Release of 0.99.4

Major new release

Version 0.99.4 of JSXGraph has just been released! It fixes quite a few bugs and introduces several long awaited features. Below, the most important new features are demonstrated with examples. For a list of all changes see the CHANGELOG.

Further, we overhauled the web page of JSXGraph, I hope you like the new design.

Enjoy, Alfred

Allow gradients for polygons

With the attributes gradient and gradientSecondColor it is possible to have a gradient filling of the polygon. Possible values for gradient are 'linear' and 'radial'.

  var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box1', {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5]}),
      pol = board.create('polygon', [[-4, -3], [4, -3], [0, 3]], 
             {fillColor: '#ffff00', gradient:'radial', gradientSecondColor:'#0000ff'});

Shortened math syntax

Allow shortened math syntax in JXG.Text.generateTerm() and in texts with value-tag. It allows to write 2a instead of 2*a.

  var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box2', {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5]}),
      a = board.create('slider', [[-3, -2], [3, -2], [-10, 1, 10]], {name: "a"}), 
      txt = board.create('text', [0, 2, "2a = <value>2a</value>"], 
             {fontSize: 24});

Methods setMax() and setMin() for sliders

New methods setMax() and setMin() for sliders. The values will be active after the next call of board.update()

Example: change the limits of the slider from [-10, 10] to [-5, 5].

  var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box3', {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5]}),
      a = board.create('slider', [[-3, -2], [3, -2], [-10, 1, 10]], {name: "a"});

New attribute for ticks: useUnicodeMinus (default true)

The new attribute for ticks useUnicodeMinus has default value true.

  var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box4', {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 1, -5]}),
      xax1 = board.create('axis', [[0, 2], [1, 2]], {ticks: {useUnicodeMinus: false}}),
      xax2 = board.create('axis', [[0, -2], [1, -2]], {ticks: {useUnicodeMinus: true}});

Allow two functions to enclose Riemann sum

  var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box5', 
              {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true}),
      n = board.create('slider',[[-3,2.5], [3,2.5],[1, 15, 60]],
              {name:'n', snapWidth: 1, strokeColor:'black', fillColor:'white'}),

      f = function(x){ return Math.sin(x); }, 
      plotf = board.create('functiongraph', [f, -7, 7], {strokeWidth:1}),

      g = function(x){ return x * x / 6.0 - 2.0; },
      plotg = board.create('functiongraph', [g, -7, 7], {strokeWidth:1}),

      rs = board.create('riemannsum',
            [[g, f], function(){ return n.Value(); }, 'lower', -3, 3], 
            {fillColor:'#B22222', fillOpacity:0.3, 
             strokeColor:'#8B1A1A', strokeWidth:1});  

Allow gliders on polygons

  var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box6', 
              {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true}),
      pol = board.create('polygon', [[-3, -3], [3, -3], [0, 4]]),
      gl = board.create('glider', [1, -1, pol.borders[0]);
  gl.onPolygon = true;

Intersection of two convex polygons

Algorithm by Sutherland-Hodgman.

    var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box7', {boundingbox: [-8,8,8,-8], axis: true}),
        pts1 = [[-2, 3], [-4, -3], [2, 0], [4, 4]],
        pts2 = [[-2, -3], [-4, 1], [0, 4], [5, 1]];

    // Clipping polygon
    var pol = board.create('polygon', pts1, 
                {hasInnerPoints: true, 
                 borders: {names: ['', '', '', '']},
                 name:'Polygon1', withLabel: true, visible: true,
                 fillColor: 'yellow'});

    // Polygon to be clipped
    var pol2 = board.create('polygon', pts2, 
                {hasInnerPoints: false, 
                 borders: {names: ['', '', '', '']},
                 name:'Polygon2', withLabel: true, visible: true

    // Filled curve showing the intersection of the two polygons.
    var curve = board.create('curve', [[],[]], {fillColor: 'blue', fillOpacity: 0.4});
    curve.updateDataArray = function() {
        var mat = JXG.Math.transpose(pol.intersect(pol2));
        if (mat.length == 3) {
            this.dataX = mat[1];
            this.dataY = mat[2];
        } else {
            this.dataX = [];
            this.dataY = [];

Linear interpolation for animation.

