1 /*
  2     Copyright 2008-2024
  3         Matthias Ehmann,
  4         Michael Gerhaeuser,
  5         Carsten Miller,
  6         Bianca Valentin,
  7         Alfred Wassermann,
  8         Peter Wilfahrt
 10     This file is part of JSXGraph.
 12     JSXGraph is free software dual licensed under the GNU LGPL or MIT License.
 14     You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 16       * GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 17         the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 18         (at your option) any later version
 19       OR
 20       * MIT License: https://github.com/jsxgraph/jsxgraph/blob/master/LICENSE.MIT
 22     JSXGraph is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 23     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 25     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 27     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License and
 28     the MIT License along with JSXGraph. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
 29     and <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT/>.
 30  */
 32 /*global JXG: true, document:true, jQuery:true, define: true, window: true*/
 33 /*jslint nomen: true, plusplus: true*/
 35 /**
 36  * @fileoverview The JSXGraph object is defined in this file. JXG.JSXGraph controls all boards.
 37  * It has methods to create, save, load and free boards. Additionally some helper functions are
 38  * defined in this file directly in the JXG namespace.
 39  *
 40  */
 42 import JXG from "./jxg.js";
 43 import Env from "./utils/env.js";
 44 import Type from "./utils/type.js";
 45 // import Mat from "./math/math.js";
 46 import Board from "./base/board.js";
 47 import FileReader from "./reader/file.js";
 48 import Options from "./options.js";
 49 import SVGRenderer from "./renderer/svg.js";
 50 import VMLRenderer from "./renderer/vml.js";
 51 import CanvasRenderer from "./renderer/canvas.js";
 52 import NoRenderer from "./renderer/no.js";
 54 /**
 55  * Constructs a new JSXGraph singleton object.
 56  * @class The JXG.JSXGraph singleton stores all properties required
 57  * to load, save, create and free a board.
 58  */
 59 JXG.JSXGraph = {
 60     /**
 61      * Stores the renderer that is used to draw the boards.
 62      * @type String
 63      */
 64     rendererType: (function () {
 65         Options.board.renderer = "no";
 67         if (Env.supportsVML()) {
 68             Options.board.renderer = "vml";
 69             // Ok, this is some real magic going on here. IE/VML always was so
 70             // terribly slow, except in one place: Examples placed in a moodle course
 71             // was almost as fast as in other browsers. So i grabbed all the css and
 72             // lib scripts from our moodle, added them to a jsxgraph example and it
 73             // worked. next step was to strip all the css/lib code which didn't affect
 74             // the VML update speed. The following five lines are what was left after
 75             // the last step and yes - it basically does nothing but reads two
 76             // properties of document.body on every mouse move. why? we don't know. if
 77             // you know, please let us know.
 78             //
 79             // If we want to use the strict mode we have to refactor this a little bit. Let's
 80             // hope the magic isn't gone now. Anywho... it's only useful in old versions of IE
 81             // which should not be used anymore.
 82             document.onmousemove = function () {
 83                 var t;
 85                 if (document.body) {
 86                     t = document.body.scrollLeft;
 87                     t += document.body.scrollTop;
 88                 }
 90                 return t;
 91             };
 92         }
 94         if (Env.supportsCanvas()) {
 95             Options.board.renderer = "canvas";
 96         }
 98         if (Env.supportsSVG()) {
 99             Options.board.renderer = "svg";
100         }
102         // we are inside node
103         if (Env.isNode() && Env.supportsCanvas()) {
104             Options.board.renderer = "canvas";
105         }
107         if (Env.isNode() || Options.renderer === "no") {
108             Options.text.display = "internal";
109             Options.infobox.display = "internal";
110         }
112         return Options.board.renderer;
113     })(),
115     /**
116      * Initialize the rendering engine
117      *
118      * @param  {String} box        id of or reference to the div element which hosts the JSXGraph construction
119      * @param  {Object} dim        The dimensions of the board
120      * @param  {Object} doc        Usually, this is document object of the browser window.  If false or null, this defaults
121      * to the document object of the browser.
122      * @param  {Object} attrRenderer Attribute 'renderer', specifies the rendering engine. Possible values are 'auto', 'svg',
123      *  'canvas', 'no', and 'vml'.
124      * @returns {Object}           Reference to the rendering engine object.
