4748          */
4749         firstArrow: false,
4751         /**
4752          * The data points of the curve are not connected with straight lines but with bezier curves.
4753          * @name Curve#handDrawing
4754          * @type Boolean
4755          * @default false
4756          */
4757         handDrawing: false,
4759         /**
4760          * Attributes for curve label.
4761          *
4762          * @type Label
4763          * @name Curve#label
4764          */
4765         label: {
4766             position: 'lft'
4767         },
4769         /**
4770          * Configure arrow head at the end position for curve.
4771          * Recommended arrow head type is 7.
4772          *
4773          * @name Curve#lastArrow
4774          * @see Line#lastArrow for options
4775          * @type Boolean | Object
4776          * @default false
4777          */
4778         lastArrow: false,
4780         /**
4781          * Line endings (linecap) of a curve stroke.
4782          * Possible values are:
4783          * <ul>
4784          * <li> 'butt',
4785          * <li> 'round',
4786          * <li> 'square'.
4787          * </ul>
4788          *
4789          * @name JXG.Curve#lineCap
4790          * @type String
4791          * @default 'round'
4792          */
4793         lineCap: 'round',
4795         /**
4796          * Number of points used for plotting triggered by up events
4797          * (i.e. high quality plotting) in case
4798          * {@link Curve#doAdvancedPlot} is false.
4799          *
4800          * @name Curve#numberPointsHigh
4801          * @see Curve#doAdvancedPlot
4802          * @type Number
4803          * @default 1600
4804          */
4805         numberPointsHigh: 1600,  // Number of points on curves after mouseUp
4807         /**
4808          * Number of points used for plotting triggered by move events
4809          * (i.e. lower quality plotting but fast) in case
4810          * {@link Curve#doAdvancedPlot} is false.
4811          *
4812          * @name Curve#numberPointsLow
4813          * @see Curve#doAdvancedPlot
4814          * @type Number
4815          * @default 400
4816          */
4817         numberPointsLow: 400,    // Number of points on curves after mousemove
4819         /**
4820          * Select the version of the plot algorithm.
4821          * <ul>
4822          * <li> Version 1 is very outdated
4823          * <li> Version 2 is the default version in JSXGraph v0.99.*, v1.0, and v1.1, v1.2.0
4824          * <li> Version 3 is an internal version that was never published in  a stable version.
4825          * <li> Version 4 is available since JSXGraph v1.2.0
4826          * </ul>
4827          * Version 4 plots correctly logarithms if the function term is supplied as string (i.e. as JessieCode)
4828          *
4829          * @example
4830          *   var c = board.create('functiongraph', ["log(x)"]);
4831          *
4832          * @name Curve#plotVersion
4833          * @type Number
4834          * @default 2
4835          */
4836         plotVersion: 2,
4838         /**
4839          * Configure arrow head at the start position for curve.
4840          * Recommended arrow head type is 7.
4841          *
4842          * @name Curve#recursionDepthHigh
4843          * @see Curve#doAdvancedPlot
4844          * @type Number
4845          * @default 17
4846          */
4847         recursionDepthHigh: 17,
4849         /**
4850          * Number of points used for plotting triggered by move events in case
4851          * (i.e. lower quality plotting but fast)
4852          * {@link Curve#doAdvancedPlot} is true.
4853          *
4854          * @name Curve#recursionDepthLow
4855          * @see Curve#doAdvancedPlot
4856          * @type Number
4857          * @default 13
4858          */
4859         recursionDepthLow: 15
4861         /**#@-*/
4862     },
4864     /* special foreignObject options */
4865     foreignobject: {
4866         /**#@+
4867          * @visprop
4868          */
4870         fixed: true,
4871         visible: true,
4872         needsRegularUpdate: false,
4874         /**
4875          * List of attractor elements. If the distance of the foreignobject is less than
4876          * attractorDistance the foreignobject is made to glider of this element.
4877          *
4878          * @name ForeignObject#attractors
4879          *
4880          * @type Array
4881          * @default empty
4882          */
4883         attractors: []
4885         /**#@-*/
4886     },
4888     /* special functiongraph options */
4889     functiongraph: {
4890         /**#@+
4891          * @visprop
4892          */
4895         /**#@-*/
4896     },
4898     /* special glider options */
4899     glider: {
4900         /**#@+
4901          * @visprop
4902          */
4904         label: {}
4905         /**#@-*/
4906     },
4908     /* special grid options */
4909     grid: {
4910         /**#@+
4911          * @visprop
4912          */
4914         needsRegularUpdate: false,
4915         hasGrid: false,  // Used in standardoptions
4916         highlight: false,
4918         /**
4919          * Deprecated. Use {@link Grid#majorStep} instead.
4920          *
4921          * @deprecated
4922          * @type {Number|String}
4923          * @name Grid#gridX
4924          * @default null
4925          */
4926         gridX: null,
4928         /**
4929          * Deprecated. Use {@link Grid#majorStep} instead.
4930          *
4931          * @deprecated
4932          * @type {Number|String}
4933          * @name Grid#gridY
4934          * @default null
4935          */
4936         gridY: null,
4938         /**
4939          * Distance of major grid elements. There are three possibilities:
4940          * <ul>
4941          *     <li>If it is set to 'auto' the distance of the major grid equals the distance of majorTicks of the corresponding axis.
4942          *     <li>Numbers or strings which are numbers (e.g. '10') are interpreted as distance in usrCoords.
4943          *     <li>Strings with the unit 'px' are interpreted as distance in screen pixels.
4944          *     <li>Strings with the unit '%' or 'fr' are interpreted as a ratio to the width/height of the board. (e.g. 50% = 0.5fr)
4945          * </ul>
4946          * Instead of one value you can provide two values as an array <tt>[x, y]</tt> here.
4947          * These are used as distance in x- and y-direction.
4948          *
4949          * @type {Number|String|Array}
4950          * @name Grid#majorStep
4951          * @default 'auto'
4952          * @see JXG.Ticks#getDistanceMajorTicks
4953          */
4954         majorStep: 'auto',
4956         /**
4957          * Number of elements in minor grid between elements of the major grid. There are three possibilities:
4958          * <ul>
4959          *     <li>If set to 'auto', the number minor elements is equal to the number of minorTicks of the corresponding axis.
4960          *     <li>Numbers or strings which are numbers (e.g. '10') are interpreted as quantity.
4961          * </ul>
4962          * Instead of one value you can provide two values as an array <tt>[x, y]</tt> here.
4963          * These are used as number in x- and y-direction.
4964          *
4965          * @type {Number|String|Array}
4966          * @name Grid#minorElements
4967          * @default 0
4968          */
4969         minorElements: 0,
4971         /**
4972          * To print a quadratic grid with same distance of major grid elements in x- and y-direction.
4973          * <tt>'min'</tt> or <tt>true</tt> will set both distances of major grid elements in x- and y-direction to the primarily lesser value,
4974          * <tt>'max'</tt> to the primarily greater value.
4975          *
4976          * @type {Boolean|String}
4977          * @name Grid#forceSquare
4978          * @default false
4979          */
4980         forceSquare: false,
4982         /**
4983          * To decide whether major or minor grid elements on boundaries of the boundingBox shall be shown, half-ones as well.
4984          *
4985          * @type {Boolean}
4986          * @name Grid#includeBoundaries
4987          * @default false
4988          */
4989         includeBoundaries: false,
4991         /**
4992          * Size of grid elements. There are the following possibilities:
4993          * <ul>
4994          *     <li>Numbers or strings which are numbers (e.g. '10') are interpreted as size in pixels.
4995          *     <li>Strings with additional '%' (e.g. '95%') are interpreted as the ratio of used space for one element.
4996          * </ul>
4997          * Unused for 'line' which will use the value of strokeWidth.
4998          * Instead of one value you can provide two values as an array <tt>[x, y]</tt> here.
4999          * These are used as size in x- and y-direction.
5000          *
5001          * <p><b><i>This attribute can be set individually for major and minor grid as a sub-entry of {@link Grid#major} or {@link Grid#minor}</i></b>,
5002          * e.g. <tt>major: {size: ...}</tt>
5003          * For default values have a look there.</p>
5004          *
5005          * @type {Number|String|Array}
5006          * @name Grid#size
5007          */
5008         // This attribute only exists for documentation purposes. It has no effect and is overwritten with actual values in major and minor.
5009         size: undefined,
5011         /**
5012          * Appearance of grid elements.
5013          * There are different styles which differ in appearance.
5014          * Possible values are (comparing to {@link Point#face}):
5015          * <table>
5016          * <tr><th>Input</th><th>Output</th><th>Fillable by fillColor,...</th></tr>
5017          * <tr><td>point, .</td><td>.</td><td>no</td></tr>
5018          * <tr><td>line</td><td>−</td><td>no</td></tr>
5019          * <tr><td>cross, x</td><td>x</td><td>no</td></tr>
5020          * <tr><td>circle, o</td><td>o</td><td>yes</td></tr>
5021          * <tr><td>square, []</td><td>[]</td><td>yes</td></tr>
5022          * <tr><td>plus, +</td><td>+</td><td>no</td></tr>
5023          * <tr><td>minus, -</td><td>-</td><td>no</td></tr>
5024          * <tr><td>divide, |</td><td>|</td><td>no</td></tr>
5025          * <tr><td>diamond, <></td><td><></td><td>yes</td></tr>
5026          * <tr><td>diamond2, <<>></td><td><> (bigger)</td><td>yes</td></tr>
5027          * <tr><td>triangleup, ^, a, A</td><td>^</td><td>no</td></tr>
5028          * <tr><td>triangledown, v</td><td>v</td><td>no</td></tr>
5029          * <tr><td>triangleleft, <</td><td> <</td><td>no</td></tr>
5030          * <tr><td>triangleright, ></td><td>></td><td>no</td></tr>
5031          * <tr><td>regularPolygon, regpol</td><td>⬡</td><td>yes</td></tr>
5032          * </table>
5033          *
5034          * <p><b><i>This attribute can be set individually for major and minor grid as a sub-entry of {@link Grid#major} or {@link Grid#minor}</i></b>,
5035          * e.g. <tt>major: {face: ...}</tt>
5036          * For default values have a look there.</p>
5037          *
5038          * @type {String}
5039          * @name Grid#face
5040          */
5041          // This attribute only exists for documentation purposes. It has no effect and is overwritten with actual values in major and minor.
5042         face: undefined,
5044         /**
5045          * This number (pixel value) controls where grid elements end at the canvas edge. If zero, the line
5046          * ends exactly at the end, if negative there is a margin to the inside, if positive the line
5047          * ends outside of the canvas (which is invisible).
5048          *
5049          * <p><b><i>This attribute can be set individually for major and minor grid as a sub-entry of {@link Grid#major} or {@link Grid#minor}</i></b>,
5050          * e.g. <tt>major: {margin: ...}</tt>
5051          * For default values have a look there.</p>
5052          *
5053          * @name Grid#margin
5054          * @type {Number}
5055          */
5056         // This attribute only exists for documentation purposes. It has no effect and is overwritten with actual values in major and minor.
5057         margin: undefined,
5059         /**
5060          * This attribute determines whether the grid elements located at <tt>x=0</tt>, <tt>y=0</tt>
5061          * and (for major grid only) at <tt>(0, 0)</tt> are displayed.
5062          * The main reason to set this attribute to "false", might be in combination with axes.
5063          * <ul>
5064          *     <li>If <tt>false</tt>, then all these elements are hidden.
5065          *     <li>If <tt>true</tt>, all these elements are shown.
5066          *     <li>If an object of the following form is given, the three cases can be distinguished individually:<br>
5067          *     <tt>{x: true|false, y: true|false, origin: true|false}</tt>
5068          * </ul>
5069          *
5070          * <p><b><i>This attribute can be set individually for major and minor grid as a sub-entry of {@link Grid#major} or {@link Grid#minor}</i></b>,
5071          * e.g. <tt>major: {drawZero: ...}</tt>
5072          * For default values have a look there.</p>
5073          *
5074          * @type {Boolean|Object}
5075          * @name Grid#drawZero
5076          */
5077         // This attribute only exists for documentation purposes. It has no effect and is overwritten with actual values in major and minor.
5078         drawZero: undefined,
5080         /**
5081          * Number of vertices for face 'polygon'.
5082          *
5083          * <p><b><i>This attribute can be set individually for major and minor grid as a sub-entry of {@link Grid#major} or {@link Grid#minor}</i></b>,
5084          * e.g. <tt>major: {polygonVertices: ...}</tt>
5085          * For default values have a look there.</p>
5086          *
5087          * @type {Number}
5088          * @name Grid#polygonVertices
5089          */
5090         // This attribute only exists for documentation purposes. It has no effect and is overwritten with actual values in major and minor.
5091         polygonVertices: undefined,
5093         /**
5094          * This object contains the attributes for major grid elements.
5095          * You can override the following grid attributes individually here:
5096          * <ul>
5097          *     <li>{@link Grid#size}
5098          *     <li>{@link Grid#face}
5099          *     <li>{@link Grid#margin}
5100          *     <li>{@link Grid#drawZero}
5101          *     <li>{@link Grid#polygonVertices}
5102          * </ul>
5103          * Default values are:
5104          * <pre>{
5105          *      size: 5,
5106          *      face: 'line',
5107          *      margin: 0,
5108          *      drawZero: true,
5109          *      polygonVertices: 6
5110          *  }</pre>
5111          *
5112          * @name Grid#major
5113          * @type {Object}
5114          */
5115         major: {
5117             /**
5118              * Documented in Grid#size
5119              * @class
5120              * @ignore
5121              */
5122             size: 5,
5124             /**
5125              * Documented in Grid#face
5126              * @class
5127              * @ignore
5128              */
5129             face: 'line',
5131             /**
5132              * Documented in Grid#margin
5133              * @class
5134              * @ignore
5135              */
5136             margin: 0,
5138             /**
5139              * Documented in Grid#drawZero
5140              * @class
5141              * @ignore
5142              */
5143             drawZero: true,
5145             /**
5146              * Documented in Grid#polygonVertices
5147              * @class
5148              * @ignore
5149              */
5150             polygonVertices: 6
5151         },
5153         /**
5154          * This object contains the attributes for minor grid elements.
5155          * You can override the following grid attributes individually here:
5156          * <ul>
5157          *     <li>{@link Grid#size}
5158          *     <li>{@link Grid#face}
5159          *     <li>{@link Grid#margin}
5160          *     <li>{@link Grid#drawZero}
5161          *     <li>{@link Grid#polygonVertices}
5162          * </ul>
5163          * Default values are:
5164          * <pre>{
5165          *      size: 3,
5166          *      face: 'point',
5167          *      margin: 0,
5168          *      drawZero: true,
5169          *      polygonVertices: 6
5170          *  }</pre>
5171          *
5172          * @name Grid#minor
5173          * @type {Object}
5174          */
5175         minor: {
5177             /**
5178              * @class
5179              * @ignore
5180              */
5181             visible: 'inherit',
5183             /**
5184              * Documented in Grid#size
5185              * @class
5186              * @ignore
5187              */
5188             size: 3,
5190             /**
5191              * Documented in Grid#face
5192              * @class
5193              * @ignore
5194              */
5195             face: 'point',
5197             /**
5198              * Documented in Grid#margin
5199              * @class
5200              * @ignore
5201              */
5202             margin: 0,
5204             /**
5205              * Documented in Grid#drawZero
5206              * @class
5207              * @ignore
5208              */
5209             drawZero: true,
5211             /**
5212              * Documented in Grid#polygonVertices
5213              * @class
5214              * @ignore
5215              */
5216             polygonVertices: 6
5217         },
5219         /**
5220          * @class
5221          * @ignore
5222          * @deprecated
5223          */
5224         snapToGrid: false,
5226         strokeColor: '#c0c0c0',
5227         strokeWidth: 1,
5228         strokeOpacity: 0.5,
5229         dash: 0,
5231         /**
5232          * Use a predefined theme for grid.
5233          * Attributes can be overwritten by explicitly set the specific value.
5234          *
5235          * @type {Number}
5236          * @default 0
5237          * @see Grid#themes
5238          */
5239         theme: 0,
5241         /**
5242          * Array of theme attributes.
5243          * The index of the entry is the number of the theme.
5244          *
5245          * @type {Array}
5246          * @name Grid#themes
5247          * @private
5248          *
5249          * @example
5250          * // Theme 1
5251          * // quadratic grid appearance with distance of major grid elements set to the primarily greater one
5252          *
5253          * JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
5254          *     boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4], axis: true,
5255          *     defaultAxes: {
5256          *         x: { ticks: {majorHeight: 10} },
5257          *         y: { ticks: {majorHeight: 10} }
5258          *     },
5259          *     grid: { theme: 1 },
5260          * });
5261          * </pre> <div id="JXGb8d606c4-7c67-4dc0-9941-3b3bd0932898" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;"></div>
5262          * <script type="text/javascript">
5263          *     (function() {
5264          *         JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGb8d606c4-7c67-4dc0-9941-3b3bd0932898',
5265          *             {boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
5266          *                 defaultAxes: {
5267          *                     x: { ticks: {majorHeight: 10} },
5268          *                     y: { ticks: {majorHeight: 10} }
5269          *                 },
5270          *                grid: { theme: 1 },
5271          *             });
5272          *     })();
5273          * </script> <pre>
5274          *
5275          * @example
5276          * // Theme 2
5277          * // lines and points in between
5278          *
5279          * JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
5280          *     boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4], axis: false,
5281          *     grid: { theme: 2 },
5282          * });
5283          * </pre> <div id="JXG4e11e6e3-472a-48e0-b7d0-f80d397c769b" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
5284          * <script type="text/javascript">
5285          *     (function() {
5286          *         JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG4e11e6e3-472a-48e0-b7d0-f80d397c769b',
5287          *             {boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
5288          *                 grid: { theme: 2 },
5289          *             })
5290          *     })();
5291          * </script> <pre>
5292          *
5293          * @example
5294          * // Theme 3
5295          * // lines and thinner lines in between
5296          *
5297          * JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
5298          *     boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4], axis: false,
5299          *     grid: { theme: 3 },
5300          * });
5301          * </pre> <div id="JXG334814a3-03a7-4231-a5a7-a42d3b8dc2de" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
5302          * <script type="text/javascript">
5303          *     (function() {
5304          *         JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG334814a3-03a7-4231-a5a7-a42d3b8dc2de',
5305          *             {boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
5306          *                 grid: { theme: 3 }
5307          *         });
5308          *     })();
5309          * </script> <pre>
5310          *
5311          * @example
5312          * // Theme 4
5313          * // lines with grid of '+'s plotted in between
5314          *
5315          * JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
5316          *     boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4], axis: false,
5317          *     grid: { theme: 4 },
5318          * });
5319          * </pre> <div id="JXG9e2bb29c-d998-428c-9432-4a7bf6cd9222" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
5320          * <script type="text/javascript">
5321          *     (function() {
5322          *         JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG9e2bb29c-d998-428c-9432-4a7bf6cd9222',
5323          *             {boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
5324          *                 grid: { theme: 4 },
5325          *             });
5326          *     })();
5327          * </script> <pre>
5328          *
5329          * @example
5330          * // Theme 5
5331          * // grid of '+'s and points in between
5332          *
5333          * JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
5334          *     boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4], axis: false,
5335          *     grid: { theme: 5 },
5336          * });
5337          * </pre> <div id="JXG6a967d83-4179-4827-9e97-63fbf1e872c8" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
5338          * <script type="text/javascript">
5339          *     (function() {
5340          *         JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG6a967d83-4179-4827-9e97-63fbf1e872c8',
5341          *             {boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
5342          *                 grid: { theme: 5 },
5343          *         });
5344          *     })();
5345          * </script> <pre>
5346          *
5347          * @example
5348          * // Theme 6
5349          * // grid of circles with points in between
5350          *
5351          * JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
5352          *     boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4], axis: false,
5353          *     grid: { theme: 6 },
5354          * });
5355          * </pre> <div id="JXG28bee3da-a7ef-4590-9a18-38d1b99d09ce" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
5356          * <script type="text/javascript">
5357          *     (function() {
5358          *         JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG28bee3da-a7ef-4590-9a18-38d1b99d09ce',
5359          *             {boundingbox: [-4, 4, 4, -4], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false,
5360          *                 grid: { theme: 6 },
5361          *         });
5362          *     })();
5363          * </script> <pre>
5364          */
5365         themes: [
5366             {
5367                 // default values
5368             },
5370             {   // Theme 1: quadratic grid appearance with distance of major grid elements in x- and y-direction set to the primarily smaller one
5371                 forceSquare: 'min',
5372                 major: {
5373                     face: 'line'
5374                 }
5375             },
5377             {   // Theme 2: lines and points in between
5378                 major: {
5379                     face: 'line'
5380                 },
5381                 minor: {
5382                     size: 3,
5383                     face: 'point'
5384                 },
5385                 minorElements: 'auto'
5386             },
5388             {   // Theme 3: lines and thinner lines in between
5389                 major: {
5390                     face: 'line'
5391                 },
5392                 minor: {
5393                     face: 'line',
5394                     strokeOpacity: 0.25
5395                 },
5396                 minorElements: 'auto'
5397             },
5399             {   // Theme 4: lines with grid of '+'s plotted in between
5400                 major: {
5401                     face: 'line'
5402                 },
5403                 minor: {
5404                     face: '+',
5405                     size: '95%'
5406                 },
5407                 minorElements: 'auto'
5408             },
5410             {   // Theme 5: grid of '+'s and more points in between
5411                 major: {
5412                     face: '+',
5413                     size: 10,
5414                     strokeOpacity: 1
5415                 },
5416                 minor: {
5417                     face: 'point',
5418                     size: 3
5419                 },
5420                 minorElements: 'auto'
5421             },
5423             {   // Theme 6: grid of circles with points in between
5424                 major: {
5425                     face: 'circle',
5426                     size: 8,
5427                     fillColor: '#c0c0c0'
5428                 },
5429                 minor: {
5430                     face: 'point',
5431                     size: 3
5432                 },
5433                 minorElements: 'auto'
5434             }
5435         ]
5437         /**#@-*/
5438     },
5440     group: {
5441         needsRegularUpdate: true
5442     },
5444     /* special html slider options */
5445     htmlslider: {
5446         /**#@+
5447          * @visprop
5448          */
5450         // /**
5451         //  *
5452         //  * These affect the DOM element input type="range".