If interpolation is set to false in moveAlong() linear interpolation is used.

var  board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box8', {boundingbox: [-15, 15, 1, -10], axis: true}),
    p1a = board.create('point',[-12,-5], {color:'blue'}),
    p1 = board.create('point',[-12,-5]),
    p2 = board.create('point',[-10,5]),
    p3 = board.create('point',[-5,12]),
    p4 = board.create('point',[-10,10]),
    p5 = board.create('point',[-4,8]),
    graph = board.create('curve', JXG.Math.Numerics.Neville([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5]), 
        {strokeWidth:2, strokeOpacity:0.5});

animate_linear = function() {
    p1a.moveAlong([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5], 3000, {interpolate:false});
animate_polynomial = function() {
    p1a.moveAlong([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5], 3000, {interpolate:true});

Board selection mode

Allow a board to be in selectionMode by calling the function board.startSelectionMode(). Once in this mode, the mouse allows to draw a rectangle selection on the board. To stop selectingMode, the function board.stopSelectionMode() must be called. At any time, board.selectingBox gives mouse coordinates of the selection.

In the following example the event stopselecting is used on mouse up. The selection is restricted to mouse down + Ctrl.

// Set a new bounding box from the selection rectangle
var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box9', {
        keepAspectRatio: false,
        selection: {
            enabled: true,
            needShift: false,
            needCtrl: true,
            withLines: false,
            vertices: {
                visible: false
            fillColor: '#ffff00',

var f = function f(x) { return Math.cos(x); },
    curve = board.create('functiongraph', [f]);

board.on('stopselecting', function(){
    var box = board.stopSelectionMode(),

        // bbox has the coordinates of the selection rectangle.
        // Attention: box[i].usrCoords have the form [1, x, y], i.e.
        // are homogeneous coordinates.
        bbox = box[0].usrCoords.slice(1).concat(box[1].usrCoords.slice(1));

        // Set a new bounding box
        board.setBoundingBox(bbox, false);

New method “dumpToCanvas()” for the SVG renderer

<div id="box10" class="jxgbox" style="width:300px; height:300px; float: left"></div>
<canvas id="cvoutput" style="border:1px blue solid;" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box10', {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5]}),
      pol = board.create('polygon', [[-4, -3], [4, -3], [0, 3]], 
             {fillColor: '#ffff00', gradient:'radial', gradientSecondColor:'#0000ff'});
<button onclick="board.renderer.dumpToCanvas('cvoutput');">dumpToCanvas()</button>

Improved function plotting

Logarithmic curves should reach to the boundary of the canvas now, i.e. improved plotting of asymptotes.

var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box11', {
        boundingbox: [-5, 100, 5, -100],
        axis: true, 
            needShift: false,
            needTwoFingers: true
    s = board.create("slider", [[-4.5,20], [3,20], [-1, 2, 20]], {name:'a'}),
    f = board.create('functiongraph', [function(x){ return Math.log(x+s.Value())*s.Value(); }]);

New construction variant for slope triangle

Slope triangle can be constructed by using just one glider.

var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box12', {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true}),
    circ = board.create('circle', [[-2.5, 2], 2]),
    line = board.create('line', [[-2.5, -3], [3, 1]]),
    f = board.create('functiongraph', ["x^2"]),
    g1 = board.create('glider', [-4, 3, circ]),    // glider on circle line
    g2 = board.create('glider', [-4, -4, line]),   // glider on line
    g3 = board.create('glider', [1, 1, f]),        // glider on function graph
    st1 = board.create('slopetriangle', [g1]),     // slope triangle on circle
    st2 = board.create('slopetriangle', [g2]),     // slope triangle on line
    st3 = board.create('slopetriangle', [g3]);     // slope triangle oin function graph

New property margin for lines.