125      * @private
126      */
127     initRenderer: function (box, dim, doc, attrRenderer) {
128         var boxid, renderer;
130         // Former version:
131         // doc = doc || document
132         if ((!Type.exists(doc) || doc === false) && typeof document === "object") {
133             doc = document;
134         }
136         if (typeof doc === "object" && box !== null) {
137             boxid = (Type.isString(box)) ? doc.getElementById(box) : box;
139             // Remove everything from the container before initializing the renderer and the board
140             while (boxid.firstChild) {
141                 boxid.removeChild(boxid.firstChild);
142             }
143         } else {
144             boxid = box;
145         }
147         // If attrRenderer is not supplied take the first available renderer
148         if (attrRenderer === undefined || attrRenderer === "auto") {
149             attrRenderer = this.rendererType;
150         }
151         // create the renderer
152         if (attrRenderer === "svg") {
153             renderer = new SVGRenderer(boxid, dim);
154         } else if (attrRenderer === "vml") {
155             renderer = new VMLRenderer(boxid);
156         } else if (attrRenderer === "canvas") {
157             renderer = new CanvasRenderer(boxid, dim);
158         } else {
159             renderer = new NoRenderer();
160         }
162         return renderer;
163     },
165     /**
166      * Merge the user supplied attributes with the attributes in options.js
167      *
168      * @param {Object} attributes User supplied attributes
169      * @returns {Object} Merged attributes for the board
170      *
171      * @private
172      */
173     _setAttributes: function (attributes, options) {
174         // merge attributes
175         var attr = Type.copyAttributes(attributes, options, 'board'),
177             // These attributes - which are objects - have to be copied separately.
178             list = [
179                 'drag', 'fullscreen',
180                 'intl',
181                 'keyboard', 'logging',
182                 'pan', 'resize',
183                 'screenshot', 'selection',
184                 'zoom'
185             ],
186             len = list.length, i, key;
188         for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
189             key = list[i];
190             attr[key] = Type.copyAttributes(attr, options, 'board', key);
191         }
192         attr.navbar = Type.copyAttributes(attr.navbar, options, "navbar");
194         // Treat moveTarget separately, because deepCopy will not work here.
195         // Reason: moveTarget will be an HTML node and it is prevented that Type.deepCopy will copy it.
196         attr.movetarget =
197             attributes.moveTarget || attributes.movetarget || options.board.moveTarget;
199         return attr;
200     },
202     /**
203      * Further initialization of the board. Set some properties from attribute values.
204      *
205      * @param {JXG.Board} board
206      * @param {Object} attr attributes object
207      * @param {Object} dimensions Object containing dimensions of the canvas
208      *
209      * @private
210      */
211     _fillBoard: function (board, attr, dimensions) {
212         board.initInfobox(attr.infobox);
213         board.maxboundingbox = attr.maxboundingbox;
214         board.resizeContainer(dimensions.width, dimensions.height, true, true);
215         board._createSelectionPolygon(attr);
216         board.renderer.drawNavigationBar(board, attr.navbar);
217         JXG.boards[board.id] = board;
218     },
220     /**
221      *
222      * @param {String|Object} container id of or reference to the HTML element in which the board is painted.
223      * @param {Object} attr An object that sets some of the board properties.
224      *
225      * @private
226      */
227     _setARIA: function (container, attr) {
228         var doc = attr.document,
229             node_jsx;
230             // Unused variables, made obsolete in db3e50f4dfa8b86b1ff619b578e243a97b41151c
231             // doc_glob,
232             // newNode,
233             // parent,
234             // id_label,
235             // id_description;
237             if (typeof doc !== 'object') {
238                 if (!Env.isBrowser) {
239                     return;
240                 }
241                 doc = document;
242             }
244         node_jsx = (Type.isString(container)) ? doc.getElementById(container) : container;
245         node_jsx.setAttribute("role", "region");
246         node_jsx.setAttribute("aria-label", attr.title);              // set by initBoard( {title:})
248         // doc_glob = node_jsx.ownerDocument; // This is the window.document element, needed below.
249         // parent = node_jsx.parentNode;
251     },
253     /**
254      * Remove the two corresponding ARIA divs when freeing a board
255      *
256      * @param {JXG.Board} board
257      *
258      * @private
259      */
260     _removeARIANodes: function (board) {
261         var node, id, doc;
263         doc = board.document || document;
264         if (typeof doc !== "object") {
265             return;
266         }
268         id = board.containerObj.getAttribute("aria-labelledby");
269         node = doc.getElementById(id);
270         if (node && node.parentNode) {
271             node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
272         }
273         id = board.containerObj.getAttribute("aria-describedby");
274         node = doc.getElementById(id);
275         if (node && node.parentNode) {
276             node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
277         }
278     },
280     /**
281      * Initialize a new board.