5453         //  * The other attributes affect the DOM element div containing the range element.
5454         //  */
5455         widthRange: 100,
5456         widthOut: 34,
5457         step: 0.01,
5459         frozen: true,
5460         isLabel: false,
5461         strokeColor: '#000000',
5462         display: 'html',
5463         anchorX: 'left',
5464         anchorY: 'middle',
5465         withLabel: false
5467         /**#@-*/
5468     },
5470     /* special image options */
5471     image: {
5472         /**#@+
5473          * @visprop
5474          */
5476         imageString: null,
5477         fillOpacity: 1.0,
5478         highlightFillOpacity: 0.6,
5481         /**
5482          * Defines the CSS class used by the image. CSS attributes defined in
5483          * this class will overwrite the corresponding JSXGraph attributes, e.g.
5484          * opacity.
5485          * The default CSS class is defined in jsxgraph.css.
5486          *
5487          * @name Image#cssClass
5488          *
5489          * @see Image#highlightCssClass
5490          * @type String
5491          * @default 'JXGimage'
5492          */
5493         cssClass: 'JXGimage',
5495         /**
5496          * Defines the CSS class used by the image when highlighted.
5497          * CSS attributes defined in this class will overwrite the
5498          * corresponding JSXGraph attributes, e.g. highlightFillOpacity.
5499          * The default CSS class is defined in jsxgraph.css.
5500          *
5501          * @name Image#highlightCssClass
5502          *
5503          * @see Image#cssClass
5504          * @type String
5505          * @default 'JXGimageHighlight'
5506          */
5507         highlightCssClass: 'JXGimageHighlight',
5509         /**
5510          * Image rotation in degrees.
5511          *
5512          * @name Image#rotate
5513          * @type Number
5514          * @default 0
5515          */
5516         rotate: 0,
5518         /**
5519          * Defines together with {@link Image#snapSizeY} the grid the image snaps on to.
5520          * The image will only snap on user coordinates which are
5521          * integer multiples to snapSizeX in x and snapSizeY in y direction.
5522          * If this value is equal to or less than <tt>0</tt>, it will use the grid displayed by the major ticks
5523          * of the default ticks of the default x axes of the board.
5524          *
5525          * @name Image#snapSizeX
5526          *
5527          * @see Point#snapToGrid
5528          * @see Image#snapSizeY
5529          * @see JXG.Board#defaultAxes
5530          * @type Number
5531          * @default 1
5532          */
5533         snapSizeX: 1,
5535         /**
5536          * Defines together with {@link Image#snapSizeX} the grid the image snaps on to.
5537          * The image will only snap on integer multiples to snapSizeX in x and snapSizeY in y direction.
5538          * If this value is equal to or less than <tt>0</tt>, it will use the grid displayed by the major ticks
5539          * of the default ticks of the default y axes of the board.
5540          *
5541          * @name Image#snapSizeY
5542          *
5543          * @see Point#snapToGrid
5544          * @see Image#snapSizeX
5545          * @see JXG.Board#defaultAxes
5546          * @type Number
5547          * @default 1
5548          */
5549         snapSizeY: 1,
5551         /**
5552          * List of attractor elements. If the distance of the image is less than
5553          * attractorDistance the image is made to glider of this element.
5554          *
5555          * @name Image#attractors
5556          *
5557          * @type Array
5558          * @default empty
5559          */
5560         attractors: []
5562         /**#@-*/
5563     },
5565     /* special implicitcurve options */
5566     implicitcurve: {
5567         /**#@+
5568          * @visprop
5569          */
5571         /**
5572          * Defines the margin (in user coordinates) around the JSXGraph board in which the
5573          * implicit curve is plotted.
5574          *
5575          * @name ImplicitCurve#margin
5576          * @type {Number|Function}
5577          * @default 1
5578          */
5579         margin: 1,
5581         /**
5582          * Horizontal resolution: distance (in pixel) between vertical lines to search for components of the implicit curve.
5583          * A small number increases the running time. For large number components may be missed.
5584          * Minimum value is 0.01.
5585          *
5586          * @name ImplicitCurve#resolution_outer
5587          * @type {Number|Function}
5588          * @default 5
5589          */
5590         resolution_outer: 5,
5592         /**
5593          * Vertical resolution (in pixel) to search for components of the implicit curve.
5594          * A small number increases the running time. For large number components may be missed.
5595          * Minimum value is 0.01.
5596          *
5597          * @name ImplicitCurve#resolution_inner
5598          * @type {Number|Function}
5599          * @default 5
5600          */
5601         resolution_inner: 5,
5603         /**
5604          * Maximum iterations for one component of the implicit curve.
5605          *
5606          * @name ImplicitCurve#max_steps
5607          * @type {Number|Function}
5608          * @default 1024
5609          */
5610         max_steps: 1024,
5612         /**
5613          * Angle α<sub>0</sub> between two successive tangents: determines the smoothness of
5614          * the curve.
5615          *
5616          * @name ImplicitCurve#alpha_0
5617          * @type {Number|Function}
5618          * @default 0.05
5619          */
5620         alpha_0: 0.05,
5622         /**
5623          * Tolerance to find starting points for the tracing phase of a component.
5624          *
5625          * @name ImplicitCurve#tol_0
5626          * @type {Number|Function}
5627          * @default JXG.Math.eps
5628          */
5629         tol_u0: Mat.eps,
5631         /**
5632          * Tolerance for the Newton steps.
5633          *
5634          * @name ImplicitCurve#tol_newton
5635          * @type {Number|Function}
5636          * @default 1.0e-7
5637          */
5638         tol_newton: 1.0e-7,
5640         /**
5641          * Tolerance for cusp / bifurcation detection.
5642          *
5643          * @name ImplicitCurve#tol_cusp
5644          * @type {Number|Function}
5645          * @default 0.05
5646          */
5647         tol_cusp: 0.05,
5649         /**
5650          * If two points are closer than this value, we bail out of the tracing phase for that
5651          * component.
5652          *
5653          * @name ImplicitCurve#tol_progress
5654          * @type {Number|Function}
5655          * @default 0.0001
5656          */
5657         tol_progress: 0.0001,
5659         /**
5660          * Half of the box size (in user units) to search for existing line segments in the quadtree.
5661          *
5662          * @name ImplicitCurve#qdt_box
5663          * @type {Number|Function}
5664          * @default 0.2
5665          */
5666         qdt_box: 0.2,
5668         /**
5669          * Inverse of desired number of Newton steps.
5670          *
5671          * @name ImplicitCurve#kappa_0
5672          * @type {Number|Function}
5673          * @default 0.2
5674          */
5675         kappa_0: 0.2,
5677         /**
5678          * Allowed distance (in user units) of predictor point to curve.
5679          *
5680          * @name ImplicitCurve#delta_0
5681          * @type {Number|Function}
5682          * @default 0.05
5683          */
5684         delta_0: 0.05,
5686         /**
5687          * Initial step width (in user units).
5688          *
5689          * @name ImplicitCurve#h_initial
5690          * @type {Number|Function}
5691          * @default 0.1
5692          */
5693         h_initial: 0.1,
5695         /**
5696          * If h is below this threshold (in user units), we bail out
5697          * of the tracing phase of that component.
5698          *
5699          * @name ImplicitCurve#h_critical
5700          * @type {Number|Function}
5701          * @default 0.001
5702          */
5703         h_critical: 0.001,
5705         /**
5706          * Maximum step width (in user units).
5707          *
5708          * @name ImplicitCurve#h_max
5709          * @type {Number|Function}
5710          * @default 1
5711          */
5712         h_max: 1,
5714         /**
5715          * Allowed distance (in user units multiplied by actual step width) to detect loop.
5716          *
5717          * @name ImplicitCurve#loop_dist
5718          * @type {Number|Function}
5719          * @default 0.09
5720          */
5721         loop_dist: 0.09,
5723         /**
5724          * Minimum acos of angle to detect loop.
5725          *
5726          * @name ImplicitCurve#loop_dir
5727          * @type {Number|Function}
5728          * @default 0.99
5729          */
5730         loop_dir: 0.99,
5732         /**
5733          * Use Gosper's loop detector.
5734          *
5735          * @name ImplicitCurve#loop_detection
5736          * @type {Boolean|Function}
5737          * @default true
5738          */
5739         loop_detection: true
5741         /**#@-*/
5742     },
5744     /* special options for incircle of 3 points */
5745     incircle: {
5746         /**#@+
5747          * @visprop
5748          */
5750         fillColor: 'none',
5751         highlightFillColor: 'none',
5752         strokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
5753         highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
5755         /**
5756          * Attributes of circle center.
5757          *
5758          * @type Point
5759          * @name Incircle#center
5760          */
5761         center: {               // center point
5762             visible: false,
5763             fixed: false,
5764             withLabel: false,
5765             fillColor: Color.palette.red,
5766             strokeColor: Color.palette.red,
5767             highlightFillColor: '#c3d9ff',
5768             highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
5769             name: ''
5770         }
5771         /**#@-*/
5772     },
5774     inequality: {
5775         /**#@+
5776          * @visprop
5777          */
5779         fillColor: Color.palette.red,
5780         fillOpacity: 0.2,
5781         strokeColor: 'none',
5783         /**
5784          * By default an inequality is less (or equal) than. Set inverse to <tt>true</tt> will consider the inequality
5785          * greater (or equal) than.
5786          *
5787          * @type Boolean
5788          * @default false
5789          * @name Inequality#inverse
5790          * @visprop
5791          */
5792         inverse: false
5793         /**#@-*/
5794     },
5796     infobox: {
5797         /**#@+
5798          * @visprop
5799          */
5801         /**
5802          * Horizontal offset in pixel of the infobox text from its anchor point.
5803          *
5804          * @type Number
5805          * @default -20
5806          * @name JXG.Board.infobox#distanceX
5807          * @visprop
5808          */
5809         distanceX: -20,
5811         /**
5812          * Vertical offset in pixel of the infobox text from its anchor point.
5813          *
5814          * @type Number
5815          * @default 25
5816          * @name JXG.Board.infobox#distanceY
5817          * @visprop
5818          */
5819         distanceY: 25,
5821         /**
5822          * Internationalization support for infobox text.
5823          *
5824          * @name JXG.Board.infobox#intl
5825          * @type object
5826          * @default <pre>{
5827          *    enabled: 'inherit',
5828          *    options: {}
5829          * }</pre>
5830          * @visprop
5831          * @see JXG.Board#intl
5832          * @see Text#intl
5833          */
5834         intl: {
5835             enabled: 'inherit',
5836             options: {}
5837         },
5839         fontSize: 12,
5840         isLabel: false,
5841         strokeColor: '#bbbbbb',
5842         display: 'html',             // 'html' or 'internal'
5843         anchorX: 'left',             //  'left', 'middle', or 'right': horizontal alignment
5844         //  of the text.
5845         anchorY: 'middle',           //  'top', 'middle', or 'bottom': vertical alignment
5846         //  of the text.
5847         cssClass: 'JXGinfobox',
5848         rotate: 0,                   // works for non-zero values only in combination
5849         // with display=='internal'
5850         visible: true,
5851         parse: false,
5852         transitionDuration: 0,
5853         needsRegularUpdate: false,
5854         tabindex: null,
5855         viewport: [0, 0, 0, 0]
5857         /**#@-*/
5858     },
5860     /* special options for integral */
5861     integral: {
5862         /**#@+
5863          * @visprop
5864          */
5866         axis: 'x',        // 'x' or 'y'
5867         withLabel: true,    // Show integral value as text
5868         fixed: true,
5869         strokeWidth: 0,
5870         strokeOpacity: 0,
5871         fillColor: Color.palette.red,
5872         fillOpacity: 0.3,
5873         highlightFillColor: Color.palette.red,
5874         highlightFillOpacity: 0.2,
5876         /**
5877          * Attributes of the (left) starting point of the integral.
5878          *
5879          * @type Point
5880          * @name Integral#curveLeft
5881          * @see Integral#baseLeft
5882          */
5883         curveLeft: {    // Start point
5884             visible: true,
5885             withLabel: false,
5886             color: Color.palette.red,
5887             fillOpacity: 0.8,
5888             layer: 9
5889         },
5891         /**
5892          * Attributes of the (left) base point of the integral.
5893          *
5894          * @type Point
5895          * @name Integral#baseLeft
5896          * @see Integral#curveLeft
5897          */
5898         baseLeft: {    // Start point
5899             visible: false,
5900             fixed: false,
5901             withLabel: false,
5902             name: ''
5903         },
5905         /**
5906          * Attributes of the (right) end point of the integral.
5907          *
5908          * @type Point
5909          * @name Integral#curveRight
5910          * @see Integral#baseRight
5911          */
5912         curveRight: {      // End point
5913             visible: true,
5914             withLabel: false,
5915             color: Color.palette.red,
5916             fillOpacity: 0.8,
5917             layer: 9
5918         },
5920         /**
5921          * Attributes of the (right) base point of the integral.
5922          *
5923          * @type Point
5924          * @name Integral#baseRight
5925          * @see Integral#curveRight
5926          */
5927         baseRight: {      // End point
5928             visible: false,
5929             fixed: false,
5930             withLabel: false,
5931             name: ''
5932         },
5934         /**
5935          * Attributes for integral label.
5936          *
5937          * @type Label
5938          * @name Integral#label
5939          * @default <pre>{
5940          *      fontSize: 20,
5941          *      digits: 4,
5942          *      intl: {
5943          *          enabled: false,
5944          *          options: {}
5945          *      }
5946          *    }</pre>
5947          */
5948         label: {
5949             fontSize: 20,
5950             digits: 4,
5951             intl: {
5952                 enabled: false,
5953                 options: {}
5954             }
5955         }
5956         /**#@-*/
5957     },
5959     /* special input options */
5960     input: {
5961         /**#@+
5962          * @visprop
5963          */
5965         /**
5966          * Control the attribute "disabled" of the HTML input field.
5967          *
5968          * @name disabled
5969          * @memberOf Input.prototype
5970          *
5971          * @type Boolean
5972          * @default false
5973          */
5974         disabled: false,
5976         /**
5977          * Control the attribute "maxlength" of the HTML input field.
5978          *
5979          * @name maxlength
5980          * @memberOf Input.prototype
5981          *
5982          * @type Number
5983          * @default 524288 (as in HTML)
5984          */
5985         maxlength: 524288,
5987         display: 'html'
5989         /**#@-*/
5990     },
5992     /* special intersection point options */
5993     intersection: {
5994         /**#@+
5995          * @visprop
5996          */
5998         /**
5999          * Used in {@link JXG.Intersection}.
6000          * This flag sets the behaviour of intersection points of e.g.
6001          * two segments. If true, the intersection is treated as intersection of lines. If false
6002          * the intersection point exists if the segments intersect setwise.
6003          *
6004          * @name Intersection.alwaysIntersect
6005          * @type Boolean
6006          * @default true
6007          */
6008         alwaysIntersect: true
6010         /**#@-*/
6011     },
6013     /* special label options */
6014     label: {
6015         /**#@+
6016          * @visprop
6017          */
6019         visible: 'inherit',
6020         strokeColor: '#000000',
6021         strokeOpacity: 1,
6022         highlightStrokeOpacity: 0.666666,
6023         highlightStrokeColor: '#000000',
6025         fixed: true,
6027         /**
6028          * Point labels are positioned by setting {@link Point#anchorX}, {@link Point#anchorY}
6029          * and {@link Label#offset}.
6030          * For line, circle and curve elements (and their derived objects)
6031          * there are two possibilities to position labels.
6032          * <p>
6033          * The first possibility uses the <a href="https://www.tug.org/metapost.html">MetaPost</a> system:
6034          * Possible string values for the position of a label for
6035          * label anchor points are:
6036          * <ul>
6037          * <li> 'first' (lines only)
6038          * <li> 'last' (lines only)
6039          * <li> 'lft'
6040          * <li> 'rt'
6041          * <li> 'top'
6042          * <li> 'bot'
6043          * <li> 'ulft'
6044          * <li> 'urt'
6045          * <li> 'llft'
6046          * <li> 'lrt'
6047          * </ul>
6048          * <p>
6049          * Since v1.9.0 there is a second possibility:
6050          * With <tt>position: 'len side'</tt> the label can be positioned exactly along the
6051          * element's path. Here,
6052          * <ul>
6053          * <li> 'len' is an expression of the form
6054          *   <ul>
6055          *     <li> xfr, denoting a fraction of the whole. x is expected to be a number between 0 and 1.
6056          *     <li> x%, a percentage. x is expected to be a number between 0 and 100.
6057          *     <li> x, a number: only possible for line elements and circles. For lines, the label is positioned x
6058          *          user units from the starting point. For circles, the number is interpreted as degree, e.g. 45°.
6059          *          For everything else, 0 is taken instead.
6060          *     <li> xpx, a pixel value: only possible for line elements.
6061          *          The label is positioned x pixels from the starting point.
6062          *          For non-lines, 0% is taken instead.
6063          *   </ul>
6064          * <li> 'side' is either 'left' or 'right'. The label is positioned to the left or right of the path, when moving from the
6065          * first point to the last. For circles, 'left' means inside of the circle, 'right' means outside of the circle.
6066          * The distance of the label from the path can be controlled by {@link Label#distance}.
6067          * </ul>
6068          * Recommended for this second possibility is to use anchorX: 'middle' and 'anchorY: 'middle'.
