1 /*
  2     Copyright 2008-2023
  3         Matthias Ehmann,
  4         Michael Gerhaeuser,
  5         Carsten Miller,
  6         Bianca Valentin,
  7         Alfred Wassermann,
  8         Peter Wilfahrt
 10     This file is part of JSXGraph.
 12     JSXGraph is free software dual licensed under the GNU LGPL or MIT License.
 14     You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 16       * GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 17         the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 18         (at your option) any later version
 19       OR
 20       * MIT License: https://github.com/jsxgraph/jsxgraph/blob/master/LICENSE.MIT
 22     JSXGraph is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 23     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 25     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 27     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License and
 28     the MIT License along with JSXGraph. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
 29     and <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT/>.
 30  */
 32 /*global JXG: true, define: true, window: true*/
 33 /*jslint nomen: true, plusplus: true*/
 35 /**
 36  * @fileoverview In this file the Text element is defined.
 37  */
 39 import JXG from "../jxg";
 40 import Const from "./constants";
 41 import GeometryElement from "./element";
 42 import GeonextParser from "../parser/geonext";
 43 import Env from "../utils/env";
 44 import Type from "../utils/type";
 45 import Mat from "../math/math";
 46 import CoordsElement from "./coordselement";
 48 var priv = {
 49     /**
 50      * @class
 51      * @ignore
 52      */
 53     HTMLSliderInputEventHandler: function () {
 54         this._val = parseFloat(this.rendNodeRange.value);
 55         this.rendNodeOut.value = this.rendNodeRange.value;
 56         this.board.update();
 57     }
 58 };
 60 /**
 61  * Construct and handle texts.
 62  *
 63  * The coordinates can be relative to the coordinates of an element
 64  * given in {@link JXG.Options#text.anchor}.
 65  *
 66  * MathJax, HTML and GEONExT syntax can be handled.
 67  * @class Creates a new text object. Do not use this constructor to create a text. Use {@link JXG.Board#create} with
 68  * type {@link Text} instead.
 69  * @augments JXG.GeometryElement
 70  * @augments JXG.CoordsElement
 71  * @param {string|JXG.Board} board The board the new text is drawn on.
 72  * @param {Array} coordinates An array with the user coordinates of the text.
 73  * @param {Object} attributes An object containing visual properties and optional a name and a id.
 74  * @param {string|function} content A string or a function returning a string.
 75  *
 76  */
 77 JXG.Text = function (board, coords, attributes, content) {
 78     var tmp;
 80     this.constructor(board, attributes, Const.OBJECT_TYPE_TEXT, Const.OBJECT_CLASS_TEXT);
 82     this.element = this.board.select(attributes.anchor);
 83     this.coordsConstructor(coords, Type.evaluate(this.visProp.islabel));
 85     this.content = "";
 86     this.plaintext = "";
 87     this.plaintextOld = null;
 88     this.orgText = "";
 90     this.needsSizeUpdate = false;
 91     // Only used by infobox anymore
 92     this.hiddenByParent = false;
 94     /**
 95      * Width and height of the text element in pixel.
 96      *
 97      * @private
 98      * @type Array
 99      */
100     this.size = [1.0, 1.0];
101     this.id = this.board.setId(this, "T");
103     this.board.renderer.drawText(this);
104     this.board.finalizeAdding(this);
106     // Set text before drawing
107     // this._createFctUpdateText(content);
108     // this.updateText();
110     // Set attribute visible to true. This is necessary to
111     // create all sub-elements for button, input and checkbox
112     tmp = this.visProp.visible;
113     this.visProp.visible = true;
114     this.setText(content);
115     // Restore the correct attribute visible.
116     this.visProp.visible = tmp;
118     if (Type.isString(this.content)) {
119         this.notifyParents(this.content);
120     }
121     this.elType = "text";
123     this.methodMap = Type.deepCopy(this.methodMap, {
124         setText: "setTextJessieCode",
125         // free: 'free',
126         move: "setCoords",
127         Size: "getSize",
128         setAutoPosition: "setAutoPosition"
129     });
130 };
132 JXG.Text.prototype = new GeometryElement();
133 Type.copyPrototypeMethods(JXG.Text, CoordsElement, "coordsConstructor");
135 JXG.extend(
136     JXG.Text.prototype,
137     /** @lends JXG.Text.prototype */ {
138         /**
139          * @private
140          * @param {Number} x
141          * @param {Number} y
142          * @returns {Boolean}
143         */
144         // Test if the screen coordinates (x,y) are in a small stripe
145         // at the left side or at the right side of the text.
146         // Sensitivity is set in this.board.options.precision.hasPoint.
147         // If dragarea is set to 'all' (default), tests if the screen
148         // coordinates (x,y) are in within the text boundary.
149         hasPoint: function (x, y) {
150             var lft, rt, top, bot, ax, ay, type, r;
152             if (Type.isObject(Type.evaluate(this.visProp.precision))) {
153                 type = this.board._inputDevice;
154                 r = Type.evaluate(this.visProp.precision[type]);
155             } else {
156                 // 'inherit'
157                 r = this.board.options.precision.hasPoint;
158             }
159             if (this.transformations.length > 0) {
160                 //Transform the mouse/touch coordinates
161                 // back to the original position of the text.
162                 lft = Mat.matVecMult(
163                     Mat.inverse(this.board.renderer.joinTransforms(this, this.transformations)),
164                     [1, x, y]
165                 );
166                 x = lft[1];
167                 y = lft[2];
168             }
170             ax = this.getAnchorX();
171             if (ax === "right") {
172                 lft = this.coords.scrCoords[1] - this.size[0];
173             } else if (ax === "middle") {
174                 lft = this.coords.scrCoords[1] - 0.5 * this.size[0];
175             } else {
176                 lft = this.coords.scrCoords[1];
177             }
178             rt = lft + this.size[0];
180             ay = this.getAnchorY();
181             if (ay === "top") {
182                 bot = this.coords.scrCoords[2] + this.size[1];
183             } else if (ay === "middle") {
184                 bot = this.coords.scrCoords[2] + 0.5 * this.size[1];
185             } else {
186                 bot = this.coords.scrCoords[2];
187             }
188             top = bot - this.size[1];
190             if (Type.evaluate(this.visProp.dragarea) === "all") {
191                 return x >= lft - r && x < rt + r && y >= top - r && y <= bot + r;
192             }
193             // e.g. 'small'
194             return (
195                 y >= top - r &&
196                 y <= bot + r &&
197                 ((x >= lft - r && x <= lft + 2 * r) || (x >= rt - 2 * r && x <= rt + r))
198             );
199         },
201         /**
202          * This sets the updateText function of this element depending on the type of text content passed.