282      * @param {String|Object} box id of or reference to the HTML element in which the board is painted.
283      * @param {Object} attributes An object that sets some of the board properties. Most of these properties can be set via JXG.Options.
284      * @param {Array} [attributes.boundingbox=[-5, 5, 5, -5]] An array containing four numbers describing the left, top, right and bottom boundary of the board in user coordinates
285      * @param {Boolean} [attributes.keepaspectratio=false] If <tt>true</tt>, the bounding box is adjusted to the same aspect ratio as the aspect ratio of the div containing the board.
286      * @param {Boolean} [attributes.showCopyright=false] Show the copyright string in the top left corner.
287      * @param {Boolean} [attributes.showNavigation=false] Show the navigation buttons in the bottom right corner.
288      * @param {Object} [attributes.zoom] Allow the user to zoom with the mouse wheel or the two-fingers-zoom gesture.
289      * @param {Object} [attributes.pan] Allow the user to pan with shift+drag mouse or two-fingers-pan gesture.
290      * @param {Object} [attributes.drag] Allow the user to drag objects with a pointer device.
291      * @param {Object} [attributes.keyboard] Allow the user to drag objects with arrow keys on keyboard.
292      * @param {Boolean} [attributes.axis=false] If set to true, show the axis. Can also be set to an object that is given to both axes as an attribute object.
293      * @param {Boolean|Object} [attributes.grid] If set to true, shows the grid. Can also be set to an object that is given to the grid as its attribute object.
294      * @param {Boolean} [attributes.registerEvents=true] Register mouse / touch events.
295      * @returns {JXG.Board} Reference to the created board.
296      *
297      * @see JXG.AbstractRenderer#drawNavigationBar
298      */
299     initBoard: function (box, attributes) {
300         var originX, originY, unitX, unitY, w, h,
301             offX = 0, offY = 0,
302             renderer, dimensions, bbox,
303             attr, axattr, axattr_x, axattr_y,
304             options,
305             theme = {},
306             board;
308         attributes = attributes || {};
309         // Merge a possible theme
310         if (attributes.theme !== 'default' && Type.exists(JXG.themes[attributes.theme])) {
311             theme = JXG.themes[attributes.theme];
312         }
313         options = Type.deepCopy(Options, theme, true);
314         attr = this._setAttributes(attributes, options);
316         dimensions = Env.getDimensions(box, attr.document);
318         if (attr.unitx || attr.unity) {
319             originX = Type.def(attr.originx, 150);
320             originY = Type.def(attr.originy, 150);
321             unitX = Type.def(attr.unitx, 50);
322             unitY = Type.def(attr.unity, 50);
323         } else {
324             bbox = attr.boundingbox;
325             if (bbox[0] < attr.maxboundingbox[0]) {
326                 bbox[0] = attr.maxboundingbox[0];
327             }
328             if (bbox[1] > attr.maxboundingbox[1]) {
329                 bbox[1] = attr.maxboundingbox[1];
330             }
331             if (bbox[2] > attr.maxboundingbox[2]) {
332                 bbox[2] = attr.maxboundingbox[2];
333             }
334             if (bbox[3] < attr.maxboundingbox[3]) {
335                 bbox[3] = attr.maxboundingbox[3];
336             }
338             // Size of HTML div.
339             // If zero, the size is set to a small value to avoid
340             // division by zero.
341             // w = Math.max(parseInt(dimensions.width, 10), Mat.eps);
342             // h = Math.max(parseInt(dimensions.height, 10), Mat.eps);
343             w = parseInt(dimensions.width, 10);
344             h = parseInt(dimensions.height, 10);
346             if (Type.exists(bbox) && attr.keepaspectratio) {
347                 /*
348                  * If the boundingbox attribute is given and the ratio of height and width of the
349                  * sides defined by the bounding box and the ratio of the dimensions of the div tag
350                  * which contains the board do not coincide, then the smaller side is chosen.
