
From JSXGraph Wiki

Static image

The JavaScript code

Images can be included with the command

var im = brd.create('image',[urlImg, [-1,-1], [2*2.67181,2] ]);

It has the parameters:

  • urlImage: URL of the image. Data URLs are possible, but will not beshown in the Internet Explorer <8 and are restricted to max. 32kByte in the Internet Explorer 8.
  • [x,y]: position of the lower left corner of the image.
  • [w,h]: width and height of the image.
var brd = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {boundingbox:[-5,5,5,-5],axis:true});
var urlImg = "";
var im = brd.create('image',[urlImg, [-1,-1], [3,3] ]);

Dynamic image I

The JavaScript code

The parameters

  • urlImage
  • [x,y]
  • [w,h]

can be given by functions. Here is an example where the position of the image depends on the position of the point "A".

  var brd = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box2', {boundingbox:[-5,5,5,-5],axis:true});
  var p = brd.create('point',[-1,-1], {size:10, opacity:0.3});
  var urlImg = "";
  var im = brd.create('image',[urlImg, [function(){return p.X();},function(){return p.Y();}], [3,3] ]);

Dynamic image II

The JavaScript code

The parameters

  • urlImage
  • [x,y]
  • [w,h]

can be given by functions. Here is an example where the position of the image depends on the position of the point "A".

  var brd = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box2', {boundingbox:[-5,5,5,-5],axis:true});
  var p = brd.create('point',[-1,-1], {size:10, opacity:0.3});
  var urlImg = "";
  var im = brd.create('image',[urlImg, [function(){return p.X();},function(){return p.Y();}], [3,3] ]);