203          * Used by {@link JXG.Text#_setText}.
204          * @param {String|Function|Number} text
205          * @private
206          * @see JXG.Text#_setText
207          */
208         _createFctUpdateText: function (text) {
209             var updateText, e, digits,
210                 resolvedText,
211                 i, that,
212                 ev_p = Type.evaluate(this.visProp.parse),
213                 ev_um = Type.evaluate(this.visProp.usemathjax),
214                 ev_uk = Type.evaluate(this.visProp.usekatex),
215                 convertJessieCode = false;
217             this.orgText = text;
219             if (Type.isFunction(text)) {
220                 /**
221                  * Dynamically created function to update the content
222                  * of a text. Can not be overwritten.
223                  * <p>
224                  * <value> tags will not be evaluated if text is provided by a function
225                  * <p>
226                  * Sets the property <tt>plaintext</tt> of the text element.
227                  *
228                  * @private
229                  */
230                 this.updateText = function () {
231                     resolvedText = text().toString(); // Evaluate function
232                     if (ev_p && !ev_um && !ev_uk) {
233                         this.plaintext = this.replaceSub(
234                             this.replaceSup(
235                                 this.convertGeonextAndSketchometry2CSS(resolvedText, false)
236                             )
237                         );
238                     } else {
239                         this.plaintext = resolvedText;
240                     }
241                 };
242             } else {
243                 if (Type.isNumber(text) && Type.evaluate(this.visProp.formatnumber)) {
244                     if (Type.evaluate(this.visProp.tofraction)) {
245                         if (ev_um) {
246                             this.content = '\\(' + Type.toFraction(text, true) + '\\)';
247                         } else {
248                             this.content = Type.toFraction(text, ev_uk);
249                         }
250                     } else {
251                         digits = Type.evaluate(this.visProp.digits);
252                         if (this.useLocale()) {
253                             this.content = this.formatNumberLocale(text, digits);
254                         } else {
255                             this.content = Type.toFixed(text, digits);
256                         }
257                     }
258                 } else if (Type.isString(text) && ev_p) {
259                     if (Type.evaluate(this.visProp.useasciimathml)) {
260                         // ASCIIMathML
261                         // value-tags are not supported
262                         this.content = "'`" + text + "`'";
263                     } else if (ev_um || ev_uk) {
264                         // MathJax or KaTeX
265                         // Replace value-tags by functions
266                         // sketchofont is ignored
267                         this.content = this.valueTagToJessieCode(text);
268                         if (!Type.isArray(this.content)) {
269                             // For some reason we don't have to mask backslashes in an array of strings
270                             // anymore.
271                             //
272                             // for (i = 0; i < this.content.length; i++) {
273                             //     this.content[i] = this.content[i].replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"); // Replace single backslash by double
274                             // }
275                             // } else {
276                             this.content = this.content.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"); // Replace single backslash by double
277                         }
278                     } else {
279                         // No TeX involved.
280                         // Converts GEONExT syntax into JavaScript string
281                         // Short math is allowed
282                         // Replace value-tags by functions
283                         // Avoid geonext2JS calls
284                         this.content = this.poorMansTeX(this.valueTagToJessieCode(text));
285                     }
286                     convertJessieCode = true;
287                 } else {
288                     this.content = text;
289                 }
291                 // Generate function which returns the text to be displayed
292                 if (convertJessieCode) {
293                     // Convert JessieCode to JS function
294                     if (Type.isArray(this.content)) {
295                         // This is the case if the text contained value-tags.
296                         // These value-tags consist of JessieCode snippets
297                         // which are now replaced by JavaScript functions
298                         that = this;
299                         for (i = 0; i < this.content.length; i++) {
300                             if (this.content[i][0] !== '"') {
301                                 this.content[i] = this.board.jc.snippet(this.content[i], true, "", false);
302                                 for (e in this.content[i].deps) {
303                                     this.addParents(this.content[i].deps[e]);
304                                     this.content[i].deps[e].addChild(this);
305                                 }
306                             }
307                         }
309                         updateText = function() {
310                             var i, t,
311                                 digits = Type.evaluate(that.visProp.digits),
312                                 txt = '';
314                             for (i = 0; i < that.content.length; i++) {
315                                 if (Type.isFunction(that.content[i])) {
316                                     t = that.content[i]();
317                                     if (that.useLocale()) {
318                                         t = that.formatNumberLocale(t, digits);
319                                     } else {
320                                         t = Type.toFixed(t, digits);
321                                     }
322                                 } else {
323                                     t = that.content[i];
324                                     if (t.at(0) === '"' && t.at(-1) === '"') {
325                                         t = t.slice(1, -1);
326                                     }
327                                 }
329                                 txt += t;
330                             }
331                             return txt;
332                         };
333                     } else {
334                         updateText = this.board.jc.snippet(this.content, true, "", false);
335                         for (e in updateText.deps) {
336                             this.addParents(updateText.deps[e]);
337                             updateText.deps[e].addChild(this);
338                         }
339                     }
341                     // Ticks have been escaped in valueTagToJessieCode
342                     this.updateText = function () {
343                         this.plaintext = this.unescapeTicks(updateText());
344                     };
345                 } else {
346                     this.updateText = function () {
347                         this.plaintext = this.content; // text;
348                     };
349                 }
350             }
351         },
353         /**
354          * Defines new content. This is used by {@link JXG.Text#setTextJessieCode} and {@link JXG.Text#setText}. This is required because
355          * JessieCode needs to filter all Texts inserted into the DOM and thus has to replace setText by setTextJessieCode.
356          * @param {String|Function|Number} text
357          * @returns {JXG.Text}
358          * @private
359          */
360         _setText: function (text) {
361             this._createFctUpdateText(text);
363             // First evaluation of the string.
364             // We need this for display='internal' and Canvas
365             this.updateText();
366             this.fullUpdate();
368             // We do not call updateSize for the infobox to speed up rendering
369             if (!this.board.infobox || this.id !== this.board.infobox.id) {
370                 this.updateSize(); // updateSize() is called at least once.
371             }
373             // This may slow down canvas renderer
374             // if (this.board.renderer.type === 'canvas') {
375             //     this.board.fullUpdate();
376             // }
378             return this;
379         },
381         /**
382          * Defines new content but converts < and > to HTML entities before updating the DOM.