351                  */
352                 unitX = w / (bbox[2] - bbox[0]);
353                 unitY = h / (bbox[1] - bbox[3]);
355                 if (Math.abs(unitX) < Math.abs(unitY)) {
356                     unitY = (Math.abs(unitX) * unitY) / Math.abs(unitY);
357                     // Add the additional units in equal portions above and below
358                     offY = (h / unitY - (bbox[1] - bbox[3])) * 0.5;
359                 } else {
360                     unitX = (Math.abs(unitY) * unitX) / Math.abs(unitX);
361                     // Add the additional units in equal portions left and right
362                     offX = (w / unitX - (bbox[2] - bbox[0])) * 0.5;
363                 }
364             } else {
365                 unitX = w / (bbox[2] - bbox[0]);
366                 unitY = h / (bbox[1] - bbox[3]);
367             }
368             originX = -unitX * (bbox[0] - offX);
369             originY = unitY * (bbox[1] + offY);
370         }
372         renderer = this.initRenderer(box, dimensions, attr.document, attr.renderer);
373         this._setARIA(box, attr);
375         // Create the board.
376         // board.options will contain the user supplied board attributes
377         board = new Board(
378             box,
379             renderer,
380             attr.id,
381             [originX, originY],
382             /*attr.zoomfactor * */ attr.zoomx,
383             /*attr.zoomfactor * */ attr.zoomy,
384             unitX,
385             unitY,
386             dimensions.width,
387             dimensions.height,
388             attr
389         );
391         board.keepaspectratio = attr.keepaspectratio;
393         this._fillBoard(board, attr, dimensions);
395         // Create elements like axes, grid, navigation, ...
396         board.suspendUpdate();
397         attr = board.attr;
398         if (attr.axis) {
399             axattr = typeof attr.axis === "object" ? attr.axis : {};
401             // The defaultAxes attributes are overwritten by user supplied axis object.
402             axattr_x = Type.deepCopy(options.board.defaultaxes.x, axattr);
403             axattr_y = Type.deepCopy(options.board.defaultaxes.y, axattr);
405             // The user supplied defaultAxes attributes are merged in.
406             if (attr.defaultaxes.x) {
407                 axattr_x = Type.deepCopy(axattr_x, attr.defaultaxes.x);
408             }
409             if (attr.defaultaxes.y) {
410                 axattr_y = Type.deepCopy(axattr_y, attr.defaultaxes.y);
411             }
413             board.defaultAxes = {};
414             board.defaultAxes.x = board.create("axis", [[0, 0], [1, 0]], axattr_x);
415             board.defaultAxes.y = board.create("axis", [[0, 0], [0, 1]], axattr_y);
416         }
417         if (attr.grid) {
418             board.create("grid", [], typeof attr.grid === "object" ? attr.grid : {});
419         }
420         board.unsuspendUpdate();
422         return board;
423     },
425     /**
426      * Load a board from a file containing a construction made with either GEONExT,
427      * Intergeo, Geogebra, or Cinderella.
428      * @param {String|Object} box id of or reference to the HTML element in which the board is painted.
429      * @param {String} file base64 encoded string.
430      * @param {String} format containing the file format: 'Geonext' or 'Intergeo'.
431      * @param {Object} attributes Attributes for the board and 'encoding'.
432      *  Compressed files need encoding 'iso-8859-1'. Otherwise it probably is 'utf-8'.
433      * @param {Function} callback
434      * @returns {JXG.Board} Reference to the created board.
435      * @see JXG.FileReader
436      * @see JXG.GeonextReader
437      * @see JXG.GeogebraReader
438      * @see JXG.IntergeoReader
439      * @see JXG.CinderellaReader
440      *
441      * @example
442      * // Uncompressed file
443      * var board = JXG.JSXGraph.loadBoardFromFile('jxgbox', 'filename', 'geonext',
444      *      {encoding: 'utf-8'},
445      *      function (board) { console.log("Done loading"); }
446      * );
447      * // Compressed file
448      * var board = JXG.JSXGraph.loadBoardFromFile('jxgbox', 'filename', 'geonext',
449      *      {encoding: 'iso-8859-1'},
450      *      function (board) { console.log("Done loading"); }
451      * );
452      *
453      * @example
454      * // From <input type="file" id="localfile" />
455      * var file = document.getElementById('localfile').files[0];
456      * JXG.JSXGraph.loadBoardFromFile('jxgbox', file, 'geonext',
457      *      {encoding: 'utf-8'},
458      *      function (board) { console.log("Done loading"); }
459      * );
460      */
461     loadBoardFromFile: function (box, file, format, attributes, callback) {
462         var attr, renderer, board, dimensions, encoding;
464         attributes = attributes || {};
465         attr = this._setAttributes(attributes);
467         dimensions = Env.getDimensions(box, attr.document);
468         renderer = this.initRenderer(box, dimensions, attr.document, attr.renderer);
469         this._setARIA(box, attr);
471         /* User default parameters, in parse* the values in the gxt files are submitted to board */
472         board = new Board(
473             box,
474             renderer,
475             "",
476             [150, 150],
477             1,
478             1,
479             50,
480             50,
481             dimensions.width,
482             dimensions.height,
483             attr
484         );
485         this._fillBoard(board, attr, dimensions);
486         encoding = attr.encoding || "iso-8859-1";
487         FileReader.parseFileContent(file, board, format, true, encoding, callback);
489         return board;
490     },
492     /**
493      * Load a board from a base64 encoded string containing a construction made with either GEONExT,
494      * Intergeo, Geogebra, or Cinderella.
