German election 2009
From JSXGraph Wiki
This little application of JSXGraph shows the results of the German election in 2009. A much more elaborate version is Wahlatlas from Michael Neutze.
Ergebnisse der Bundestagswahl 2009
© Bundeswahlleiter, Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden 2008, Wahlkreiskarte für die Wahl zum 17. Deutschen Bundestag
Geoinformationen © Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie
The underlying JavaScript code
<input type="radio" value="0" onclick="selectParty(0);" name="parties" checked='checked'>CDU/CSU
<input type="radio" value="1" onclick="selectParty(1);" name="parties">SPD
<input type="radio" value="2" onclick="selectParty(2);" name="parties">FDP
<input type="radio" value="3" onclick="selectParty(3);" name="parties">Die Grünen
<input type="radio" value="4" onclick="selectParty(4);" name="parties">Die Linke
<input type="radio" value="5" onclick="selectParty(5);" name="parties">NPD
<input type="radio" value="6" onclick="selectParty(6);" name="parties">REP
<input type="radio" value="7" onclick="selectParty(7);" name="parties">DVU
<input type="radio" value="8" onclick="selectParty(8);" name="parties">Die Piraten
<br />
<input type="radio" value="9" onclick="selectParty(9);" name="parties">Wahlbeteiligung
<br />
var minX =-289319.4,
maxY = 6827620,
maxX = 351315.7,
minY = 5960587,
points = [],
len = data.length, // from germany.js
lastWk = null,
lastWkNr = 0,
i, j, k, col = 0;
var CDUcols = ['#d3e9fe','#8db0fe','#405dff','#002ba5','#001654'];
var SPDcols = ['#ffceb8','#fe946a','#f83a1f','#bb0000','#7e0900'];
var FDPcols = ['#f9feae','#fff95e','#fee80c','#fecc12','#ffc400'];
var GRUENcols = ['#e4de4d','#b5c213','#508229','#508229','#062f00'];
var LINKScols = ['#fed0f5','#f3a3ff','#cb6cff','#952aea','#640390'];
var RECHTScols = ['#fee284','#d3a936','#ab6c00','#714702','#492e00'];
var PIRATENcols = ['#d3d3d3','#a9a9a9','#4a4a4a','#131313','#ff8800'];
var BETcols = ['#f8fde6','#e4e5b8','#889780','#354f4f','#002a2d'];
var CDUCSU = new Array(299);
var SPD = new Array(299);
var FDP = new Array(299);
var GRUEN = new Array(299);
var LINKS = new Array(299);
var NPD = new Array(299);
var REP = new Array(299);
var DVU = new Array(299);
var PIRATEN = new Array(299);
var Zweit = new Array(299);
var Beteiligung = new Array(299);
var wkNamen = new Array(299);
var wkCurves = new Array(300);
for(i=0;i<300;i++) {
wkCurves[i] = [];
for(i=5; i<337; i++) {
if(wahldata[i*135+1] != "") { // keine Leerzeile
if(wahldata[i*135+3] != "99" && wahldata[i*135+3] != "") { // kein Bundesland, auch nicht Bundesgebiet
if(wahldata[i*135+3] == "9") {
CDUCSU[ wahldata[i*135+1] ] = wahldata[i*135+42]/wahldata[i*135+18]*100; // CSU
else {
CDUCSU[ wahldata[i*135+1] ] = wahldata[i*135+26]/wahldata[i*135+18]*100; // CDU
SPD[ 1*wahldata[i*135+1] ] = (wahldata[i*135+22]/wahldata[i*135+18]*100).toFixed(1);
FDP[ 1*wahldata[i*135+1] ] = (wahldata[i*135+30]/wahldata[i*135+18]*100).toFixed(1);