383          * @param {String|function} text
384          */
385         setTextJessieCode: function (text) {
386             var s;
388             this.visProp.castext = text;
389             if (Type.isFunction(text)) {
390                 s = function () {
391                     return Type.sanitizeHTML(text());
392                 };
393             } else {
394                 if (Type.isNumber(text)) {
395                     s = text;
396                 } else {
397                     s = Type.sanitizeHTML(text);
398                 }
399             }
401             return this._setText(s);
402         },
404         /**
405          * Defines new content.
406          * @param {String|function} text
407          * @returns {JXG.Text} Reference to the text object.
408          */
409         setText: function (text) {
410             return this._setText(text);
411         },
413         /**
414          * Recompute the width and the height of the text box.
415          * Updates the array {@link JXG.Text#size} with pixel values.
416          * The result may differ from browser to browser
417          * by some pixels.
418          * In canvas an old IEs we use a very crude estimation of the dimensions of
419          * the textbox.
420          * JSXGraph needs {@link JXG.Text#size} for applying rotations in IE and
421          * for aligning text.
422          *
423          * @return {this} [description]
424          */
425         updateSize: function () {
426             var tmp,
427                 that,
428                 node,
429                 ev_d = Type.evaluate(this.visProp.display);
431             if (!Env.isBrowser || this.board.renderer.type === "no") {
432                 return this;
433             }
434             node = this.rendNode;
436             /**
437              * offsetWidth and offsetHeight seem to be supported for internal vml elements by IE10+ in IE8 mode.
438              */
439             if (ev_d === "html" || this.board.renderer.type === "vml") {
440                 if (Type.exists(node.offsetWidth)) {
441                     that = this;
442                     window.setTimeout(function () {
443                         that.size = [node.offsetWidth, node.offsetHeight];
444                         that.needsUpdate = true;
445                         that.updateRenderer();
446                     }, 0);
447                     // In case, there is non-zero padding or borders
448                     // the following approach does not longer work.
449                     // s = [node.offsetWidth, node.offsetHeight];
450                     // if (s[0] === 0 && s[1] === 0) { // Some browsers need some time to set offsetWidth and offsetHeight
451                     //     that = this;
452                     //     window.setTimeout(function () {
453                     //         that.size = [node.offsetWidth, node.offsetHeight];
454                     //         that.needsUpdate = true;
455                     //         that.updateRenderer();
456                     //     }, 0);
457                     // } else {
458                     //     this.size = s;
459                     // }
460                 } else {
461                     this.size = this.crudeSizeEstimate();
462                 }
463             } else if (ev_d === "internal") {
464                 if (this.board.renderer.type === "svg") {
465                     that = this;
466                     window.setTimeout(function () {
467                         try {
468                             tmp = node.getBBox();
469                             that.size = [tmp.width, tmp.height];
470                             that.needsUpdate = true;
471                             that.updateRenderer();
472                         } catch (e) {}
473                     }, 0);
474                 } else if (this.board.renderer.type === "canvas") {
475                     this.size = this.crudeSizeEstimate();
476                 }
477             }
479             return this;
480         },
482         /**
483          * A very crude estimation of the dimensions of the textbox in case nothing else is available.
484          * @returns {Array}
485          */
486         crudeSizeEstimate: function () {
487             var ev_fs = parseFloat(Type.evaluate(this.visProp.fontsize));
488             return [ev_fs * this.plaintext.length * 0.45, ev_fs * 0.9];
489         },
491         /**
492          * Decode unicode entities into characters.
493          * @param {String} string
494          * @returns {String}
495          */
496         utf8_decode: function (string) {
497             return string.replace(/&#x(\w+);/g, function (m, p1) {
498                 return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(p1, 16));
499             });
500         },
502         /**
503          * Replace _{} by <sub>
504          * @param {String} te String containing _{}.
505          * @returns {String} Given string with _{} replaced by <sub>.
506          */
507         replaceSub: function (te) {
508             if (!te.indexOf) {
509                 return te;
510             }
512             var j,
513                 i = te.indexOf("_{");
515             // The regexp in here are not used for filtering but to provide some kind of sugar for label creation,
516             // i.e. replacing _{...} with <sub>...</sub>. What is passed would get out anyway.
517             /*jslint regexp: true*/
518             while (i >= 0) {
519                 te = te.slice(0, i) + te.slice(i).replace(/_\{/, "<sub>");
520                 j = te.indexOf("}", i + 4);
521                 if (j >= 0) {
522                     te = te.slice(0, j) + te.slice(j).replace(/\}/, "</sub>");
523                 }
524                 i = te.indexOf("_{");
525             }
527             i = te.indexOf("_");
528             while (i >= 0) {
529                 te = te.slice(0, i) + te.slice(i).replace(/_(.?)/, "<sub>$1</sub>");
530                 i = te.indexOf("_");
531             }
533             return te;
534         },
536         /**
537          * Replace ^{} by <sup>
538          * @param {String} te String containing ^{}.
539          * @returns {String} Given string with ^{} replaced by <sup>.
540          */
541         replaceSup: function (te) {
542             if (!te.indexOf) {
543                 return te;
544             }
546             var j,
547                 i = te.indexOf("^{");
549             // The regexp in here are not used for filtering but to provide some kind of sugar for label creation,
550             // i.e. replacing ^{...} with <sup>...</sup>. What is passed would get out anyway.
551             /*jslint regexp: true*/
552             while (i >= 0) {
553                 te = te.slice(0, i) + te.slice(i).replace(/\^\{/, "<sup>");
554                 j = te.indexOf("}", i + 4);
555                 if (j >= 0) {
556                     te = te.slice(0, j) + te.slice(j).replace(/\}/, "</sup>");
557                 }
558                 i = te.indexOf("^{");
559             }
561             i = te.indexOf("^");
562             while (i >= 0) {
563                 te = te.slice(0, i) + te.slice(i).replace(/\^(.?)/, "<sup>$1</sup>");
564                 i = te.indexOf("^");
565             }
567             return te;
568         },
570         /**
571          * Return the width of the text element.
572          * @returns {Array} [width, height] in pixel
573          */
574         getSize: function () {
575             return this.size;
576         },
578         /**
579          * Move the text to new coordinates.
580          * @param {number} x
581          * @param {number} y
582          * @returns {object} reference to the text object.