495      * @param {String|Object} box id of or reference to the HTML element in which the board is painted.
496      * @param {String} string base64 encoded string.
497      * @param {String} format containing the file format: 'Geonext', 'Intergeo', 'Geogebra'.
498      * @param {Object} attributes Attributes for the board and 'encoding'.
499      *  Compressed files need encoding 'iso-8859-1'. Otherwise it probably is 'utf-8'.
500      * @param {Function} callback
501      * @returns {JXG.Board} Reference to the created board.
502      * @see JXG.FileReader
503      * @see JXG.GeonextReader
504      * @see JXG.GeogebraReader
505      * @see JXG.IntergeoReader
506      * @see JXG.CinderellaReader
507      */
508     loadBoardFromString: function (box, string, format, attributes, callback) {
509         var attr, renderer, board, dimensions;
511         attributes = attributes || {};
512         attr = this._setAttributes(attributes);
514         dimensions = Env.getDimensions(box, attr.document);
515         renderer = this.initRenderer(box, dimensions, attr.document, attr.renderer);
516         this._setARIA(box, attr);
518         /* User default parameters, in parse* the values in the gxt files are submitted to board */
519         board = new Board(
520             box,
521             renderer,
522             "",
523             [150, 150],
524             1.0,
525             1.0,
526             50,
527             50,
528             dimensions.width,
529             dimensions.height,
530             attr
531         );
532         this._fillBoard(board, attr, dimensions);
533         FileReader.parseString(string, board, format, true, callback);
535         return board;
536     },
538     /**
539      * Delete a board and all its contents.
540      * @param {JXG.Board|String} board id of or reference to the DOM element in which the board is drawn.
541      *
542      */
543     freeBoard: function (board) {
544         var el;
546         if (typeof board === "string") {
547             board = JXG.boards[board];
548         }
550         this._removeARIANodes(board);
551         board.removeEventHandlers();
552         board.suspendUpdate();
554         // Remove all objects from the board.
555         for (el in board.objects) {
556             if (board.objects.hasOwnProperty(el)) {
557                 board.objects[el].remove();
558             }
559         }
561         // Remove all the other things, left on the board, XHTML save
562         while (board.containerObj.firstChild) {
563             board.containerObj.removeChild(board.containerObj.firstChild);
564         }
566         // Tell the browser the objects aren't needed anymore
567         for (el in board.objects) {
568             if (board.objects.hasOwnProperty(el)) {
569                 delete board.objects[el];
570             }
571         }
573         // Free the renderer and the algebra object
574         delete board.renderer;
576         // clear the creator cache
577         board.jc.creator.clearCache();
578         delete board.jc;
580         // Finally remove the board itself from the boards array
581         delete JXG.boards[board.id];
582     },
584     /**
585      * @deprecated Use JXG#registerElement
586      * @param element
587      * @param creator
588      */
589     registerElement: function (element, creator) {
590         JXG.deprecated("JXG.JSXGraph.registerElement()", "JXG.registerElement()");
591         JXG.registerElement(element, creator);
592     }
593 };
595 // JessieScript/JessieCode startup:
596 // Search for script tags of type text/jessiecode and execute them.