6069          *
6070          * @example
6071          * var l1 = board.create('segment', [[-3, 2], [3, 2]], {
6072          *     name: 'l_1',
6073          *     withLabel: true,
6074          *     point1: { visible: true, name: 'A', withLabel: true },
6075          *     point2: { visible: true, name: 'B', withLabel: true },
6076          *     label: {
6077          *         anchorX: 'middle',
6078          *         anchorY: 'middle',
6079          *         offset: [0, 0],
6080          *         distance: 1.2,
6081          *         position: '0.2fr left'
6082          *     }
6083          * });
6084          *
6085          * </pre><div id="JXG66395d34-fd7f-42d9-97dc-14ae8882c11f" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
6086          * <script type="text/javascript">
6087          *     (function() {
6088          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG66395d34-fd7f-42d9-97dc-14ae8882c11f',
6089          *             {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
6090          *     var l1 = board.create('segment', [[-3, 2], [3, 2]], {
6091          *         name: 'l_1',
6092          *         withLabel: true,
6093          *         point1: { visible: true, name: 'A', withLabel: true },
6094          *         point2: { visible: true, name: 'B', withLabel: true },
6095          *         label: {
6096          *             anchorX: 'middle',
6097          *             anchorY: 'middle',
6098          *             offset: [0, 0],
6099          *             distance: 1.2,
6100          *             position: '0.2fr left'
6101          *         }
6102          *     });
6103          *
6104          *     })();
6105          *
6106          * </script><pre>
6107          *
6108          * @example
6109          * var c1 = board.create('circle', [[0, 0], 3], {
6110          *     name: 'c_1',
6111          *     withLabel: true,
6112          *     label: {
6113          *         anchorX: 'middle',
6114          *         anchorY: 'middle',
6115          *         offset: [0, 0],
6116          *         fontSize: 32,
6117          *         distance: 1.5,
6118          *         position: '50% right'
6119          *     }
6120          * });
6121          *
6122          * </pre><div id="JXG98ee16ab-fc5f-476c-bf57-0107ac69d91e" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
6123          * <script type="text/javascript">
6124          *     (function() {
6125          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG98ee16ab-fc5f-476c-bf57-0107ac69d91e',
6126          *             {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
6127          *     var c1 = board.create('circle', [[0, 0], 3], {
6128          *         name: 'c_1',
6129          *         withLabel: true,
6130          *         label: {
6131          *             anchorX: 'middle',
6132          *             anchorY: 'middle',
6133          *             offset: [0, 0],
6134          *             fontSize: 32,
6135          *             distance: 1.5,
6136          *             position: '50% right'
6137          *         }
6138          *     });
6139          *
6140          *     })();
6141          *
6142          * </script><pre>
6143          *
6144          * @example
6145          * var cu1 = board.create('functiongraph', ['3 * sin(x)', -3, 3], {
6146          *     name: 'cu_1',
6147          *     withLabel: true,
6148          *     label: {
6149          *         anchorX: 'middle',
6150          *         anchorY: 'middle',
6151          *         offset: [0, 0],
6152          *         distance: 2,
6153          *         position: '0.8fr right'
6154          *     }
6155          * });
6156          *
6157          * </pre><div id="JXG65b2edee-12d8-48a1-94b2-d6e79995de8c" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
6158          * <script type="text/javascript">
6159          *     (function() {
6160          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG65b2edee-12d8-48a1-94b2-d6e79995de8c',
6161          *             {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
6162          *     var cu1 = board.create('functiongraph', ['3 * sin(x)', -3, 3], {
6163          *         name: 'cu_1',
6164          *         withLabel: true,
6165          *         label: {
6166          *             anchorX: 'middle',
6167          *             anchorY: 'middle',
6168          *             offset: [0, 0],
6169          *             distance: 2,
6170          *             position: '0.8fr right'
6171          *         }
6172          *     });
6173          *
6174          *     })();
6175          *
6176          * </script><pre>
6177          *
6178          * @example
6179          * var A = board.create('point', [-1, 4]);
6180          * var B = board.create('point', [-1, -4]);
6181          * var C = board.create('point', [1, 1]);
6182          * var cu2 = board.create('ellipse', [A, B, C], {
6183          *     name: 'cu_2',
6184          *     withLabel: true,
6185          *     label: {
6186          *         anchorX: 'middle',
6187          *         anchorY: 'middle',
6188          *         offset: [0, 0],
6189          *         fontSize: 20,
6190          *         distance: 1.5,
6191          *         position: '75% right'
6192          *     }
6193          * });
6194          *
6195          * </pre><div id="JXG9c3b2213-1b5a-4cb8-b547-a8d179b851f2" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
6196          * <script type="text/javascript">
6197          *     (function() {
6198          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG9c3b2213-1b5a-4cb8-b547-a8d179b851f2',
6199          *             {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
6200          *     var A = board.create('point', [-1, 4]);
6201          *     var B = board.create('point', [-1, -4]);
6202          *     var C = board.create('point', [1, 1]);
6203          *     var cu2 = board.create('ellipse', [A, B, C], {
6204          *         name: 'cu_2',
6205          *         withLabel: true,
6206          *         label: {
6207          *             anchorX: 'middle',
6208          *             anchorY: 'middle',
6209          *             offset: [0, 0],
6210          *             fontSize: 20,
6211          *             distance: 1.5,
6212          *             position: '75% right'
6213          *         }
6214          *     });
6215          *
6216          *     })();
6217          *
6218          * </script><pre>
6219          *
6220          *
6221          * @name Label#position
6222          * @type String
6223          * @default 'urt'
6224          * @see Label#distance
6225          * @see Label#offset
6226          */
6227         position: 'urt',
6229         /**
6230          * Distance of the label from a path element, like line, circle, curve.
6231          * The true distance is this value multiplied by 0.5 times the size of the bounding box of the label text.
6232          * That means, with a value of 1 the label will touch the path element.
6233          * @name Label#distance
6234          * @type Number
6235          * @default 1.5
6236          *
6237          * @see Label#position
6238          *
6239          */
6240         distance: 1.5,
6242         /**
6243          *  Label offset from label anchor.
6244          *  The label anchor is determined by {@link Label#position}
6245          *
6246          * @name Label#offset
6247          * @see Label#position
6248          * @type Array
6249          * @default [10,10]
6250          */
6251         offset: [10, 10],
6253         /**
6254          * Automatic position of label text. When called first, the positioning algorithm
6255          * starts at the position defined by offset.
6256          * The algorithm tries to find a position with the least number of
6257          * overlappings with other elements, while retaining the distance
6258          * to the anchor element.
6259          *
6260          * @name Label#autoPosition
6261          * @see Label#offset
6262          * @type Boolean
6263          * @default false
6264          *
6265          * @example
6266          * 	var p1 = board.create('point', [-2, 1], {id: 'A'});
6267          * 	var p2 = board.create('point', [-0.85, 1], {
6268          *      name: 'B', id: 'B', label:{autoPosition: true, offset:[10, 10]}
6269          *  });
6270          * 	var p3 = board.create('point', [-1, 1.2], {
6271          *      name: 'C', id: 'C', label:{autoPosition: true, offset:[10, 10]}
6272          *  });
6273          *  var c = board.create('circle', [p1, p2]);
6274          * 	var l = board.create('line', [p1, p2]);
6275          *
6276          * </pre><div id="JXG7d4dafe7-1a07-4d3f-95cb-bfed9d96dea2" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
6277          * <script type="text/javascript">
6278          *     (function() {
6279          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG7d4dafe7-1a07-4d3f-95cb-bfed9d96dea2',
6280          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
6281          *     	var p1 = board.create('point', [-2, 1], {id: 'A'});
6282          *     	var p2 = board.create('point', [-0.85, 1], {name: 'B', id: 'B', label:{autoPosition: true, offset:[10, 10]}});
6283          *     	var p3 = board.create('point', [-1, 1.2], {name: 'C', id: 'C', label:{autoPosition: true, offset:[10, 10]}});
6284          *      var c = board.create('circle', [p1, p2]);
6285          *     	var l = board.create('line', [p1, p2]);
6286          *
6287          *     })();
6288          *
6289          * </script><pre>
6290          *
6291          *
6292          */
6293         autoPosition: false,
6295         /**
6296          * The auto position algorithm tries to put a label to a conflict-free
6297          * position around it's anchor element. For this, the algorithm tests 12 positions
6298          * around the anchor element starting at a distance from the anchor
6299          * defined here (in pixel).
6300          *
6301          * @name Label#autoPositionMinDistance
6302          * @see Label#autoPosition
6303          * @see Label#autoPositionMaxDistance
6304          * @type Number
6305          * @default 12
6306          *
6307          */
6308         autoPositionMinDistance: 12,
6310         /**
6311          * The auto position algorithm tries to put a label to a conflict-free
6312          * position around it's anchor element. For this, the algorithm tests 12 positions
6313          * around the anchor element up to a distance from the anchor
6314          * defined here (in pixel).
6315          *
6316          * @name Label#autoPositionMaxDistance
6317          * @see Label#autoPosition
6318          * @see Label#autoPositionMinDistance
6319          * @type Number
6320          * @default 28
6321          *
6322          */
6323         autoPositionMaxDistance: 28,
6325         /**
6326          * List of object ids which should be ignored on setting automatic position of label text.
6327          *
6328          * @name Label#autoPositionWhitelist
6329          * @see Label#autoPosition
6330          * @type Array
6331          * @default []
6332          */
6333         autoPositionWhitelist: []
6335         /**#@-*/
6336     },
6338     /* special legend options */
6339     legend: {
6340         /**
6341          * @visprop
6342          */
6344         /**
6345          * Default style of a legend element. The only possible value is 'vertical'.
6346          * @name Legend#style
6347          * @type String
6348          * @default 'vertical'
6349          */
6350         style: 'vertical',
6352         /**
6353          * Label names of a legend element.
6354          * @name Legend#labels
6355          * @type Array
6356          * @default "['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8']"
6357          */
6358         labels: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8'],
6360         /**
6361          * (Circular) array of label colors.
6362          * @name Legend#colors
6363          * @type Array
6364          * @default "['#B02B2C', '#3F4C6B', '#C79810', '#D15600', '#FFFF88', '#c3d9ff', '#4096EE', '#008C00']"
6365          */
6366         colors: ['#B02B2C', '#3F4C6B', '#C79810', '#D15600', '#FFFF88', '#c3d9ff', '#4096EE', '#008C00'],
6368         /**
6369          * Height (in px) of one legend entry
6370          * @name Legend#rowHeight
6371          * @type Number
6372          * @default 20
6373          *
6374          */
6375         rowHeight: 20,
6377         strokeWidth: 5
6379         /**#@-*/
6380     },
6382     /* special line options */
6383     line: {
6384         /**#@+
6385          * @visprop
6386          */
6388         /**
6389          * Configure the arrow head at the position of its first point or the corresponding
6390          * intersection with the canvas border
6391          *
6392          * The attribute firstArrow can be a Boolean or an object with the following sub-attributes:
6393          * <pre>
6394          * {
6395          *      type: 1, // possible values are 1, 2, ..., 7. Default value is 1.
6396          *      size: 6, // size of the arrow head. Default value is 6.
6397          *               // This value is multiplied with the strokeWidth of the line
6398          *               // Exception: for type=7 size is ignored
6399          *      highlightSize: 6, // size of the arrow head in case the element is highlighted. Default value
6400          * }
6401          * </pre>
6402          * type=7 is the default for curves if firstArrow: true
6403          * <p>
6404          * An arrow head can be turned off with line.setAttribute({firstArrow: false}).
6405          *
6406          * @example
6407          *     board.options.line.lastArrow = false;
6408          *     board.options.line.firstArrow = {size: 10, highlightSize: 10};
6409          *     board.options.line.point1 = {visible: false, withLabel: true, label: {visible: true, anchorX: 'right'}};
6410          *     board.options.line.strokeWidth = 4;
6411          *     board.options.line.highlightStrokeWidth = 4;
6412          *
6413          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,4], [3,4]], {firstArrow: {type: 1}, point1: {name: 'type:1'}});
6414          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,3], [3,3]], {firstArrow: {type: 2}, point1: {name: 'type:2'}});
6415          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,2], [3,2]], {firstArrow: {type: 3}, point1: {name: 'type:3'}});
6416          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,1], [3,1]], {firstArrow: {type: 4}, point1: {name: 'type:4'}});
6417          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,0], [3,0]], {firstArrow: {type: 5}, point1: {name: 'type:5'}});
6418          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,-1], [3,-1]], {firstArrow: {type: 6}, point1: {name: 'type:6'}});
6419          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,-2], [3,-2]], {firstArrow: {type: 7}, point1: {name: 'type:7'}});
6420          *
6421          * </pre><div id="JXGc94a93da-c942-4204-8bb6-b39726cbb09b" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
6422          * <script type="text/javascript">
6423          *     (function() {
6424          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGc94a93da-c942-4204-8bb6-b39726cbb09b',
6425          *             {boundingbox: [-6, 6, 4,-4], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
6426          *         board.options.line.lastArrow = false;
6427          *         board.options.line.firstArrow = {size: 10, highlightSize: 10};
6428          *         board.options.line.point1 = {visible: false, withLabel: true, label: {visible: true, anchorX: 'right'}};
6429          *         board.options.line.strokeWidth = 4;
6430          *         board.options.line.highlightStrokeWidth = 4;
6431          *
6432          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,4], [3,4]], {firstArrow: {type: 1}, point1: {name: 'type:1'}});
6433          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,3], [3,3]], {firstArrow: {type: 2}, point1: {name: 'type:2'}});
6434          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,2], [3,2]], {firstArrow: {type: 3}, point1: {name: 'type:3'}});
6435          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,1], [3,1]], {firstArrow: {type: 4}, point1: {name: 'type:4'}});
6436          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,0], [3,0]], {firstArrow: {type: 5}, point1: {name: 'type:5'}});
6437          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,-1], [3,-1]], {firstArrow: {type: 6}, point1: {name: 'type:6'}});
6438          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,-2], [3,-2]], {firstArrow: {type: 7}, point1: {name: 'type:7'}});
6439          *
6440          *     })();
6441          *
6442          * </script><pre>
6443          *
6444          * @name Line#firstArrow
6445          * @see Line#lastArrow
6446          * @see Line#touchFirstPoint
6447          * @type Boolean | Object
6448          * @default false
6449          */
6450         firstArrow: false,
6452         /**
6453          * Configure the arrow head at the position of its second point or the corresponding
6454          * intersection with the canvas border.
6455          *
6456          * The attribute lastArrow can be a Boolean or an object with the following sub-attributes:
6457          * <pre>
6458          * {
6459          *      type: 1, // possible values are 1, 2, ..., 7. Default value is 1.
6460          *      size: 6, // size of the arrow head. Default value is 6.
6461          *               // This value is multiplied with the strokeWidth of the line.
6462          *               // Exception: for type=7 size is ignored
6463          *      highlightSize: 6, // size of the arrow head in case the element is highlighted. Default value is 6.
6464          * }
6465          * </pre>
6466          * type=7 is the default for curves if lastArrow: true
6467          * <p>
6468          * An arrow head can be turned off with line.setAttribute({lastArrow: false}).
6469          *
6470          * @example
6471          *     var p1 = board.create('point', [-5, 2], {size:1});
6472          *     var p2 = board.create('point', [5, 2], {size:10});
6473          *     var li = board.create('segment', ['A','B'],
6474          *         {name:'seg',
6475          *          strokeColor:'#000000',
6476          *          strokeWidth:1,
6477          *          highlightStrokeWidth: 5,
6478          *          lastArrow: {type: 2, size: 8, highlightSize: 6},
6479          *          touchLastPoint: true,
6480          *          firstArrow: {type: 3, size: 8}
6481          *         });
6482          *
6483          * </pre><div id="JXG184e915c-c2ef-11e8-bece-04d3b0c2aad3" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
6484          * <script type="text/javascript">
6485          *     (function() {
6486          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG184e915c-c2ef-11e8-bece-04d3b0c2aad3',
6487          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
6488          *         var p1 = board.create('point', [-5, 2], {size:1});
6489          *         var p2 = board.create('point', [5, 2], {size:10});
6490          *         var li = board.create('segment', ['A','B'],
6491          *             {name:'seg',
6492          *              strokeColor:'#000000',
6493          *              strokeWidth:1,
6494          *              highlightStrokeWidth: 5,
6495          *              lastArrow: {type: 2, size: 8, highlightSize: 6},
6496          *              touchLastPoint: true,
6497          *              firstArrow: {type: 3, size: 8}
6498          *             });
6499          *     })();
6500          *
6501          * </script>
6502          *
6503          * @example
6504          *     board.options.line.strokeWidth = 4;
6505          *     board.options.line.highlightStrokeWidth = 4;
6506          *     board.options.line.firstArrow = false;
6507          *     board.options.line.lastArrow = {size: 10, highlightSize: 10};
6508          *     board.options.line.point2 = {visible: false, withLabel: true, label: {visible: true}};
6509          *
6510          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,4], [3,4]], {lastArrow: {type: 1}, point2: {name: 'type:1'}});
6511          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,3], [3,3]], {lastArrow: {type: 2}, point2: {name: 'type:2'}});
6512          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,2], [3,2]], {lastArrow: {type: 3}, point2: {name: 'type:3'}});
6513          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,1], [3,1]], {lastArrow: {type: 4}, point2: {name: 'type:4'}});
6514          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,0], [3,0]], {lastArrow: {type: 5}, point2: {name: 'type:5'}});
6515          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,-1], [3,-1]], {lastArrow: {type: 6}, point2: {name: 'type:6'}});
6516          *     board.create('segment', [[-5,-2], [3,-2]], {lastArrow: {type: 7}, point2: {name: 'type:7'}});
6517          *
6518          * </pre><div id="JXGca206b1c-e319-4899-8b90-778f53fd926d" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
6519          * <script type="text/javascript">
6520          *     (function() {
6521          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGca206b1c-e319-4899-8b90-778f53fd926d',
6522          *             {boundingbox: [-6, 6, 6,-4], axis: false, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
6523          *         board.options.line.strokeWidth = 4;
6524          *         board.options.line.highlightStrokeWidth = 4;
6525          *         board.options.line.firstArrow = false;
6526          *         board.options.line.lastArrow = {size: 10, highlightSize: 10};
6527          *         board.options.line.point2 = {visible: false, withLabel: true, label: {visible: true}};
6528          *
6529          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,4], [3,4]], {lastArrow: {type: 1}, point2: {name: 'type:1'}});
6530          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,3], [3,3]], {lastArrow: {type: 2}, point2: {name: 'type:2'}});
6531          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,2], [3,2]], {lastArrow: {type: 3}, point2: {name: 'type:3'}});
6532          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,1], [3,1]], {lastArrow: {type: 4}, point2: {name: 'type:4'}});
6533          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,0], [3,0]], {lastArrow: {type: 5}, point2: {name: 'type:5'}});
6534          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,-1], [3,-1]], {lastArrow: {type: 6}, point2: {name: 'type:6'}});
6535          *         board.create('segment', [[-5,-2], [3,-2]], {lastArrow: {type: 7}, point2: {name: 'type:7'}});
6536          *     })();
6537          *
6538          * </script><pre>
6539          *
6540          * @name Line#lastArrow
6541          * @see Line#firstArrow
6542          * @see Line#touchLastPoint
6543          * @type Boolean | Object
6544          * @default false
6545          */
6546         lastArrow: false,
6548         /**
6549          * This number (pixel value) controls where infinite lines end at the canvas border. If zero, the line
6550          * ends exactly at the border, if negative there is a margin to the inside, if positive the line
6551          * ends outside of the canvas (which is invisible).
6552          *
6553          * @name Line#margin
6554          * @type Number
6555          * @default 0
6556          */
6557         margin: 0,
6559         /**
6560          * If true, line stretches infinitely in direction of its first point.
6561          * Otherwise it ends at point1.
6562          *
6563          * @name Line#straightFirst
6564          * @see Line#straightLast
6565          * @type Boolean
6566          * @default true
6567          */
6568         straightFirst: true,
6570         /**
6571          * If true, line stretches infinitely in direction of its second point.
6572          * Otherwise it ends at point2.
6573          *
6574          * @name Line#straightLast
6575          * @see Line#straightFirst
6576          * @type Boolean
6577          * @default true
6578          */
6579         straightLast: true,
6581         fillColor: 'none',           // Important for VML on IE
6582         highlightFillColor: 'none',  // Important for VML on IE
6583         strokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
6584         highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
6585         withTicks: false,
6587         /**
6588          * Attributes for first defining point of the line.
6589          *
6590          * @type Point
6591          * @name Line#point1
6592          */
6593         point1: {                  // Default values for point1 if created by line
6594             fillColor: Color.palette.red,
6595             strokeColor: Color.palette.red,
6596             highlightFillColor: '#c3d9ff',
6597             highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
6598             layer: 9,
6600             visible: false,
6601             withLabel: false,
6602             fixed: false,
6603             name: ''
6604         },
6606         /**
6607          * Attributes for second defining point of the line.