583          */
584         setCoords: function (x, y) {
585             var coordsAnchor, dx, dy;
586             if (Type.isArray(x) && x.length > 1) {
587                 y = x[1];
588                 x = x[0];
589             }
591             if (Type.evaluate(this.visProp.islabel) && Type.exists(this.element)) {
592                 coordsAnchor = this.element.getLabelAnchor();
593                 dx = (x - coordsAnchor.usrCoords[1]) * this.board.unitX;
594                 dy = -(y - coordsAnchor.usrCoords[2]) * this.board.unitY;
596                 this.relativeCoords.setCoordinates(Const.COORDS_BY_SCREEN, [dx, dy]);
597             } else {
598                 /*
599                 this.X = function () {
600                     return x;
601                 };
603                 this.Y = function () {
604                     return y;
605                 };
606                 */
607                 this.coords.setCoordinates(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [x, y]);
608             }
610             // this should be a local update, otherwise there might be problems
611             // with the tick update routine resulting in orphaned tick labels
612             this.fullUpdate();
614             return this;
615         },
617         /**
618          * Evaluates the text.
619          * Then, the update function of the renderer
620          * is called.
621          */
622         update: function (fromParent) {
623             if (!this.needsUpdate) {
624                 return this;
625             }
627             this.updateCoords(fromParent);
628             this.updateText();
630             if (Type.evaluate(this.visProp.display) === "internal") {
631                 if (Type.isString(this.plaintext)) {
632                     this.plaintext = this.utf8_decode(this.plaintext);
633                 }
634             }
636             this.checkForSizeUpdate();
637             if (this.needsSizeUpdate) {
638                 this.updateSize();
639             }
641             return this;
642         },
644         /**
645          * Used to save updateSize() calls.
646          * Called in JXG.Text.update
647          * That means this.update() has been called.
648          * More tests are in JXG.Renderer.updateTextStyle. The latter tests
649          * are one update off. But this should pose not too many problems, since
650          * it affects fontSize and cssClass changes.
651          *
652          * @private
653          */
654         checkForSizeUpdate: function () {
655             if (this.board.infobox && this.id === this.board.infobox.id) {
656                 this.needsSizeUpdate = false;
657             } else {
658                 // For some magic reason it is more efficient on the iPad to
659                 // call updateSize() for EVERY text element EVERY time.
660                 this.needsSizeUpdate = this.plaintextOld !== this.plaintext;
662                 if (this.needsSizeUpdate) {
663                     this.plaintextOld = this.plaintext;
664                 }
665             }
666         },
668         /**
669          * The update function of the renderer
670          * is called.
671          * @private
672          */
673         updateRenderer: function () {
674             if (
675                 //this.board.updateQuality === this.board.BOARD_QUALITY_HIGH &&
676                 Type.evaluate(this.visProp.autoposition)
677             ) {
678                 this.setAutoPosition().updateConstraint();
679             }
680             return this.updateRendererGeneric("updateText");
681         },
683         /**
684          * Converts shortened math syntax into correct syntax:  3x instead of 3*x or
685          * (a+b)(3+1) instead of (a+b)*(3+1).
686          *
687          * @private
688          * @param{String} expr Math term
689          * @returns {string} expanded String
690          */
691         expandShortMath: function (expr) {
692             var re = /([)0-9.])\s*([(a-zA-Z_])/g;
693             return expr.replace(re, "$1*$2");
694         },
696         /**
697          * Converts the GEONExT syntax of the <value> terms into JavaScript.
698          * Also, all Objects whose name appears in the term are searched and
699          * the text is added as child to these objects.
700          * This method is called if the attribute parse==true is set.
701          *
702          * Obsolete, replaced by JXG.Text.valueTagToJessieCode
703          *
704          * @param{String} contentStr String to be parsed
705          * @param{Boolean} [expand] Optional flag if shortened math syntax is allowed (e.g. 3x instead of 3*x).
706          * @param{Boolean} [avoidGeonext2JS] Optional flag if geonext2JS should be called. For backwards compatibility
707          * this has to be set explicitly to true.
708          * @param{Boolean} [outputTeX] Optional flag which has to be true if the resulting term will be sent to MathJax or KaTeX.
709          * If true, "_" and "^" are NOT replaced by HTML tags sub and sup. Default: false, i.e. the replacement is done.
710          * This flag allows the combination of <value> tag containing calculations with TeX output.
711          *
712          * @deprecated
713          * @private
714          * @see JXG.GeonextParser#geonext2JS
715          * @see JXG.Text#valueTagToJessieCode
716          *
717          */
718         generateTerm: function (contentStr, expand, avoidGeonext2JS) {
719             var res,
720                 term,
721                 i,
722                 j,
723                 plaintext = '""';
725             // Revert possible jc replacement
726             contentStr = contentStr || "";
727             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/\r/g, "");
728             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/\n/g, "");
729             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/"/g, "'");
730             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/'/g, "\\'");
732             // Old GEONExT syntax, not (yet) supported as TeX output.
733             // Otherwise, the else clause should be used.
734             // That means, i.e. the <arc> tag and <sqrt> tag are not
735             // converted into TeX syntax.
736             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/&arc;/g, "∠");
737             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/<arc\s*\/>/g, "∠");
738             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/<arc\s*\/>/g, "∠");
739             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/<sqrt\s*\/>/g, "√");
741             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/<value>/g, "<value>");
742             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/<\/value>/g, "</value>");
744             // Convert GEONExT syntax into  JavaScript syntax
745             i = contentStr.indexOf("<value>");
746             j = contentStr.indexOf("</value>");
747             if (i >= 0) {
748                 while (i >= 0) {
749                     plaintext +=
750                         ' + "' + this.replaceSub(this.replaceSup(contentStr.slice(0, i))) + '"';
751                     // plaintext += ' + "' + this.replaceSub(contentStr.slice(0, i)) + '"';
753                     term = contentStr.slice(i + 7, j);
754                     term = term.replace(/\s+/g, ""); // Remove all whitespace
755                     if (expand === true) {
756                         term = this.expandShortMath(term);
757                     }
758                     if (avoidGeonext2JS) {
759                         res = term;
760                     } else {
761                         res = GeonextParser.geonext2JS(term, this.board);
762                     }
763                     res = res.replace(/\\"/g, "'");
764                     res = res.replace(/\\'/g, "'");
766                     // GEONExT-Hack: apply rounding once only.
