
Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript

Release of version 0.70

This release introduces the new elements tangents, normals, and curve interpolation with Neville’s algorithm. Intersection of curves is possible now. The display of coordinate axes has been improved. A zoom and navigation bar has been introduced. Many bug fixes, among them an IE8 incompatibility and full jQuery support. This release... [Read More]

Release history

After moving to wordpress the original news about new releases are lost. Here is a summary of previous releases: 02/05/09 Version 0.69 released JSXGraph can now be used with jQuery, too.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;/div&gt; Category: General <div... [Read More]

New JSXGraph homepage

Today we moved the JSXGraph homepage from cmsmadesimple to wordpress. The optimal theme still has to be found. This week the work on a MediaWiki-extension for JSXGraph has been started. Here is the first example. [Read More]