Controls where infinite lines end. Most useful are negative values (which are interpreted as pixels).

var board1 = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box13a', 
                {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true}),
    line = board1.create('line', [[0,0], [1, 3]]);

JXG.Options.axis.margin = -20;
var board2 = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box13b', 
                {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true}),
    line = board2.create('line', [[0,0], [1, 3]], {margin: -10});

Convert JSXGraph to JavaScript or JessieCode

The methods toJessie and toJavaScript return the construction code with the updated positions of the elements as JessieCode- or JavaScript-code. This method is now much more stable, but has it’s limits. See the discussion in issue #71 at github.

var board14 = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box14', {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5]}),
    pol = board14.create('polygon', [[-4, -3], [4, -3], [0, 3]], 
           {fillColor: '#ffff00'});
toJessie = function() {
    var txt = JXG.Dump.toJessie(board14);
    document.getElementById('dumpOutput').value = txt;
toJavaScript = function() {
    var txt = JXG.Dump.toJavaScript(board14);
    document.getElementById('dumpOutput').value = txt;

Further new features

  • Better support of the method bounds() for curves, texts and polygons.
  • More numerical routines for integration:
  • Documentation for (projective) transformations.
  • New attribute ignoredSnapToPoints.
  • New board attribute maxNameLength: It controls the maximum number of digits of automatic labels. The default value has been reduced from 2 to 1. That means, point names like AD are not longer used automatically.
  • Introduce Boolean attribute “disabled” for button, checkbox and input.
  • First implementation of texts as foreignObjects in SVG with attribute externalHTML:false. This feature would be very helpful for screen shots. But it is not well supported on Chrome and therefore not used by default.
  • Allow arbitrary size units in moodle plugin.
  • New math functions: JXG.Math.sign(), JXG.Math.gcd(), JXG.Math.relDif(). The latter one computes the relative difference between two numbers.
  • Update of the JessieCode parser.
  • New board attributes: zoom.min and zoom.max. This attributes allow to limit the zoom factors. zoom.min limits zoomOut (click on -) and zoom.max limits zoomIn (click on +). zoom.min supersedes zoom.eps whis is deprecated. zoom.min defaults to 0.0001 and zooom.max to 10000.0.
  • Improve plot quality of low-quality-mode function plotting.
  • Improved dragging of large images and texts.

Bug fixes

  • IE bug with innerhtml
  • Intersection of curve with line
  • GGB reader
  • SnapToGrid
  • Bug fix: setLabel, label for integral
  • Ticks
  • Bug fix: X() and Y() of hyperbola
  • Bug fix: animation callback is not executed
  • Handling of frozen elements: allow frozen elements to be draggable
  • Bug fix: Value() method for reflexangle and nonreflexangle
  • Bug fix: deepCopy
  • Make pointer events more stable
  • Bug fix: signedPolygon
  • Improved isPoint() method
  • Enable polygons with no vertices
  • Add mouse wheel support to devices which support pointer events.
  • Fix hatch marks
  • Bug fix: dragging curves on touch devices.
  • Bug fix font-size of input and button elements.
  • Bug fix: slider.setValue()
  • Bug fix: exclude the border-width when the reading the dimension of the canvas.
  • Increase precision in root finding.
  • fixed return value of deprecated function Board.createElement
  • Bug fix: glider on undefined line. If one of the defining points is undefined the glider will disappear now.
  • Fixed grid so that fractional upper and lower bounds of the grid (fractions of gridX and gridY) aren’t rounded to the nearest multiple of gridX and gridY
  • Bug fix: removeObject(turtle)
  • Bug fix projectCoordToCurve
  • Bug fixes for renderer='no'