767                     if (res.indexOf("toFixed") < 0) {
768                         // output of a value tag
769                         if (
770                             Type.isNumber(
771                                 Type.bind(this.board.jc.snippet(res, true, '', false), this)()
772                             )
773                         ) {
774                             // may also be a string
775                             plaintext += '+(' + res + ').toFixed(' + Type.evaluate(this.visProp.digits) + ')';
776                         } else {
777                             plaintext += '+(' + res + ')';
778                         }
779                     } else {
780                         plaintext += '+(' + res + ')';
781                     }
783                     contentStr = contentStr.slice(j + 8);
784                     i = contentStr.indexOf("<value>");
785                     j = contentStr.indexOf("</value>");
786                 }
787             }
789             plaintext += ' + "' + this.replaceSub(this.replaceSup(contentStr)) + '"';
790             plaintext = this.convertGeonextAndSketchometry2CSS(plaintext);
792             // This should replace e.g. &pi; by π
793             plaintext = plaintext.replace(/&/g, "&");
794             plaintext = plaintext.replace(/"/g, "'");
796             return plaintext;
797         },
799         /**
800          * Replace value-tags in string by JessieCode functions.
801          * @param {String} contentStr
802          * @returns String
803          * @private
804          * @example
805          * "The x-coordinate of A is <value>X(A)</value>"
806          *
807          */
808         valueTagToJessieCode: function (contentStr) {
809             var res, term,
810                 i, j,
811                 expandShortMath = true,
812                 textComps = [],
813                 tick = '"';
815             contentStr = contentStr || "";
816             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/\r/g, "");
817             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/\n/g, "");
819             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/<value>/g, "<value>");
820             contentStr = contentStr.replace(/<\/value>/g, "</value>");
822             // Convert content of value tag (GEONExT/JessieCode) syntax into JavaScript syntax
823             i = contentStr.indexOf("<value>");
824             j = contentStr.indexOf("</value>");
825             if (i >= 0) {
826                 while (i >= 0) {
827                     // Add string fragment before <value> tag
828                     textComps.push(tick + this.escapeTicks(contentStr.slice(0, i)) + tick);
830                     term = contentStr.slice(i + 7, j);
831                     term = term.replace(/\s+/g, ""); // Remove all whitespace
832                     if (expandShortMath === true) {
833                         term = this.expandShortMath(term);
834                     }
835                     res = term;
836                     res = res.replace(/\\"/g, "'").replace(/\\'/g, "'");
838                     // // Hack: apply rounding once only.
839                     // if (res.indexOf("toFixed") < 0) {
840                     //     // Output of a value tag
841                     //     // Run the JessieCode parser
842                     //     if (
843                     //         Type.isNumber(
844                     //             Type.bind(this.board.jc.snippet(res, true, "", false), this)()
845                     //         )
846                     //     ) {
847                     //         // Output is number
848                     //         // textComps.push(
849                     //         //     '(' + res + ').toFixed(' + Type.evaluate(this.visProp.digits) + ')'
850                     //         // );
851                     //         textComps.push('(' + res + ')');
852                     //     } else {
853                     //         // Output is a string
854                     //         textComps.push("(" + res + ")");
855                     //     }
856                     // } else {
857                         textComps.push("(" + res + ")");
858                     // }
859                     contentStr = contentStr.slice(j + 8);
860                     i = contentStr.indexOf("<value>");
861                     j = contentStr.indexOf("</value>");
862                 }
863             }
864             // Add trailing string fragment
865             textComps.push(tick + this.escapeTicks(contentStr) + tick);
867             // return textComps.join(" + ").replace(/&/g, "&");
868             for (i = 0; i < textComps.length; i++) {
869                 textComps[i] = textComps[i].replace(/&/g, "&");
870             }
871             return textComps;
872         },
874         /**
875          * Simple math rendering using HTML / CSS only. In case of array,
876          * handle each entry separately and return array with the
877          * rendering strings.
878          *
879          * @param {String|Array} s
880          * @returns {String|Array}
881          * @see JXG.Text#convertGeonextAndSketchometry2CSS
882          * @private
883          * @see JXG.Text#replaceSub
884          * @see JXG.Text#replaceSup
885          * @see JXG.Text#convertGeonextAndSketchometry2CSS
886          */
887         poorMansTeX: function (s) {
888             var i, a;
889             if (Type.isArray(s)) {
890                 a = [];
891                 for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
892                     a.push(this.poorMansTeX(s[i]));
893                 }
894                 return a;
895             }
897             s = s
898                 .replace(/<arc\s*\/*>/g, "∠")
899                 .replace(/<arc\s*\/*>/g, "∠")
900                 .replace(/<sqrt\s*\/*>/g, "√")
901                 .replace(/<sqrt\s*\/*>/g, "√");
902             return this.convertGeonextAndSketchometry2CSS(this.replaceSub(this.replaceSup(s)), true);
903         },
905         /**
906          * Replace ticks by URI escape sequences
907          *
908          * @param {String} s
909          * @returns String
910          * @private
911          *
912          */
913         escapeTicks: function (s) {
914             return s.replace(/"/g, "%22").replace(/'/g, "%27");
915         },
917         /**
918          * Replace escape sequences for ticks by ticks
919          *
920          * @param {String} s
921          * @returns String
922          * @private
923          */
924         unescapeTicks: function (s) {
925             return s.replace(/%22/g, '"').replace(/%27/g, "'");
926         },
928         /**
929          * Converts the GEONExT tags <overline> and <arrow> to
930          * HTML span tags with proper CSS formatting.
931          * @private
932          * @see JXG.Text.poorMansTeX
933          * @see JXG.Text._setText
934          */
935         convertGeonext2CSS: function (s) {
936             if (Type.isString(s)) {
937                 s = s.replace(
938                     /(<|<)overline(>|>)/g,
939                     "<span style=text-decoration:overline;>"
940                 );
941                 s = s.replace(/(<|<)\/overline(>|>)/g, "</span>");
942                 s = s.replace(
943                     /(<|<)arrow(>|>)/g,
944                     "<span style=text-decoration:overline;>"
945                 );
946                 s = s.replace(/(<|<)\/arrow(>|>)/g, "</span>");
947             }
949             return s;
950         },
952         /**
953          * Converts the sketchometry tag <sketchofont> to
954          * HTML span tags with proper CSS formatting.
955          *
956          * @param {String|Function|Number} s Text
957          * @param {Boolean} escape Flag if ticks should be escaped. Escaping is necessary
958          * if s is a text. It has to be avoided if s is a function returning text.