6608          *
6609          * @type Point
6610          * @name Line#point2
6611          */
6612         point2: {                  // Default values for point2 if created by line
6613             fillColor: Color.palette.red,
6614             strokeColor: Color.palette.red,
6615             highlightFillColor: '#c3d9ff',
6616             highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
6617             layer: 9,
6619             visible: false,
6620             withLabel: false,
6621             fixed: false,
6622             name: ''
6623         },
6625         /**
6626          * Attributes for ticks of the line.
6627          *
6628          * @name Line#ticks
6629          * @type Object
6630          * @see Ticks
6631          */
6632         ticks: {
6633             drawLabels: true,
6634             label: {
6635                 offset: [4, -12 + 3] // This seems to be a good offset for 12 point fonts
6636             },
6637             drawZero: false,
6638             insertTicks: false,
6639             ticksDistance: 1,
6640             minTicksDistance: 50,
6641             minorHeight: 4,          // if <0: full width and height
6642             majorHeight: -1,         // if <0: full width and height
6643             minorTicks: 4,
6644             strokeOpacity: 0.3,
6645             visible: 'inherit'
6646         },
6648         /**
6649          * Attributes for the line label.
6650          *
6651          * @type Object
6652          * @name Line#label
6653          * @see Label
6654          */
6655         label: {
6656             position: 'llft'
6657         },
6659         /**
6660          * If set to true, the point will snap to a grid defined by
6661          * {@link Point#snapSizeX} and {@link Point#snapSizeY}.
6662          *
6663          * @see Point#snapSizeX
6664          * @see Point#snapSizeY
6665          * @type Boolean
6666          * @name Line#snapToGrid
6667          * @default false
6668          */
6669         snapToGrid: false,
6671         /**
6672          * Defines together with {@link Point#snapSizeY} the grid the point snaps on to.
6673          * The point will only snap on integer multiples to snapSizeX in x and snapSizeY in y direction.
6674          * If this value is equal to or less than <tt>0</tt>, it will use the grid displayed by the major ticks
6675          * of the default ticks of the default x axes of the board.
6676          *
6677          * @see Point#snapToGrid
6678          * @see Point#snapSizeY
6679          * @see JXG.Board#defaultAxes
6680          * @type Number
6681          * @name Line#snapSizeX
6682          * @default 1
6683          */
6684         snapSizeX: 1,
6686         /**
6687          * Defines together with {@link Point#snapSizeX} the grid the point snaps on to.
6688          * The point will only snap on integer multiples to snapSizeX in x and snapSizeY in y direction.
6689          * If this value is equal to or less than <tt>0</tt>, it will use the grid displayed by the major ticks
6690          * of the default ticks of the default y axes of the board.
6691          *
6692          * @see Point#snapToGrid
6693          * @see Point#snapSizeX
6694          * @see JXG.Board#defaultAxes
6695          * @type Number
6696          * @name Line#snapSizeY
6697          * @default 1
6698          */
6699         snapSizeY: 1,
6701         /**
6702          * If set to true, {@link Line#firstArrow} is set to true and the point is visible,
6703          * the arrow head will just touch the circle line of the start point of the line.
6704          *
6705          * @see Line#firstArrow
6706          * @type Boolean
6707          * @name Line#touchFirstPoint
6708          * @default false
6709          */
6710         touchFirstPoint: false,
6712         /**
6713          * If set to true, {@link Line#lastArrow} is set to true and the point is visible,
6714          * the arrow head will just touch the circle line of the start point of the line.
6715          * @see Line#firstArrow
6716          * @type Boolean
6717          * @name Line#touchLastPoint
6718          * @default false
6719          */
6720         touchLastPoint: false
6722         /**#@-*/
6723     },
6725     /* special options for locus curves */
6726     locus: {
6727         /**#@+
6728          * @visprop
6729          */
6731         translateToOrigin: false,
6732         translateTo10: false,
6733         stretch: false,
6734         toOrigin: null,
6735         to10: null
6736         /**#@-*/
6737     },
6739     /* special measurement options */
6740     measurement: {
6741         /**#@+
6742          * @visprop
6743          */
6745         baseUnit: '',
6746         units: {},
6747         dim: null,
6749         showPrefix: true,
6750         showSuffix: true,
6752         prefix: '',
6753         suffix: '',
6755         formatPrefix: function (txt) { return txt; },
6756         formatSuffix: function (txt) { return txt; },
6758         formatCoords: function (x, y, z) {
6759             if (parseFloat(z) !== 1)
6760                 return '(NaN | NaN)';
6761             else
6762                 return '(' + x + ', ' + y + ')';
6763         },
6764         formatDirection: function (x, y) {
6765             return '(' + x + ', ' + y + ')';
6766         }
6768         /**#@-*/
6769     },
6771     /* special metapost spline options */
6772     metapostspline: {
6773         /**#@+
6774          * @visprop
6775          */
6777         /**
6778           * Controls if the data points of the cardinal spline when given as
6779           * arrays should be converted into {@link JXG.Points}.
6780           *
6781           * @name createPoints
6782           * @memberOf Metapostspline.prototype
6783           *
6784           * @see Metapostspline#points
6785           *
6786           * @type Boolean
6787           * @default true
6788           */
6789         createPoints: true,
6791         /**
6792          * If set to true, the supplied coordinates are interpreted as
6793          * [[x_0, y_0], [x_1, y_1], p, ...].
6794          * Otherwise, if the data consists of two arrays of equal length,
6795          * it is interpreted as
6796          * [[x_o x_1, ..., x_n], [y_0, y_1, ..., y_n]]
6797          *
6798          * @name isArrayOfCoordinates
6799          * @memberOf Metapostspline.prototype
6800          * @type Boolean
6801          * @default true
6802          */
6803         isArrayOfCoordinates: true,
6805         /**
6806          * Attributes for the points generated by Metapost spline in cases
6807          * {@link createPoints} is set to true
6808          *
6809          * @name points
6810          * @memberOf Metapostspline.prototype
6811          *
6812          * @see Metapostspline#createPoints
6813          * @type Object
6814          */
6815         points: {
6816             strokeOpacity: 0.5,
6817             fillOpacity: 0.5,
6818             highlightStrokeOpacity: 1.0,
6819             highlightFillOpacity: 1.0,
6820             withLabel: false,
6821             name: '',
6822             fixed: false
6823         }
6825         /**#@-*/
6826     },
6828     /* special mirrorelement options */
6829     mirrorelement: {
6830         /**#@+
6831          * @visprop
6832          */
6834         fixed: true,
6836         /**
6837          * Attributes of mirror point, i.e. the point along which the element is mirrored.
6838          *
6839          * @type Point
6840          * @name mirrorelement#point
6841          */
6842         point: {},
6844         /**
6845          * Attributes of circle center, i.e. the center of the circle,
6846          * if a circle is the mirror element and the transformation type is 'Euclidean'
6847          *
6848          * @type Point
6849          * @name mirrorelement#center
6850          */
6851         center: {},
6853         /**
6854          * Type of transformation. Possible values are 'Euclidean', 'projective'.
6855          *
6856          * If the value is 'Euclidean', the mirror element of a circle is again a circle,
6857          * otherwise it is a conic section.
6858          *
6859          * @type String
6860          * @name mirrorelement#type
6861          * @default 'Euclidean'
6862          */
6863         type: 'Euclidean'
6865         /**#@-*/
6866     },
6868     /* special nonreflexangle options */
6869     nonreflexangle: {
6870         /**#@+
6871          * @visprop
6872          */
6874         /**#@-*/
6875     },
6877     // /* special options for Msector of 3 points */
6878     // msector: {
6879     //     strokeColor: '#000000', // Msector line
6880     //     point: {               // Msector point
6881     //         visible: false,
6882     //         fixed: false,
6883     //         withLabel: false,
6884     //         name: ''
6885     //     }
6886     // },
6888     /* special options for normal lines */
6889     normal: {
6890         /**#@+
6891          * @visprop
6892          */
6894         strokeColor: '#000000', //  normal line
6896         /**
6897          * Attributes of helper point of normal.
6898          *
6899          * @type Point
6900          * @name Normal#point
6901          */
6902         point: {
6903             visible: false,
6904             fixed: false,
6905             withLabel: false,
6906             name: ''
6907         }
6908         /**#@-*/
6909     },
6911     /* special options for orthogonal projection points */
6912     orthogonalprojection: {
6913         /**#@+
6914          * @visprop
6915          */
6916         /**#@-*/
6917     },
6919     /* special otherintersection point options */
6920     otherintersection: {
6921         /**#@+
6922          * @visprop
6923          */
6925         /**
6926          * This flag sets the behavior of other intersection points of e.g.
6927          * a circle and a segment. If true, the intersection is treated as intersection with a line. If false
6928          * the intersection point exists if the segment intersects setwise.
6929          *
6930          * @name Otherintersection.alwaysIntersect
6931          * @type Boolean
6932          * @default true
6933          */
6934         alwaysIntersect: true,
6936         /**
6937          * Minimum distance (in user coordinates) for points to be defined as different.
6938          * For implicit curves and other non approximate curves this number might have to be
6939          * increased.
6940          *
6941          * @name Otherintersection.precision
6942          * @type Number
6943          * @default 0.001
6944          */
6945         precision: 0.001
6947         /**#@-*/
6948     },
6950     /* special options for parallel lines */
6951     parallel: {
6952         /**#@+
6953          * @visprop
6954          */
6956         strokeColor: '#000000', // Parallel line
6958         /**
6959          * Attributes of helper point of normal.
6960          *
6961          * @type Point
6962          * @name Parallel#point
6963          */
6964         point: {
6965             visible: false,
6966             fixed: false,
6967             withLabel: false,
6968             name: ''
6969         },
6971         label: {
6972             position: 'llft'
6973         }
6974         /**#@-*/
6975     },
6977     /* special parallelogram options */
6978     parallelogram: {
6979         parallelpoint: {
6980             withLabel: false,
6981             name: ''
6982         }
6983     },
6985     /* special parallelpoint options */
6986     parallelpoint: {
6987     },
6989     /* special perpendicular options */
6990     perpendicular: {
6991         /**#@+
6992          * @visprop
6993          */
6995         strokeColor: '#000000', // Perpendicular line
6996         straightFirst: true,
6997         straightLast: true
6998         /**#@-*/
6999     },
7001     /* special perpendicular options */
7002     perpendicularsegment: {
7003         /**#@+
7004          * @visprop
7005          */
7007         strokeColor: '#000000', // Perpendicular segment
7008         straightFirst: false,
7009         straightLast: false,
7010         point: {               // Perpendicular point
7011             visible: false,
7012             fixed: true,
7013             withLabel: false,
7014             name: ''
7015         }
7016         /**#@-*/
7017     },
7019     /* special point options */
7020     point: {
7021         /**#@+
7022          * @visprop
7023          */
7025         withLabel: true,
7026         label: {},
7028         /**
7029          * This attribute was used to determined the point layout. It was derived from GEONExT and was
7030          * replaced by {@link Point#face} and {@link Point#size}.
7031          *
7032          * @name Point#style
7033          *
7034          * @see Point#face
7035          * @see Point#size
7036          * @type Number
7037          * @default 5
7038          * @deprecated
7039          */
7040         style: 5,
7042         /**
7043          * There are different point styles which differ in appearance.
7044          * Posssible values are
7045          * <table>
7046          * <tr><th>Input</th><th>Output</th></tr>
7047          * <tr><td>cross</td><td>x</td></tr>
7048          * <tr><td>circle</td><td>o</td></tr>
7049          * <tr><td>square, []</td><td>[]</td></tr>
7050          * <tr><td>plus</td><td>+</td></tr>
7051          * <tr><td>minus</td><td>-</td></tr>
7052          * <tr><td>divide</td><td>|</td></tr>
7053          * <tr><td>diamond</td><td><></td></tr>
7054          * <tr><td>diamond2</td><td><> (bigger)</td></tr>
7055          * <tr><td>triangleup</td><td>^, a, A</td></tr>
7056          * <tr><td>triangledown</td><td>v</td></tr>
7057          * <tr><td>triangleleft</td><td><</td></tr>
7058          * <tr><td>triangleright</td><td>></td></tr>
7059          * </table>
7060          *
7061          * @name Point#face
7062          *
7063          * @type String
7064          * @see JXG.Point#setStyle
7065          * @default circle
7066          */
7067         face: 'o',
7069         /**
7070          * Size of a point, either in pixel or user coordinates.
7071          * Means radius resp. half the width of a point (depending on the face).
7072          *
7073          * @name Point#size
7074          *
7075          * @see Point#face
7076          * @see JXG.Point#setStyle
7077          * @see Point#sizeUnit
7078          * @type Number
7079          * @default 3
7080          */
7081         size: 3,
7083         /**
7084          * Unit for size.
7085          * Possible values are 'screen' and 'user.
7086          *
7087          * @name Point#sizeUnit
7088          *
7089          * @see Point#size
7090          * @type String
7091          * @default 'screen'
7092          */
7093         sizeUnit: 'screen',
7095         strokeWidth: 2,
7097         transitionProperties: ['fill', 'fill-opacity', 'stroke', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke-width', 'width', 'height', 'rx', 'ry'],
7098         fillColor: Color.palette.red,
7099         strokeColor: Color.palette.red,
7100         highlightFillColor: '#c3d9ff',
7101         highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
7102         // strokeOpacity: 1.0,
7103         // fillOpacity: 1.0,
7104         // highlightFillOpacity: 0.5,
7105         // highlightStrokeOpacity: 0.5,
7107         // fillColor: '#ff0000',
7108         // highlightFillColor: '#eeeeee',
7109         // strokeWidth: 2,
7110         // strokeColor: '#ff0000',
7111         // highlightStrokeColor: '#c3d9ff',
7113         /**
7114          * If true, the point size changes on zoom events.
7115          *
7116          * @type Boolean
7117          * @name Point#zoom
7118          * @default false
7119          *
7120          */
7121         zoom: false,             // Change the point size on zoom
7123         /**
7124          * If true, the infobox is shown on mouse/pen over, if false not.
7125          * If the value is 'inherit', the value of
7126          * {@link JXG.Board#showInfobox} is taken.
7127          *
7128          * @name Point#showInfobox
7129          * @see JXG.Board#showInfobox
7130          * @type Boolean|String
7131          * @description true | false | 'inherit'
7132          * @default true
7133          */
7134         showInfobox: 'inherit',
7136         /**
7137          * Truncating rule for the digits in the infobox.
7138          * <ul>
7139          * <li>'auto': done automatically by JXG.autoDigits()
7140          * <li>'none': no truncation
7141          * <li>number: truncate after "number digits" with JXG.toFixed()
7142          * </ul>
7143          *
7144          * @name Point#infoboxDigits
7145          *
7146          * @type String| Number
7147          * @default 'auto'
7148          * @see JXG#autoDigits
7149          * @see JXG#toFixed
7150          */
7151         infoboxDigits: 'auto',
7153         draft: false,
7155         /**
7156          * List of attractor elements. If the distance of the point is less than
7157          * attractorDistance the point is made to glider of this element.
7158          *
7159          * @name Point#attractors
7160          *
7161          * @type Array
7162          * @default empty
7163          */
7164         attractors: [],
7166         /**
7167          * Unit for attractorDistance and snatchDistance, used for magnetized points and for snapToPoints.
7168          * Possible values are 'screen' and 'user'.
7169          *
7170          * @name Point#attractorUnit
7171          *
7172          * @see Point#attractorDistance
7173          * @see Point#snatchDistance
7174          * @see Point#snapToPoints
7175          * @see Point#attractors
7176          * @type String
7177          * @default 'user'
7178          */
7179         attractorUnit: 'user',    // 'screen', 'user'
7181         /**
7182          * If the distance of the point to one of its attractors is less
7183          * than this number the point will be a glider on this
7184          * attracting element.
7185          * If set to zero nothing happens.
7186          *
7187          * @name Point#attractorDistance
7188          *
7189          * @type Number
7190          * @default 0.0
7191          */
7192         attractorDistance: 0.0,
7194         /**
7195          * If the distance of the point to one of its attractors is at least
7196          * this number the point will be released from being a glider on the
7197          * attracting element.
7198          * If set to zero nothing happens.
7199          *
7200          * @name Point#snatchDistance
7201          *
7202          * @type Number
7203          * @default 0.0
7204          */
7205         snatchDistance: 0.0,
7207         /**
7208          * If set to true, the point will snap to a grid of integer multiples of
7209          * {@link Point#snapSizeX} and {@link Point#snapSizeY} (in user coordinates).
7210          * <p>
7211          * The coordinates of the grid points are either integer multiples of snapSizeX and snapSizeY
7212          * (given in user coordinates, not pixels) or are the intersection points
7213          * of the major ticks of the boards default axes in case that snapSizeX, snapSizeY are negative.
7214          *
7215          * @name Point#snapToGrid
7216          *
7217          * @see Point#snapSizeX
7218          * @see Point#snapSizeY
7219          * @type Boolean
7220          * @default false
7221          */
7222         snapToGrid: false,
7224         /**
7225          * If set to true, the point will only snap to (possibly invisibly) grid points
7226          * when within {@link Point#attractorDistance} of such a grid point.
7227          * <p>
7228          * The coordinates of the grid points are either integer multiples of snapSizeX and snapSizeY
7229          * (given in user coordinates, not pixels) or are the intersection points
7230          * of the major ticks of the boards default axes in case that snapSizeX, snapSizeY are negative.
7231          *
7232          * @name Point#attractToGrid
7233          *
7234          * @see Point#attractorDistance
7235          * @see Point#attractorUnit
7236          * @see Point#snapToGrid
7237          * @see Point#snapSizeX
7238          * @see Point#snapSizeY
7239          * @type Boolean
7240          * @default false
7241          *
7242          * @example
7243          * board.create('point', [3, 3], { attractToGrid: true, attractorDistance: 10, attractorunit: 'screen' });
7244          *
7245          * </pre><div id="JXG397ab787-cd40-449c-a7e7-a3f7bab1d4f6" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
7246          * <script type="text/javascript">
7247          *     (function() {
7248          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG397ab787-cd40-449c-a7e7-a3f7bab1d4f6',
7249          *             {boundingbox: [-1, 4, 7,-4], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
7250          *     board.create('point', [3, 3], { attractToGrid: true, attractorDistance: 10, attractorunit: 'screen' });
7251          *
7252          *     })();
7253          *
7254          * </script><pre>
7255          *
7256          */
7257         attractToGrid: false,
7259         /**
7260          * Defines together with {@link Point#snapSizeY} the grid the point snaps on to.
7261          * It is given in user coordinates, not in pixels.
7262          * The point will only snap on integer multiples to snapSizeX in x and snapSizeY in y direction.
7263          * If this value is equal to or less than <tt>0</tt>, it will use the grid displayed by the major ticks
7264          * of the default ticks of the default x axes of the board.
7265          *
7266          * @name Point#snapSizeX
7267          *
7268          * @see Point#snapToGrid
7269          * @see Point#snapSizeY
7270          * @see JXG.Board#defaultAxes
7271          * @type Number
7272          * @default 1
7273          */
7274         snapSizeX: 1,
7276         /**
7277          * Defines together with {@link Point#snapSizeX} the grid the point snaps on to.
7278          * It is given in user coordinates, not in pixels.
7279          * The point will only snap on integer multiples to snapSizeX in x and snapSizeY in y direction.
7280          * If this value is equal to or less than <tt>0</tt>, it will use the grid displayed by the major ticks
7281          * of the default ticks of the default y axes of the board.
7282          *
7283          * @name Point#snapSizeY
7284          *
7285          * @see Point#snapToGrid
7286          * @see Point#snapSizeX
7287          * @see JXG.Board#defaultAxes
7288          * @type Number
7289          * @default 1
7290          */
7291         snapSizeY: 1,
7293         /**
7294          * If set to true, the point will snap to the nearest point in distance of
7295          * {@link Point#attractorDistance}.
7296          *
7297          * @name Point#snapToPoints
7298          *
7299          * @see Point#attractorDistance
7300          * @type Boolean
7301          * @default false
7302          */
7303         snapToPoints: false,
7305         /**
7306          * List of elements which are ignored by snapToPoints.