GRUEN[ 1*wahldata[i*135+1] ] = (wahldata[i*135+38]/wahldata[i*135+18]*100).toFixed(1);
LINKS[ 1*wahldata[i*135+1] ] = (wahldata[i*135+34]/wahldata[i*135+18]*100).toFixed(1);
NPD[ 1*wahldata[i*135+1] ] = (wahldata[i*135+46]/wahldata[i*135+18]*100).toFixed(1);
REP [ 1*wahldata[i*135+1] ] = (wahldata[i*135+50]/wahldata[i*135+18]*100).toFixed(1);
DVU [ 1*wahldata[i*135+1] ] = (wahldata[i*135+102]/wahldata[i*135+18]*100).toFixed(1);
PIRATEN [ 1*wahldata[i*135+1] ] = (wahldata[i*135+118]/wahldata[i*135+18]*100).toFixed(1);
Zweit[ 1*wahldata[i*135+1] ] = wahldata[i*135+18];
Beteiligung [ 1*wahldata[i*135+1] ] = (wahldata[i*135+18]/wahldata[i*135+4]*100).toFixed(1);
wkNamen[ 1*wahldata[i*135+1] ] = wahldata[i*135+2];
function selectParty(i) {
if(i==0) { // CDU/CSU
for(j=1;j<300;j++) {
for(k=0; k< wkCurves[j].length; k++) {
else if(i==1) { // SPD
for(j=1;j<300;j++) {
for(k=0; k< wkCurves[j].length; k++) {
else if(i==2) { // FDP
for(j=1;j<300;j++) {
for(k=0; k< wkCurves[j].length; k++) {
else if(i==3) { // GRUEN
for(j=1;j<300;j++) {
for(k=0; k< wkCurves[j].length; k++) {
else if(i==4) { // LINKS
for(j=1;j<300;j++) {
for(k=0; k< wkCurves[j].length; k++) {
else if(i==5) { // NPD
for(j=1;j<300;j++) {
for(k=0; k< wkCurves[j].length; k++) {
else if(i==6) { // REP
for(j=1;j<300;j++) {
for(k=0; k< wkCurves[j].length; k++) {
else if(i==7) { // DVU
for(j=1;j<300;j++) {
for(k=0; k< wkCurves[j].length; k++) {
else if(i==8) { // Piraten
for(var j=1;j<300;j++) {
for(var k=0; k< wkCurves[j].length; k++) {
else if(i==9) { // Wahlbeteiligung
for(j=1;j<300;j++) {
for(k=0; k< wkCurves[j].length; k++) {
function getSPDcolor(col) {
if(SPD[col] < 18) { return SPDcols[0]; }
else if(SPD[col] >= 18 && SPD[col] < 23) { return SPDcols[1]; }
else if(SPD[col] >= 23 && SPD[col] < 28) { return SPDcols[2]; }
else if(SPD[col] >= 28 && SPD[col] < 33) { return SPDcols[3]; }
else { return SPDcols[4]; }
function getCSUcolor(col) {
if(CDUCSU[col] < 30) { return CDUcols[0]; }
else if(CDUCSU[col] >= 30 && CDUCSU[col] < 35) { return CDUcols[1]; }
else if(CDUCSU[col] >= 35 && CDUCSU[col] < 40) { return CDUcols[2]; }
else if(CDUCSU[col] >= 40 && CDUCSU[col] < 45) { return CDUcols[3]; }
else { return CDUcols[4]; }
function getFDPcolor(col) {
if(FDP[col] <= 10) { return FDPcols[0]; }
else if(FDP[col] > 10 && FDP[col] <= 13) { return FDPcols[1]; }
else if(FDP[col] > 13 && FDP[col] <= 16) { return FDPcols[2]; }
else if(FDP[col] > 16 && FDP[col] <= 19) { return FDPcols[3]; }
else { return FDPcols[4]; }
function getGRUENcolor(col) {
if(GRUEN[col] < 6) { return GRUENcols[0]; }
else if(GRUEN[col] >= 6 && GRUEN[col] < 10) { return GRUENcols[1]; }
else if(GRUEN[col] >= 10 && GRUEN[col] < 14) { return GRUENcols[2]; }
else if(GRUEN[col] >= 14 && GRUEN[col] < 20) { return GRUENcols[3]; }
else { return GRUENcols[4]; }
function getLINKScolor(col) {
if(LINKS[col] < 12) { return LINKScols[0]; }
else if(LINKS[col] >= 12 && LINKS[col] < 19) { return LINKScols[1]; }