959          * @private
960          * @see JXG.Text._setText
961          * @see JXG.Text.convertGeonextAndSketchometry2CSS
962          *
963          */
964         convertSketchometry2CSS: function (s, escape) {
965             var t1 = "<span class=\"sketcho sketcho-inherit sketcho-",
966                 t2 = "\"></span>";
968             if (Type.isString(s)) {
969                 if (escape) {
970                     t1 = this.escapeTicks(t1);
971                     t2 = this.escapeTicks(t2);
972                 }
973                 s = s.replace(/(<|<)sketchofont(>|>)/g, t1);
974                 s = s.replace(/(<|<)\/sketchofont(>|>)/g, t2);
975             }
977             return s;
978         },
980         /**
981          * Alias for convertGeonext2CSS and convertSketchometry2CSS
982          *
983          * @param {String|Function|Number} s Text
984          * @param {Boolean} escape Flag if ticks should be escaped
985          * @private
986          * @see JXG.Text.convertGeonext2CSS
987          * @see JXG.Text.convertSketchometry2CSS
988          */
989         convertGeonextAndSketchometry2CSS: function (s, escape) {
990             s = this.convertGeonext2CSS(s);
991             s = this.convertSketchometry2CSS(s, escape);
992             return s;
993         },
995         /**
996          * Finds dependencies in a given term and notifies the parents by adding the
997          * dependent object to the found objects child elements.
998          * @param {String} content String containing dependencies for the given object.
999          * @private
1000          */
1001         notifyParents: function (content) {
1002             var search,
1003                 res = null;
1005             // revert possible jc replacement
1006             content = content.replace(/<value>/g, "<value>");
1007             content = content.replace(/<\/value>/g, "</value>");
1009             do {
1010                 search = /<value>([\w\s*/^\-+()[\],<>=!]+)<\/value>/;
1011                 res = search.exec(content);
1013                 if (res !== null) {
1014                     GeonextParser.findDependencies(this, res[1], this.board);
1015                     content = content.slice(res.index);
1016                     content = content.replace(search, "");
1017                 }
1018             } while (res !== null);
1020             return this;
1021         },
1023         // documented in element.js
1024         getParents: function () {
1025             var p;
1026             if (this.relativeCoords !== undefined) {
1027                 // Texts with anchor elements, excluding labels
1028                 p = [
1029                     this.relativeCoords.usrCoords[1],
1030                     this.relativeCoords.usrCoords[2],
1031                     this.orgText
1032                 ];
1033             } else {
1034                 // Other texts
1035                 p = [this.Z(), this.X(), this.Y(), this.orgText];
1036             }
1038             if (this.parents.length !== 0) {
1039                 p = this.parents;
1040             }
1042             return p;
1043         },
1045         /**
1046          * Returns the bounding box of the text element in user coordinates as an
1047          * array of length 4: [upper left x, upper left y, lower right x, lower right y].
1048          * The method assumes that the lower left corner is at position [el.X(), el.Y()]
1049          * of the text element el, i.e. the attributes anchorX, anchorY are ignored.
1050          *
1051          * <p>
1052          * or labels, [0, 0, 0, 0] is returned.
1053          *
1054          * @returns Array
1055          */
1056         bounds: function () {
1057             var c = this.coords.usrCoords;
1059             if (
1060                 Type.evaluate(this.visProp.islabel) ||
1061                 this.board.unitY === 0 ||
1062                 this.board.unitX === 0
1063             ) {
1064                 return [0, 0, 0, 0];
1065             }
1066             return [
1067                 c[1],
1068                 c[2] + this.size[1] / this.board.unitY,
1069                 c[1] + this.size[0] / this.board.unitX,
1070                 c[2]
1071             ];
1072         },
1074         /**
1075          * Returns the value of the attribute "anchorX". If this equals "auto",
1076          * returns "left", "middle", or "right", depending on the
1077          * value of the attribute "position".
1078          * @returns String
1079          */
1080         getAnchorX: function () {
1081             var a = Type.evaluate(this.visProp.anchorx);
1082             if (a === "auto") {
1083                 switch (this.visProp.position) {
1084                     case "top":
1085                     case "bot":
1086                         return "middle";
1087                     case "rt":
1088                     case "lrt":
1089                     case "urt":
1090                         return "left";
1091                     case "lft":
1092                     case "llft":
1093                     case "ulft":
1094                     default:
1095                         return "right";
1096                 }
1097             }
1098             return a;
1099         },
1101         /**
1102          * Returns the value of the attribute "anchorY". If this equals "auto",
1103          * returns "bottom", "middle", or "top", depending on the
1104          * value of the attribute "position".
1105          * @returns String
1106          */
1107         getAnchorY: function () {
1108             var a = Type.evaluate(this.visProp.anchory);
1109             if (a === "auto") {
1110                 switch (this.visProp.position) {
1111                     case "top":
1112                     case "ulft":
1113                     case "urt":
1114                         return "bottom";
1115                     case "bot":
1116                     case "lrt":
1117                     case "llft":
1118                         return "top";
1119                     case "rt":
1120                     case "lft":
1121                     default:
1122                         return "middle";
1123                 }
1124             }
1125             return a;
1126         },
1128         /**
1129          * Computes the number of overlaps of a box of w pixels width, h pixels height
1130          * and center (x, y)
1131          *
1132          * @private
1133          * @param  {Number} x x-coordinate of the center (screen coordinates)
1134          * @param  {Number} y y-coordinate of the center (screen coordinates)
1135          * @param  {Number} w width of the box in pixel
1136          * @param  {Number} h width of the box in pixel
1137          * @return {Number}   Number of overlapping elements
1138          */
1139         getNumberOfConflicts: function (x, y, w, h) {
1140             var count = 0,
1141                 i, obj, le,
1142                 savePointPrecision;
1144             // Set the precision of hasPoint to half the max if label isn't too long
1145             savePointPrecision = this.board.options.precision.hasPoint;
1146             // this.board.options.precision.hasPoint = Math.max(w, h) * 0.5;
1147             this.board.options.precision.hasPoint = (w + h) * 0.25;
1148             // TODO:
1149             // Make it compatible with the objects' visProp.precision attribute
1150             for (i = 0, le = this.board.objectsList.length; i < le; i++) {
1151                 obj = this.board.objectsList[i];
1152                 if (
1153                     obj.visPropCalc.visible &&
1154                     obj.elType !== "axis" &&
1155                     obj.elType !== "ticks" &&
1156                     obj !== this.board.infobox &&
1157                     obj !== this &&
1158                     obj.hasPoint(x, y)
1159                 ) {
1160                     count++;
1161                 }
1162             }
1163             this.board.options.precision.hasPoint = savePointPrecision;
1165             return count;
1166         },
1168         /**
1169          * Sets the offset of a label element to the position with the least number
1170          * of overlaps with other elements, while retaining the distance to its
1171          * anchor element. Twelve different angles are possible.