7307          * @name Point#ignoredSnapToPoints
7308          *
7309          * @type Array
7310          * @default empty
7311          */
7312         ignoredSnapToPoints: []
7314         /**#@-*/
7315     },
7317     /* special polygon options */
7318     polygon: {
7319         /**#@+
7320          * @visprop
7321          */
7323         /**
7324          * If <tt>true</tt>, moving the mouse over inner points triggers hasPoint.
7325          *
7326          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#hasPoint
7327          * @name Polygon#hasInnerPoints
7328          * @type Boolean
7329          * @default false
7330          */
7331         hasInnerPoints: false,
7333         fillColor: Color.palette.yellow,
7334         highlightFillColor: Color.palette.yellow,
7335         // fillColor: '#00ff00',
7336         // highlightFillColor: '#00ff00',
7337         fillOpacity: 0.3,
7338         highlightFillOpacity: 0.2,
7340         /**
7341          * Is the polygon bordered by lines?
7342          *
7343          * @type Boolean
7344          * @name Polygon#withLines
7345          * @default true
7346          */
7347         withLines: true,
7349         /**
7350          * Attributes for the polygon border lines.
7351          *
7352          * @type Line
7353          * @name Polygon#borders
7354          */
7355         borders: {
7356             withLabel: false,
7357             strokeWidth: 1,
7358             highlightStrokeWidth: 1,
7359             // Polygon layer + 1
7360             layer: 5,
7361             label: {
7362                 position: 'top'
7363             },
7364             visible: 'inherit'
7365         },
7367         /**
7368          * By default, the strokewidths of the borders of a polygon are not changed during highlighting (only strokeColor and strokeOpacity are changed
7369          * to highlightStrokeColor, and highlightStrokeOpacity).
7370          * However, strokewidth is changed to highlightStrokewidth if an individual border gets the focus.
7371          * <p>
7372          * With this attribute set to true, also the borders change strokeWidth if the polygon itself gets the focus.
7373          *
7374          * @type Boolean
7375          * @name Polygon#highlightByStrokeWidth
7376          * @default false
7377          */
7378         highlightByStrokeWidth: false,
7380         /**
7381          * Attributes for the polygon vertices.
7382          *
7383          * @type Point
7384          * @name Polygon#vertices
7385          */
7386         vertices: {
7387             layer: 9,
7388             withLabel: false,
7389             name: '',
7390             strokeColor: Color.palette.red,
7391             fillColor: Color.palette.red,
7392             fixed: false,
7393             visible: 'inherit'
7394         },
7396         /**
7397          * Attributes for the polygon label.
7398          *
7399          * @type Label
7400          * @name Polygon#label
7401          */
7402         label: {
7403             offset: [0, 0]
7404         }
7406         /**#@-*/
7407     },
7409     /* special polygonal chain options
7410     */
7411     polygonalchain: {
7412         /**#@+
7413          * @visprop
7414          */
7416         fillColor: 'none',
7417         highlightFillColor: 'none'
7419         /**#@-*/
7420     },
7422     /* special prescribed angle options
7423     * Not yet implemented. But angle.setAngle(val) is implemented.
7425     */
7426     prescribedangle: {
7427         /**#@+
7428          * @visprop
7429          */
7431         /**
7432          * Attributes for the helper point of the prescribed angle.
7433          *
7434          * @type Point
7435          * @name Prescribedangle#anglePoint
7436          * @ignore
7437          */
7438         anglePoint: {
7439             size: 2,
7440             visible: false,
7441             withLabel: false
7442         }
7444         /**#@-*/
7445     },
7447     /* special reflection options */
7448     reflection: {
7449         /**#@+
7450          * @visprop
7451          */
7453         fixed: true,
7455         /**
7456          * Attributes of circle center, i.e. the center of the circle,
7457          * if a circle is the mirror element and the transformation type is 'Euclidean'
7458          *
7459          * @type center
7460          * @name Reflection#center
7461          */
7462         center: {},
7464         /**
7465          * Type of transformation. Possible values are 'Euclidean', 'projective'.
7466          *
7467          * If the value is 'Euclidean', the reflected element of a circle is again a circle,
7468          * otherwise it is a conic section.
7469          *
7470          * @type String
7471          * @name Reflection#type
7472          * @default 'Euclidean'
7473          */
7474         type: 'Euclidean'
7476         /**#@-*/
7477     },
7479     /* special reflexangle options */
7480     reflexangle: {
7481         /**#@+
7482          * @visprop
7483          */
7485         /**#@-*/
7486     },
7488     /* special regular polygon options */
7489     regularpolygon: {
7490         /**#@+
7491          * @visprop
7492          */
7494         /**
7495          * If <tt>true</tt>, moving the mouse over inner points triggers hasPoint.
7496          * @see JXG.GeometryElement#hasPoint
7497          *
7498          * @name RegularPolygon#hasInnerPoints
7499          * @type Boolean
7500          * @default false
7501          */
7502         hasInnerPoints: false,
7503         fillColor: Color.palette.yellow,
7504         highlightFillColor: Color.palette.yellow,
7505         fillOpacity: 0.3,
7506         highlightFillOpacity: 0.2,
7508         /**
7509          * Is the polygon bordered by lines?
7510          *
7511          * @type Boolean
7512          * @name RegularPolygon#withLines
7513          * @default true
7514          */
7515         withLines: true,
7517         /**
7518          * Attributes for the polygon border lines.
7519          *
7520          * @type Line
7521          * @name RegularPolygon#borders
7522          */
7523         borders: {
7524             withLabel: false,
7525             strokeWidth: 1,
7526             highlightStrokeWidth: 1,
7527             // Polygon layer + 1
7528             layer: 5,
7529             label: {
7530                 position: 'top'
7531             }
7532         },
7534         /**
7535          * Attributes for the polygon vertices.
7536          *
7537          * @type Point
7538          * @name RegularPolygon#vertices
7539          */
7540         vertices: {
7541             layer: 9,
7542             withLabel: true,
7543             strokeColor: Color.palette.red,
7544             fillColor: Color.palette.red,
7545             fixed: false
7546         },
7548         /**
7549          * Attributes for the polygon label.
7550          *
7551          * @type Label
7552          * @name RegularPolygon#label
7553          */
7554         label: {
7555             offset: [0, 0]
7556         }
7558         /**#@-*/
7559     },
7561     /* special options for riemann sums */
7562     riemannsum: {
7563         /**#@+
7564          * @visprop
7565          */
7567         withLabel: false,
7568         fillOpacity: 0.3,
7569         fillColor: Color.palette.yellow
7571         /**#@-*/
7572     },
7574     /* special sector options */
7575     sector: {
7576         /**#@+
7577          * @visprop
7578          */
7580         fillColor: Color.palette.yellow,
7581         highlightFillColor: Color.palette.yellow,
7582         // fillColor: '#00ff00',
7583         // highlightFillColor: '#00ff00',
7585         fillOpacity: 0.3,
7586         highlightFillOpacity: 0.3,
7587         highlightOnSector: false,
7588         highlightStrokeWidth: 0,
7590         /**
7591          * Type of sector. Possible values are 'minor', 'major', and 'auto'.
7592          *
7593          * @type String
7594          * @name Sector#selection
7595          * @default 'auto'
7596          */
7597         selection: 'auto',
7599         /**
7600          * Attributes for sub-element arc. It is only available, if the sector is defined by three points.
7601          *
7602          * @type Arc
7603          * @name Sector#arc
7604          * @default '{visible:false}'
7605          */
7606         arc: {
7607             visible: false,
7608             fillColor: 'none',
7609             withLabel: false,
7610             name: '',
7612             center: {
7613                 visible: false,
7614                 withLabel: false,
7615                 name: ''
7616             },
7618             radiusPoint: {
7619                 visible: false,
7620                 withLabel: false,
7621                 name: ''
7622             },
7624             anglePoint: {
7625                 visible: false,
7626                 withLabel: false,
7627                 name: ''
7628             }
7629         },
7631         /**
7632          * Attributes for helper point radiuspoint in case it is provided by coordinates.
7633          *
7634          * @type Point
7635          * @name Sector#radiusPoint
7636          */
7637         radiusPoint: {
7638             visible: false,
7639             withLabel: false
7640         },
7642         /**
7643          * Attributes for helper point center in case it is provided by coordinates.
7644          *
7645          * @type Point
7646          * @name Sector#center
7647          */
7648         center: {
7649             visible: false,
7650             withLabel: false
7651         },
7653         /**
7654          * Attributes for helper point anglepoint in case it is provided by coordinates.
7655          *
7656          * @type Point
7657          * @name Sector#anglePoint
7658          */
7659         anglePoint: {
7660             visible: false,
7661             withLabel: false
7662         },
7664         /**
7665          * Attributes for the sector label.
7666          *
7667          * @type Label
7668          * @name Sector#label
7669          */
7670         label: {
7671             offset: [0, 0],
7672             anchorX: 'auto',
7673             anchorY: 'auto'
7674         }
7676         /**#@-*/
7677     },
7679     /* special segment options */
7680     segment: {
7681         /**#@+
7682          * @visprop
7683          */
7685         label: {
7686             position: 'top'
7687         }
7688         /**#@-*/
7689     },
7691     semicircle: {
7692         /**#@+
7693          * @visprop
7694          */
7696         /**
7697          * Attributes for center point of the semicircle.
7698          *
7699          * @type Point
7700          * @name Semicircle#center
7701          */
7702         center: {
7703             visible: false,
7704             withLabel: false,
7705             fixed: false,
7706             fillColor: Color.palette.red,
7707             strokeColor: Color.palette.red,
7708             highlightFillColor: '#eeeeee',
7709             highlightStrokeColor: Color.palette.red,
7710             name: ''
7711         }
7713         /**#@-*/
7714     },
7716     /* special slider options */
7717     slider: {
7718         /**#@+
7719          * @visprop
7720          */
7722         /**
7723          * The slider only returns integer multiples of this value, e.g. for discrete values set this property to <tt>1</tt>. For
7724          * continuous results set this to <tt>-1</tt>.
7725          *
7726          * @memberOf Slider.prototype
7727          * @name snapWidth
7728          * @type Number
7729          */
7730         snapWidth: -1,      // -1 = deactivated
7732         /**
7733          * List of values to snap to. If the glider is within snapValueDistance
7734          * (in user coordinate units) of one of these points,
7735          * then the glider snaps to that point.
7736          *
7737          * @memberOf Slider.prototype
7738          * @name snapValues
7739          * @type Array
7740          * @see Slider#snapValueDistance
7741          * @default empty
7742          *
7743          * @example
7744          *         var n = board.create('slider', [[-2, 3], [4, 3], [1, 5, 100]], {
7745          *             name: 'n',
7746          *             snapWidth: 1,
7747          *             snapValues: [1, 22, 77, 100],
7748          *             snapValueDistance: 5
7749          *         });
7750          *
7751          *         var k = board.create('slider', [[-2, -1], [4, -1], [-4, 0, 4]], {
7752          *             name: 'k',
7753          *             snapWidth: 0.1,
7754          *             snapValues: [-3, -1, 1, 3],
7755          *             snapValueDistance: 0.4
7756          *         });
7757          *
7758          * </pre><div id="JXG9be68014-4e14-479a-82b4-e92d9b8f6eef" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
7759          * <script type="text/javascript">
7760          *     (function() {
7761          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG9be68014-4e14-479a-82b4-e92d9b8f6eef',
7762          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
7763          *             var n = board.create('slider', [[-2, 3], [4, 3], [1, 5, 100]], {
7764          *                 name: 'n',
7765          *                 snapWidth: 1,
7766          *                 snapValues: [1, 22, 77, 100],
7767          *                 snapValueDistance: 5
7768          *             });
7769          *
7770          *             var k = board.create('slider', [[-2, -1], [4, -1], [-4, 0, 4]], {
7771          *                 name: 'k',
7772          *                 snapWidth: 0.1,
7773          *                 snapValues: [-3, -1, 1, 3],
7774          *                 snapValueDistance: 0.4
7775          *             });
7776          *
7777          *     })();
7778          *
7779          * </script><pre>
7780          *
7781          */
7782         snapValues: [],
7784         /**
7785          * If the difference between the slider value and one of the elements of snapValues is less
7786          * than this number (in user coordinate units), the slider will snap to that value.
7787          *
7788          * @memberOf Slider.prototype
7789          * @name snapValueDistance
7790          * @type Number
7791          * @see Slider#snapValues
7792          * @default 0.0
7793          */
7794         snapValueDistance: 0.0,
7796         /**
7797          * The precision of the slider value displayed in the optional text.
7798          * Replaced by the attribute "digits".
7799          *
7800          * @memberOf Slider.prototype
7801          * @name precision
7802          * @type Number
7803          * @deprecated
7804          * @see Slider#digits
7805          * @default 2
7806          */
7807         precision: 2,
7809         /**
7810          * The number of digits of the slider value displayed in the optional text.
7811          *
7812          * @memberOf Slider.prototype
7813          * @name digits
7814          * @type Number
7815          * @default 2
7816          */
7817         digits: 2,
7819         /**
7820          * Internationalization support for slider labels.
7821          *
7822          * @name intl
7823          * @memberOf Slider.prototype
7824          * @type object
7825          * @default <pre>{
7826          *    enabled: 'inherit',
7827          *    options: {}
7828          * }</pre>
7829          * @see JXG.Board#intl
7830          * @see Text#intl
7831          *
7832          * @example
7833          * var s = board.create('slider', [[-2, 3], [2, 3], [0, 1, 360]], {
7834          *     name: 'α',
7835          *     snapWidth: 1,
7836          *     intl: {
7837          *         enabled: true,
7838          *         options: {
7839          *             style: 'unit',
7840          *             unit: 'degree',
7841          *         }
7842          *     }
7843          * });
7844          *
7845          * </pre><div id="JXGb49a9779-c0c8-419d-9173-c67232cfd65c" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
7846          * <script type="text/javascript">
7847          *     (function() {
7848          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGb49a9779-c0c8-419d-9173-c67232cfd65c',
7849          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
7850          *     var s = board.create('slider', [[-2, 3], [2, 3], [0, 1, 360]], {
7851          *         name: 'α',
7852          *         snapWidth: 1,
7853          *         intl: {
7854          *             enabled: true,
7855          *             options: {
7856          *                 style: 'unit',
7857          *                 unit: 'degree',
7858          *             }
7859          *         }
7860          *     });
7861          *
7862          *     })();
7863          *
7864          * </script><pre>
7865          *
7866          */
7867         intl: {
7868             enabled: 'inherit',
7869             options: {}
7870         },
7872         firstArrow: false,
7873         lastArrow: false,
7875         /**
7876          * Show slider ticks.
7877          *
7878          * @type Boolean
7879          * @name Slider#withTicks
7880          * @default true
7881          */
7882         withTicks: true,
7884         /**
7885          * Show slider label.
7886          *
7887          * @type Boolean
7888          * @name Slider#withLabel
7889          * @default true
7890          */
7891         withLabel: true,
7893         /**
7894          * If not null, this replaces the part "name = " in the slider label.
7895          * Possible types: string, number or function.
7896          * @type String
7897          * @name suffixLabel
7898          * @memberOf Slider.prototype
7899          * @default null
7900          * @see JXG.Slider#unitLabel
7901          * @see JXG.Slider#postLabel
7902          */
7903         suffixLabel: null,
7905         /**
7906          * If not null, this is appended to the value in the slider label.
7907          * Possible types: string, number or function.
7908          * @type String
7909          * @name unitLabel
7910          * @memberOf Slider.prototype
7911          * @default null
7912          * @see JXG.Slider#suffixLabel
7913          * @see JXG.Slider#postLabel
7914          */
7915         unitLabel: null,
7917         /**
7918          * If not null, this is appended to the value and to unitLabel in the slider label.
7919          * Possible types: string, number or function.
7920          * @type String
7921          * @name postLabel
7922          * @memberOf Slider.prototype
7923          * @default null
7924          * @see JXG.Slider#suffixLabel
7925          * @see JXG.Slider#unitLabel
7926          */
7927         postLabel: null,
7929         layer: 9,
7930         showInfobox: false,
7931         name: '',
7932         visible: true,
7933         strokeColor: '#000000',
7934         highlightStrokeColor: '#888888',
7935         fillColor: '#ffffff',
7936         highlightFillColor: 'none',
7938         /**
7939          * Size of slider point.
7940          *
7941          * @type Number
7942          * @name Slider#size
7943          * @default 6
7944          * @see Point#size
7945          */
7946         size: 6,
7948         /**
7949          * Attributes for first (left) helper point defining the slider position.
7950          *
7951          * @type Point
7952          * @name Slider#point1
7953          */
7954         point1: {
7955             needsRegularUpdate: false,
7956             showInfobox: false,
7957             withLabel: false,
7958             visible: false,
7959             fixed: true,
7960             name: ''
7961         },
7963         /**
7964          * Attributes for second (right) helper point defining the slider position.
7965          *
7966          * @type Point
7967          * @name Slider#point2
7968          */
7969         point2: {
7970             needsRegularUpdate: false,
7971             showInfobox: false,
7972             withLabel: false,
7973             visible: false,
7974             fixed: true,
7975             name: ''
7976         },
7978         /**
7979          * Attributes for the base line of the slider.
7980          *
7981          * @type Line
7982          * @name Slider#baseline
7983          */
7984         baseline: {
7985             needsRegularUpdate: false,
7986             visible: 'inherit',
7987             fixed: true,
7988             scalable: false,
7989             tabindex: null,
7990             name: '',
7991             strokeWidth: 1,
7992             strokeColor: '#000000',
7993             highlightStrokeColor: '#888888'
7994         },
7996         /**
7997          * Attributes for the ticks of the base line of the slider.
7998          *
7999          * @type Ticks
8000          * @name Slider#ticks
8001          */
8002         ticks: {
8003             needsRegularUpdate: false,
8004             fixed: true,
8006             // Label drawing
8007             drawLabels: false,
8008             digits: 2,
8009             includeBoundaries: true,
8010             drawZero: true,
8011             label: {
8012                 offset: [-4, -14],
8013                 display: 'internal'
8014             },
8016             minTicksDistance: 30,
8017             insertTicks: true,
8018             ticksDistance: 1,      // Not necessary, since insertTicks = true
8019             minorHeight: 4,        // if <0: full width and height
8020             majorHeight: 5,        // if <0: full width and height
8021             minorTicks: 0,
8022             strokeOpacity: 1,
8023             strokeWidth: 1,
8024             tickEndings: [0, 1],
8025             majortickEndings: [0, 1],
8026             strokeColor: '#000000',
8027             visible: 'inherit'
8028         },
8030         /**
8031          * Attributes for the highlighting line of the slider.
8032          *
8033          * @type Line
8034          * @name Slider#highline
8035          */
8036         highline: {
8037             strokeWidth: 3,
8038             visible: 'inherit',
8039             fixed: true,
8040             tabindex: null,
8041             name: '',
8042             strokeColor: '#000000',
8043             highlightStrokeColor: '#888888'
8044         },
8046         /**
8047          * Attributes for the slider label.
8048          *
8049          * @type Label
8050          * @name Slider#label
8051          */
8052         label: {
8053             visible: 'inherit',
8054             strokeColor: '#000000'
8055         },
8057         /**
8058          * If true, 'up' events on the baseline will trigger slider moves.
8059          *
8060          * @type Boolean
8061          * @name Slider#moveOnUp
8062          * @default true
8063          */
8064         moveOnUp: true
8066         /**#@-*/
8067     },
8069     /* special vector field options */
8070     slopefield: {
8071         /**#@+
8072          * @visprop
8073          */
8075         strokeWidth: 0.5,
8076         highlightStrokeWidth: 0.5,
8077         highlightStrokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
8078         highlightStrokeOpacity: 0.8,
8080         /**
8081          * Set length of the vectors in user coordinates. This in contrast to vector fields, where this attribute just scales the vector.
8082          * @name scale
8083          * @memberOf Slopefield.prototype
8084          * @type {Number|Function}
8085          * @see Vectorfield.scale
8086          * @default 1
8087          */
8088         scale: 1,
8090         /**
8091          * Customize arrow heads of vectors. Be careful! If enabled this will slow down the performance.