597 if (Env.isBrowser && typeof window === 'object' && typeof document === 'object') {
598     Env.addEvent(window, 'load',
599         function () {
600             var type, i, j, div, id,
601                 board, txt, width, height, maxWidth, aspectRatio,
602                 cssClasses, bbox, axis, grid, code, src, request,
603                 postpone = false,
605                 scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"),
606                 init = function (code, type, bbox) {
607                     var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(id, {
608                         boundingbox: bbox,
609                         keepaspectratio: true,
610                         grid: grid,
611                         axis: axis,
612                         showReload: true
613                     });
615                     if (type.toLowerCase().indexOf("script") > -1) {
616                         board.construct(code);
617                     } else {
618                         try {
619                             board.jc.parse(code);
620                         } catch (e2) {
621                             JXG.debug(e2);
622                         }
623                     }
625                     return board;
626                 },
627                 makeReload = function (board, code, type, bbox) {
628                     return function () {
629                         var newBoard;
631                         JXG.JSXGraph.freeBoard(board);
632                         newBoard = init(code, type, bbox);
633                         newBoard.reload = makeReload(newBoard, code, type, bbox);
634                     };
635                 };
637             for (i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
638                 type = scripts[i].getAttribute("type", false);
640                 if (
641                     Type.exists(type) &&
642                     (type.toLowerCase() === "text/jessiescript" ||
643                         type.toLowerCase() === "jessiescript" ||
644                         type.toLowerCase() === "text/jessiecode" ||
645                         type.toLowerCase() === "jessiecode")
646                 ) {
647                     cssClasses = scripts[i].getAttribute("class", false) || "";
648                     width = scripts[i].getAttribute("width", false) || "";
649                     height = scripts[i].getAttribute("height", false) || "";
650                     maxWidth = scripts[i].getAttribute("maxwidth", false) || "100%";
651                     aspectRatio = scripts[i].getAttribute("aspectratio", false) || "1/1";
652                     bbox = scripts[i].getAttribute("boundingbox", false) || "-5, 5, 5, -5";
653                     id = scripts[i].getAttribute("container", false);
654                     src = scripts[i].getAttribute("src", false);
656                     bbox = bbox.split(",");
657                     if (bbox.length !== 4) {
658                         bbox = [-5, 5, 5, -5];
659                     } else {
660                         for (j = 0; j < bbox.length; j++) {
661                             bbox[j] = parseFloat(bbox[j]);
662                         }
663                     }
664                     axis = Type.str2Bool(scripts[i].getAttribute("axis", false) || "false");
665                     grid = Type.str2Bool(scripts[i].getAttribute("grid", false) || "false");
667                     if (!Type.exists(id)) {
668                         id = "jessiescript_autgen_jxg_" + i;
669                         div = document.createElement("div");
670                         div.setAttribute("id", id);
672                         txt = width !== "" ? "width:" + width + ";" : "";
673                         txt += height !== "" ? "height:" + height + ";" : "";
674                         txt += maxWidth !== "" ? "max-width:" + maxWidth + ";" : "";
675                         txt += aspectRatio !== "" ? "aspect-ratio:" + aspectRatio + ";" : "";
677                         div.setAttribute("style", txt);
678                         div.setAttribute("class", "jxgbox " + cssClasses);
679                         try {
680                             document.body.insertBefore(div, scripts[i]);
681                         } catch (e) {
682                             // there's probably jquery involved...
683                             if (typeof jQuery === "object") {
684                                 jQuery(div).insertBefore(scripts[i]);
685                             }
686                         }
687                     } else {
688                         div = document.getElementById(id);
689                     }
691                     code = "";
693                     if (Type.exists(src)) {
694                         postpone = true;
695                         request = new XMLHttpRequest();
696                         request.open("GET", src);
697                         request.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
698                         /* jshint ignore:start */
699                         request.addEventListener("load", function () {
700                             if (this.status < 400) {
701                                 code = this.responseText + "\n" + code;
702                                 board = init(code, type, bbox);
703                                 board.reload = makeReload(board, code, type, bbox);
704                             } else {
705                                 throw new Error(
706                                     "\nJSXGraph: failed to load file",
707                                     src,
708                                     ":",
709                                     this.responseText
710                                 );
711                             }
712                         });
713                         request.addEventListener("error", function (e) {
714                             throw new Error("\nJSXGraph: failed to load file", src, ":", e);
715                         });
716                         /* jshint ignore:end */
717                         request.send();
718                     } else {
719                         postpone = false;
720                     }
722                     if (document.getElementById(id)) {
723                         code = scripts[i].innerHTML;
724                         code = code.replace(/<!\[CDATA\[/g, "").replace(/\]\]>/g, "");
725                         scripts[i].innerHTML = code;
727                         if (!postpone) {
728                             // Do no wait for data from "src" attribute
729                             board = init(code, type, bbox);
730                             board.reload = makeReload(board, code, type, bbox);
731                         }
732                     } else {
733                         JXG.debug(
734                             "JSXGraph: Apparently the div injection failed. Can't create a board, sorry."
735                         );
736                     }
737                 }
738             }
739         },
740         window
741     );
742 }
744 export default JXG.JSXGraph;