1172          *
1173          * @returns {JXG.Text} Reference to the text object.
1174          */
1175         setAutoPosition: function () {
1176             var x, y, cx, cy,
1177                 anchorCoords,
1178                 // anchorX, anchorY,
1179                 w = this.size[0],
1180                 h = this.size[1],
1181                 start_angle, angle,
1182                 optimum = {
1183                     conflicts: Infinity,
1184                     angle: 0,
1185                     r: 0
1186                 },
1187                 max_r, delta_r,
1188                 conflicts, offset, r,
1189                 num_positions = 12,
1190                 step = (2 * Math.PI) / num_positions,
1191                 j, dx, dy, co, si;
1193             if (
1194                 this === this.board.infobox ||
1195                 !this.visPropCalc.visible ||
1196                 !Type.evaluate(this.visProp.islabel) ||
1197                 !this.element
1198             ) {
1199                 return this;
1200             }
1202             // anchorX = Type.evaluate(this.visProp.anchorx);
1203             // anchorY = Type.evaluate(this.visProp.anchory);
1204             offset = Type.evaluate(this.visProp.offset);
1205             anchorCoords = this.element.getLabelAnchor();
1206             cx = anchorCoords.scrCoords[1];
1207             cy = anchorCoords.scrCoords[2];
1209             // Set dx, dy as the relative position of the center of the label
1210             // to its anchor element ignoring anchorx and anchory.
1211             dx = offset[0];
1212             dy = offset[1];
1214             conflicts = this.getNumberOfConflicts(cx + dx, cy - dy, w, h);
1215             if (conflicts === 0) {
1216                 return this;
1217             }
1218             // console.log(this.id, conflicts, w, h);
1219             // r = Geometry.distance([0, 0], offset, 2);
1221             r = Type.evaluate(this.visProp.autopositionmindistance);
1222             max_r = Type.evaluate(this.visProp.autopositionmaxdistance);
1223             delta_r = 0.2 * r;
1225             start_angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
1227             optimum.conflicts = conflicts;
1228             optimum.angle = start_angle;
1229             optimum.r = r;
1231             while (optimum.conflicts > 0 && r <= max_r) {
1232                 for (
1233                     j = 1, angle = start_angle + step;
1234                     j < num_positions && optimum.conflicts > 0;
1235                     j++
1236                 ) {
1237                     co = Math.cos(angle);
1238                     si = Math.sin(angle);
1240                     x = cx + r * co;
1241                     y = cy - r * si;
1243                     conflicts = this.getNumberOfConflicts(x, y, w, h);
1244                     if (conflicts < optimum.conflicts) {
1245                         optimum.conflicts = conflicts;
1246                         optimum.angle = angle;
1247                         optimum.r = r;
1248                     }
1249                     if (optimum.conflicts === 0) {
1250                         break;
1251                     }
1252                     angle += step;
1253                 }
1254                 r += delta_r;
1255             }
1256             // console.log(this.id, "after", optimum)
1257             r = optimum.r;
1258             co = Math.cos(optimum.angle);
1259             si = Math.sin(optimum.angle);
1260             this.visProp.offset = [r * co, r * si];
1262             if (co < -0.2) {
1263                 this.visProp.anchorx = "right";
1264             } else if (co > 0.2) {
1265                 this.visProp.anchorx = "left";
1266             } else {
1267                 this.visProp.anchorx = "middle";
1268             }
1270             return this;
1271         }
1272     }
1273 );
1275 /**
1276  * @class Construct and handle texts.
1277  *
1278  * The coordinates can either be abslute (i.e. respective to the coordinate system of the board) or be relative to the coordinates of an element
1279  * given in {@link Text#anchor}.
1280  * <p>
1281  * HTML, MathJaX, KaTeX and GEONExT syntax can be handled.
1282  * <p>
1283  * There are two ways to display texts:
1284  * <ul>
1285  * <li> using the text element of the renderer (canvas or svg). In most cases this is the suitable approach if speed matters.
1286  * However, advanced rendering like MathJax, KaTeX or HTML/CSS are not possible.
1287  * <li> using HTML <div>. This is the most flexible approach. The drawback is that HTML can only be display "above" the geometry elements.
1288  * If HTML should be displayed in an inbetween layer, conder to use an element of type {@link ForeignObject} (available in svg renderer, only).
1289  * </ul>
1290  * @pseudo
1291  * @name Text
1292  * @augments JXG.Text
1293  * @constructor
1294  * @type JXG.Text
1295  *
1296  * @param {number,function_number,function_number,function_String,function} z_,x,y,str Parent elements for text elements.
1297  *                     <p>
1298  *   Parent elements can be two or three elements of type number, a string containing a GEONE<sub>x</sub>T
1299  *   constraint, or a function which takes no parameter and returns a number. Every parent element beside the last determines one coordinate.
1300  *   If a coordinate is
1301  *   given by a number, the number determines the initial position of a free text. If given by a string or a function that coordinate will be constrained
1302  *   that means the user won't be able to change the texts's position directly by mouse because it will be calculated automatically depending on the string
1303  *   or the function's return value. If two parent elements are given the coordinates will be interpreted as 2D affine Euclidean coordinates, if three such
1304  *   parent elements are given they will be interpreted as homogeneous coordinates.
1305  *                     <p>
1306  *                     The text to display may be given as string or as function returning a string.
1307  *
1308  * There is the attribute 'display' which takes the values 'html' or 'internal'. In case of 'html' an HTML division tag is created to display
1309  * the text. In this case it is also possible to use MathJax, KaTeX, or ASCIIMathML. If neither of these is used, basic Math rendering is
1310  * applied.
1311  * <p>
1312  * In case of 'internal', an SVG text element is used to display the text.
1313  * @see JXG.Text
1314  * @example
1315  * // Create a fixed text at position [0,1].
1316  *   var t1 = board.create('text',[0,1,"Hello World"]);
1317  * </pre><div class="jxgbox" id="JXG896013aa-f24e-4e83-ad50-7bc7df23f6b7" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
1318  * <script type="text/javascript">
1319  *   var t1_board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG896013aa-f24e-4e83-ad50-7bc7df23f6b7', {boundingbox: [-3, 6, 5, -3], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
1320  *   var t1 = t1_board.create('text',[0,1,"Hello World"]);
1321  * </script><pre>
1322  * @example
1323  * // Create a variable text at a variable position.