8092          * Fields are:
8093          * <ul>
8094          *  <li> enabled: Boolean
8095          *  <li> size: length of the arrow head legs (in pixel)
8096          *  <li> angle: angle of the arrow head legs In radians.
8097          * </ul>
8098          * @name arrowhead
8099          * @memberOf Slopefield.prototype
8100          * @type {Object}
8101          * @default <tt>{enabled: false, size: 5, angle: Math.PI * 0.125}</tt>
8102          */
8103         arrowhead: {
8104             enabled: false,
8105             size: 5,
8106             angle: Math.PI * 0.125
8107         }
8109         /**#@-*/
8110     },
8112     /* special options for slope triangle */
8113     slopetriangle: {
8114         /**#@+
8115          * @visprop
8116          */
8118         fillColor: Color.palette.red,
8119         fillOpacity: 0.4,
8120         highlightFillColor: Color.palette.red,
8121         highlightFillOpacity: 0.3,
8123         borders: {
8124             lastArrow: {
8125                 type: 1,
8126                 size: 6
8127             }
8128         },
8130         /**
8131          * Attributes for the gliding helper point.
8132          *
8133          * @type Point
8134          * @name Slopetriangle#glider
8135          */
8136         glider: {
8137             fixed: true,
8138             visible: false,
8139             withLabel: false
8140         },
8142         /**
8143          * Attributes for the base line.
8144          *
8145          * @type Line
8146          * @name Slopetriangle#baseline
8147          */
8148         baseline: {
8149             visible: false,
8150             withLabel: false,
8151             name: ''
8152         },
8154         /**
8155          * Attributes for the base point.
8156          *
8157          * @type Point
8158          * @name Slopetriangle#basepoint
8159          */
8160         basepoint: {
8161             visible: false,
8162             withLabel: false,
8163             name: ''
8164         },
8166         /**
8167          * Attributes for the tangent.
8168          * The tangent is constructed by slop triangle if the construction
8169          * is based on a glider, solely.
8170          *
8171          * @type Line
8172          * @name Slopetriangle#tangent
8173          */
8174         tangent: {
8175             visible: false,
8176             withLabel: false,
8177             name: ''
8178         },
8180         /**
8181          * Attributes for the top point.
8182          *
8183          * @type Point
8184          * @name Slopetriangle#toppoint
8185          */
8186         toppoint: {
8187             visible: false,
8188             withLabel: false,
8189             name: ''
8190         },
8192         /**
8193          * Attributes for the slope triangle label.
8194          *
8195          * @type Label
8196          * @name Slopetriangle#label
8197          */
8198         label: {
8199             visible: true,
8200             position: 'first'
8201         }
8202         /**#@-*/
8203     },
8205     /* special options for smartlabel of angle */
8206     smartlabelangle: {
8207         cssClass: 'smart-label-solid smart-label-angle',
8208         highlightCssClass:'smart-label-solid smart-label-angle',
8209         anchorX: 'left',
8210         anchorY: 'middle',
8212         unit: '',
8213         prefix: '',
8214         suffix: '',
8216         measure: 'deg',
8217         useMathJax: true
8218     },
8220     /* special options for smartlabel of circle */
8221     smartlabelcircle: {
8222         /**#@+
8223          * @visprop
8224          */
8226         /**
8227          * CSS classes for the smart label. Available classes are:
8228          * <ul>
8229          * <li> 'smart-label-solid'
8230          * <li> 'smart-label-outline'
8231          * <li> 'smart-label-pure'
8232          * </ul>
8233          *
8234          * By default, an additional class is given specific for the element type.
8235          * Available classes are 'smart-label-angle', 'smart-label-circle',
8236          * 'smart-label-line', 'smart-label-point', 'smart-label-polygon'.
8237          *
8238          * @example
8239          *  cssClass: 'smart-label-solid smart-label-point'
8240          *
8241          * @type String
8242          * @name Smartlabel#cssClass
8243          * @see Smartlabel#highlightCssClass
8244          * @default <ul>
8245          *  <li> 'smart-label-solid smart-label-circle' for circles</li>
8246          *  <li> 'smart-label-solid smart-label-point' for points</li>
8247          *  <li> ...</li>
8248          * </ul>
8249          */
8250         cssClass: 'smart-label-solid smart-label-circle',
8252         /**
8253          * CSS classes for the smart label when highlighted.
8254          *
8255          * @type String
8256          * @name Smartlabel#highlightCssClass
8257          * @see Smartlabel#cssClass
8258          * @default <ul>
8259          *  <li> 'smart-label-solid smart-label-circle' for circles</li>
8260          *  <li> 'smart-label-solid smart-label-point' for points</li>
8261          *  <li> ...</li>
8262          * </ul>
8263          */
8264         highlightCssClass:'smart-label-solid smart-label-circle',
8265         anchorX: 'middle',
8266         useMathJax: true,
8268         /**
8269          * Measurement unit appended to the output text. For areas, the unit is squared automatically.
8270          * Comes directly after the measurement value.
8271          *
8272          * @type {String|Function}
8273          * @name Smartlabel#unit
8274          * @default ''
8275          */
8276         unit: '',
8278         /**
8279          * Prefix text for the smartlabel. Comes before the measurement value.
8280          *
8281          * @type {String|Function}
8282          * @name Smartlabel#prefix
8283          * @default ''
8284          */
8285         prefix: '',
8287         /**
8288          * Suffix text for the smartlabel. Comes after unit.
8289          *
8290          * @type {String|Function}
8291          * @name Smartlabel#suffix
8292          * @default ''
8293          */
8294         suffix: '',
8296         /**
8297          * Type of measurement.
8298          * Available values are:
8299          *  <ul>
8300          *  <li> 'deg', 'rad' for angles</li>
8301          *  <li> 'area', 'perimeter', 'radius' for circles</li>
8302          *  <li> 'length', 'slope' for lines</li>
8303          *  <li> 'area', 'perimeter' for polygons</li>
8304          * </ul>
8305          * Dependent on this value, i.e. the type of measurement, the label is
8306          * positioned differently on the object.
8307          *
8308          * @type String
8309          * @name Smartlabel#measure
8310          * @default <ul>
8311          *   <li> 'radius' for circles</li>
8312          *   <li> 'length' for lines</li>
8313          *   <li> 'area' for polygons</li>
8314          *   <li> 'deg' for angles</li>
8315          * </ul>
8316          */
8317         measure: 'radius'
8319         /**#@-*/
8320     },
8322     /* special options for smartlabel of line */
8323     smartlabelline: {
8324         cssClass: 'smart-label-solid smart-label-line',
8325         highlightCssClass:'smart-label-solid smart-label-line',
8326         anchorX: 'middle',
8328         useMathJax: true,
8330         unit: '',
8331         measure: 'length'
8332     },
8334     /* special options for smartlabel of point */
8335     smartlabelpoint: {
8336         /**#@+
8337          * @visprop
8338          */
8340         cssClass: 'smart-label-solid smart-label-point',
8341         highlightCssClass:'smart-label-solid smart-label-point',
8342         anchorX: 'middle',
8343         anchorY: 'top',
8345         useMathJax: true,
8347         /**
8348          * Display of point coordinates either as row vector or column vector.
8349          * Available values are 'row' or 'column'.
8350          * @type String
8351          * @name Smartlabel#dir
8352          * @default 'row'
8353          */
8354         dir: 'row',
8356         /**
8357          * Supply a unit suffix.
8358          *
8359          * @type String
8360          * @name Smartlabel#unit
8361          * @default ''
8362          */
8363         unit: ''
8365         /**#@-*/
8366     },
8368     /* special options for smartlabel of polygon */
8369     smartlabelpolygon: {
8370         cssClass: 'smart-label-solid smart-label-polygon',
8371         highlightCssClass:'smart-label-solid smart-label-polygon',
8372         anchorX: 'middle',
8374         useMathJax: true,
8376         unit: '',
8377         measure: 'area'
8378     },
8380     /* special options for step functions */
8381     stepfunction: {
8382         /**#@+
8383          * @visprop
8384          */
8386         /**#@-*/
8387     },
8389     /* special tangent options */
8390     tangent: {
8391     },
8393     /* special tangent options */
8394     tangentto: {
8395         /**#@+
8396          * @visprop
8397          */
8399         /**
8400          * Attributes for the polar line of the tangentto construction.
8401          *
8402          * @name polar
8403          * @memberOf TangentTo.prototype
8404          * @type JXG.Line
8405          */
8406         polar: {
8407             visible: false,
8408             strokeWidth: 1,
8409             dash: 3
8410         },
8412         /**
8413          * Attributes for the intersection point of the conic/circle with the polar line of the tangentto construction.
8414          *
8415          * @name point
8416          * @memberOf TangentTo.prototype
8417          * @type JXG.Point
8418          */
8419         point: {
8420             visible: false
8421         }
8423         /**#@-*/
8424     },
8426     /* special tape measure options */
8427     tapemeasure: {
8428         /**#@+
8429          * @visprop
8430          */
8432         strokeColor: '#000000',
8433         strokeWidth: 2,
8434         highlightStrokeColor: '#000000',
8436         /**
8437          * Show tape measure ticks.
8438          *
8439          * @type Boolean
8440          * @name Tapemeasure#withTicks
8441          * @default true
8442          */
8443         withTicks: true,
8445         /**
8446          * Show tape measure label.
8447          *
8448          * @type Boolean
8449          * @name Tapemeasure#withLabel
8450          * @default true
8451          */
8452         withLabel: true,
8454         /**
8455          * Text rotation in degrees.
8456          *
8457          * @name Tapemeasure#rotate
8458          * @type Number
8459          * @default 0
8460          */
8461         rotate: 0,
8463         /**
8464          * The precision of the tape measure value displayed in the optional text.
8465          * Replaced by the attribute digits
8466          *
8467          * @memberOf Tapemeasure.prototype
8468          * @name precision
8469          * @type Number
8470          * @deprecated
8471          * @see Tapemeasure#digits
8472          * @default 2
8473          */
8474         precision: 2,
8476         /**
8477          * The precision of the tape measure value displayed in the optional text.
8478          * @memberOf Tapemeasure.prototype
8479          * @name digits
8480          * @type Number
8481          * @default 2
8482          */
8483         digits: 2,
8485         /**
8486          * Attributes for first helper point defining the tape measure position.
8487          *
8488          * @type Point
8489          * @name Tapemeasure#point1
8490          */
8491         point1: {
8492             visible: true,
8493             strokeColor: '#000000',
8494             fillColor: '#ffffff',
8495             fillOpacity: 0.0,
8496             highlightFillOpacity: 0.1,
8497             size: 6,
8498             snapToPoints: true,
8499             attractorUnit: 'screen',
8500             attractorDistance: 20,
8501             showInfobox: false,
8502             withLabel: false,
8503             name: ''
8504         },
8506         /**
8507          * Attributes for second helper point defining the tape measure position.
8508          *
8509          * @type Point
8510          * @name Tapemeasure#point2
8511          */
8512         point2: {
8513             visible: true,
8514             strokeColor: '#000000',
8515             fillColor: '#ffffff',
8516             fillOpacity: 0.0,
8517             highlightFillOpacity: 0.1,
8518             size: 6,
8519             snapToPoints: true,
8520             attractorUnit: 'screen',
8521             attractorDistance: 20,
8522             showInfobox: false,
8523             withLabel: false,
8524             name: ''
8525         },
8527         /**
8528          * Attributes for the ticks of the tape measure.
8529          *
8530          * @type Ticks
8531          * @name Tapemeasure#ticks
8532          */
8533         ticks: {
8534             drawLabels: false,
8535             drawZero: true,
8536             insertTicks: true,
8537             ticksDistance: 0.1, // Ignored, since insertTicks=true
8538             minorHeight: 8,
8539             majorHeight: 16,
8540             minorTicks: 4,
8541             tickEndings: [0, 1],
8542             majorTickEndings: [0, 1],
8543             strokeOpacity: 1,
8544             strokeWidth: 1,
8545             strokeColor: '#000000',
8546             visible: 'inherit',
8547             label: {
8548                 anchorY: 'top',
8549                 anchorX: 'middle',
8550                 offset: [0, -10]
8551             }
8552         },
8554         /**
8555          * Attributes for the tape measure label.
8556          *
8557          * @type Label
8558          * @name Tapemeasure#label
8559          */
8560         label: {
8561             position: 'top'
8562         }
8563         /**#@-*/
8564     },
8566     /* special text options */
8567     text: {
8568         /**#@+
8569          * @visprop
8570          */
8572         /**
8573          * The font size in pixels.
8574          *
8575          * @name fontSize
8576          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8577          * @default 12
8578          * @type Number
8579          * @see Text#fontUnit
8580          */
8581         fontSize: 12,
8583         /**
8584          * CSS unit for the font size of a text element. Usually, this will be the default value 'px' but
8585          * for responsive application, also 'vw', 'vh', vmax', 'vmin' or 'rem' might be useful.
8586          *
8587          * @name fontUnit
8588          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8589          * @default 'px'
8590          * @type String
8591          * @see Text#fontSize
8592          *
8593          * @example
8594          * var txt = board.create('text', [2, 2, "hello"], {fontSize: 8, fontUnit: 'vmin'});
8595          *
8596          * </pre><div id="JXG2da7e972-ac62-416b-a94b-32559c9ec9f9" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
8597          * <script type="text/javascript">
8598          *     (function() {
8599          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG2da7e972-ac62-416b-a94b-32559c9ec9f9',
8600          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
8601          *     var txt = board.create('text', [2, 2, "hello"], {fontSize: 8, fontUnit: 'vmin'});
8602          *
8603          *     })();
8604          *
8605          * </script><pre>
8606          *
8607          */
8608         fontUnit: 'px',
8610         /**
8611          * If the text content is solely a number and
8612          * this attribute is true (default) then the number is either formatted
8613          * according to the number of digits
8614          * given by the attribute 'digits' or converted into a fraction if 'toFraction'
8615          * is true.
8616          * <p>
8617          * Otherwise, display the raw number.
8618          *
8619          * @name formatNumber
8620          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8621          * @default false
8622          * @type Boolean
8623          *
8624          */
8625         formatNumber: false,
8627         /**
8628          * Used to round texts given by a number.
8629          *
8630          * @name digits
8631          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8632          * @default 2
8633          * @type Number
8634          */
8635         digits: 2,
8637         /**
8638          * Internationalization support for texts consisting of a number only.
8639          * <p>
8640          * Setting the local overwrites the board-wide locale set in the board attributes.
8641          * The JSXGraph attribute digits is overruled by the
8642          * Intl attributes "minimumFractionDigits" and "maximumFractionDigits".
8643          * See <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat/NumberFormat">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat/NumberFormat</a>
8644          * for more information about possible options.
8645          * <p>
8646          * See below for an example where the text is composed from a string and a locale formatted number.
8647          *
8648          * @name intl
8649          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8650          * @type object
8651          * @default <pre>{
8652          *    enabled: 'inherit',
8653          *    options: {
8654          *      minimumFractionDigits: 0,
8655          *      maximumFractionDigits: 2
8656          *    }
8657          * }</pre>
8658          * @see JXG.Board#intl
8659          *
8660          * @example
8661          * var t = board.create('text', [1, 2, -Math.PI*100], {
8662          *         digits: 2,
8663          *         intl: {
8664          *                 enabled: true,
8665          *                 options: {
8666          *                     style: 'unit',
8667          *                     unit: 'celsius'
8668          *                 }
8669          *             }
8670          *     });
8671          *
8672          * </pre><div id="JXGb7162923-1beb-4e56-8817-19aa66e226d1" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
8673          * <script type="text/javascript">
8674          *     (function() {
8675          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGb7162923-1beb-4e56-8817-19aa66e226d1',
8676          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
8677          *     var t = board.create('text', [1, 2, -Math.PI*100], {
8678          *             digits: 2,
8679          *             intl: {
8680          *                     enabled: true,
8681          *                     options: {
8682          *                         style: 'unit',
8683          *                         unit: 'celsius'
8684          *                     }
8685          *                 }
8686          *         });
8687          *
8688          *     })();
8689          *
8690          * </script><pre>
8691          *
8692          *
8693          * @example
8694          * var t = board.create('text', [0.05, -0.2, ''], {
8695          *     intl: {
8696          *         enabled: true,
8697          *         locale: 'it-IT',
8698          *         options: {
8699          *             style: 'unit',
8700          *             unit: 'kilometer-per-hour',
8701          *             unitDisplay: 'narrow',
8702          *             maximumFractionDigits: 2
8703          *         }
8704          *     }
8705          * });
8706          *
8707          * // Set dynamic text consisting of text and number.
8708          * t.setText(function() {
8709          *     var txt = 'Speed: ',
8710          *         number = t.X();
8711          *
8712          *     // Add formatted number to variable txt
8713          *     // with fallback if locale is not supported.
8714          *     if (t.useLocale()) {
8715          *         txt += t.formatNumberLocale(number);
8716          *     } else {
8717          *         txt += JXG.toFixed(number, 2);
8718          *     }
8719          *     return txt;
8720          * });
8721          *
8722          * </pre><div id="JXG560aeb1c-55fb-45da-8ad5-d3ad26216056" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
8723          * <script type="text/javascript">
8724          *     (function() {
8725          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG560aeb1c-55fb-45da-8ad5-d3ad26216056',
8726          *             {boundingbox: [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
8727          *     var t = board.create('text', [0.3, -0.3, ''], {
8728          *         intl: {
8729          *             enabled: true,
8730          *             locale: 'it-IT',
8731          *             options: {
8732          *                 style: 'unit',
8733          *                 unit: 'kilometer-per-hour',
8734          *                 unitDisplay: 'narrow',
8735          *                 maximumFractionDigits: 2
8736          *             }
8737          *         }
8738          *     });
8739          *
8740          *     // Set dynamic text consisting of text and number.
8741          *     t.setText(function() {
8742          *         var txt = 'Speed: ',
8743          *             number = t.X();
8744          *
8745          *         // Add formatted number to variable txt
8746          *         if (t.useLocale()) {
8747          *             txt += t.formatNumberLocale(number);
8748          *         } else {
8749          *             txt += JXG.toFixed(number, 2);
8750          *         }
8751          *         return txt;
8752          *     });
8753          *
8754          *     })();
8755          *
8756          * </script><pre>
8757          *
8758          */
8759         intl: {
8760             enabled: 'inherit',
8761             options: {
8762                 minimumFractionDigits: 0,
8763                 maximumFractionDigits: 2
8764             }
8765         },
8767         /**
8768          * If set to true, the text is parsed and evaluated.
8769          * For labels parse==true results in converting names of the form k_a to subscripts.
8770          * If the text is given by string and parse==true, the string is parsed as
8771          * JessieCode expression.
8772          *
8773          * @name parse
8774          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8775          * @default true
8776          * @type Boolean
8777          */
8778         parse: true,
8780         /**
8781          * If set to true and caja's sanitizeHTML function can be found it
8782          * will be used to sanitize text output.
8783          *
8784          * @name useCaja
8785          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8786          * @default false
8787          * @type Boolean
8788          */
8789         useCaja: false,
8791         /**
8792          * If enabled, the text will be handled as label. Intended for internal use.
8793          *
8794          * @name isLabel
8795          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8796          * @default false
8797          * @type Boolean
8798          */
8799         isLabel: false,
8801         strokeColor: '#000000',
8802         highlightStrokeColor: '#000000',
8803         highlightStrokeOpacity: 0.666666,
8805         /**
8806          * Default CSS properties of the HTML text element.
8807          * <p>
8808          * The CSS properties which are set here, are handed over to the style property
8809          * of the HTML text element. That means, they have higher property than any
8810          * CSS class.
8811          * <p>
8812          * If a property which is set here should be overruled by a CSS class
8813          * then this property should be removed here.
8814          * <p>
8815          * The reason, why this attribute should be kept to its default value at all,
8816          * is that screen dumps of SVG boards with <tt>board.renderer.dumpToCanvas()</tt>
8817          * will ignore the font-family if it is set in a CSS class.
8818          * It has to be set explicitly as style attribute.
