
Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript

Release of 1.7.0

Major new release

Dear friends of JSXGraph, we are very happy to announce the release of JSXGraph v1.7.0! New elements The most notable new feature of this release is the very long awaited ability to plot implicitly defined curves, i.e. the the curve is the set of solutions of an equation F(x, y)... [Read More]

Implicit plots with JSXGraph

beta release

Dear friends of JSXGraph, last week, our aged web server broke down, and we had to make the - overdue - move to the new web server immediately. As a positive side effect the mediawiki plug-in for JSXGraph is now updated and can be used in the latest versions of... [Read More]

Release of 1.6.2

Patch release

JSXGraph release v1.6.2 is a patch release. It fixes a regression from v1.6.1 which broke foreignobject elements. There is one new feature: Additionally to an id string, JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard() accepts a reference to the hosting HTML object. Enjoy, Carsten Miller, Andreas Walter, and Alfred Wassermann [Read More]

Release of 1.6.1

Patch release

JSXGraph release v1.6.1 is a patch release which additionally introduces a few new options. Beside bug fixes, the main improvement in this release is the handling of fullscreen mode: now, fullscreen mode is independent from the CSS styling of the original JSXGraph board. Additionally, JSXGraph is now able to adapt... [Read More]

Release of 1.6.0

Major new release

Dear friends of JSXGraph, we are thrilled to announce the release of JSXGraph v1.6.0. New in this release are the long-awaited new elements vectorfield and slopefield, as well as the new element smartlabel for measurements. A big change is the support of Internationalization, specifically... [Read More]