1324  *   var s = board.create('slider',[[0,4],[3,4],[-2,0,2]]);
1325  *   var graph = board.create('text',
1326  *                        [function(x){ return s.Value();}, 1,
1327  *                         function(){return "The value of s is"+JXG.toFixed(s.Value(), 2);}
1328  *                        ]
1329  *                     );
1330  * </pre><div class="jxgbox" id="JXG5441da79-a48d-48e8-9e53-75594c384a1c" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
1331  * <script type="text/javascript">
1332  *   var t2_board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG5441da79-a48d-48e8-9e53-75594c384a1c', {boundingbox: [-3, 6, 5, -3], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
1333  *   var s = t2_board.create('slider',[[0,4],[3,4],[-2,0,2]]);
1334  *   var t2 = t2_board.create('text',[function(x){ return s.Value();}, 1, function(){return "The value of s is "+JXG.toFixed(s.Value(), 2);}]);
1335  * </script><pre>
1336  * @example
1337  * // Create a text bound to the point A
1338  * var p = board.create('point',[0, 1]),
1339  *     t = board.create('text',[0, -1,"Hello World"], {anchor: p});
1340  *
1341  * </pre><div class="jxgbox" id="JXGff5a64b2-2b9a-11e5-8dd9-901b0e1b8723" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
1342  * <script type="text/javascript">
1343  *     (function() {
1344  *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXGff5a64b2-2b9a-11e5-8dd9-901b0e1b8723',
1345  *             {boundingbox: [-8, 8, 8,-8], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
1346  *     var p = board.create('point',[0, 1]),
1347  *         t = board.create('text',[0, -1,"Hello World"], {anchor: p});
1348  *
1349  *     })();
1350  *
1351  * </script><pre>
1352  *
1353  */
1354 JXG.createText = function (board, parents, attributes) {
1355     var t,
1356         attr = Type.copyAttributes(attributes, board.options, "text"),
1357         coords = parents.slice(0, -1),
1358         content = parents[parents.length - 1];
1360     // downwards compatibility
1361     attr.anchor = attr.parent || attr.anchor;
1362     t = CoordsElement.create(JXG.Text, board, coords, attr, content);
1364     if (!t) {
1365         throw new Error(
1366             "JSXGraph: Can't create text with parent types '" +
1367                 typeof parents[0] +
1368                 "' and '" +
1369                 typeof parents[1] +
1370                 "'." +
1371                 "\nPossible parent types: [x,y], [z,x,y], [element,transformation]"
1372         );
1373     }
1375     if (attr.rotate !== 0) {
1376         // This is the default value, i.e. no rotation
1377         t.addRotation(attr.rotate);
1378     }
1380     return t;
1381 };
1383 JXG.registerElement("text", JXG.createText);
1385 /**
1386  * @class Labels are text objects tied to other elements like points, lines and curves.
1387  * Labels are handled internally by JSXGraph, only. There is NO constructor "board.create('label', ...)".
1388  *
1389  * @pseudo
1390  * @name Label
1391  * @augments JXG.Text
1392  * @constructor
1393  * @type JXG.Text
1394  */
1395 //  See element.js#createLabel
1397 /**
1398  * [[x,y], [w px, h px], [range]
1399  */
1400 JXG.createHTMLSlider = function (board, parents, attributes) {
1401     var t,
1402         par,
1403         attr = Type.copyAttributes(attributes, board.options, "htmlslider");
1405     if (parents.length !== 2 || parents[0].length !== 2 || parents[1].length !== 3) {
1406         throw new Error(
1407             "JSXGraph: Can't create htmlslider with parent types '" +
1408                 typeof parents[0] +
1409                 "' and '" +
1410                 typeof parents[1] +
1411                 "'." +
1412                 "\nPossible parents are: [[x,y], [min, start, max]]"
1413         );
1414     }
1416     // backwards compatibility
1417     attr.anchor = attr.parent || attr.anchor;
1418     attr.fixed = attr.fixed || true;
1420     par = [
1421         parents[0][0],
1422         parents[0][1],
1423         '<form style="display:inline">' +
1424             '<input type="range" /><span></span><input type="text" />' +
1425             "</form>"
1426     ];
1428     t = JXG.createText(board, par, attr);
1429     t.type = Type.OBJECT_TYPE_HTMLSLIDER;
1431     t.rendNodeForm = t.rendNode.childNodes[0];
1433     t.rendNodeRange = t.rendNodeForm.childNodes[0];
1434     t.rendNodeRange.min = parents[1][0];
1435     t.rendNodeRange.max = parents[1][2];
1436     t.rendNodeRange.step = attr.step;
1437     t.rendNodeRange.value = parents[1][1];
1439     t.rendNodeLabel = t.rendNodeForm.childNodes[1];
1440     t.rendNodeLabel.id = t.rendNode.id + "_label";
1442     if (attr.withlabel) {
1443         t.rendNodeLabel.innerHTML = t.name + "=";
1444     }
1446     t.rendNodeOut = t.rendNodeForm.childNodes[2];
1447     t.rendNodeOut.value = parents[1][1];
1449     try {
1450         t.rendNodeForm.id = t.rendNode.id + "_form";
1451         t.rendNodeRange.id = t.rendNode.id + "_range";
1452         t.rendNodeOut.id = t.rendNode.id + "_out";
1453     } catch (e) {
1454         JXG.debug(e);
1455     }
1457     t.rendNodeRange.style.width = attr.widthrange + "px";
1458     t.rendNodeRange.style.verticalAlign = "middle";
1459     t.rendNodeOut.style.width = attr.widthout + "px";
1461     t._val = parents[1][1];
1463     if (JXG.supportsVML()) {
1464         /*
1465          * OnChange event is used for IE browsers
1466          * The range element is supported since IE10
1467          */
1468         Env.addEvent(t.rendNodeForm, "change", priv.HTMLSliderInputEventHandler, t);
1469     } else {
1470         /*
1471          * OnInput event is used for non-IE browsers
1472          */
1473         Env.addEvent(t.rendNodeForm, "input", priv.HTMLSliderInputEventHandler, t);
1474     }
1476     t.Value = function () {
1477         return this._val;
1478     };
1480     return t;
1481 };
1483 JXG.registerElement("htmlslider", JXG.createHTMLSlider);
1485 export default JXG.Text;
1486 // export default {
1487 //     Text: JXG.Text,
1488 //     createText: JXG.createText,
1489 //     createHTMLSlider: JXG.createHTMLSlider
1490 // };