8819          * <p>
8820          * In summary, the order of priorities from high to low is
8821          * <ol>
8822          *  <li> JXG.Options.text.cssStyle
8823          *  <li> JXG.Options.text.cssDefaultStyle
8824          *  <li> JXG.Options.text.cssClass
8825          * </ol>
8826          * @example
8827          * If all texts should get its font-family from the default CSS class
8828          * before initializing the board
8829          * <pre>
8830          *   JXG.Options.text.cssDefaultStyle = '';
8831          *   JXG.Options.text.highlightCssDefaultStyle = '';
8832          * </pre>
8833          * should be called.
8834          *
8835          * @name cssDefaultStyle
8836          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8837          * @default  'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;'
8838          * @type String
8839          * @see Text#highlightCssDefaultStyle
8840          * @see Text#cssStyle
8841          * @see Text#highlightCssStyle
8842          */
8843         cssDefaultStyle: 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;',
8845         /**
8846          * Default CSS properties of the HTML text element in case of highlighting.
8847          * <p>
8848          * The CSS properties which are set here, are handed over to the style property
8849          * of the HTML text element. That means, they have higher property than any
8850          * CSS class.
8851          * @example
8852          * If all texts should get its font-family from the default CSS class
8853          * before initializing the board
8854          * <pre>
8855          *   JXG.Options.text.cssDefaultStyle = '';
8856          *   JXG.Options.text.highlightCssDefaultStyle = '';
8857          * </pre>
8858          * should be called.
8859          *
8860          * @name highlightCssDefaultStyle
8861          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8862          * @default  'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;'
8863          * @type String
8864          * @see Text#cssDefaultStyle
8865          * @see Text#cssStyle
8866          * @see Text#highlightCssStyle
8867         */
8868         highlightCssDefaultStyle: 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, sans-serif;',
8870         /**
8871          * CSS properties of the HTML text element.
8872          * <p>
8873          * The CSS properties which are set here, are handed over to the style property
8874          * of the HTML text element. That means, they have higher property than any
8875          * CSS class.
8876          *
8877          * @name cssStyle
8878          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8879          * @default  ''
8880          * @type String
8881          * @see Text#cssDefaultStyle
8882          * @see Text#highlightCssDefaultStyle
8883          * @see Text#highlightCssStyle
8884         */
8885         cssStyle: '',
8887         /**
8888          * CSS properties of the HTML text element in case of highlighting.
8889          * <p>
8890          * The CSS properties which are set here, are handed over to the style property
8891          * of the HTML text element. That means, they have higher property than any
8892          * CSS class.
8893          *
8894          * @name highlightCssStyle
8895          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8896          * @default  ''
8897          * @type String
8898          * @see Text#cssDefaultStyle
8899          * @see Text#highlightCssDefaultStyle
8900          * @see Text#cssStyle
8901         */
8902         highlightCssStyle: '',
8904         transitionProperties: ['color', 'opacity'],
8906         /**
8907          * If true, the input will be given to ASCIIMathML before rendering.
8908          *
8909          * @name useASCIIMathML
8910          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8911          * @default false
8912          * @type Boolean
8913          */
8914         useASCIIMathML: false,
8916         /**
8917          * If true, MathJax will be used to render the input string.
8918          * Supports MathJax 2 as well as Mathjax 3.
8919          * It is recommended to use this option together with the option
8920          * "parse: false". Otherwise, 4 backslashes (e.g. \\\\alpha) are needed
8921          * instead of two (e.g. \\alpha).
8922          *
8923          * @name useMathJax
8924          * @memberOf Text.prototype
8925          * @default false
8926          * @type Boolean
8927          * @see Text#parse
8928          *
8929          * @example
8930          *  // Before loading MathJax, it has to be configured something like this:
8931          * window.MathJax = {
8932          *   tex: {
8933          *     inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],
8934          *     displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ["\\[","\\]"] ],
8935          *     packages: ['base', 'ams']
8936          *   },
8937          *   options: {
8938          *     ignoreHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_ignore',
8939          *     processHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_process'
8940          *   }
8941          * };
8942          *
8943          * // Display style
8944          * board.create('text',[ 2,2,  function(){return '$$X=\\frac{2}{x}$$'}], {
8945          *     fontSize: 15, color:'green', useMathJax: true});
8946          *
8947          * // Inline style
8948          * board.create('text',[-2,2,  function(){return '$X_A=\\frac{2}{x}$'}], {
8949          *     fontSize: 15, color:'green', useMathJax: true});
8950          *
8951          * var A = board.create('point', [-2, 0]);
8952          * var B = board.create('point', [1, 0]);
8953          * var C = board.create('point', [0, 1]);
8954          *
8955          * var graph = board.create('ellipse', [A, B, C], {
8956          *         fixed: true,
8957          *         withLabel: true,
8958          *         strokeColor: 'black',
8959          *         strokeWidth: 2,
8960          *         fillColor: '#cccccc',
8961          *         fillOpacity: 0.3,
8962          *         highlightStrokeColor: 'red',
8963          *         highlightStrokeWidth: 3,
8964          *         name: '$1=\\frac{(x-h)^2}{a^2}+\\frac{(y-k)^2}{b^2}$',
8965          *         label: {useMathJax: true}
8966          *     });
8967          *
8968          * var nvect1 = board.create('text', [-4, -3, '\\[\\overrightarrow{V}\\]'],
8969          * {
8970          *   fontSize: 24, parse: false
8971          * });
8972          * var nvect1 = board.create('text', [-2, -4, function() {return '$\\overrightarrow{G}$';}],
8973          * {
8974          *   fontSize: 24, useMathJax: true
8975          * });
8976          *
8977          * </pre>
8978          * <script>
8979          * window.MathJax = {
8980          *   tex: {
8981          *     inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],
8982          *     displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ["\\[","\\]"] ],
8983          *     packages: ['base', 'ams']
8984          *   },
8985          *   options: {
8986          *     ignoreHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_ignore',
8987          *     processHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_process'
8988          *   }
8989          * };
8990          * </script>
8991          * <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-chtml.js" id="MathJax-script"></script>
8992          * <div id="JXGe2a04876-5813-4db0-b7e8-e48bf4e220b9" class="jxgbox" style="width: 400px; height: 400px;"></div>
8993          * <script type="text/javascript">
8994          *     (function() {
8995          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGe2a04876-5813-4db0-b7e8-e48bf4e220b9',
8996          *             {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
8997          *     // Display style
8998          *     board.create('text',[ 2,2,  function(){return '$$X=\\frac{2}{x}$$'}], {
8999          *         fontSize: 15, color:'green', useMathJax: true});
9000          *
9001          *     // Inline style
9002          *     board.create('text',[-2,2,  function(){return '$X_A=\\frac{2}{x}$'}], {
9003          *         fontSize: 15, color:'green', useMathJax: true});
9004          *
9005          *     var A = board.create('point', [-2, 0]);
9006          *     var B = board.create('point', [1, 0]);
9007          *     var C = board.create('point', [0, 1]);
9008          *
9009          *     var graph = board.create('ellipse', [A, B, C], {
9010          *             fixed: true,
9011          *             withLabel: true,
9012          *             strokeColor: 'black',
9013          *             strokeWidth: 2,
9014          *             fillColor: '#cccccc',
9015          *             fillOpacity: 0.3,
9016          *             highlightStrokeColor: 'red',
9017          *             highlightStrokeWidth: 3,
9018          *             name: '$1=\\frac{(x-h)^2}{a^2}+\\frac{(y-k)^2}{b^2}$',
9019          *             label: {useMathJax: true}
9020          *         });
9021          *
9022          *     var nvect1 = board.create('text', [-4, -3, '\\[\\overrightarrow{V}\\]'],
9023          *     {
9024          *       fontSize: 24, parse: false
9025          *     });
9026          *     var nvect1 = board.create('text', [-2, -4, function() {return '$\\overrightarrow{G}$';}],
9027          *     {
9028          *       fontSize: 24, useMathJax: true
9029          *     });
9030          *     })();
9031          *
9032          * </script><pre>
9033          *
9034          *
9035          * @example
9036          * // Load MathJax:
9037          * // <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-chtml.js"<</script>
9038          *
9039          * // function and its derivative
9040          * var f1 = function(x) { return x * x * x; },
9041          * graph1 = board.create('functiongraph', [f1, -0.1, 1.1]),
9042          *
9043          * A = board.create('glider', [0.5, f1(0.5), graph1], {
9044          *             name: 'f(x)',
9045          *             color: 'black',
9046          *             face:'x',
9047          *             fixed: true,
9048          *             size: 3,
9049          *             label: {offset: [-30, 10], fontSize: 15}
9050          *         }),
9051          * B = board.create('glider', [0.7, f1(0.7), graph1], {
9052          *             name: 'f(x+Δx)',
9053          *             size: 3,
9054          *             label: {offset: [-60, 10], fontSize: 15}
9055          *         }),
9056          *
9057          * secant_line = board.create('line', [A,B],{dash: 1, color: 'green'}),
9058          * a_h_segment = board.create('segment', [A, [
9059          *                     function(){ return B.X() > A.X() ? B.X() : A.X()},
9060          *                     function(){ return B.X() > A.X() ? A.Y() : B.Y()}
9061          *                 ]],{ name: 'Δx', dash: 1, color: 'black'});
9062          *
9063          * b_v_segment = board.create('segment', [B, [
9064          *                     function(){ return B.X() > A.X() ? B.X() : A.X()},
9065          *                     function(){ return B.X() > A.X() ? A.Y() : B.Y()}
9066          *                 ]],{ name: 'Δy', dash: 1, color: 'black'}),
9067          *
9068          * ma = board.create('midpoint', [a_h_segment.point1, a_h_segment.point2
9069          *     ], {visible: false});
9070          *
9071          * board.create('text', [0, 0, function() {return '\\[\\Delta_x='+(B.X()-A.X()).toFixed(4)+'\\]'}], {
9072          *     anchor: ma, useMathJax: true, fixed: true, color: 'green', anchorY: 'top'
9073          * });
9074          *
9075          * mb = board.create('midpoint', [b_v_segment.point1, b_v_segment.point2], {visible: false});
9076          * board.create('text', [0, 0, function() {return '\\[\\Delta_y='+(B.Y()-A.Y()).toFixed(4)+'\\]'}], {
9077          *     anchor: mb, useMathJax: true, fixed: true, color: 'green'
9078          * });
9079          *
9080          * dval = board.create('text',[0.1, 0.8,
9081          *     function(){
9082          *         return '\\[\\frac{\\Delta_y}{\\Delta_x}=\\frac{' + ((B.Y()-A.Y()).toFixed(4)) + '}{' + ((B.X()-A.X()).toFixed(4)) +
9083          *             '}=' + (((B.Y()-A.Y()).toFixed(4))/((B.X()-A.X()).toFixed(4))).toFixed(4) + '\\]';
9084          *     }],{fontSize: 15, useMathJax: true});
9085          *
9086          * </pre>
9087          * <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-chtml.js" id="MathJax-script"></script>
9088          * <div id="JXG8c2b65e7-4fc4-43f7-b23c-5076a7fa9621" class="jxgbox" style="width: 400px; height: 400px;"></div>
9089          * <script type="text/javascript">
9090          *     (function() {
9091          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG8c2b65e7-4fc4-43f7-b23c-5076a7fa9621',
9092          *             {boundingbox: [-0.1, 1.1, 1.1, -0.1], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
9093          *     // function and its derivative
9094          *     var f1 = function(x) { return x * x * x; },
9095          *     graph1 = board.create('functiongraph', [f1, -0.1, 1.1]),
9096          *
9097          *     A = board.create('glider', [0.5, f1(0.5), graph1], {
9098          *                 name: 'f(x)',
9099          *                 color: 'black',
9100          *                 face:'x',
9101          *                 fixed: true,
9102          *                 size: 3,
9103          *                 label: {offset: [-30, 10], fontSize: 15}
9104          *             }),
9105          *     B = board.create('glider', [0.7, f1(0.7), graph1], {
9106          *                 name: 'f(x+Δx)',
9107          *                 size: 3,
9108          *                 label: {offset: [-60, 10], fontSize: 15}
9109          *             }),
9110          *
9111          *     secant_line = board.create('line', [A,B],{dash: 1, color: 'green'}),
9112          *     a_h_segment = board.create('segment', [A, [
9113          *                         function(){ return B.X() > A.X() ? B.X() : A.X()},
9114          *                         function(){ return B.X() > A.X() ? A.Y() : B.Y()}
9115          *                     ]],{ name: 'Δx', dash: 1, color: 'black'});
9116          *
9117          *     b_v_segment = board.create('segment', [B, [
9118          *                         function(){ return B.X() > A.X() ? B.X() : A.X()},
9119          *                         function(){ return B.X() > A.X() ? A.Y() : B.Y()}
9120          *                     ]],{ name: 'Δy', dash: 1, color: 'black'}),
9121          *
9122          *     ma = board.create('midpoint', [a_h_segment.point1, a_h_segment.point2
9123          *         ], {visible: false});
9124          *
9125          *     board.create('text', [0, 0, function() {return '\\[\\Delta_x='+(B.X()-A.X()).toFixed(4)+'\\]'}], {
9126          *         anchor: ma, useMathJax: true, fixed: true, color: 'green', anchorY: 'top'
9127          *     });
9128          *
9129          *     mb = board.create('midpoint', [b_v_segment.point1, b_v_segment.point2], {visible: false});
9130          *     board.create('text', [0, 0, function() {return '\\[\\Delta_y='+(B.Y()-A.Y()).toFixed(4)+'\\]'}], {
9131          *         anchor: mb, useMathJax: true, fixed: true, color: 'green'
9132          *     });
9133          *
9134          *     dval = board.create('text',[0.1, 0.8,
9135          *         function(){
9136          *             return '\\[\\frac{\\Delta_y}{\\Delta_x}=\\frac{' + ((B.Y()-A.Y()).toFixed(4)) + '}{' + ((B.X()-A.X()).toFixed(4)) +
9137          *                 '}=' + (((B.Y()-A.Y()).toFixed(4))/((B.X()-A.X()).toFixed(4))).toFixed(4) + '\\]';
9138          *         }],{fontSize: 15, useMathJax: true});
9139          *
9140          *     })();
9141          *
9142          * </script><pre>
9143          *
9144          * @example
9145          * var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {boundingbox: [-1, 10, 11, -2], axis: true});
9146          * board.options.text.useMathjax = true;
9147          *
9148          * a = board.create('slider',[[-0.7,1.5],[5,1.5],[0,0.5,1]], {
9149          *     suffixlabel:'\\(t_1=\\)',
9150          *     unitLabel: ' \\(\\text{ ms}\\)',
9151          *     snapWidth:0.01}),
9152          *
9153          * func = board.create('functiongraph',[function(x){return (a.Value()*x*x)}], {strokeColor: "red"});
9154          * text1 = board.create('text', [5, 1, function(){
9155          *             return '\\(a(t)= { 1 \\over ' + a.Value().toFixed(3) + '}\\)';
9156          *         }], {fontSize: 15, fixed:true, strokeColor:'red', anchorY: 'top', parse: false});
9157          *
9158          * </pre><div id="JXGf8bd01db-fb6a-4a5c-9e7f-8823f7aa5ac6" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
9159          * <script type="text/javascript">
9160          *     (function() {
9161          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGf8bd01db-fb6a-4a5c-9e7f-8823f7aa5ac6',
9162          *             {boundingbox: [-1, 10, 11, -2], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
9163          *     board.options.text.useMathjax = true;
9164          *
9165          *     a = board.create('slider',[[-0.7,1.5],[5,1.5],[0,0.5,1]], {
9166          *         suffixlabel:'\\(t_1=\\)',
9167          *         unitLabel: ' \\(\\text{ ms}\\)',
9168          *         snapWidth:0.01}),
9169          *
9170          *     func = board.create('functiongraph',[function(x){return (a.Value()*x*x)}], {strokeColor: "red"});
9171          *     text1 = board.create('text', [5, 1, function(){
9172          *                 return '\\(a(t)= { 1 \\over ' + a.Value().toFixed(3) + '}\\)';
9173          *             }], {fontSize: 15, fixed:true, strokeColor:'red', anchorY: 'top', parse: false});
9174          *
9175          *     })();
9176          *
9177          * </script><pre>
9178          *
9179          */
9180         useMathJax: false,
9182         /**
9183          *
9184          * If true, KaTeX will be used to render the input string.
9185          * For this feature, katex.min.js and katex.min.css have to be included.
9186          * <p>
9187          * The example below does not work, because there is a conflict with
9188          * the MathJax library which is used below.
9189          * </p>
9190          *
9191          * @name useKatex
9192          * @memberOf Text.prototype
9193          * @default false
9194          * @type Boolean
9195          *
9196          *
9197          * @example
9198          * JXG.Options.text.useKatex = true;
9199          *
9200          * const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
9201          *     boundingbox: [-2, 5, 8, -5], axis:true
9202          * });
9203          *
9204          * var a = board.create('slider',[[-0.7,1.5],[5,1.5],[0,0.5,1]], {
9205          *     suffixlabel:'t_1=',
9206          *     unitLabel: ' \\text{ ms}',
9207          *     snapWidth:0.01});
9208          *
9209          * func = board.create('functiongraph',[function(x){return (a.Value()*x*x)}], {strokeColor: "red"});
9210          * text1 = board.create('text', [5, 1, function(){
9211          *             return 'a(t)= { 1 \\over ' + a.Value().toFixed(3) + '}';
9212          *         }], {fontSize: 15, fixed:true, strokeColor:'red', anchorY: 'top'});
9213          *
9214          * </pre>
9215          * <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.13.10/dist/katex.min.css" integrity="sha384-0cCFrwW/0bAk1Z/6IMgIyNU3kfTcNirlObr4WjrUU7+hZeD6ravdYJ3kPWSeC31M" crossorigin="anonymous">
9216          * <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.13.10/dist/katex.min.js" integrity="sha384-dtFDxK2tSkECx/6302Z4VN2ZRqt6Gis+b1IwCjJPrn0kMYFQT9rbtyQWg5NFWAF7" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
9217          * <div id="JXG497f065c-cfc1-44c3-ba21-5fa581668869" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
9218          * <script type="text/javascript">
9219          *     (function() {
9220          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG497f065c-cfc1-44c3-ba21-5fa581668869',
9221          *             {boundingbox: [-2, 5, 8, -5], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
9222          *     board.options.useKatex = true;
9223          *     var a = board.create('slider',[[-0.7,1.5],[5,1.5],[0,0.5,1]], {
9224          *         suffixlabel:'t_1=',
9225          *         unitLabel: ' \\text{ ms}',
9226          *         snapWidth:0.01});
9227          *
9228          *     func = board.create('functiongraph',[function(x){return (a.Value()*x*x)}], {strokeColor: "red"});
9229          *     text1 = board.create('text', [5, 1, function(){
9230          *                 return 'a(t)= { 1 \\over ' + a.Value().toFixed(3) + '}';
9231          *             }], {fontSize: 15, fixed:true, strokeColor:'red', anchorY: 'top'});
9232          *
9233          *     })();
9234          *
9235          * </script><pre>
9236          */
9237         useKatex: false,
9239         /**
9240          * Object or function returning an object that contains macros for KaTeX.
9241          *
9242          * @name katexMacros
9243          * @memberOf Text.prototype
9244          * @default <tt>{}</tt>
9245          * @type Object
9246          *
9247          * @example
9248          * // to globally apply macros to all text elements use:
9249          * JXG.Options.text.katexMacros = {'\\jxg': 'JSXGraph is awesome'};
9250          *
9251          * const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
9252          *     boundingbox: [-2, 5, 8, -5], axis:true
9253          * });
9254          *
9255          * // This macro only get applied to the p ('text') element
9256          * var p = board.create('text', [1, 0, '\\jsg \\sR '], { katexMacros: {'\\sR':'\\mathbb{R}'} });
9257          */
9258         katexMacros: {},
9260         /**
9261          * Display number as integer + nominator / denominator. Works together
9262          * with MathJax, KaTex or as plain text.