else if(LINKS[col] >= 19 && LINKS[col] < 26) { return LINKScols[2]; }
else if(LINKS[col] >= 26 && LINKS[col] < 33) { return LINKScols[3]; }
else { return LINKScols[4]; }
function getNPDcolor(col) {
if(NPD[col] < 1) { return RECHTScols[0]; }
else if(NPD[col] >= 1 && NPD[col] < 2) { return RECHTScols[1]; }
else if(NPD[col] >= 2 && NPD[col] < 3) { return RECHTScols[2]; }
else if(NPD[col] >= 3 && NPD[col] < 4) { return RECHTScols[3]; }
else { return RECHTScols[4]; }
function getREPcolor(col) {
if(REP[col] <= 0.5) { return RECHTScols[0]; }
else if(REP[col] >= 0.5 && REP[col] <= 0.75) { return RECHTScols[1]; }
else if(REP[col] >= 0.75 && REP[col] <= 1) { return RECHTScols[2]; }
else if(REP[col] >= 1 && REP[col] <= 1.25) { return RECHTScols[3]; }
else { return RECHTScols[4]; }
function getDVUcolor(col) {
if(DVU[col] < 0.5) { return RECHTScols[0]; }
else if(DVU[col] >= 0.5 && DVU[col] < 0.75) { return RECHTScols[1]; }
else if(DVU[col] >= 0.75 && DVU[col] < 1) { return RECHTScols[2]; }
else if(DVU[col] >= 1 && DVU[col] < 1.25) { return RECHTScols[3]; }
else { return RECHTScols[4]; }
function getPIRATENcolor(col) {
if(PIRATEN[col] < 1) { return PIRATENcols[0]; }
else if(PIRATEN[col] >= 1 && PIRATEN[col] < 1.5) { return PIRATENcols[1]; }
else if(PIRATEN[col] >= 1.5 && PIRATEN[col] < 2) { return PIRATENcols[2]; }
else if(PIRATEN[col] >= 2 && PIRATEN[col] < 2.5) { return PIRATENcols[3]; }
else { return PIRATENcols[4]; }
function getBETEILIGUNGcolor(col) {
if(Beteiligung[col] < 66) { return BETcols[0]; }
else if(Beteiligung[col] >= 66 && Beteiligung[col] < 69) { return BETcols[1]; }
else if(Beteiligung[col] >= 69 && Beteiligung[col] < 72) { return BETcols[2]; }
else if(Beteiligung[col] >= 72 && Beteiligung[col] < 75) { return BETcols[3]; }
else { return BETcols[4]; }
brd = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {boundingbox:[minX-1000,maxY+1000,maxX+1000,minY-1000],
for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
if(i%6==1) {
lastWk = data[i];
else if(i%6==0) {
lastWkNr = data[i];
else if(i%6 == 5) {
function createCurve(area) {
var compos = area[0].split(';'), // Zusammenhangskomponenten
x = [], y = [],
c = [], num, i, a, graph, k, a;
num = compos.length;
for (k=0;k<num;k++) {
x = []; y = []; c = [];
xy = compos[k].split(',');
len = xy.length;
for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
a = xy[i].split(' ');
c.push(new JXG.Coords(JXG.COORDS_BY_USER, [1*a[0], 1*a[1]], brd));
c = JXG.Math.Numerics.RamerDouglasPeuker(c,1.2);
len = c.length;
for (i=0;i<len;i++) {
graph = brd.create('curve', [x,y],
wkCurves[ [area[2]] ].push(graph);
if(k==0) {
JXG.addEvent(graph.rendNode, 'mouseover', (function(g){ return function(){g.highlight(); };})(graph), graph);
JXG.addEvent(graph.rendNode, 'mouseout', (function(g){ return function(){g.noHighlight();};})(graph), graph);
graph.hasPoint = function(){return false; };
function final() {
JXG.timedChunk(points, createCurve, null, final);