9263          * @name toFraction
9264          * @memberOf Text.prototype
9265          * @type Boolean
9266          * @default false
9267          * @see JXG#toFraction
9268          *
9269          * @example
9270          *  board.create('text', [2, 2, 2 / 7], { anchorY: 'top', toFraction: true, useMathjax: true });
9271          *  board.create('text', [2, -2, 2 / 19], { toFraction: true, useMathjax: false });
9272          *
9273          * </pre><div id="JXGc10fe0b6-15ac-42b6-890f-2593b427d493" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
9274          * <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-chtml.js" id="MathJax-script"></script>
9275          * <script type="text/javascript">
9276          *     (function() {
9277          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGc10fe0b6-15ac-42b6-890f-2593b427d493',
9278          *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
9279          *             board.create('text', [2, 2, 2 / 7], { anchorY: 'top', toFraction: true, useMathjax: true });
9280          *             board.create('text', [2, -2, 2 / 19], { toFraction: true, useMathjax: false });
9281          *
9282          *     })();
9283          *
9284          * </script><pre>
9285          *
9286          */
9287         toFraction: false,
9289         /**
9290          * Determines the rendering method of the text. Possible values
9291          * include <tt>'html'</tt> and <tt>'internal</tt>.
9292          *
9293          * @name display
9294          * @memberOf Text.prototype
9295          * @default 'html'
9296          * @type String
9297          */
9298         display: 'html',
9300         /**
9301          * Anchor element {@link Point}, {@link Text} or {@link Image} of the text.
9302          * If it exists, the coordinates of the text are relative
9303          * to this anchor element. In this case, only numbers are possible coordinates,
9304          * functions are not supported.
9305          *
9306          * @name anchor
9307          * @memberOf Text.prototype
9308          * @default null
9309          * @type Object
9310          */
9311         anchor: null,
9313         /**
9314          * The horizontal alignment of the text. Possible values include <tt>'auto'</tt>, <tt>'left'</tt>,
9315          * <tt>'middle'</tt>, and <tt>'right'</tt>.
9316          *
9317          * @name anchorX
9318          * @memberOf Text.prototype
9319          * @default 'left'
9320          * @type String
9321          */
9322         anchorX: 'left',
9324         /**
9325          * The vertical alignment of the text. Possible values include <tt>'auto</tt>, <tt>'top'</tt>, <tt>'middle'</tt>, and
9326          * <tt>'bottom'</tt>.
9327          * For MathJax or KaTeX, 'top' is recommended.
9328          *
9329          * @name anchorY
9330          * @memberOf Text.prototype
9331          * @default 'middle'
9332          * @type String
9333          */
9334         anchorY: 'middle',
9336         /**
9337          * Apply CSS classes to the text in non-highlighted view. It is possible to supply one or more
9338          * CSS classes separated by blanks.
9339          *
9340          * @name cssClass
9341          * @memberOf Text.prototype
9342          * @type String
9343          * @default 'JXGtext'
9344          */
9345         cssClass: 'JXGtext',
9347         /**
9348          * Apply CSS classes to the text in highlighted view. It is possible to supply one or more
9349          * CSS classes separated by blanks.
9350          *
9351          * @name highlightCssClass
9352          * @memberOf Text.prototype
9353          * @type String
9354          * @default 'JXGtext'
9355          */
9356         highlightCssClass: 'JXGtext',
9358         /**
9359          * Sensitive area for dragging the text.
9360          * Possible values are 'all', or something else.
9361          * If set to 'small', a sensitivity margin at the right and left border is taken.
9362          * This may be extended to left, right, ... in the future.
9363          *
9364          * @name Text#dragArea
9365          * @type String
9366          * @default 'all'
9367          */
9368         dragArea: 'all',
9370         withLabel: false,
9372         /**
9373          * Text rotation in degrees.
9374          * Works for non-zero values only in combination with display=='internal'.
9375          *
9376          * @name Text#rotate
9377          * @type Number
9378          * @default 0
9379          */
9380         rotate: 0,
9382         /**
9383          * @name Text#visible
9384          * @type Boolean
9385          * @default true
9386          */
9387         visible: true,
9389         /**
9390          * Defines together with {@link Text#snapSizeY} the grid the text snaps on to.
9391          * The text will only snap on integer multiples to snapSizeX in x and snapSizeY in y direction.
9392          * If this value is equal to or less than <tt>0</tt>, it will use the grid displayed by the major ticks
9393          * of the default ticks of the default x axes of the board.
9394          *
9395          * @name snapSizeX
9396          * @memberOf Text.prototype
9397          *
9398          * @see Point#snapToGrid
9399          * @see Text#snapSizeY
9400          * @see JXG.Board#defaultAxes
9401          * @type Number
9402          * @default 1
9403          */
9404         snapSizeX: 1,
9406         /**
9407          * Defines together with {@link Text#snapSizeX} the grid the text snaps on to.
9408          * The text will only snap on integer multiples to snapSizeX in x and snapSizeY in y direction.
9409          * If this value is equal to or less than <tt>0</tt>, it will use the grid displayed by the major ticks
9410          * of the default ticks of the default y axes of the board.
9411          *
9412          * @name snapSizeY
9413          * @memberOf Text.prototype
9414          *
9415          * @see Point#snapToGrid
9416          * @see Text#snapSizeX
9417          * @see JXG.Board#defaultAxes
9418          * @type Number
9419          * @default 1
9420          */
9421         snapSizeY: 1,
9423         /**
9424          * List of attractor elements. If the distance of the text is less than
9425          * attractorDistance the text is made to glider of this element.
9426          *
9427          * @name attractors
9428          * @memberOf Text.prototype
9429          * @type Array
9430          * @default empty
9431          */
9432         attractors: []
9434         /**#@-*/
9435     },
9437     /* special options for trace curves */
9438     tracecurve: {
9439         /**#@+
9440          * @visprop
9441          */
9442         strokeColor: '#000000',
9443         fillColor: 'none',
9445         /**
9446          * The number of evaluated data points.
9447          * @memberOf Tracecurve.prototype
9448          * @default 100
9449          * @name numberPoints
9450          * @type Number
9451          */
9452         numberPoints: 100
9454         /**#@-*/
9455     },
9457     /* special turtle options */
9458     turtle: {
9459         /**#@+
9460          * @visprop
9461          */
9463         strokeWidth: 1,
9464         fillColor: 'none',
9465         strokeColor: '#000000',
9467         /**
9468          * Attributes for the turtle arrow.
9469          *
9470          * @type Curve
9471          * @name Turtle#arrow
9472          */
9473         arrow: {
9474             strokeWidth: 2,
9475             withLabel: false,
9476             strokeColor: Color.palette.red,
9477             lastArrow: true
9478         }
9479         /**#@-*/
9480     },
9482     /* special vector field options */
9483     vectorfield: {
9484         /**#@+
9485          * @visprop
9486          */
9488         strokeWidth: 0.5,
9489         highlightStrokeWidth: 0.5,
9490         highlightStrokeColor: Color.palette.blue,
9491         highlightStrokeOpacity: 0.8,
9493         /**
9494          * Scaling factor of the vectors. This in contrast to slope fields, where this attribute sets the vector to the given length.
9495          * @name scale
9496          * @memberOf Vectorfield.prototype
9497          * @type {Number|Function}
9498          * @see Slopefield.scale
9499          * @default 1
9500          */
9501         scale: 1,
9503         /**
9504          * Customize arrow heads of vectors. Be careful! If enabled this will slow down the performance.
9505          * Fields are:
9506          * <ul>
9507          *  <li> enabled: Boolean
9508          *  <li> size: length of the arrow head legs (in pixel)
9509          *  <li> angle: angle of the arrow head legs In radians.
9510          * </ul>
9511          * @name arrowhead
9512          * @memberOf Vectorfield.prototype
9513          * @type {Object}
9514          * @default <tt>{enabled: true, size: 5, angle: Math.PI * 0.125}</tt>
9515          */
9516         arrowhead: {
9517             enabled: true,
9518             size: 5,
9519             angle: Math.PI * 0.125
9520         }
9522         /**#@-*/
9523     },
9525     /**
9526      * Abbreviations of attributes. Setting the shortcut means setting abbreviated properties
9527      * to the same value.
9528      * It is used in {@link JXG.GeometryElement#setAttribute} and in
9529      * the constructor {@link JXG.GeometryElement}.
9530      * Attention: In Options.js abbreviations are not allowed.
9531      * @type Object
9532      * @name JXG.Options#shortcuts
9533      *
9534      */
9535     shortcuts: {
9536         color: ['strokeColor', 'fillColor'],
9537         opacity: ['strokeOpacity', 'fillOpacity'],
9538         highlightColor: ['highlightStrokeColor', 'highlightFillColor'],
9539         highlightOpacity: ['highlightStrokeOpacity', 'highlightFillOpacity'],
9540         strokeWidth: ['strokeWidth', 'highlightStrokeWidth']
9541     }
9542 };
9544     /**
9545      * Holds all possible properties and the according validators for geometry elements.
9546      * A validator is either a function
9547      * which takes one parameter and returns true, if the value is valid for the property,
9548      * or it is false if no validator is required.
9549      */
9550     JXG.Validator = (function () {
9551         var i,
9552             validatePixel = function (v) {
9553                 return (/^[0-9]+px$/).test(v);
9554             },
9555             validateDisplay = function (v) {
9556                 return (v  === 'html' || v === 'internal');
9557             },
9558             validateColor = function (v) {
9559                 // for now this should do it...
9560                 return Type.isString(v);
9561             },
9562             validatePointFace = function (v) {
9563                 return Type.exists(JXG.normalizePointFace(v));
9564             },
9565             validateInteger = function (v) {
9566                 return (Math.abs(v - Math.round(v)) < Mat.eps);
9567             },
9568             validateNotNegativeInteger = function (v) {
9569                 return validateInteger(v) && v >= 0;
9570             },
9571             validatePositiveInteger = function (v) {
9572                 return validateInteger(v) && v > 0;
9573             },
9574             // validateScreenCoords = function (v) {
9575             //     return v.length >= 2 && validateInteger(v[0]) && validateInteger(v[1]);
9576             // },
9577             validateRenderer = function (v) {
9578                 return (v === 'vml' || v === 'svg' || v === 'canvas' || v === 'no');
9579             },
9580             validatePositive = function (v) {
9581                 return v > 0;
9582             },
9583             validateNotNegative = function (v) {
9584                 return v >= 0;
9585             },
9586             v = {},
9587             validators = {
9588                 attractorDistance: validateNotNegative,
9589                 color: validateColor,
9590                 // defaultDistance: Type.isNumber,
9591                 display: validateDisplay,
9592                 doAdvancedPlot: false,
9593                 draft: false,
9594                 drawLabels: false,
9595                 drawZero: false,
9596                 face: validatePointFace,
9597                 factor: Type.isNumber,
9598                 fillColor: validateColor,
9599                 fillOpacity: Type.isNumber,
9600                 firstArrow: false,
9601                 fontSize: validateInteger,
9602                 dash: validateInteger,
9603                 gridX: Type.isNumber,
9604                 gridY: Type.isNumber,
9605                 // POI: Do we have to add something here?
9606                 hasGrid: false,
9607                 highlightFillColor: validateColor,
9608                 highlightFillOpacity: Type.isNumber,
9609                 highlightStrokeColor: validateColor,
9610                 highlightStrokeOpacity: Type.isNumber,
9611                 insertTicks: false,
9612                 //: validateScreenCoords,
9613                 lastArrow: false,
9614                 layer: validateNotNegativeInteger,
9615                 majorHeight: validateInteger,
9616                 minorHeight: validateInteger,
9617                 minorTicks: validateNotNegative,
9618                 minTicksDistance: validatePositiveInteger,
9619                 numberPointsHigh: validatePositiveInteger,
9620                 numberPointsLow: validatePositiveInteger,
9621                 opacity: Type.isNumber,
9622                 radius: Type.isNumber,
9623                 RDPsmoothing: false,
9624                 renderer: validateRenderer,
9625                 right: validatePixel,
9626                 showCopyright: false,
9627                 showInfobox: false,
9628                 showNavigation: false,
9629                 size: validateNotNegative, //validateInteger,
9630                 snapSizeX: validatePositive,
9631                 snapSizeY: validatePositive,
9632                 snapWidth: Type.isNumber,
9633                 snapToGrid: false,
9634                 snatchDistance: validateNotNegative,
9635                 straightFirst: false,
9636                 straightLast: false,
9637                 stretch: false,
9638                 strokeColor: validateColor,
9639                 strokeOpacity: Type.isNumber,
9640                 strokeWidth: validateNotNegative, //validateInteger,
9641                 takeFirst: false,
9642                 takeSizeFromFile: false,
9643                 to10: false,
9644                 toOrigin: false,
9645                 translateTo10: false,
9646                 translateToOrigin: false,
9647                 useASCIIMathML: false,
9648                 useDirection: false,
9649                 useMathJax: false,
9650                 withLabel: false,
9651                 withTicks: false,
9652                 zoom: false
9653             };
9655         // this seems like a redundant step but it makes sure that
9656         // all properties in the validator object have lower case names
9657         // and the validator object is easier to read.
9658         for (i in validators) {
9659             if (validators.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
9660                 v[i.toLowerCase()] = validators[i];
9661             }
9662         }
9664         return v;
9665     }());
9667     /**
9668      * All point faces can be defined with more than one name, e.g. a cross faced point can be given
9669      * by face equal to 'cross' or equal to 'x'. This method maps all possible values to fixed ones to
9670      * simplify if- and switch-clauses regarding point faces. The translation table is as follows:
9671      * <table>
9672      * <tr><th>Input</th><th>Output</th></tr>
9673      * <tr><td>cross</td><td>x</td></tr>
9674      * <tr><td>circle</td><td>o</td></tr>
9675      * <tr><td>square, []</td><td>[]</td></tr>
9676      * <tr><td>plus</td><td>+</td></tr>
9677      * <tr><td>minus</td><td>-</td></tr>
9678      * <tr><td>divide</td><td>|</td></tr>
9679      * <tr><td>diamond</td><td><></td></tr>
9680      * <tr><td>triangleup</td><td>^, a, A</td></tr>
9681      * <tr><td>triangledown</td><td>v</td></tr>
9682      * <tr><td>triangleleft</td><td><</td></tr>
9683      * <tr><td>triangleright</td><td>></td></tr>
9684      * </table>
9685      * @param {String} s A string which should determine a valid point face.
9686      * @returns {String} Returns a normalized string or undefined if the given string is not a valid
9687      * point face.
9688      */
9689     JXG.normalizePointFace = function (s) {
9690         var map = {
9691             cross: 'x',
9692             x: 'x',
9693             circle: 'o',
9694             o: 'o',
9695             square: '[]',
9696             '[]': '[]',
9697             plus: '+',
9698             '+': '+',
9699             divide: '|',
9700             '|': '|',
9701             minus: '-',
9702             '-': '-',
9703             diamond: '<>',
9704             '<>': '<>',
9705             diamond2: '<<>>',
9706             '<<>>': '<<>>',
9707             triangleup: '^',
9708             A: '^',
9709             a: '^',
9710             '^': '^',
9711             triangledown: 'v',
9712             v: 'v',
9713             triangleleft: '<',
9714             '<': '<',
9715             triangleright: '>',
9716             '>': '>'
9717         };
9719         return map[s];
9720     };
9723     /**
9724      * Apply the options stored in this object to all objects on the given board.
9725      * @param {JXG.Board} board The board to which objects the options will be applied.
9726      */
9727     JXG.useStandardOptions = function (board) {
9728         var el, t, p, copyProps,
9729             o = JXG.Options,
9730             boardHadGrid = board.hasGrid;
9732         board.options.grid.hasGrid = o.grid.hasGrid;
9733         board.options.grid.gridX = o.grid.gridX;
9734         board.options.grid.gridY = o.grid.gridY;
9735         // POI: Do we have to add something here?
9736         board.options.grid.gridColor = o.grid.gridColor;
9737         board.options.grid.gridOpacity = o.grid.gridOpacity;
9738         board.options.grid.gridDash = o.grid.gridDash;
9739         board.options.grid.snapToGrid = o.grid.snapToGrid;
9740         board.options.grid.snapSizeX = o.grid.SnapSizeX;
9741         board.options.grid.snapSizeY = o.grid.SnapSizeY;
9742         board.takeSizeFromFile = o.takeSizeFromFile;
9744         copyProps = function (p, o) {
9745             p.visProp.fillcolor = o.fillColor;
9746             p.visProp.highlightfillcolor = o.highlightFillColor;
9747             p.visProp.strokecolor = o.strokeColor;
9748             p.visProp.highlightstrokecolor = o.highlightStrokeColor;
9749         };
9751         for (el in board.objects) {
9752             if (board.objects.hasOwnProperty(el)) {
9753                 p = board.objects[el];
9754                 if (p.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_POINT) {
9755                     copyProps(p, o.point);
9756                 } else if (p.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_LINE) {
9757                     copyProps(p, o.line);
9759                     for (t = 0; t < p.ticks.length; t++) {
9760                         p.ticks[t].majorTicks = o.line.ticks.majorTicks;
9761                         p.ticks[t].minTicksDistance = o.line.ticks.minTicksDistance;
9762                         p.ticks[t].visProp.minorheight = o.line.ticks.minorHeight;
9763                         p.ticks[t].visProp.majorheight = o.line.ticks.majorHeight;
9764                     }
9765                 } else if (p.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_CIRCLE) {
9766                     copyProps(p, o.circle);
9767                 } else if (p.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_ANGLE) {
9768                     copyProps(p, o.angle);
9769                 } else if (p.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_ARC) {
9770                     copyProps(p, o.arc);
9771                 } else if (p.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_POLYGON) {
9772                     copyProps(p, o.polygon);
9773                 } else if (p.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_CONIC) {
9774                     copyProps(p, o.conic);
9775                 } else if (p.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_CURVE) {
9776                     copyProps(p, o.curve);
9777                 } else if (p.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_SECTOR) {
9778                     p.arc.visProp.fillcolor = o.sector.fillColor;
9779                     p.arc.visProp.highlightfillcolor = o.sector.highlightFillColor;
9780                     p.arc.visProp.fillopacity = o.sector.fillOpacity;
9781                     p.arc.visProp.highlightfillopacity = o.sector.highlightFillOpacity;
9782                 }
9783             }
9784         }
9786         board.fullUpdate();
9787         if (boardHadGrid && !board.hasGrid) {
9788             board.removeGrids(board);
9789         } else if (!boardHadGrid && board.hasGrid) {
9790             board.create('grid', []);
9791         }
9792     };
9794     /**
9795      * Converts all color values to greyscale and calls useStandardOption to put them onto the board.
9796      * @param {JXG.Board} board The board to which objects the options will be applied.
9797      * @see #useStandardOptions
9798      */
9799     JXG.useBlackWhiteOptions = function (board) {
9800         var o = JXG.Options;
9801         o.point.fillColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.point.fillColor);
9802         o.point.highlightFillColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.point.highlightFillColor);
9803         o.point.strokeColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.point.strokeColor);
9804         o.point.highlightStrokeColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.point.highlightStrokeColor);
9806         o.line.fillColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.line.fillColor);
9807         o.line.highlightFillColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.line.highlightFillColor);
9808         o.line.strokeColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.line.strokeColor);
9809         o.line.highlightStrokeColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.line.highlightStrokeColor);
9811         o.circle.fillColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.circle.fillColor);
9812         o.circle.highlightFillColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.circle.highlightFillColor);
9813         o.circle.strokeColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.circle.strokeColor);
9814         o.circle.highlightStrokeColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.circle.highlightStrokeColor);
9816         o.arc.fillColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.arc.fillColor);
9817         o.arc.highlightFillColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.arc.highlightFillColor);
9818         o.arc.strokeColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.arc.strokeColor);
9819         o.arc.highlightStrokeColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.arc.highlightStrokeColor);
9821         o.polygon.fillColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.polygon.fillColor);
9822         o.polygon.highlightFillColor  = Color.rgb2bw(o.polygon.highlightFillColor);
9824         o.sector.fillColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.sector.fillColor);
9825         o.sector.highlightFillColor  = Color.rgb2bw(o.sector.highlightFillColor);
9827         o.curve.strokeColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.curve.strokeColor);
9828         o.grid.gridColor = Color.rgb2bw(o.grid.gridColor);
9830         JXG.useStandardOptions(board);
9831     };
9833 // needs to be exported
9834 JXG.Options.normalizePointFace = JXG.normalizePointFace;
9836 export default JXG.Options;